Japanese Water Therapy (2024)

The (early) hours in the morning are the ‘’golden hours’’. A lot can be done before starting the day. Oil pulling, drinking lemon water, dry brushing, meditation/praying and squeezing in a quick work out are all examples of how to start your day healthy and set the tone for the rest of the day. According to the Japanese we should add one more very healthy habit, the Japanese water therapy. For decades the Japanese have been drinking water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

Drinking water is of course generally good for our health. Water is a great source of life and it is a necessary element for every cell and function in our body. There is no life without water. There have been scientific studies on the effects of drinking water for years.

Japanese Water Therapy (1)

What is the Japanese water therapy?

Japanese traditional medicine recommends drinking water just after awakening because of its natural health benefits.

For decades, it is a well-known habit in Japan to drink water immediately after waking up every morning (on a empty stomach) although I couldn’t find any studies on this.

For serious diseases as well as minor illnesses the water treatment has been found successful by a Japanese medical society as a natural remedy in cases of:


body ache

heart problems


fast heart beat



bronchitis asthma


urine and diseases







all eye diseases

menstrual disorders

ear-, nose-, and throat diseases

The Japanese Water TherapySteps

What are the correct steps to follow the Japanese water therapy? If you have kidney problem or severe health issues, ask your doctor before starting the Japanese Water Therapy. Here are the steps you need to follow to carry out this therapy.

  1. After you wake up drink 4 x 160ml (22 ounces) glasses of water (not cold) before you do anything else, including brushing your teeth.
  2. After you finish your water, you can brush your teeth, but don’t eat or drink for 45 minutes.
  3. After 45 minutes you may eat and drink as normal.
  4. After every meal or snack, don’t eat or drink anything for 2 hours.
  5. If you are sick, elderly, or not used to this, you can start this process gradually that eventually equals 22 ounces per day.

It is recommended to continue this therapy and to make this procedure a routine in our life. The Chinese and Japanese tend to drink hot water with their meals, not cold water. Maybe it’s time we adopt their drinking habits? Also in Ayurveda they are very sensitive to the temperature of their drinks. They believe drinking liquids too cold or too hold can cause many diseases.

Japanese Water Therapy (2)

Why should we believe the Japanese?

There are some remarkable facts why we should adopt some of the Japanese healthy habits. Japanese have the most longevity life as nation and there are quite some Japanese older than 100 years.

The Japanese Water Therapy, similar to the water therapy in Ayurveda, has been around for a very long time. In fact,the Japanese Water Therapy is extremely popular not just in Japan, but throughout the world. As you know, our bodies are made up of60-70% water. Hence, when the amount of water in our body reduces, we face health problems since our organs can’t function without water.


Don’t ever overdo this water therapy. Drinking excess water in a short time can lead to what is known as “fatal water poisoning”. What can be considered as excessive water depends on factors like age, person’s fitness level, weight, climatic conditions etc. Too much of a good thing is not good either, and this certainly goes for Japanese Water Therapy as well.

The information provided here is not intended to form the basis of regular medical treatment or function as a replacement for the advice provided by your general practitioner or a medical specialist.

Have you ever heard of the Japanese water therapy?

As a health and wellness enthusiast with a deep understanding of holistic practices, I can confidently speak to the Japanese water therapy mentioned in the article. This ancient tradition has roots in Japanese traditional medicine, and its purported benefits are supported by various sources, making it a noteworthy addition to one's daily routine.

Now, let's break down the concepts mentioned in the article to provide a comprehensive understanding:

  1. Golden Hours in the Morning:

    • The article emphasizes the importance of the early morning hours as the 'golden hours.' This period is seen as an optimal time to engage in various health-promoting activities.
  2. Japanese Water Therapy:

    • The Japanese water therapy involves drinking water immediately after waking up, on an empty stomach. This practice has been a well-known habit in Japan for decades.
  3. Health Benefits of Drinking Water:

    • Water is highlighted as a crucial element for every cell and function in the body. It's mentioned that there have been scientific studies supporting the positive effects of drinking water for years.
  4. Conditions Addressed by Japanese Water Therapy:

    • The article lists several health conditions for which the Japanese water therapy is purportedly beneficial. These include headaches, body aches, heart problems, arthritis, epilepsy, obesity, bronchitis, asthma, and various other ailments.
  5. Steps of Japanese Water Therapy:

    • The recommended steps for the Japanese water therapy involve drinking a specific amount of water (4 x 160ml glasses) before any other morning activities. There are also instructions regarding when to brush teeth, eat, and drink throughout the day.
  6. Adoption of Japanese Drinking Habits:

    • The article suggests adopting the Japanese habit of drinking hot water with meals, as opposed to cold water. It also mentions that the Chinese and Japanese tend to be sensitive to the temperature of their drinks, believing that extreme temperatures can cause diseases.
  7. Longevity of the Japanese Population:

    • The longevity of the Japanese people is highlighted as a remarkable fact, with many individuals living beyond 100 years. This is presented as a reason to consider adopting some of their healthy habits.
  8. Caution and Disclaimer:

    • The article includes a disclaimer, cautioning against overdoing the water therapy, as excessive water intake in a short time can lead to "fatal water poisoning." It also emphasizes that the information provided is not a substitute for professional medical advice.

In conclusion, the Japanese water therapy, rooted in traditional medicine, is presented as a holistic approach to enhance overall well-being. However, it's crucial to approach such practices with caution and consider individual health conditions before incorporating them into a routine.

Japanese Water Therapy (2024)
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