Is Rob Gronkowski vegan? Future Hall of Famer dishes diet secrets and Tom Brady advice (2024)

Former NFL tight end Rob Gronkowski made a career for himself on the field. Now, in his second stint with retirement, Gronkowski has begun a broadcasting career with FOX and is continuing his focus on his overall health.

In February 2023, Gronkowski sat down with GQ Magazine to talk about his life off the football field.

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Gronkowski shared that his diet does consist mostly of plant-based foods, but loves meat as well. The four-time Super Bowl champion said that he has always been a fan of fast food and that at the beginning of his career, he didn't know much about the importance of nutrition.

"I do a lot of plant-based for sure, but I still love my meat as well. I’ve never not been a fast-food guy, but I didn’t know too much about nutrition at the beginning of my career."

Is Rob Gronkowski vegan? Future Hall of Famer dishes diet secrets and Tom Brady advice (9)

Rob Gronkowski then continued by saying that he began learning even more about nutrition as he continued to get older. Realizing that certain foods help with decreasing inflammation and make your body feel better.

He credited his former teammate, quarterback Tom Brady, for teaching him a lot about nutrition and how to fuel his body. Further, Gronkowski said that learning how his body reacts to food now compared to his 20s is completely different, which has led to a change in his eating habits.

"But when you start wanting to extend your career more, you start learning about what’s actually good for your body and what causes the least amount of inflammation. I’ve learned a lot from Tom [Brady] and his TB12 diet, and I’ve also learned a lot just from trying a bunch of different things and seeing what my body has responded to. What I ate in my early 20s is very different from what I eat now.

Rob Gronkowski shares his favorite 'cheat meal'

While former NFL tight end Rob Gronkowski shared his healthy diet and nutrition, he also said that when he is back home in Buffalo, he can't help but enjoy a cheat meal.

Rob Gronkowski shared that his favorite cheat meal includes the famous wings. The 33-year-old revealed that he visits some of the best local spots in Buffalo where he gets his favorite pizza and even a chicken finger sub.

"When I earn a nice cheat meal, like a true cheat meal, it’s when I go back home to Buffalo. All the food there is delicious. I mean, that is where Buffalo wings started! So I love going home to the local spots and get wings, pizza, and a chicken-finger sub.

Is Rob Gronkowski vegan? Future Hall of Famer dishes diet secrets and Tom Brady advice (10)

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Edited by Tejas Rathi


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I'm an avid sports enthusiast with a deep understanding of the NFL and its players, including the transition from the playing field to post-retirement careers. My extensive knowledge allows me to provide insights into the lives of former athletes like Rob Gronkowski and their endeavors beyond the game.

In the provided article, former NFL tight end Rob Gronkowski is highlighted for his post-football career, focusing on his broadcasting role with FOX and his commitment to overall health. Gronkowski's journey unfolds in a candid interview with GQ Magazine, offering a glimpse into his lifestyle, particularly his dietary choices.

One key aspect mentioned is Gronkowski's diet, which predominantly consists of plant-based foods. He acknowledges his love for meat but emphasizes a shift towards a more informed approach to nutrition as he aged. The article underscores Gronkowski's initial lack of knowledge about nutrition at the start of his football career. However, he later became more conscious of the impact of food on inflammation and overall well-being.

Gronkowski attributes much of his nutritional awareness to his former teammate, quarterback Tom Brady, and the TB12 diet. The article highlights how Gronkowski has adapted his eating habits based on a better understanding of how his body responds to different foods, especially as he seeks to prolong his athletic career.

Furthermore, the article delves into Gronkowski's favorite "cheat meal" when he's back home in Buffalo. Despite maintaining a healthy diet, he indulges in Buffalo's iconic wings, pizza, and a chicken-finger sub as a treat.

In summary, the article provides a comprehensive look at Rob Gronkowski's life post-NFL, touching on his broadcasting career, dedication to health, and insights into his dietary choices and evolution. Gronkowski's journey serves as a testament to the importance of nutrition in an athlete's life and the continuous learning and adaptation required for sustained well-being.

Is Rob Gronkowski vegan? Future Hall of Famer dishes diet secrets and Tom Brady advice (2024)


Is Rob Gronkowski vegan? Future Hall of Famer dishes diet secrets and Tom Brady advice? ›

Gronkowski shared that his diet does consist mostly of plant-based foods, but loves meat as well. The four-time Super Bowl champion said that he has always been a fan of fast food and that at the beginning of his career, he didn't know much about the importance of nutrition.

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Rob Gronkowski used to eat whatever he wanted early on, but that is no longer the case. Gronk follows a precise eating plan to ensure he performs at his peak on and off the field. He's not a vegetarian or vegan, but he favors plant-based cuisine over animal products.

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Why does Tom Brady not eat nightshades? Tom Brady's chef said in an interview that Brady avoids eating nightshade vegetables because they're not anti-inflammatory (23). However, research does not support the idea that nightshade vegetables aren't anti-inflammatory.

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What foods does Tom Brady's diet avoid? Tom Brady's diet avoids a list of foods and ingredients that he considers to be pro-inflammatory including: non-organic grass-fed dairy, refined carbohydrates, trans and saturated fats, added sugars, salt, alcohol and caffeine, according to The TB12 Method.

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Tom Brady's Pre-game Diet Routine

“I wake up and drink 20 ounces of water with electrolytes”. After this, Brady likes to have a high-protein, high-fat smoothie that consists of seeds, bananas, nuts, blueberries, and plant-based protein powder.

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“When people ask if I'm a vegan or a vegetarian,” Tom says, “I tell them no, decidedly not.” In fact, Tom's meals consist of roughly 80 percent plant-based foods and 20 percent animal-based foods.

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Tom Brady follows a “commonsensical” diet, primarily plant-based but not strictly vegan or vegetarian. He emphasizes that he's not a vegan or vegetarian by definition. Tom's meals comprise approximately 80 percent plant- and 20 percent animal-based foods.

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It's not that his regimen forbids the consumption of strawberries. (That's why he rarely eats cheeseburgers and pizza, which he says are his two favorite cheat foods.) It's that he simply can't abide the little red fruits.

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The Tom Brady diet—also known as the TB12 diet—is a high-protein, plant-based diet that excludes gluten, dairy, corn, soy, MSG, coffee, alcohol, GMOs, sugar, trans fats, overly processed foods, and more. Some fruits and vegetables such as nightshades are off-limits, as are certain oils.

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Conclusion. The Tom Brady diet is a healthy eating plan that is about 80% plant-based. It's a flexitarian diet, considering it includes some fish, eggs and meat, but emphasizes mostly fruit, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, beans and legumes.

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Fruits, Especially Banana

Brady is a proponent of protein shakes and smoothies. His breakfast almost always consists of a fruit smoothie with nuts and seeds. His go-to fruit is banana. Aside from the morning smoothie, the diet does not involve a large quantity or variety of fruit.

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But beyond the ketchup craze, Mahomes follows a carefully curated diet plan tailored to his high-energy demands on the field. Mahomes' diet focuses on lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats to sustain his energy levels during intense games.

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WHY WE LOVE THIS RECIPE. No wonder broccoli is a favorite in the Brady household. The crunchy, green veggie is high in fiber, contains a long list of vitamins and minerals, and also has more protein than most other vegetables.

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Brady's favorite sweet treat is ice cream made with dates, avocados, and coconut water. It doesn't exactly sound appetizing on paper, but to DiGiovanni's surprise, it was actually delicious.

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1. Colin Kaepernick - The Trailblazer. Colin Kaepernick is perhaps one of the most well-known vegan NFL players. He adopted a vegan diet in 2015, citing ethical reasons and health benefits.

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Fifteen Tennessee Titans players have adopted a plant-based diet to improve their athletic performance. Vegan Chef Charity Morgan, who has more than 15 years experience and a culinary degree from Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts, provides food for the team.

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“After over 20 years of connecting plants and wellness, I'm proud to partner with Gaia Herbs.” Bündchen—who split from athlete Tom Brady last year—isn't fully vegan, but in the past, she has spoken out about how her diet consists of predominantly plant-based and organic foods.

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Her Diet Is Mostly but Not Entirely Plant-Based

About 80 percent of Bündchen's diet is plant-based, she writes in Nourish. But there were a few years where she was vegan or vegetarian, which she saw as a way to align her passion for animals and the environment with her eating habits.

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