PeteSmif: Doughnuts and Topology (2024)

PeteSmif: Doughnuts and Topology (1)Topology is the branch of mathematics that describes the fundamentals of networks, shapes and the general interconnectedness of things. Topologically speaking, the human body and a ring doughnut have exactly the same shape. The reason why a superficially ridiculous comparison with a sugary comestible is possible is all to do with the gut. The human GI tract, and indeed the GI tract of any creature more phylogenetically advanced than a parasitic flatworm, has both an entrance and an exit and is, at all points, continuous with the surface of the skin. The inside of your GI tract is therefore outside your body. You can test this statement with a thought experiment.

You should be able to touch any part of the outside of your body.

Therefore: anything inside the gut is outside the body. Undigested food has by definition never been inside the body. Your colonic bacteria live outside your body. Excretion is removal of waste products from the body. Defaecation and excretion are therefore not necessarily the same thing (There are one or two things that are secreted into the gut for excretion...)

From Wikipedia Commons There are many other things that share a topological identity with a doughnut; leaving to one side the obvious tyres and rings etc., How about a coffee mug or even the entire universe.
PeteSmif: Doughnuts and Topology (2024)


PeteSmif: Doughnuts and Topology? ›

PeteSmif: Doughnuts and Topology. Topology is the branch of mathematics that describes the fundamentals of networks, shapes and the general interconnectedness of things. Topologically speaking, the human body and a ring doughnut have exactly the same shape.

What is the topology of a doughnut? ›

In the metaphor, the mug and the donut are one and the same. If they were made out of rubber, one could be twisted and stretched into the shape of the other without changing its essence. The two are considered topologically equivalent as each has a hole—the ear of the mug and the centre of the donut.

What is topological equivalence coffee donut? ›

In topology, the most basic equivalence is a homeomorphism, which allows spaces that appear quite different in most other subjects to be declared equivalent in topology. The surfaces of a donut and a coffee cup (with one handle) are considered equivalent because both have a single hole.

What topological shape are humans? ›

Topologically speaking, a human is a torus. Your digestive system is the hole in the doughnut. Interestingly, this means in a two-dimensional world, an organism couldn't have a similar structure, since the digestive system would completely separate the animal into two halves.

Am I topologically a donut? ›

No. The sinuses have many holes and voids in them. The human gut could be considered a torus, though there's a glut of obesity and gastric bypass these days that create very topologically-interesting variations on this, particularly when you are looking at the digestive tract in an autopsy...

Why is it called topology? ›

In mathematics, topology (from the Greek words τόπος, 'place, location', and λόγος, 'study') is concerned with the properties of a geometric object that are preserved under continuous deformations, such as stretching, twisting, crumpling, and bending; that is, without closing holes, opening holes, tearing, gluing, or ...

How many holes does a donut have topology? ›

Mathematicians have proved that many surfaces that naturally spring to mind are topologically equivalent to either a sphere (with zero holes), the surface of a donut (technically called a torus, which has one hole), or a torus with two holes, three holes, etc.

What is topology equivalent? ›

Two spaces are called topologically equivalent if there exists a homeomorphism between them. The properties of size and straightness in Euclidean space are not topological properties, while the connectedness of a figure is. Any simple polygon is homeomorphic to a circle; all figures homeomorphic to a circle are called…

What are topological methods? ›

In applied mathematics, topological data analysis (TDA) is an approach to the analysis of datasets using techniques from topology. Extraction of information from datasets that are high-dimensional, incomplete and noisy is generally challenging.

What are the topological types? ›

Common types of topological spaces include Euclidean spaces, metric spaces and manifolds. Although very general, the concept of topological spaces is fundamental, and used in virtually every branch of modern mathematics.

What is the topological theory? ›

In a topological field theory, correlation functions do not depend on the metric of spacetime. This means that the theory is not sensitive to changes in the shape of spacetime; if spacetime warps or contracts, the correlation functions do not change. Consequently, they are topological invariants.

What is the most natural shape known to man? ›

Hexagons are the most common shape found in nature. If a snowflake were to be traced around the edges, the shape of a hexagon would appear.

What is the most common shape in the human made world? ›


Squares and, similarly, rectangles are the most common shapes you see in man-made objects.

Why do donuts have a hole in the middle? ›

To fully cook the insides of the dough, the dough would have to stay in the oil for a longer time, which would lead to the outsides becoming burnt. Punching a hole in the middle of the dough, however, allows the insides and the outsides to cook evenly, creating a perfect doughnut.

What do you call a donut without a hole? ›

A pelona, alike Berliner, is a pastry similar to local doughnut with no central hole made from sweet yeast dough (Danish dough) deep fried usually in oil, filled with vanilla dulce de leche (in this case local manjar) and few raisins, conventional sugar as topping.

Does driving on a donut feel different? ›

This is especially true when braking. It is important to have a firm grasp of the steering wheel when driving with a donut spare tire. A donut spare tire also requires slowing down more when taking corners. A vehicle with a donut spare does not handle as well as a regular tire.

What is topology in very simple words? ›

A network topology is the physical and logical arrangement of nodes and connections in a network. Nodes usually include devices such as switches, routers and software with switch and router features. Network topologies are often represented as a graph.

What is topology in layman's terms? ›

Topology, in broad terms, is the study of those qualities of an object that are invariant under certain deformations. Such deformations include stretching but not tearing or gluing; in laymen's terms, one is allowed to play with a sheet of paper without poking holes in it or joining two separate parts together.

How hard is topology? ›

Algebraic topology, by it's very nature,is not an easy subject because it's really an uneven mixture of algebra and topology unlike any other subject you've seen before. However,how difficult it can be to me depends on how you present algebraic topology and the chosen level of abstraction.

How many holes does a human have mathematically? ›

For a normal human male, discounting pores, we have 9 holes. So our skin homeomorphic to a disk with 8 holes and has fundamental group the free group on 8 generators. What are the 9 holes? 4 are easily identified: mouth, anus, 2 nostrils.

What dimension is a donut? ›

As with all baked goods, every doughnut is unique (and delicious), however the Original Glazed doughnuts we produce are generally 8cm in diameter (that's 8cm between the outside edges, straight across!)

What is the strongest topology? ›

The finest topology on X is the discrete topology; this topology makes all subsets open. The coarsest topology on X is the trivial topology; this topology only admits the empty set and the whole space as open sets.

What are 4 examples of topology? ›

Physical network topology examples include star, mesh, tree, ring, point-to-point, circular, hybrid, and bus topology networks, each consisting of different configurations of nodes and links. The ideal network topology depends on each business's size, scale, goals, and budget.

What are the two 2 types of topology? ›

Physical topology describes the layout of devices and cables, and logical topology describes the way in which data is transmitted within the network — regardless of the physical layout. Physical and logical topologies play an important role in the overall performance, scalability and security of a network.

What are the three types of topological relationships? ›

Three basic topological relationships are usually stored: connectivity, adjacency, and enclosure. Connectivity describes how lines are connected to each other to form a network. Adjacency describes whether two areas are next to each other, and enclosure describes whether two areas are nested.

Is topology used in AI? ›

For example, in a neural network, the depth and width of the network's layers, and the nature of the connections between layers, define the topology of the network. Additionally, it gets used a lot in the sense of the second meaning in other areas of AI, just because those areas also use graphs.

What is a topological code? ›

Description. A code whose codewords form the ground-state or low-energy subspace of a code Hamiltonian realizing a topological phase. A topological phase may be bosonic or fermionic, i.e., constructed out of underlying subsystems whose operators commute or anti-commute with each other, respectively.

What are the four topological relationships? ›

Topological relationships describe qualitative properties that characterize the relative position of spatial objects. disjoint, meet, overlap, and inside are few examples (Fig. 1).

What is topology useful for? ›

Topology is the arrangement of how point, line, and polygon features share geometry. Topology is used for the following: Constrain how features share geometry. For example, adjacent polygons such as parcels have shared edges, street centerlines and census blocks share geometry, and adjacent soil polygons share edges.

Why do we need topology? ›

The purpose of network topology is to give you an overview of the network, by visualizing the physical connection of devices and the data flow within the network. It draws a distinction between logical and physical connection.

What is the topology of the universe? ›

Cosmic Topology is the name given to the study of the overall shape of the universe, which involves both global topological features and more local geometrical properties such as curvature.

What is the famous theorem in topology? ›

Tychonoff's theorem is often considered as perhaps the single most important result in general topology (along with Urysohn's lemma). The theorem is also valid for topological spaces based on fuzzy sets.

What is topology in psychology? ›

a system of psychology in which phenomena are described and classified in terms of the formal relationships of attractions and repulsions (valences) in an individual's life space. The result is a geometric map of needs, purposes, and goals. [ proposed by Kurt Lewin using concepts from topology, ]

What is the strongest shape in the world? ›

It is impossible to collapse a triangle without breaking one of its sides, which makes it the strongest straight-edge shape. For this reason, you will see triangles in lots of bridges. Triangle shapes in a bridge direct the weight of the bridge and the cars crossing it downward without bending.

What is the most advanced shape ever? ›

In geometry, the rhombicosidodecahedron, or rectified rhombic triacontahedron, is an Archimedean solid, one of thirteen convex isogonal nonprismatic solids constructed of two or more types of regular polygon faces.

What is the most efficient shape in the world? ›

Hexagons are the most scientifically efficient packing shape, as bee honeycomb proves.

What is the most calming shape? ›

Squares and Rectangles

Square shapes are calming and pleasing to look at because they evoke a sense of conformity, honesty, and rationality. You can't imagine a square shape being easily toppled, so images with squares as the dominant shape feel exceptionally reassuring.

What is the purest shape? ›

The Hexagon, nature's perfect shape, Elearning.

What is the newest shape in the world? ›

"Scutoid is a prismatoid to which one extra mid-level vertex has been added. This extra vertex forces some of the "faces" of the resulting object to curve. This means that Scutoids are not polyhedra, because not all of their faces are planar. ...

What is the forbidden donut? ›

Forbidden Doughnuts

(aka Iced Pumpkin Cake Donuts, inspired by King Arthur Flour) Makes 12 to 18, depending on the size of your donut pans. 1 1/2 cups pumpkin puree. 1 cup sugar. 3 eggs.

Which city in the US has the most donut shops? ›

L.A. became the country's epicenter of donut culture when Ted Ngoy, a Cambodian immigrant, arrived in California during the 1970s. After setting up a sweet shop of his own, he helped fellow refugees who had fled from the Khmer Rouge create their own pastry empires.

Are Dunkin donuts fried or baked? ›

So we turned to a brand that is best known for its freshly fried pastries, Dunkin' Donuts.

What is the fancy name for a donut shape? ›

In geometry, a torus (plural tori or toruses) is a surface of revolution generated by revolving a circle in three-dimensional space one full revolution about an axis that is coplanar with the circle. The main types of toruses include ring toruses, horn toruses, and spindle toruses.

What is a puddle donut? ›

A doughnut layered with chocolate icing surrounding a smooth marshmallow center and sprinkled with a crunch biscuit crumb.

What do you call a donut in a car? ›

What is a Donut Tire? Like a spare tire, a donut tire is a replacement tire that is stored inside your vehicle in case you get a flat tire and need to replace it. Unlike a regular spare tire, though, a donut tire is actually smaller than the regular tires on your vehicle in order to fit into your trunk.

How long can you realistically drive on a donut? ›

You should not drive over 50 mph and no more than 50 miles with a donut-type spare tire. Driving for long distances on a spare tire can potentially cause damage to other car parts, including the transmission.

What happens if you go to fast with a donut tire? ›

Driving too fast on a donut spare tire can cause flat tires, tire wear, or tire blowout, leading to loss of vehicle control and road accidents. It may also damage vehicle parts such as the brakes, steering system, suspension, and transmission.

What happens if you drive over 70 miles on a donut? ›

If it's at all possible, do not drive more than 70 or so miles on your donut. Its smaller size will cause excess wear on wheel bearings, brakes, and transmission gears. There's also a much higher chance of a blowout or tire damage because of the spare's lightweight design.

What is the topology of a lattice? ›

A topological lattice is a lattice L equipped with a Hausdorff topo- logy for which the operations of join and meet are continuous as mappings from L x L into L. A topological semilattice is a (meet) semilattice together with a Hausdorff topology for which the meet operation is continuous.

What is the shape of a doughnut called? ›

Basic Description. A torus is a surface formed by revolving a circle about a line. Often, tori (the plural of "torus) are doughnut shaped, as in the main image here.

What geometric shape is a doughnut? ›

Torus. A torus is the mathematical name for a doughnut shape or rubber ring shape and is hollow inside.

What is the topology of two circles? ›

In mathematics, a rose (also known as a bouquet of n circles) is a topological space obtained by gluing together a collection of circles along a single point. The circles of the rose are called petals.

What are the 3 conditions of topology? ›

A topological space is a set X together with a collection O of subsets of X, called open sets, such that (1) The union of any collection of sets in O is in O; (2) the intersection of any finite collection of sets in O is in O; and (3) both ∅ and X are in O.

What is the middle of a donut called? ›

donut hole (plural donut holes) The empty space in the center of a donut. (US, Canada) A small ball-shaped pastry, made in the same manner as a donut, roughly the size of the hole in a donut.

What do you call a floating donut? ›

A swim ring (also known as a swimming ring, swim tube, rubber ring, water donut, floatie, inner tube, or, in the United States, a lifesaver) is a toroid-shaped (hence the name "ring" or "doughnut") inflatable water toy.

Why there is a hole in a doughnut? ›

To fully cook the insides of the dough, the dough would have to stay in the oil for a longer time, which would lead to the outsides becoming burnt. Punching a hole in the middle of the dough, however, allows the insides and the outsides to cook evenly, creating a perfect doughnut.

Is the universe A torus? ›

The spectrum of the CMB fits much better with the universe as a gigantic three-torus, a cosmos connected to itself in all three dimensions.

What is the mathematical formula of a doughnut? ›

= 2πr2R(Pi − 0) = πr2. 2πR. I've written it like this to emphasise a rather remarkable fact. Note that the area of the circule cross-section of the doughnut is πr2 and the length of the circle traced out by the middle of the dough is 2πR.

Is a donut a concentric circle? ›

Examples of concentric circles can range from a dartboard or a roulette wheel to a donut or a car tire.

What is topology rule? ›

Lines must not overlap any part of another line within a feature class or subtype. Lines can touch, intersect, and overlap themselves. Use this rule with lines that should never occupy the same space with other lines, for example, when lot lines cannot overlap one another.

What is Daisy topology? ›

A daisy chain is a type of network topology that directs how network nodes – typically, computers – are linked. Different network topologies support objectives, like ease of use, persistence and fault tolerant design.

What is the symbol of topology? ›

Frequently used, and conventionally in many texts, to denote a general topology. It is usually introduced as part of the notation T=(S,τ) for a general topological space. The LATEX code for τ is \tau .

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