Mithai 101: How to Serve, Store and Gift Mithai | Love Laugh Mirch (2024)

Mithai 101: How to serve, store and gift mithai

Mithai 101: How to Serve, Store and Gift Mithai | Love Laugh Mirch (1)
Indian mithais go hand in hand with cultural and religious celebrations. Families make and share mithai to celebrate everything from Diwali (the festival of lights), to personal milestones like having a baby. Made with fresh milk, nuts and spices, such as pistachios and saffron they are delicately finished with dried roses or edible gold/silver. As a result, mithai displays are considered both a work of art and dessert at weddings and dinner parties. With Diwali festivities in full swing we are excited to bring to you a helpful guide on which mithai to give, gift, serve and how to store them.

Mithai 101: How to Serve, Store and Gift Mithai | Love Laugh Mirch (2) Mithai 101: How to Serve, Store and Gift Mithai | Love Laugh Mirch (3)

This post is in partnership with Vadilal, who have the largest range of traditional Indian mithais. All opinions expressed are my own.

Best mithais for gifting:

When gifting mithai it’s best to go with nut/grain based mithais versus milk based ones. Items such as laddoos, pista barfi, anjeer rolls and kaju katli hold up will in transit and don’t spoil quickly. Additionally, you don’t need to worry about how long they will be out of the refrigerator or of any spillage. While Vadilal mithais come in airtight boxes that are ready to gift, you could easily wrap the box to give the box a more festive look for gifting. If you want to give a variety of mithais, line a box with parchment paper and arrange your mithais, cover with a layer of parchment paper and a fitted lid.

Mithai 101: How to Serve, Store and Gift Mithai | Love Laugh Mirch (4)
Best mithais for serving:

Having a dinner party at home? Serve mithais such as raas malai, gulab jamun and kalakand. These milk based and/or syrupy choices make for better “in person” desserts. You can refrigerate them as needed and warm them if required. Serve them in stunning ceramic or glass ware and decorate with chopped nuts and dried roses for a display that’s sure to wow your guests.

Mithai 101: How to Serve, Store and Gift Mithai | Love Laugh Mirch (5) Mithai 101: How to Serve, Store and Gift Mithai | Love Laugh Mirch (6)

How to store mithai:

Keeping in mind that many mithais are made with dairy and nuts the shelf life of these products once freshly made or defrosted is limited. Dairy mithais such as raas malai and kalakand should consumed within 48-72 hours. For nut and grain based mithais, like kaju katlis, barfis, and ladoos; store them in the refrigerator in an airtight container for up to 7 days.

Mithai 101: How to Serve, Store and Gift Mithai | Love Laugh Mirch (7)

Looking for more Diwali inspiration? Here are some Rainbow Diyas to brighten up your festivities and how to celebrate with kids.

Mithai 101: How to Serve, Store and Gift Mithai | Love Laugh Mirch (8)


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Mithai 101: How to Serve, Store and Gift Mithai | Love Laugh Mirch (2024)
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