Muskmelon - Benefits, Nutrition & Ways To Consume - HealthifyMe (2024)

We all are familiar with this delicious summer fruit but aren’t aware of its potential benefits. You would be happy to know that it is not only an incredibly refreshing evening snack of the summer but also a great nutritional source.

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Muskmelon, also referred to as ‘sweet melon’ and got its name from its strong musky smell. It is a yellow-coloured fruit with tempting sweetness and a pleasant aroma. They are abundantly available in summer and have high water content, making them hydrating and cooling.

From its flesh to skin, and seeds, all parts of this fruit have health benefits if applied or consumed the right way. The skin and seeds can be ground into a paste to make a facemask. It is a free beauty treatment that people have been practicing for ages. Applying the paste to your skin can help reduce any signs of dryness, blemishes, acne, etc.

Moreover, for pregnant women, muskmelon juice is highly recommended by doctors due to its high folate content which helps in preventing water retention by eradicating excess sodium from the body.

Nutritional Facts of Muskmelon

The numerous health benefits of this sweet melon can be attributed to its rich nutritional content that is necessary for healthy body functioning.

100 grams of muskmelon contains:

  • Calories – 34
  • Dietary fibre – 0.9 gram
  • Fat – 0.19 gram
  • Protein – 0.84 gram
  • Carbohydrates – 8.6 grams

10 Health Benefits of Muskmelon

Everybody loves the taste of cold, juicy muskmelons during summers. Being amazingly sweet and crunchy, it has various health benefits that you must know. Following are some of the proven health benefits of muskmelon.

Healthy Digestive System

Muskmelon has high fibre and water content, which makes it a great natural healer for people suffering from indigestion, constipation, and other digestive issues.

The fibre content in this fruit helps in regulating proper bowel movements with a calming and cooling effect on the stomach. Fibre adds bulk to the stool and keeps hunger pangs at bay. Furthermore, the high content of vitamin C in it helps in treating stomach ulcers.

Helps in regulating blood pressure

People suffering from high blood pressure are recommended to add muskmelon to their diet as this potassium-rich fruit negates the ill effects of sodium and relaxes the blood vessels, aiding the smooth flow of blood. Potassium acts as a vasodilator that keeps your blood pressure under check and ensures it doesn’t increase beyond a healthy level.

Musk melon is also loaded with superoxide dismutase which relaxes the nerves and helps lower blood pressure.

Muskmelon Promotes hair growth

The vitamin A content in this fruit will do wonders for your hair. Vitamin A is known for stimulating the production of sebum, which is an oily secretion of the sebaceous glands that help in keeping your hair healthy. Musk melon is also rich in Citrulline known to increase blood circulation, especially on the scalp.

Moreover, directly applying its pulp to your scalp can help boost hair health, resulting in long, lustrous hair. Musk melon is also enriched with a mineral called Inositol that conditions hair preventing hair loss.

Muskmelon may support vision and eye health

The sweet melon contains three potent antioxidants – beta-carotene, zeaxanthin, and lutein – that are well known for supporting eye health. Beta-carotene is what gives muskmelon its bright colour. According to health experts, beta-carotene is responsible for proper eye functioning, aiding good eyesight, and is a solution for age-related vision problems. So, you should introduce this fruit to your diet for a healthy eye.

Research indicates that regularly consuming foods that are rich in these antioxidants along with Vitamin A and Vitamin C, such as muskmelon, lead to healthy eye functioning with proper vision. Vitamin A is known to protect against eye afflictions like night blindness, cataracts and xerophthalmia.

Muskmelon Boosts Immunity

Muskmelon is rich in vitamin C content, which is a powerful antioxidant helping boost immunity. It also contains phytochemicals, beta-carotene, and vitamin A that help in keeping your gut healthy. Gut health is directly associated with your immune system and the good bacteria in your gut help with the proper functioning of the body. Additionally, vitamin C helps in stimulating the production of protective white blood cells that help destroy numerous dangerous microorganisms like viruses, bacteria, and other toxins that could invade your body and spread diseases such as cancer.

Muskmelon for beautiful-looking skin

One of the significant benefits of sweet melon is that it is great for your skin. For starters, the antioxidants in it help in removing impurities from your skin. It is also packed with skin-friendly collagen, which is a protein that helps in keeping the skin tissues soft and tight while preventing them from withering. Since muskmelon has vitamin C content in abundance, it helps in maintaining the natural glow of your skin.

Studies show that being rich in folic acid, musk melon facilitates the regeneration of skin cells making your skin look fresh and healthy. Folic acid keeps wrinkles and fine lines at bay.

The beauty of this melon is that no part of it goes to waste. While you can eat the flesh or make juice out of it, you can grind the seeds, pulp, and skin into a paste and apply it to your body. It is one of the cost-effective and efficient ways to treat your skin for various conditions like eczema. Musk melon mask has proven its credibility to work against minor burn marks and freckles as well.

Muskmelon may help combat stress

We live in a world where our lifestyles have become hectic. But eating certain foods can have a stress-relieving impact on your mind, as well. Muskmelon, being rich in potassium, is considered a stress-relieving food that can help you feel more focused and relaxed.

Potassium in this fruit can help normalize the heartbeat and promote the supply of oxygen to the brain. This helps your brain stay calm and focused. Lowering blood pressure due to the presence of superoxide dismutase in muskmelon helps combat anxiety.

Muskmelon for arthritis

Arthritis can cause inflammation in the joints of the knees and legs, which can be extremely painful. It makes doing daily activities like walking, standing, sitting, etc. more strenuous. Muskmelon has anti-inflammatory properties that can help relieve pain associated with arthritis.

People suffering from rheumatoid arthritis are prescribed to include foods that are highly anti-inflammatory. Eating this fruit can help prevent oxidative stress in your bones and joints, thereby reducing inflammation.

Several studies indicate that including muskmelon in your daily diet could help in dealing with inflammation and bone-related issues like osteoporosis

Muskmelon Cures toothache

One of the surprising benefits of sweet melon is that it can help you cure toothache and other dental-related issues.

A study published in the US National Library of Medicine in 2016 emphasized the benefits of muskmelon for treating dental pain. According to experts, eating raw muskmelon or rinsing your mouth with a solution made of its skin can help in dealing with dental pain.

You can also make your own muskmelon mouthwash at home. Take a few peels of its skin, add water, and boil till it’s soft. Strain the mixture and wait till it cools down. Store it in the refrigerator and use it within a day or two.

Beneficial for lungs

Over time, the vitamin A content in your body depletes due to several factors, which include smoking, pollution, ingesting pollutants, consuming adulterated food items, etc. This all makes your lungs get weaker day by day. Regular intake of muskmelon replenishes your body with vitamin A.

Studies prove that Vitamin A helps in rejuvenating the lungs, allowing you to breathe fully and properly. This is especially beneficial for those who are passive smokers and kids suffering from breathing issues. The nutrients and minerals in this fruit help in relieving you from congestion in the lungs.

Healthy Ways to Consume Muskmelon

While people prefer eating muskmelon raw, right out from the refrigerator, there are some mouthwatering muskmelon recipes that can enhance your experience.

In this section, we will tell you an easy muskmelon recipe, which is not only healthy, but you can also prepare it at home as well.

Muskmelon Mint Slush

Muskmelon - Benefits, Nutrition & Ways To Consume - HealthifyMe (1)


  • Muskmelon – 2 cups (cut into small pieces)
  • Black salt – 1/4 teaspoon


  • Create a smooth puree by blending muskmelon and mint with black salt into a blender or a liquidizer
  • Now, combine all the ingredients in a bowl and mix well
  • Take a shallow container, and pour the mix into it. Freeze for 3-4 hours. Again, take the blender and liquidize the mixture till it turns slushy
  • Pour the slushy mixture into glasses, garnish it with mint leaves and serve chilled

Green Salad with muskmelon dressing


  • Lettuce leaves torn – 1 cup
  • cucumber – 1 (cut into cubes)
  • capsicum – 1 (cut into cubes)
  • broccoli florets – 1 cup (blanched)


  • Chopped muskmelon – 1 cup
  • Coriander leaves – 1 tbsp
  • Mint leaves – 1 tbsp
  • Cumin powder – 1 tsp
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • Blend ingredients for the dressing.
  • Combine all veggies in a bowl, pour the dressing and serve.

Muskmelon banana smoothie

Muskmelon - Benefits, Nutrition & Ways To Consume - HealthifyMe (2)


  • Muskmelon – 1 cup
  • Banana – 1 (frozen)
  • Curd – ½ cup
  • Water – ½ cup


  • Blend all the ingredients and serve chilled


Muskmelons are healthy, delicious, and about to be in season! So make sure that you get your batch of fresh muskmelons for the whole family. It would be a blunder to miss out on the goodness of this mouthwatering fruit.

Not only does muskmelon boast plenty of health benefits like aiding blood pressure, treating dental pain, managing stress, etc. but it is also a part of plenty of recipes that you can easily make at home.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. Does muskmelon increase weight?

A. No, muskmelons are rich in potassium which helps in maintaining the overall body weight. Moreover, the fat content in the fruit is also negligible, so it doesn’t increase weight.

Q. Can I eat muskmelon if I have diabetes?

A. Muskmelons are safe for people with diabetes. However, it is recommended to consume muskmelon alongside foods that contain plenty of protein, fibre, and healthful fats.

Q. What is the best time to eat muskmelon?

A. It is recommended to consume muskmelon before evening. Since muskmelon is slightly acidic, if consumed at night, it may hinder the process of digestion.

Q. Does muskmelon increase heat in the body?

A. Muskmelon is a perfect summer fruit. It is high in water content and can take care of the fluid loss that our body experiences during this season. It also prevents heat-related disorders during the summer.

Q. Is muskmelon good for skin?

A. Yes, muskmelons are a great addition to your diet for young-looking, refreshing skin. It contains all the essential vitamins A, B, and C that help your skin in staying young, healthy, and supple.

Q. Is muskmelon hot or cold?

A: Muskmelon has a cold potency and cools your body during summers.

Q. Is muskmelon good for immunity?

A: Yes. Muskmelon is rich invitamin Ccontent, which is a powerful antioxidant helping boostimmunity. It also contains phytochemicals, beta-carotene, and vitamin A that help in keeping your gut healthy. Your gut health is directly associated with your immune system. The good bacteria in your gut help with the proper functioning of the body. Additionally, vitamin C helps in stimulating the production of protective white blood cells that help destroy numerous dangerous microorganisms like viruses, bacteria, and other toxins that could invade your body and spread diseases such as cancer.

Q. Can I eat muskmelon empty stomach?

A: No, muskmelons should not be consumed on an empty stomach as they can cause indigestion and subsequent uneasiness throughout the day.

Q. What is the best time to eat muskmelon?

A: The best time to eat muskmelon is in the morning after your breakfast. You can also have it as a snack in the late afternoon.

Q, What is the healthiest melon?

A: Cantaloupe (commonly called muskmelon) is the healthiest melon.

Muskmelon - Benefits, Nutrition & Ways To Consume - HealthifyMe (2024)


Muskmelon - Benefits, Nutrition & Ways To Consume - HealthifyMe? ›

It also contains potassium and magnesium, which help regulate blood pressure and support heart health. In addition, beta-carotene and lutein help prevent cellular damage and lower the risk of chronic illnesses. Finally, muskmelon is a hydrating fruit that can help maintain electrolyte balance and to avoid dehydration.

What are the benefits of eating musk melon? ›

Muskmelon can help improve and strengthen the immune system, making it easier for the body to fight diseases. It is rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin A that boosts immunity by stimulating the white blood cells in the body. Vitamin A and phytochemicals help to keep your gut healthy.

Can we drink muskmelon daily? ›

Muskmelon can be included in the daily diet to assist in weight loss as it is low in calories and high in fiber. Moreover, it is also beneficial for eye health due to its high vitamin A content. Muskmelon is beneficial for the skin as it is rich in antioxidants.

Is muskmelon a Superfood? ›

Cantaloupe, also known as muskmelon, is a delectable fruit celebrated not only for its sweet flavour but also for its remarkable array of health benefits. From bolstering your immune system to promoting hydration, cantaloupe offers a multitude of advantages that make it a standout superfood.

What is the right time to eat musk melon? ›

A: The best time to eat muskmelon is in the morning after your breakfast. You can also have it as a snack in the late afternoon.

Which is healthier watermelon or muskmelon? ›

Watermelon has more lycopene, which benefits heart health while muskmelon has beta-carotene, which is good for eye health.

What happens if we eat muskmelon daily? ›

Promotes digestion

Water and fibre content of muskmelon is good for your digestive system. It can also help you prevent constipation. Eating muskmelon can help in regulating bowel movement and also leave a cooling effect on your stomach.

Which is better watermelon or muskmelon? ›

Both fruits are the winners in this epic battle. Due to being high in various vital nutrients, adding these melons into the diet can improve your overall health. While watermelon is slightly higher in water content, the nutrients of muskmelon give tough competition too.

Can I eat musk melon at night? ›

The commonly asked question by melon lovers is, can we eat muskmelon at night? Well, yes, like any other fruit, kharbuja benefits the body when you have it at night. The only caution is to avoid muskmelon and any fruit with a high glycemic index just before bedtime.

Is muskmelon high in sugar? ›

While muskmelon is generally safe for diabetics, it should be consumed in moderation due to its natural sugar content. Excessive consumption may lead to a spike in blood sugar levels. It is advisable for diabetics to monitor portion sizes and consult a healthcare provider.

Is muskmelon good for your kidneys? ›

A storehouse of potassium, vitamins, minerals, muskmelon is considered great for kidney health, blood pressure and eyes. Know all the benefits from an Ayurveda expert. A storehouse of potassium, vitamins, minerals, muskmelon is considered great for kidney health, blood pressure and eye health.

Which is better muskmelon or cantaloupe? ›

Noticeably, the nutritional compositions of muskmelon varieties are similar. However, cantaloupe contains significantly more vitamin A and vitamin C than honeydew. It also has fewer calories and carbs and is slightly higher in fiber. Muskmelons are packed with vitamins and minerals.

What is the healthiest melon? ›

Both cantaloupe and honeydew melon are good choices, though cantaloupe contains more antioxidants. A good choice to reduce your risk of foodborne illness is the variety of melon with the honeydew melon rind and cantaloupe flesh.

What is the healthiest fruit? ›

The healthiest fruits and their benefits
  1. Lemons. Turning lemons into lemonade can do more than just boost your spirits. ...
  2. Blueberries. Blueberries contain anthocyanins, which are the special pigments that give them their rich color. ...
  3. Apples. ...
  4. Oranges. ...
  5. Cherries. ...
  6. Pomegranates. ...
  7. Grapefruits.
Sep 15, 2023

What's the difference between a cantaloupe and a muskmelon? ›

There are several different varieties of muskmelon, and cantaloupe is one of them. Muskmelons have sweet, juicy flesh that can be yellow, orange, white, or green. Cantaloupes have orange flesh and a rind with a rough, netlike pattern. Honeydew is another popular variety of muskmelon.

Is muskmelon better than watermelon? ›

In terms of hydration, both watermelon and muskmelon have high water content, which helps in keeping the body hydrated. However, watermelon is known to have a slightly higher water content compared to muskmelon, making it slightly more effective in hydration. In this battle of melons, not one stands out as such.

What does a muskmelon taste like? ›

Muskmelons have a tantalizing flavor filled with sweetness. Its honeyed flesh, which can be prepared in a variety of ways, feels like a sun-kissed delight.

What is the bitterness in muskmelon? ›

When cucumbers, muskmelons, and watermelons grow in the wild, their fruit contains bitter cucurbitacin molecules, a family of highly oxygenated tetracyclic triterpenes that deter pests from foraging.

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