Meghan Markle Diet: 14 Ways the Mom of Two Eats Healthy (2024)

3. Meghan Follows a Vegan Diet (Most of the Time)

Markle told Best Health in 2016 that she tries to maintain a vegan diet during the week, and she may splurge on the weekends. Letting plants take center stage in her diet is a great approach, experts agree — and not just because meat tends to be associated with a higherbody mass index (BMI), a common measure of body fat. “Vegetarians and vegans are at reduced risk of certain health conditions, including ischemic heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure (hypertension), certain types of cancer, and obesity, according to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics,” says Hultin.

The key to eating vegan in a healthy way is to get a variety of nutrients primarily from fresh, whole foods, and to supplement when needed. For example, vegans and some vegetarians are at risk of vitamin B12 deficiency, according to the National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements.

But Meghan’s flexible “vegan-ish” approach means she’s less likely to suffer from such deficiencies. “What I like is that she doesn’t have an “allowed” list and an “avoid” list, says Taub-Dix. “If she is avoiding animal protein, it’s by preference.”

One final perk a humanitarian like Meghan likely enjoys: Plant-based diets are more environmentally sustainable than those that include many animal products. Compared with diets that include meat, vegan and vegetarian diets make use of fewer natural resources and are associated with much less environmental damage, according to research published in The Lancet in February 2019.

4. This Mother of 2 Munches on Smart Snacks Like Whole Fruit With Nut Butter

Elite Daily reported in January 2018 that one of Meghan's favorite snacks is apple slices with almond butter and sea salt. “This is a fantastic snack,” says Gorin. “Apples provide satiating fiber, and almond butter offers filling, healthy fat, protein, and more fiber. Salt can accentuate sweetness, so adding a small amount is completely fine.”

RELATED: 10 High-Fiber Foods to Add to Your Diet

5. The duch*ess’s Afternoon Pick-Me-Up Is Green Juice, Not Coffee

In a 2016 interview with Delish, Markle copped to using green juice rather thancoffee to get amped in the afternoon. It’s certainly a step up from the days when she touted Clean cleanse shakes, as reported by The Chalkboard, especially because she doesn’t seem to take the whole juicing thing too seriously. “Green juice can be a nice way to hydrate and also take in vitamins and minerals from the veggies,” says Hultin, who approves of Meghan's go-to combo of apple, kale, spinach, ginger, and lemon.

“With any juice, having more veggie content than fruit will lower the calorie and sugar content,” says Hultin. If you gravitate toward bottled juices, make sure to check the label for a balance (and don’t forget to note the serving size, too).

Gorin agrees, but issues a word of warning about juicing. “Ginger is an herb that has a spicy kick to it, which can feel energizing,” she says, and adds that juices can be a great way to pack more fruit and veggies into your diet. But, Gorin points out, juices lack the satiating fiber and protein that will keep the munchies at bay, so you may want to supplement with a blended drink that includes cashew yogurt or edamame for protein, and avocado or blueberries for fiber.

6. She Loves Drinking Gut-Friendly Kombucha Tea

Meghan told Mind Body Green that she’s a fan of kombucha, a lightly effervescent fermented tea. “It has a slightly vinegary flavor that some people enjoy,” says Hultin. It’s also a natural source of the gut-friendly probiotics that have been shown to help with digestion, according to research published in Food Bioscience in December 2021.

The research is still trickling in on those benefits, says Hultin, but one thing is certain: Kombucha does contain residual alcohol at low levels, so it's not something that dietitians advise swigging during pregnancy. Indeed, kombucha is likely one of the habits Meghan gave up when she found out she was pregnant again.

RELATED: Green, Black, Oolong: Which Teas Are Best for Your Health?

7. She Hearts Her Omega-3s Almost as Much as She Does Harry

A California native, Meghan told Best Health that sashimi — think sushi but without the white rice — is her ideal lunch. “Seafood like tuna offers heart-healthy omega-3s, so including it in your diet is great,” says Gorin. It’s so healthy, plenty of vegetarians or vegans make an exception to include it in their diet, a style of eating known as pescatarianism.

Gorin cautions that while sashimi is a great way to save calories, “I’d want to make sure that she’s eating other food groups with her lunch. So for instance, she could pair sashimi with a seaweed salad and also some brown rice for additional fiber.”

8. Meghan Makes Hydration a Priority in Her Diet

Back when she was an actress on the set of the USA Network TV show Suits, Markle liked to start her day with hot water and lemon, according to a story in Harper’s Bazaar. She'll probably still try to drink two liters of plain water a day. “Drinking your water, however you prefer it, helps you stay hydrated — and hydration is super important for many reasons,” says Gorin.

“If adding lemon to your water makes plain H2O more palatable, go for it! We know from preliminary research that drinking water, especially before meals, can help you feel fuller and possibly help you eat less,” Gorin adds. For instance, one small randomized controlled trial published in the journal Obesity found that people who drank water before eating low-calorie meals lost 44 percent more weight over a 12-week period than those who followed the low-calorie diet alone.

RELATED: All the Ways Water Boosts Your Health

9. Prince Harry’s No. 1 Doesn’t Skimp on Antioxidants

This is probably pretty clear if you’ve ever seen a photo of Meghan — skin that flawless is well fed. Markle went on the record with Delish saying that avoiding gluten makes a definite difference, but we’re betting her love of berries helps, too.

The former actress reportedly digs acai berries, which are high in fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants. “They're great mixed with yogurt, low-sugar granola, and other fruit,” says Lemond. Their vibrant purple color has made them an Instagram darling, but Lemond cautions that some of the gorgeous acai bowls you scroll through may rack up calories, so always check the portion size and ingredients for added sugars.

Also, if exotic berries don’t fit your less-than-royal budget, raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries are perfectly serviceable substitutes. They have the same plant-derived compounds, known as polyphenols, that can help protect skin from damage caused by age and sun, according to a review published in the journal Food & Function.

10. She’d Choose a Glass of Red Wine Over Cake Any Day

We knew we liked this girl. Markle famously enjoys red wine so much, she named her now-defunct lifestyle website The Tig after her favorite Italian brand, Tignanello, as she told the blog Eyeswoon in November 2017. Although research is conflicting, there is some evidence, including in astudy from the August 2021 issue of Hypertension, that compounds in red wine may have cardiovascular benefits, linking red wine intake to lower blood pressure. And consciously choosing to have a glass in lieu of a sweet dessert is a great example of eating mindfully. One 5-ounce serving of red wine is around 125 calories and has less than 1 gram of sugar, says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

RELATED: Is Red Wine Really Good for You?

11. Meghan Appreciates a Good Kitchen Hack for Cooking

The duch*ess may be a foodie, and royalty, but she’s not above busting out boxed foods.

She told Today that she preps meals at the beginning of the week by cooking a box of packaged quinoa that she upgrades with sautéed veggies, then seasons with crushed red pepper and chopped fresh herbs.

“She seems to eat fresh much of the time, but doesn't feel like a failure for eating out of a package,” Lemond says. “She finds ways to eat healthy food in flavorful ways that are quick. That's exactly how you make it happen!”

Quinoa is a seed, so it contains protein and complete amino acids that a lot of plant foods don’t have. In addition, a study published in April 2015 in the journal BMC Medicine found that a daily bowl of cereal grains such as quinoa may play a role in reducing the risk of early death from cancer, heart disease, respiratory disease, and diabetes by 17 percent.

12. She Loves Carbs, so No Ketogenic Diet for Her!

Unlike her grandmother-in-law, who reportedly swears off all starches, Meghan is on the record as a carb lover, as she toldBest Health. That way of thinking represents a clear break from the increasingly trendy ultra-low-carb ketogenic diet, and some experts say that’s a good thing. “Carbs are one of the best sources of energy in our diets,” says Taub-Dix. “It’s all about balance and portion sizes.”

And even though Meghan’s occasional indulgences tend to be pasta and french fries, and not always whole grains, the big picture still looks healthy. “While these are not perfect nutritional choices, it shows me that she is not being overly and unnecessarily strict with herself,” says Kelly Kennedy, RDN, the manager of nutrition at Everyday Health. “Including favorite foods in moderation is a great way to make a diet more maintainable. Often, when people restrict themselves too much, they tend to give in eventually and go overboard with the foods they had eliminated,” says Kennedy. “By building these foods into her eating plan on occasion, Meghan is setting herself up for success by not making them off-limits."

RELATED: A 7-Day Ketogenic Diet and Comprehensive Food List

13. Meghan Loves a Make-Ahead Breakfast

According to Hello!, the duch*ess's healthy glow may come from her healthy breakfast choice: chia seed pudding.

If you want to whip up this breakfast yourself, know that chia seed pudding is easy to customize — add nuts for fiber and protein, fresh fruit as a natural sweetener, or even some chocolate chips to jazz it up, says Taub-Dix.

Chia seeds themselves are a great source of fiber and healthy fats, per USDA data, and the combo, like the rest of Meghan's diet, is full of antioxidants and other essential vitamins and minerals, and is low in added sugars. That’s what you want to combat stress and maintain an overall sense of well-being.

“Eating healthfully can be a great way to ensure that you have the energy to enjoy your day and all the ones that come after,” Taub-Dix says.

14. She Has Her Own Secret (or Not-so-Secret Anymore) Pasta Sauce Recipe

Meghan told Delish that her favorite pasta topping is zucchini bolognese, a riff on a creamy pasta sauce that’s dairy-free and completely vegetable-based. "You'd swear there's tons of butter and oil in it, but it's just zucchini, water, and a little bouillon," she said.

Hello! elaborated on this recipe with the following instructions: Sauté one chopped medium onion in a tablespoon of olive oil, then add five chopped zucchini, a half cup of water, and one bouillon cube for flavor. Cook on low heat, covered, for four hours until the zucchini has dissolved into a creamy sauce.

Using zucchini instead of butter or cream can be a great way to save calories and add nutrition to your pasta bowl, says Lemond. “I am a fan of plant-based food and eating, and zucchini [is] an excellent source of vitamin C and has nutrients like potassium. For the amount of calories it provides, it's fairly nutrient-rich.”

If you don’t have four hours to spare, says Taub-Dix, you can use an immersion blender to achieve the same creamy effect. Serve it over your pasta of choice — consider rigatoni — or even zoodles if you can stand that much zuke in one meal. You can finish it off with a little salt, pepper, a squeeze of lemon juice, or sprinkle with some Parmesan and red pepper flakes. It will taste so rich but be so healthy, you’ll feel just like royalty.

As a nutrition enthusiast with a solid understanding of dietary principles and a keen interest in plant-based nutrition, I find the information provided in the article about Meghan Markle's dietary habits intriguing and worth exploring further. My expertise lies in evidence-based nutrition, and I'll break down the key concepts discussed in the article:

  1. Vegan Diet and Health Benefits: Meghan Follows a Vegan Diet (Most of the Time)

    • The article mentions that Meghan Markle follows a vegan diet during the week, with occasional splurges on the weekends. It highlights that plant-based diets, when well-balanced, can reduce the risk of health conditions such as ischemic heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, certain cancers, and obesity. The information is attributed to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
  2. Balanced Vegan Diet:

    • The key to a healthy vegan diet is emphasized as getting a variety of nutrients from fresh, whole foods, and supplementing when necessary. The article specifically mentions the risk of vitamin B12 deficiency among vegans and some vegetarians.
  3. Flexibility in Dietary Choices:

    • Meghan's "vegan-ish" approach is highlighted as a flexible way to avoid nutritional deficiencies. Unlike having strict "allowed" and "avoid" lists, her dietary choices are based on preference rather than rigid rules.
  4. Environmental Sustainability:

    • The article touches upon the environmental benefits of plant-based diets, stating that vegan and vegetarian diets use fewer natural resources and are associated with less environmental damage compared to diets that include a significant amount of animal products.
  5. Smart Snacking:

    • Meghan's choice of snacks, such as apple slices with almond butter and sea salt, is praised for providing satiating fiber, healthy fats, protein, and essential nutrients.
  6. Hydration and Green Juice:

    • Meghan's preference for green juice over coffee is discussed, with experts mentioning the hydrating and nutrient-rich aspects of green juices. The importance of checking labels for balanced fruit and veggie content in bottled juices is emphasized.
  7. Probiotic-Rich Kombucha Tea:

    • Meghan's fondness for kombucha is mentioned, and the article notes that kombucha is a natural source of gut-friendly probiotics, which can aid digestion.
  8. Omega-3s and Seafood:

    • Meghan's choice of sashimi for lunch is highlighted for its heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. The article suggests pairing seafood with other food groups for a balanced meal.
  9. Emphasis on Hydration:

    • Meghan's prioritization of hydration, including starting the day with hot water and lemon, is discussed. The potential benefits of drinking water before meals in terms of weight management are mentioned.
  10. Antioxidant-Rich Berries:

    • Meghan's reported love for acai berries, known for their antioxidant content, is discussed. The article suggests alternatives like raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries, which also contain skin-protective polyphenols.
  11. Moderate Red Wine Consumption:

    • Meghan's preference for red wine is mentioned, and the potential cardiovascular benefits of red wine intake, as suggested by some research, are highlighted. Choosing red wine over sweet desserts is considered a mindful eating choice.
  12. Balanced Approach to Diet:

    • Meghan's occasional indulgences, such as pasta and french fries, are discussed in the context of maintaining a healthy and balanced diet. The importance of moderation and not overly restricting oneself is emphasized.
  13. Make-Ahead Breakfast:

    • Meghan's choice of chia seed pudding for breakfast is highlighted as a healthy option, rich in fiber, healthy fats, antioxidants, and essential vitamins and minerals.
  14. Zucchini Bolognese:

    • Meghan's zucchini bolognese pasta sauce recipe is shared, emphasizing the use of zucchini as a nutrient-rich alternative to traditional creamy pasta sauces.

In summary, Meghan Markle's dietary choices are presented in the article with a focus on balance, flexibility, and the potential health benefits of a predominantly plant-based lifestyle. The information aligns with current nutritional recommendations and emphasizes the importance of variety, moderation, and mindful eating.

Meghan Markle Diet: 14 Ways the Mom of Two Eats Healthy (2024)
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