Lactose-free vs. Dairy-free - the differences, explained! (2024)

First up, what does lactose free mean? Lactose is a type of sugar in milk made up of two molecules, glucose and galactose. It’s found in cow’s milk as well as sheep’s and goat's. In order for our body’s to break down lactose and make it easy to digest, we need to have the enzyme lactase in our small intestine. Unfortunately, up to 65% of the world’s population is missing this enzyme! (1). If you do not have the lactose enzyme, then you may experience digestive symptoms like gas, bloating, cramping or diarrhea. So, when a product says that it is lactose free, it usually means that it is still a dairy product (i.e. cow’s milk), but that it has the enzyme lactase added to the product. Lactose-free dairy products may include milk, cream cheese, sour cream, yogurt, kefir and butter.

Dairy free is just that, it’s a product that is free from dairy! The product does not contain any milk or milk products from cows, sheep or goats. A person that follows a dairy free diet may still eat other animal products (like poultry, beef or fish) but they do not consume any dairy based milk products. Dairy free products are typically made from plants like nuts (almond, cashew), seeds (flax or hemp), legumes (soy or pea), fruit (coconut) or oats. They can include products similar to lactose free milk products, just made with a dairy free alternative.

Nutritional comparison

There are many reasons to follow a lactose free or dairy free diet, but we’re first going to look at the nutritional differences.

Lactose-free milk has the same nutritional value of regular cow’s milk, just with the addition of the lactase enzyme.One cup of lactose free milk is rich in protein, calcium and other nutrients. It’s also a great source of minerals like phosphorus (important for the health of your bones and teeth) and B vitamins (energy production). There are a plethora of dairy free products on the market, so we’re going to compare the most popular and commonly used: almond milk. Dairy free almond milk is a great source of calcium, but most of it has been added to the product. It’s also low in calories and fat, which may be beneficial in weight loss or cardiovascular diets. However, it’s very low in protein and not necesarilly nutritionally balanced.

Next up is lactose free cream cheese! Green Valley Lactose Free Cream Cheese is simple and creamy. It contains only four ingredients: cultured cream, salt, lactase and live & active cultures. There are dairy free cream cheese products on the market, like this one made from almond milk. Compared to lactose free cream cheese, it has more than double the ingredients. The nutritional breakdown comparing the two is pretty similar, but the taste is not. The fat from lactose free cream cheese has a preferable mouth feel compared to dairy free cream cheese that requires various gums to create texture.

Lactose-free vs. Dairy-free - the differences, explained! (1)

Lactose-free dairy and dairy-free yogurts are two other popular products that many people consume daily. Nutritionally, many people eat yogurt for the probiotic benefits, calcium and/or high protein content. Below is a nutritional breakdown of Green Valley Lactose Free Organic Plain Lowfat Yogurt vs. Silk’s Plain Almondmilk Dairy Free Alternative

Lactose-free vs. Dairy-free - the differences, explained! (2)

While both yogurts contain probiotics (as live active cultures), the lactose free yogurt contains double the amount of calcium compared to the almond milk yogurt. Lactose free yogurt also contains more protein compared to it’s dairy free alternative.

Diets & Medical Conditions

There are various medical conditions and subsequent diets that may require a lactose free or dairy free approach. It’s important to take into consideration your overall nutritional needs as well as the benefits and detriments of every individual’s choice.

The types of medical conditions and/or diets that include lactose free are:

  • Lactose intolerance:
    • This affects about 65% of the world’s population due to a lack of the enzyme lactase. In order to avoid digestive symptoms like gas, bloating and diarrhea caused by lactose intolerance, it’s recommended to choose lactose free dairy products that contain the enzyme lactase.

  • Low FODMAP for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS):
    • A Low FODMAP Diet is not a dairy free diet, but it is very low on lactose. While some cheese may be tolerated due to their low lactose content, other lactose free dairy products may be consumed. These include items like milk, yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese and sour cream (2).

  • Digestive disorders like Crohn’s or Celiac’s disease:
    • Crohn’s disease and Celiac’s disease are located in the small intestine, where the lactase enzyme is produced. If you are newly diagnosed with Celiac’s disease, you may be temporarily unable to tolerate lactose until your small intestine has healed. People with Crohn’s disease often find that a lactose free diet helps with symptom management (3)

  • Post intestinal surgery:
    • Any surgery where part of the intestines is removed may require temporary lactose intolerance. This may be because your small intestine has decreased lactase production after your illness/surgery or because part of the small intestine was removed.

  • Chemotherapy/Radiation:
    • When you undergo chemo or radiation therapy, you may develop digestive issues that may reduce the ability to process lactose. This then requires a lactose free diet. One way to still get in adequate calories or protein is choosing lactose free products like cottage cheese, yogurt or milk.

The types of medical conditions or diets that may require dairy free are:

  • Vegan:
    • Those that follow a vegan diet may do so for health benefits or ethical beliefs. Vegans do not consume animal products of any kind (including dairy).

  • Ovo-Vegetarian:
    • There are various types of vegetarian diets that people follow. One such diet is Ovo-vegetarians, who do not consume any dairy products or meat, but still consume eggs.

  • Paleo, Whole30:
    • The Paleo and Whole30 diet programs are focused around consuming fruits,vegetables, animal protein (like chicken, beef or fish), nuts and seeds. They avoid whole grains and dairy products.

  • Food allergy to milk protein
    • A milk allergy is different from lactose intolerance. When someone has a milk protein allergy, their body’s immune system has an abnormal response to dairy and dairy products. Symptoms of a milk protein allergy may include digestive issues as well as hives, wheezing or anaphylaxis/

  • Cultural or religious preferences:

Pros and Cons: Lactose Free

There are both pros and cons to consuming a lactose free diet. The pros are that it allows for less restriction in your overall diet and may allow you to get in more protein and calcium compared to dairy free. Lactose free dairy is easier to digest, especially if you have lactose intolerance or another digestive issue. It is also a more ideal form of nutrition for those with other food allergies (nut, seed or legumes). The biggest con of a lactose free diet is that it is not appropriate for milk protein allergies or for those with other dietary restrictions due to cultural/religious beliefs.

Pros and Cons: Dairy Free

The benefits of a dairy free diet are both nutritional and cultural. Nutritionally, it may provide more plant diversity. Cultures and religions that are dairy free have more options now than ever before in regards to dairy free alternatives. The cons of dairy free are that it may be more difficult to meet your nutritional needs depending on the type of dairy free product you choose. Dairy free products often contain less protein, calories and/or calcium compared to their lactose free alternatives. Dairy free is also not the ideal choice if you have various other allergies (like nuts, soy or seeds). Unfortunately some dairy free products are still processed in facilities that also process dairy, which may put those with dairy allergies at risk. In those with Celiac’s disease, they need to be careful with Oat milk based products as there are often risks of gluten exposure. Finally, the consistency of dairy free products can be difficult to match that of lactose free dairy. Brands may then try to adjust the product to include more fat, sugar or gums to make it more palatable.

We hope that you have better insight into what the differences are between lactose free and dairy free diets. It’s important to think about your unique situation when choosing lactose free or dairy free. This includes your nutritional needs and/or goals, possible digestive issues as well as likes and preferences!

About the Author: Liz McMahon is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with a Master’s in Public Health Nutrition. She runs a virtual nutrition consulting practice that focuses on gut health and her speciality is IBS and the Low FODMAP diet.


  1. Lactose intolerance: MedlinePlus Genetics. (2020, August 18). Retrieved May 05, 2021, from

  2. High and low FODMAP foods. FODMAP food list | Monash FODMAP - Monash Fodmap. (n.d.).;

  3. von Tirpitz C, Kohn C, Steinkamp M, Geerling I, Maier V, Möller P, Adler G, Reinshagen M. Lactose intolerance in active Crohn's disease: clinical value of duodenal lactase analysis. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2002 Jan;34(1):49-53. doi: 10.1097/00004836-200201000-00009. PMID: 11743245.

As a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with a Master's in Public Health Nutrition, I have extensive expertise in the field of nutrition, particularly in areas related to gut health, digestive disorders, and specialized diets. My knowledge is grounded in both academic training and practical experience, and I continually stay updated on the latest research and developments in the field.

Now, let's delve into the concepts discussed in the article about lactose-free and dairy-free diets:


  1. Lactose Definition: Lactose is a sugar in milk composed of glucose and galactose.
  2. Lactase Enzyme: The enzyme lactase is essential for breaking down lactose in the small intestine.
  3. Prevalence of Lactase Deficiency: Up to 65% of the world's population lacks the lactase enzyme.
  4. Digestive Symptoms: Without lactase, individuals may experience gas, bloating, cramping, or diarrhea.
  5. Lactose-Free Products: These products still contain dairy (e.g., cow's milk) but have added lactase to aid digestion.
  6. Examples: Lactose-free dairy products include milk, cream cheese, sour cream, yogurt, kefir, and butter.


  1. Definition: Dairy-free means a product contains no milk or milk products from cows, sheep, or goats.
  2. Plant-Based Alternatives: Dairy-free products are often made from plants like nuts (almond, cashew), seeds (flax or hemp), legumes (soy or pea), fruit (coconut), or oats.
  3. Examples: Dairy-free alternatives include almond milk, which lacks dairy but may have added calcium.

Nutritional Comparison:

  1. Lactose-Free Milk: Retains the nutritional value of regular cow's milk but includes the lactase enzyme.
  2. Protein, Calcium, and B Vitamins: Lactose-free milk is rich in protein, calcium, phosphorus, and B vitamins.
  3. Dairy-Free Almond Milk: Lower in calories and fat, but lacks protein; calcium is often added.

Specific Product Comparisons:

  1. Lactose-Free Cream Cheese: Contains cultured cream, salt, lactase, and live cultures; compared to almond milk-based cream cheese with more ingredients.
  2. Lactose-Free vs. Dairy-Free Yogurts: Nutritional breakdown of Green Valley Lactose-Free Organic Plain Lowfat Yogurt vs. Silk's Plain Almondmilk Dairy-Free Alternative, highlighting differences in calcium and protein content.

Diets & Medical Conditions:

  1. Lactose Intolerance: Affects 65% of the world's population; lactose-free products are recommended.
  2. Low FODMAP for IBS: Not dairy-free, but low in lactose; some lactose-free dairy products may be consumed.
  3. Digestive Disorders (Crohn's, Celiac's): Lactose-free diet may aid symptom management post-intestinal surgery or during chemotherapy/radiation.
  4. Dairy-Free Diets: Vegan, Ovo-Vegetarian, Paleo, Whole30, Food Allergy to Milk Protein, Cultural or Religious Preferences.

Pros and Cons: Lactose-Free:

  1. Pros: Less dietary restriction, easier digestion, suitable for lactose intolerance or other digestive issues.
  2. Cons: Not suitable for milk protein allergies or certain dietary restrictions (e.g., cultural or religious).

Pros and Cons: Dairy-Free:

  1. Pros: More plant diversity, suitable for cultural or religious preferences.
  2. Cons: Challenges in meeting nutritional needs, potential allergen exposure, processing in facilities with dairy.

In summary, the article provides a comprehensive overview of lactose-free and dairy-free diets, addressing nutritional aspects, specific product comparisons, and considerations for various medical conditions and diets. The information is presented in a clear and informed manner, reflecting a depth of knowledge in the field of nutrition.

Lactose-free vs. Dairy-free - the differences, explained! (2024)


Lactose-free vs. Dairy-free - the differences, explained!? ›

Lactose-free is not the same as dairy-free. The main difference between the two is that lactose-free products can be made from real dairy milk while dairy-free products are made from plant sources such as nuts and grains. While all dairy-free products are lactose-free, not all lactose-free products are dairy-free.

What is the difference between lactose free and dairy-free? ›

In fact, in a single cup of milk, there are about 12 grams of lactose, depending on the type of milk. By understanding that lactose is an ingredient found inside dairy milk, it's easy to see the key differences. Dairy-free simply means no milk or milk products while lactose-free means milk without lactose.

What is the difference between lactose free and dairy-free formula? ›

Is lactose-free formula dairy-free? Unless the formula you choose is soy formula, lactose-free formula is made with cow's milk. It is not dairy-free, but the cow's milk is processed to remove the lactose.

Is there a taste difference between regular and lactose free dairy products Why? ›

Glucose and galactose are other types of sugar, which after adding lactase enzymes will now occur in the milk. Compared to lactose, glucose and galactose have a much sweeter taste. After going through this process, lactose free milk will therefore taste, to be exact, 3.2 times sweeter than regular milk.

What are the disadvantages of lactose-free milk? ›

Still a Dairy Product: People with a dairy allergy who consume lactose-free milk may experience allergic symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and digestive pain. Additionally, because it is manufactured using cow's milk, it is improper for those who follow a vegan diet.

Are eggs considered dairy for lactose intolerance? ›

Did you know…? Eggs are still a part of a dairy-free diet. Even though they are found in the dairy section of the grocery store, eggs do not contain milk sugar and milk proteins. Eggs are safe to eat in a milk-free diet.

Are eggs considered dairy? ›

So you can see that in reality, eggs are not considered dairy products. They are classified as poultry products and are a separate food group from dairy. We do keep them together and often even mix them together when we eat – think of milk and scrambled eggs, cake with butter and milk, or even cheesy eggs.

Does lactose-free milk taste different than milk? ›

The main difference between regular milk and lactose-free milk tends to be the taste; generally, lactose-free milk tastes sweeter than regular milk because of the added lactase ingredient. For those who aren't keen on sweetness, then, it may be best to drink a non-dairy lactose-free milk, such as soy or almond milk.

Is lactose-free milk worth it? ›

If you value the nutritional benefits of cow's milk that's high in calcium for strong bones, high in protein to aid in muscle recovery, high in vitamins A, D and B12 as well as vital minerals like phosphorus for general wellbeing, then lactose free cow's milk is the perfect choice for you.

Which lactose-free milk taste like milk? ›

It makes lactose free milk taste like some other product entirely. But Fairlife has cracked the code. Their lactose free milk is totally indistinguishable from regular milk. It's so creamy and flavorful.

How do I know if I'm lactose intolerant or dairy intolerant? ›

People who are lactose intolerant have unpleasant symptoms after eating or drinking milk or milk products. These symptoms include bloating, diarrhea and gas. Lactose intolerance is not the same thing as having a food allergy to milk.

Is lactose and dairy the same thing? ›

Lactose is the name of the naturally occurring sugar in dairy. This lactose sugar is what can be poorly digested in the intestines for people who are sensitive to lactose. Lactose can be poorly digested in some people because they may not have sufficient amounts of the enzyme lactase being produced in their body.

Is lactose-free milk OK for dairy intolerance? ›

Lactose-free milk is made by adding lactase to regular milk, breaking down lactose into simple sugars that are easier to digest. Though it's slightly sweeter, it can be a good alternative for people with lactose intolerance. Still, it's unsuitable for people with dairy allergy or those avoiding dairy for other reasons.

Do all dairy products have lactose? ›

The amount of lactose in dairy foods varies between products, ranging from 15g in a cup of milk to virtually zero in hard or mature cheeses. When it comes to dairy foods, most of them have a natural sugar called lactose. But here's the good news: there are some dairy foods that have very little or no lactose at all.

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