Lemon Cream - mom makes dinner (2024)

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This lemon cream is similar to lemon curd but smoother and quite possibly more delicious.It’s made with 5 ingredients and is great pancakes, ice cream and even biscuits. Let me show to make this decadent lemon cream sauce.

Lemon Cream - mom makes dinner (1)

With the zest of a lemon, whipping cream, sugar, and other simple ingredients, this silky smooth lemon cream becomes a rich custard that tastes just like sunshine in your mouth. It’s sweet, tangy, and incredibly delicious.

What is lemon cream?

Lemon cream is a decadent lemony custard sauce. It’s similar to lemon curd, but smoother, and I think it’s more delicious. The consistency is a lot like yogurt: not too thick and not too runny, but deliciously creamy. Lemon cream can be used in a variety of different desserts as well as a spread on things like biscuits and toast.

Lemon cream ingredients

You only need 5 common ingredients (and ice for an ice bath) to make this creamy lemon sauce. You will need:

  • eggs
  • sugar
  • lemon zest
  • lemon juice
  • unsalted butter
  • heavy cream

Eggs– Allow the eggs to sit on the counter at room temperature for about 30-minutes.

Sugar– Use your measuring cup to scoop and pack the sugar tightly.

Lemon zest– You can use a vegetable peeler or knife to peel the top layer of the lemon’s skin.I use this zester for my lemon cream.

Lemon juice– You will need about 3 lemons to get the right amount of lemon juice for this recipe.

Butter– Be sure to use unsalted butter. Set the butter on the counter with the eggs to soften.

Heavy cream– If you don’t have heavy cream, you can make 1 cup by mixing ? cup whole milk and ? cup melted butter together.

Ice– You’ll need ice to make an ice bath for cooling and thickening the cream.

Uses for lemon cream

Lemon cream pairs well with a variety of desserts and is classically used as a cake, tart or pastry filling. Additionally, you can use it as a spread for biscuits, scones and bread. You can use it on your toast and ice cream, too! It would be delicious with the following:

  • on top of pancakes or waffles
  • over ice cream
  • on homemade biscuits
  • Banana Fosters Ice Cream
  • in crepes
  • Cranberry Orange Scones
  • used as a filling for desserts
  • Lemon Buttercream Sandwich Cookies– use the lemon cream instead.

It’s also great as a quick sweet treat right off the spoon.

Lemon Cream - mom makes dinner (3)

How to make lemon cream sauce

Lemon cream is super easy to make and so delicious. Follow the steps below to make a super creamy dessert sauce.

Step 1: Whisk eggs and sugar

First, whip together the eggs and sugar until they are a fluffy pale yellow.

Step 2: Add Lemon

Next, mix the lemon zest and the lemon juice into the egg mixture.

Step 3: Make a Double Boiler

To make a double boiler, grab two similar sized saucepans. Put a few inches of water in the bottom pan, set the other pan on top of it, and place the lemon mixture in it. Bring the bottom pan to a boil.

Step 4: Boil Lemon Mixture

Once your pans are placed on top of each other, cook the lemon mixture, whisking it often for about 10-minutes or until it thickens to a pudding consistency.

Step 5: Add the Butter and Ice Bath

Remove the lemon mixture from the heat, add the butter, and stir. Then, place the pan in an ice bath so that the lemon cream continues to thicken.

Step 6: Add Heavy Cream

After the mixture has cooled a bit, fold in the heavy cream. Whisk it until it is smoother.

Cool and Enjoy!

How Do You Thicken Lemon Cream?

The best way to thicken this cream is by placing it in the ice bath immediately after cooking. If it’s not thickened to your liking, you can add gelatin, flour, or cornstarch to thicken it. Only add a teaspoon at a time until it reaches your desired thickness.

Does Lemon Juice Curdle Cream?

No! In fact, it actually helps to thicken it. Lemon juice acidifies the cream which causes the proteins in the cream to clump, and then the fat from the cream and butter prevent it from clumping tightly. Thus, instead of curdling like milk, the mixture thickens.

What’s the Difference Between Lemon Cream and Lemon Curd?

The flavor of lemon cream and lemon curd is similar, however, the textures are very different. Additionally, lemon cream is made by adding the butter after the cooked eggs, juice and sugar have cooled whereas lemon curd everything is cooked together.

What is a double boiler?

A double boiler is a way to heat softer ingredients such as eggs so they don’t overcook or scramble. It is essential a pot of water on the bottom and a heat proof bowl or another pot on top. You can buy a double boiler, or you can easily make one with a saucepan and a heat proof glass bowl on top. You don’t need to fill the bottom with water, a few inches will do.

How much lemon cream does this recipe make?

This recipe yields a 1/2 pint jar of lemon cream.

See Also
Lemon Posset

How to Store Leftovers

You can use your cream immediately, but you can store any leftovers. Pour your lemon cream into an airtight container and place it in the refrigerator for up to 5-days.

Can I Freeze It?

I would not recommend freezing the lemon cream. This recipe uses heavy whipping cream which will separate when frozen. The texture and flavor would change.

Lemon Cream - mom makes dinner (10)


  • 2 large eggs
  • 1/2 cup of sugar
  • Zest of 1 small lemon
  • 1/3 cup of lemon juice (about 3 lemons)
  • ice for cooling
  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream


  • Whip together the eggs and sugar until light and fluffy and a pale yellow.
  • Mix in the lemon zest and the lemon juice.
  • Make a double boiler by placing two similar sized saucepans on top of each other. The bottom pan should have a few inches of water. Bring to a boil and place the saucepan with the lemon mixture on top.
  • Cook the lemon mixture, whisking often, until it starts to thicken and becomes pudding like. About 10 minutes.
  • Remove from heat. Mix in the butter and place the pan/bowl in an ice bath to allow the mixture to thicken.
  • When slightly cooled, fold in the heavy cream and whisk until smooth.
  • Allow to cool and enjoy!
  • Notes

    Can be used for up to 3 days if placed in the fridge.

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    Hey y'all!I'm Kelley. I'm a recipe making, picture taking, coffee drinking momma to 4 crazy kiddos. Join me as I share our family favorite dinners and my copycat coffee drinks too!

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    Lemon Cream - mom makes dinner (2024)


    What happens when you mix cream and lemon juice? ›

    Turns out, the acidity of the juice acts as a thickening agent, which reacts with the proteins in the dairy to increase the viscosity. It's a similar concept to adding vinegar to milk to make buttermilk, said Clark. Once combined, it was time for parm—18-month DOP Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese to be exact.

    Is lemon curd the same as lemon cream? ›

    Adding the butter after the cooked eggs, juice and sugar have cooled significantly is what sets lemon cream apart from lemon curd, in which everything is cooked together. The flavor is quite similar, but the textures of the two couldn't be less alike.

    What is the use of lemon cream? ›

    The lemon softens the skin. It also helps reduce freckles and age spots. 7 Days Magic Lemon Cream eliminates blackheads. Lemon removes grime and dirt resulting in supple and smooth skin.

    How to make lemon cream without curdling? ›

    You don't want the cream to be boiling, just a very gentle simmer at all times. Add the lemon juice last. Lemon juice can curdle cream, I have never had that happen to me as I add it right at the end with the pasta. Also it shouldn't happen if your cream is neither too hot or too cold.

    What should you not mix with lemon juice? ›

    #3 Highly spicy foods

    However, since lemon is acidic in nature, it can intensify the heat of spicy foods, and cause digestive discomfort. Additionally, the acidic nature of lemon can make these spicy dishes taste even spicier and tangy, which can make eating these dishes extremely uncomfortable for you.

    Can I mix lemon juice with heavy cream? ›

    Homemade sour cream requires just two ingredients: heavy cream and an acid, like freshly squeezed lemon juice or distilled white vinegar. I like to use a ratio of 1 cup cream to 1 tablespoon lemon juice or vinegar. Combine heavy cream and lemon juice (or vinegar) in a clean glass jar and stir with a clean spoon.

    Is it OK to eat lemon with curd? ›

    Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, and grapefruits are highly acidic. Combining them with curd can disturb the stomach's pH balance, potentially leading to digestive discomfort or acidity for some individuals.

    Does lemon curd go bad? ›

    Plan to use canned lemon curd within 3–4 months.

    Can you buy lemon curd in the grocery store? ›

    It's kept in jars and sold in the jam aisle of the supermarket. Yet technically, lemon curd is more of a thick custard than a traditional preserve.

    How long does lemon cream last in the fridge? ›

    Lemon curd will keep in your refrigerator for up to a month according to the National Center for Home Food Preservation. You can also store it in the freezer for up to 1 year. To thaw, transfer your curd from the freezer to the fridge 24 hours before you need it.

    How good is lemon cream? ›

    Lemon fresh cream is a skin care product with a handful of benefits including protection against sunburn, removal of dark skin patches and control of acne.

    What does lemon creme taste like? ›

    Lemon Cream is a revelation. A bowl of lemon clouds, tinged with salt and lemon, creamy and light as winter sunshine over the ocean. You might call it a savory whipped cream, but to do so diminishes the mystery.

    Why is my lemon curd not thick enough? ›

    Why is my lemon curd not thickening? Make sure to cook the curd until thickened and bubbling. Stir it frequently with a rubber spatula or whisk to make sure it doesn't get lumpy. Once it's cooked, add cold butter and stir until it melts and becomes smooth.

    Can you reheat lemon cream sauce? ›

    Leftover lemon cream sauce can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. To reheat, gently warm on the stove, adding a bit of broth or water to maintain consistency if needed.

    Can you eat curdled cream? ›

    Whether you've added too much acid or turned the temperature too high, the proteins within the cream have decided to separate from the sauce and cling together, forming the clumps you see in the sauce. Despite how they look, a curdled cream sauce is completely edible, so you won't get sick from eating it.

    Can I put lemon juice in my cream? ›

    If you still insist on using lemon juice in your skincare routine, it is best to dilute it before use. Direct application of lemon juice to your skin can result in skin irritation and even skin burns.

    Is it OK to mix milk and lemon juice? ›

    How well lemon and milk complement each other in terms of pure flavor might be a matter of personal preference, but combining fresh citrus and dairy will most likely leave you with a cup full of curdled milk and disappointment.

    What happens when you mix milk and lemon juice? ›

    Adding lemon juice to warm milk causes a chemical change known as curdling, where the milk proteins denature and coagulate. This is different from a physical change, which only affects the physical properties of a substance without forming new substances.

    What happens when you add lemon to sour cream? ›

    This homemade sour cream is creamier, has a richer flavor, and isn't quite as tangy. That's an easy fix though — just stir in a teaspoonful of lemon juice if you prefer a tangier version.

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