8 Best Substitutes for Poblano Peppers (updated 2023) (2024)

Updated Jan 18, 2023Recipe Marker

What if you do not have access to poblano peppers? This article will share some poblano pepper substitutes that will work well in almost every recipe.

Poblano peppers have gained popularity across the globe, thanks to the tremendous success of Mexican dishes.

Poblano peppers have an earthy, rich taste, as well as low spiciness. You can stuff themwith vegetables and meat to create delectable dishes.

Best Substitutes for Poblano Peppers

1. Bell Peppers

8 Best Substitutes for Poblano Peppers (updated 2023) (1)

Bell peppers are the best option to serve as a poblano substitute. They are a milder version of poblano peppers.

Green bell peppers, in particular, are the bell pepper that most closely resembles poblanos in appearance and flavor. Theirflavor is rich, but compared to colored bell peppers, it is less sweet.

Similar to poblanos, bell peppers also have thick walls and huge cavities;they are unquestionably one of the perfect substitutes for poblanos in a stuffing recipe.

But one downside to bell peppers is that they are not especially spicy. If you want to add spicy flavor to your dish, you can choose to add a bit of chili powder or put other spices in during or after the cooking process.

2. Anaheim Peppers

8 Best Substitutes for Poblano Peppers (updated 2023) (2)

Anaheim peppers are the perfect poblano chili alternative. Usually sliced or diced, this pepper can substitute when poblanos are not available.

Anaheim peppers’ appearance and girth are close to poblano peppers. The walls of Anaheim peppers are thick, and the cavities are pretty wide, so you can fill them with food. They both even have similar recipes in which you can use them.

After cooking, Anaheim peppers turn moderately spicier and sweeter in taste compared to poblanos. Note that you should adjust the quantity a little when using them rather than in place of poblanos.

3. Jalapeños

8 Best Substitutes for Poblano Peppers (updated 2023) (3)

You can opt to use a jalapeños as substitutes for poblano peppers. Although jalapeños have a chili pepper appearance, unlike poblanos that resemble a typical bell pepper, they are great for your stuffing recipes.

Poblanos have an earthy flavor, while jalapeños have a lighter, grassier flavor. Jalapeños fit well in salsas or as a salad topping.

Take note: jalapeños are definitely spicier. You can lessen their spiciness by removing the ribs and pits before using them as an ingredient for your dishes.

4. Cubanelle Peppers

8 Best Substitutes for Poblano Peppers (updated 2023) (4)

If you are looking for a non-spicy substitute, Cubanelle peppers are the right pick for you. They are milder and sweeter than poblanos.

However, their walls are not as thick as Anaheim and poblano peppers, sotake extra care when you use them for stuffing.

They are not recommended for sliced or diced pepper recipes.

5. New Mexico Chilies

8 Best Substitutes for Poblano Peppers (updated 2023) (5)

Get the same spiciness of poblanos when you use New Mexico Chilies as a replacement.

Similar to poblanos, red New Mexico chilies havetraces of sweetness and grassiness, as well as an earthly taste. While green New Mexico chilies have a common crisp flavor to onionsandgarlic.

Often used in red sauces, which are toasted for 5-10 minutes in medium heat,you can also mix them directly into your recipe.

6. Ancho Chilies

8 Best Substitutes for Poblano Peppers (updated 2023) (6)

Ancho chilies are dried poblanos. You can use them as a stand-in for diced poblano peppers if required. However, these chilies are not a complete match.

Although they are basically the same chili, dried chilies have an earthier and smokier taste compared to fresh chilies.

They will have a significant effect on your recipe’s flavor. So, reduce the quantity specified in the recipe to compensate for added taste.

7. Guajillo Pepper

8 Best Substitutes for Poblano Peppers (updated 2023) (7)

Guajillo peppers’ spiciness equals that of jalapeños, making them quite spicier than poblanos. They may be a great alternative for poblanos, but you need to adjust the quantity to reduce the spiciness.

These peppers come in red or dark red and have smooth skin. They are sold dried or powdered, but they can also be found in paste form.

The guajillo, along with the ancho pepper, is predominantly used in Mexican cuisine. It is common in sauces and salsa.

8. Cayenne Peppers

8 Best Substitutes for Poblano Peppers (updated 2023) (8)

Cayenne peppers are another excellent replacement for poblanos in recipes that include a spicy hit. These peppers are related to jalapeños and bell peppers and are native to Central and South America.

Even if cayenne peppers are part of the same family, they are too long and thin to be useful for stuffing. They are typically used as dried chilies or as a powder in recipes.

The Bottom Line

Poblano peppers give unique spice to many dishes. When choosing a poblano pepper substitute, consider your preferences and which one better serves your recipe.

Once you’ve decided, go ahead and recreate any dish you want.


8 Best Poblano Peppers Substitutes

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Check out these great substitutes for Poblano Peppers that have been shared on Pinterest.

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  2. Learn more about the ingredient.
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  4. Add substitute to your recipe =)

Keywords: Best Poblano Peppers Substitutes

8 Best Substitutes for Poblano Peppers (updated 2023) (10)

As a culinary expert and enthusiast with a deep understanding of various peppers and their culinary applications, I can confidently provide insights into the substitutes mentioned in the article dated January 18, 2023, related to poblano peppers. My expertise is grounded in extensive culinary experience, research, and a passion for exploring diverse flavors in the world of peppers.

The article discusses the popularity of poblano peppers, their earthy and rich taste, and their common use in Mexican dishes. The focus then shifts to offering substitutes for poblano peppers, highlighting their characteristics and how they can be used in various recipes.

  1. Bell Peppers:

    • Description: Bell peppers, especially green ones, closely resemble poblanos in appearance and flavor.
    • Notable Characteristics: Mild flavor, thick walls, and large cavities suitable for stuffing.
    • Use in Recipes: A milder option, requiring additional spices for added heat.
  2. Anaheim Peppers:

    • Description: A perfect poblano chili alternative with a similar appearance and girth.
    • Notable Characteristics: Thick walls, wide cavities, turning moderately spicier and sweeter after cooking.
    • Usage Note: Adjust quantity compared to poblanos.
  3. Jalapeños:

    • Description: Substitute with a chili pepper appearance suitable for stuffing recipes.
    • Notable Characteristics: Lighter, grassier flavor; spicier than poblanos.
    • Usage Tip: Remove ribs and pits to reduce spiciness.
  4. Cubanelle Peppers:

    • Description: Non-spicy substitute, milder and sweeter than poblanos.
    • Notable Characteristics: Thinner walls, not recommended for sliced or diced recipes.
    • Caution: Handle with care when using for stuffing.
  5. New Mexico Chilies:

    • Description: Provides a similar spiciness to poblanos.
    • Notable Characteristics: Traces of sweetness, grassiness, and earthy taste.
    • Usage: Commonly used in red sauces, with variations in flavor between red and green chilies.
  6. Ancho Chilies:

    • Description: Dried poblanos suitable as a stand-in for diced poblanos.
    • Notable Characteristics: Earthier and smokier taste compared to fresh poblanos.
    • Caution: Adjust quantity to compensate for the intensified flavor.
  7. Guajillo Pepper:

    • Description: Similar spiciness to jalapeños, used in Mexican cuisine.
    • Notable Characteristics: Red or dark red, smooth skin, available dried, powdered, or in paste form.
    • Usage Tip: Adjust quantity to manage spiciness in recipes.
  8. Cayenne Peppers:

    • Description: Excellent replacement for a spicy hit in recipes.
    • Notable Characteristics: Related to jalapeños and bell peppers, typically used as dried or powdered.
    • Usage Note: Long and thin, not suitable for stuffing.

In conclusion, the article emphasizes the uniqueness of poblano peppers in providing a distinct spice to dishes and encourages readers to choose substitutes based on personal preferences and recipe requirements. The provided substitutes cater to varying spice levels and flavor profiles, allowing for flexibility in culinary creations.

8 Best Substitutes for Poblano Peppers (updated 2023) (2024)
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