Is Fatty Liver Dangerous? 6 Myths About Fatty Liver (2024)

Last updated on 5 January 2022

Unlike the tummy, intestines, heart or lungs, not many people know what the liver really does. Here, we reveal the truth behind some common myths.

What does the liver do?

Think of your liver as a factory. It controls everything from production and processing to storage and elimination, performing over 500 important tasks and kick-starting several thousand chemical reactions every day.

Among its main functions are converting the nutrients from our food into energy, producing the proteins and antibodies our body needs, and storing these substances until your body is ready to use them.

Dr Lui Hock Foong, gastroenterologist at Gleneagles Hospital, breaks down the most persistent myths about this condition and shares the facts you really do need to know.

If you’ve concerns about your liver, don’t hesitate to speak to a specialist.

Myth 1: Fatty liver isn’t dangerous

Is Fatty Liver Dangerous? 6 Myths About Fatty Liver (1)
Fatty liver, as the name suggests, refers to a build-up of fat in the liver. While a healthy liver contains small amounts of fat, a build-up of fat amounting to more than anything over 5% of your liver’s weight can lead to fatty liver disease.

Many people with fatty liver don’t even know they have the condition. Sometimes, it causes no problems at all. But that doesn’t mean you should ignore it. Why? This is because a build-up of fat damages your liver cells and causes inflammation.

Your liver is the only organ in your body that can regenerate itself by replacing old, damaged cells with new ones. As your liver struggles to get rid of the fat, scar tissue builds up, making it difficult for your liver to transport nutrients around the body and increasing pressure in the surrounding veins.

In time, fatty liver can increase your risk of more serious conditions including cirrhosis (scarring of the liver), liver disease and liver cancer.

Liver cirrhosis

Liver cirrhosis may be attributed to a variety of causes including chronic alcohol abuse, chronic viral hepatitis, accumulation of fat in the liver, and iron build-up in the body. It may also be caused by some medical conditions such as cystic fibrosis, biliary atresia, and certain genetic disorders.

Symptoms of liver cirrhosis

Signs and symptoms of liver cirrhosis are often only manifested when liver damage is extensive. These include:

  • Fatigue
  • Easily bleeding or bruising
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea
  • Swelling of legs, feet or ankles
  • Weight loss
  • Itchy skin
  • Yellowing of skin and eyes
  • Accumulation of fluid in the abdomen
  • Spiderlike blood vessels on the skin
  • Redness in the palms of the hands

Potential complications from liver cirrhosis include bruising, bleeding, kidney failure, liver cancer, diabetes and eventually, liver failure.

Liver cancer

There are different types of liver cancer, with the most common being hepatocellular carcinoma, while other forms are rare.

Liver cancer can develop from chronic hepatitis infections or liver cirrhosis, or you may have underlying health conditions that increase your risk for developing liver cancer such as diabetes or inherited liver diseases. Other risk factors include exposure to certain toxins and excessive consumption of alcohol.

Symptoms of liver cancer

Early stages of liver cancer usually do not result in symptoms. However, in its later stages, symptoms may include:

  • Unintentional weight loss
  • Loss of appetite
  • Pain and/or swelling in the upper abdomen
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • White, chalky stools
  • Yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes
  • Weakness and fatigue

Myth 2: Alcohol is the main cause of fatty liver

Is Fatty Liver Dangerous? 6 Myths About Fatty Liver (2)
There are several factors that contribute to fatty liver, and excessive alcohol consumption is only one of them. Whether you feel dependent on alcohol or not, drinking anything over the recommended ‘safe limit’ may put your body at risk of fatty liver.

“The safe limit for men and women is 14 units of alcohol per week,” clarifies Dr Lui. “A unit of alcohol corresponds to 1 small glass of wine (125ml), 1 shot of hard liquor or half a pint of beer.”

Causes of fatty liver

While overconsumption of alcohol can cause fatty liver, other non-alcoholic factors may also put you at risk of developing the condition.

These include:

  • A high-fat, high-sugar diet. If you are overweight or have diabetes, your risk of developing fatty liver is more than 30%.
  • Family history of fatty liver
  • Rapid weight loss
  • Taking certain medications regularly, such as steroids

What is non-alcoholic steatohepatitis?

Non-alcoholic fatty liver sometimes develops when the liver naturally struggles to break down fats, which can lead to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), or swelling of the liver.

NASH is a form of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in which inflammation of the liver (hepatitis) and liver cell damage are present in addition to fat in the liver. People with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease are more likely to have NASH if they have one or more of the following conditions:

  • Obesity, especially large waist size
  • High blood pressure
  • High levels of triglycerides or abnormal levels of cholesterol in the blood
  • Type 2 diabetes

Symptoms of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (liver inflammation):

NASH is often a silent disease with few or no symptoms. If symptoms are present, they may manifest as feeling tired or having discomfort at the upper right side of the abdomen. Left untreated, NASH can lead to complications, such as liver cirrhosis or cancer.

Myth 3: Drinking hard liquor is worse than drinking beer or wine

Is Fatty Liver Dangerous? 6 Myths About Fatty Liver (3)
Contrary to popular belief, the type of alcohol you drink doesn’t make a difference – what matters is how much you drink.

“The safe limit is fixed at 14 units a week,” explains Dr Lui. “Below this limit, alcoholic fatty liver is less likely to occur. If you regularly go above this limit, you are more likely to do yourself harm.”

Binge or heavy drinkers are more likely to have an increased risk of liver damage caused by alcohol.

Myth 4: Fatty liver disease is a rare condition

Is Fatty Liver Dangerous? 6 Myths About Fatty Liver (4)
Unfortunately, fatty liver is becoming more and more common worldwide. Unhealthy diets, binge drinking culture and a higher rate of obesity in many countries may be contributing factors for this.

“The new epidemic of liver disease is fatty liver,” says Dr Lui.

“About 25 – 30% of the general population may have fatty liver, and of these, around 15% have the more serious type that can lead to cirrhosis and cancer.

“Fatty liver is still less common in Singapore than in other countries, perhaps because alcohol is more expensive here, but that doesn’t mean we should ignore the risks. In the USA, fatty liver is now the second most common reason, and will soon become the most common reason, for liver transplantation. We need to be thinking about our lifestyles and diets so that we can prevent something similar happening here.”

As fatty liver disease is more common than you think, it is important to adjust your lifestyle habits to reduce your risk of developing the condition.

Myth 5: Fatty liver disease cannot be reversed

Is Fatty Liver Dangerous? 6 Myths About Fatty Liver (5)
Although there is currently no medication to treat fatty liver, certain lifestyle changes can prevent it from getting worse and even reverse the condition.

As fatty liver is associated with certain health conditions such as diabetes and high cholesterol, getting the right treatment to manage these conditions, avoiding alcohol and keeping to a healthy weight can help to reduce further damage.

Lifestyle changes to reduce the risk of fatty liver:

  1. Avoid alcohol as it puts extra stress on the liver
  2. Reduce your sugar intake
  3. Cut out fatty foods and go for a healthy plant-based diet to keep your cholesterol and triglycerides at healthy levels
  4. Exercise regularly
  5. Maintain a healthy weight
  6. Monitor your blood sugar levels

If you are overweight or obese, try to lose weight by reducing the number of calories you consume each day and increasing your physical activity.

“Eating a healthy diet with plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean meats like chicken and fish can make a big difference in managing the condition,” says Dr Lui.

Myth 6: Women are more likely to develop fatty liver

Is Fatty Liver Dangerous? 6 Myths About Fatty Liver (6)
Last but not least, both men and women are equally susceptible to developing fatty liver disease.

“While this was thought to be the case in the past, present studies point to equal risk for both men and women,” clarifies Dr Lui.

Therefore, it is essential to manage your lifestyle and eating habits regardless of your gender.

If you’re concerned about your risk of fatty liver or want more lifestyle tips to maintain good liver health, speak to a gastroenterologist.

Article contributed by Dr Lui Hock Foong, gastroenterologist at Gleneagles Hospital


(10 August 2017) Fatty Liver (Hepatic Steatosis). Retrieved 6 July 2018 from

(2 March 2018). What Does the Liver Do? Retrieved 6 July 2018 from

Cirrhosis (7 December 2018) Retrieved 21 September 2020, from

(n.d.) Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease & NASH. Retrieved 21 September 2020, from

(29 August 2019) Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Retrieved 21 September 2020, from

(18 May 2021) Liver cancer. Retrieved 29 November 2021 from

(18 May 2021) Liver cancer. Retrieved 29 November 2021 from

(31 July 2020) Fatty Liver Disease. Retrieved 29 November 2021 from

(31 July 2020) Fatty Liver Disease. Retrieved 15 December 2021 from

Is Fatty Liver Dangerous? 6 Myths About Fatty Liver (2024)


Is a fatty liver dangerous? ›

Early-stage NAFLD does not usually cause any harm, but it can lead to serious liver damage, including cirrhosis, if it gets worse. Having high levels of fat in your liver is also associated with an increased risk of serious health problems, such as diabetes, high blood pressure and kidney disease.

Is fatty liver something to worry about? ›

Fatty liver disease is a condition to be serious about. If you are diagnosed, it is important to make lifestyle choices that will prevent the disease from progressing. Without following a healthy diet the disease will progress over time, ultimately resulting in severe liver disease.

Which type of fatty liver is dangerous? ›

Some individuals with NAFLD can develop nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), an aggressive form of fatty liver disease, which is marked by liver inflammation and may progress to advanced scarring (cirrhosis) and liver failure. This damage is similar to the damage caused by heavy alcohol use.

Can a fatty liver get better? ›

It can lead to much more serious conditions including cirrhosis and liver failure.” The good news is that fatty liver disease can be reversed—and even cured—if patients take action, including a 10% sustained loss in body weight.

Can you live a long life with a fatty liver? ›

You may live the rest of your natural life without having any complications from it. It becomes more complicated for a small percentage of people when it turns to steatohepatitis (NASH), and especially when NASH progresses to cirrhosis. Research suggests that NAFLD overall may lower life expectancy by four years.

What is the main cause of a fatty liver? ›

Causes of fatty liver disease. Eating excess calories causes fat to build up in the liver. When the liver does not process and break down fats as it normally should, too much fat will accumulate. People tend to develop fatty liver if they have certain other conditions, such as obesity, diabetes or high triglycerides.

How long can you have a fatty liver for? ›

Patients can live for many years with NAFLD, but many – about 30% – eventually end up with an inflamed liver or NASH (non-alcoholic steatohepatitis), and scarring. Of these, about 20% will develop end-stage cirrhosis, which can lead to liver failure and cancer.

Can stress cause fatty liver? ›

Also known as hepatic steatosis, the research shows that brain ER stress can cause the disease independent of changes in body weight, food intake, and other factors. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease impairs normal liver function and is linked to other diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

What should you not do if you have a fatty liver? ›

Fatty Liver Foods to Avoid
  • Poultry, except for lean white meat.
  • Full-fat cheese.
  • Yogurt, except low-fat.
  • Red meat.
  • Baked goods and fried foods made with palm or coconut oils.
  • Sugary items like candy, regular soda, and other foods with added sugars including high-fructose corn syrup.

Which fruit is best for liver? ›

Fill your fruit basket with apples, grapes and citrus fruits like oranges and lemons, which are proven to be liver-friendly fruits. Consume grapes as it is, in the form of a grape juice or supplement your diet with grape seed extracts to increase antioxidant levels in your body and protect your liver from toxins.

Does liver affect face? ›

Many skin conditions – from acne to eczema to psoriasis – can be linked to poor liver function. A tired, overworked liver can lead to dry, itchy skin, acne, and a dull complexion.

What are the 3 signs of a fatty liver? ›

Early Signs of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)
  • Weight in your belly. Those who are overweight are at an increased risk of NAFLD. ...
  • Raised cholesterol. ...
  • High blood pressure. ...
  • Pain in the upper right abdomen. ...
  • Constant Tiredness / Fatigue. ...
  • Binge eating.
27 Jul 2020

What is the fastest way to cure a fatty liver? ›

Research suggests that losing weight is the single best thing you can do to control or reverse NAFLD. A good goal is to lose 10% of your total body weight, but even a loss of 3% to 5% can improve your liver health.
Options can include:
  1. Diet.
  2. Exercise.
  3. Weight loss surgery.
  4. Weight loss medication.

How long does fatty liver take to repair? ›

If you stop drinking, fatty liver disease is completely reversible. The time it takes to reverse fatty liver depends on other factors like your weight and diet. But generally, healthy people with a good diet can recover from alcoholic fatty liver disease within six weeks of alcohol abstinence.

What medications should I avoid with a fatty liver? ›

Medications commonly implicated in causing fatty liver include corticosteroids, antidepressant and antipsychotic medications and, most commonly, tamoxifen.

How long does it take a fatty liver to turn into cirrhosis? ›

Patients with alcoholic fatty liver disease who continue to consume large amounts of alcohol daily have been found to have a risk of 8–30% of developing fibrosis or cirrhosis after 10 years.

What are the stages of fatty liver? ›

There are four stages of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD).
  • Simple fatty liver or steatosis.
  • Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)
  • Fibrosis.
  • Cirrhosis.
27 Jul 2020

Where do you feel liver pain? ›

Pain in your liver itself can feel like a dull throbbing pain or a stabbing sensation in your right upper abdomen just under your ribs. General abdominal pain and discomfort can also be related to swelling from fluid retention and enlargement of your spleen and liver caused by cirrhosis.

Does anger cause a fatty liver? ›

AGE-RAGE interaction contributes to fat accumulation in the liver leading to inflammation, fibrosis, insulin resistance, and other complications of the fatty liver disease. The immune system, especially macrophages, has an important defense mechanism against RAGE pathway activities. Conclusion.

What percent of people have fatty liver? ›

In the United States, the prevalence of fatty liver disease ranges from 10-46% percent, and liver biopsy based studies report a prevalence of NASH of 1-17%. Systematic reviews suggest NAFLD prevalence in adults is probably 25-33%, while NASH prevalence is 2-5%.

What foods help repair a liver? ›

11 Foods That Are Good for Your Liver
  • Coffee. Coffee is one of the best beverages you can drink to promote liver health. ...
  • Tea. ...
  • Grapefruit. ...
  • Blueberries and cranberries. ...
  • Grapes. ...
  • Prickly pear. ...
  • Beetroot juice. ...
  • Cruciferous vegetables.

Is rice good for fatty liver? ›

Cooked rice may prevent HF-induced fat accumulation by regulating lipid metabolism-related gene expression, and it may be a useful carbohydrate source for preventing nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

Is chicken good for liver? ›

Fish and chicken

One important job your liver does is processing different proteins, fats and carbohydrates for your body to use. This is why you'll want to include plenty of healthy proteins like fish and chicken into your diet.

Is Egg good for liver? ›

Eggs are rich in all the eight essential amino acids and choline, which is also a vital nutrient. The amino acids and choline help the liver in the detoxification process and improve the metabolism rate.

Is banana good for liver? ›

A. Yes, bananas are rich in vitamin B6, C and A. It is also high in resistant starch, which is highly beneficial for liver health. These nutrients make sure that the liver functions correctly.

Does your liver affect your hair? ›

Cirrhosis Symptoms

Symptoms of cirrhosis include coughing up blood, hair loss and jaundice (a yellowing of the skin and eyes).

Can liver effect eyes? ›

But as the liver slowly becomes more scarred and damaged (eventually leading to cirrhosis), you may have additional symptoms. These can include: yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes (jaundice)

Does your liver affect your eyes? ›

Liver disease can cause cranial nerve abnormalities that present as gaze palsies or nystagmus. Wilson's disease can cause a horizontal gaze palsy. Wernicke encephalopathy, caused by thiamine deficiency, may be seen with alcoholic liver disease.

What are 4 warning signs of a damaged liver? ›

If signs and symptoms of liver disease do occur, they may include:
  • Skin and eyes that appear yellowish (jaundice)
  • Abdominal pain and swelling.
  • Swelling in the legs and ankles.
  • Itchy skin.
  • Dark urine color.
  • Pale stool color.
  • Chronic fatigue.
  • Nausea or vomiting.
8 Apr 2022

Does a blood test show if you have a fatty liver? ›

Diagnosis. Fatty liver is most commonly diagnosed by a routine liver function test drawn from your blood. The alanine aminotransferase (ALT) is a specific marker for liver inflammation and is typically elevated in individuals with a fatty liver.

What are red flags for a fatty liver? ›

Chronic fatigue or weakness. Abdominal discomfort, such as cramping or nausea. Confusion or difficulty thinking. Bruising or bleeding easily, including nosebleeds.

What vitamins help with fatty liver? ›

Exercise and healthy dietary supplements, including micronutrients, are promising methods to manage NAFLD. Vitamins A, B3, B12, D, and E can serve as targets for NAFLD therapy, although some are linked to adverse effects.

What fruits are good for a fatty liver? ›

Many dark berries — including blueberries, raspberries, and cranberries — contain antioxidants called polyphenols, which may help protect the liver from damage. A 2013 study in rats suggests that blueberry juice supplements could increase antioxidant capability in the liver.

Is milk good for fatty liver? ›

Background & aims: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most common chronic liver disease and is closely related to metabolic dysfunction, including insulin resistance, obesity, and metabolic syndrome. Dairy protein, rich in casein and whey protein, could help to reduce metabolic diseases.

How do I know if my liver is getting better? ›

For example, blood tests for transaminases are often used to monitor liver inflammation. If the numbers go down, that's a good sign. Also, blood tests of clotting function, such as the PT/INR, can be used to assess if the liver is producing proteins appropriately.

How do you normalize a fatty liver? ›

Lifestyle changes such as diet, exercise, and weight loss can decrease the liver damage in NAFLD. Some studies show that vitamin E can also help treat NAFLD. The dose of vitamin E used in these studies is almost 40 times the recommended amount of vitamin E intake from food.

Does your back hurt if you have liver problems? ›

Liver pain and liver disease. Liver pain can be dull and nonspecific, but it can also be severe. It may result in a backache. Liver pain is sometimes confused with a pain in the right shoulder, or in the abdomen, or the kidney.

What drugs cause the most liver damage? ›

The 10 Worst Medications for Your Liver
  • 1) Acetaminophen (Tylenol) ...
  • 2) Amoxicillin/clavulanate (Augmentin) ...
  • 4) Amiodarone (Cordarone, Pacerone) ...
  • 5) Allopurinol (Zyloprim) ...
  • 8) Azathioprine (Imuran) ...
  • 9) Methotrexate. ...
  • 10) Risperidone (Risperdal) and quetiapine (Seroquel)
10 Feb 2019

Is fatty liver common? ›

NAFLD affects about 25% of people in the world. As the rates of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and high cholesterol are rising in the United States, so is the rate of NAFLD. NAFLD is the most common chronic liver disorder in the United States.

How do you fix a fatty liver? ›

Lifestyle and home remedies
  1. Lose weight. If you're overweight or obese, reduce the number of calories you eat each day and increase your physical activity in order to lose weight. ...
  2. Choose a healthy diet. ...
  3. Exercise and be more active. ...
  4. Control your diabetes. ...
  5. Lower your cholesterol. ...
  6. Protect your liver.
22 Sept 2021

How do doctors treat a fatty liver? ›

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is a treatable and potentially reversible condition. Treatment focuses on weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight. Lifestyle changes such as choosing healthy foods, exercise, and weight loss are the most effective treatment for NAFLD.

How long does it take to heal a fatty liver? ›

If you stop drinking, fatty liver disease is completely reversible. The time it takes to reverse fatty liver depends on other factors like your weight and diet. But generally, healthy people with a good diet can recover from alcoholic fatty liver disease within six weeks of alcohol abstinence.

How do you reverse a fatty liver? ›

Research suggests that losing weight is the single best thing you can do to control or reverse NAFLD. A good goal is to lose 10% of your total body weight, but even a loss of 3% to 5% can improve your liver health.
Options can include:
  1. Diet.
  2. Exercise.
  3. Weight loss surgery.
  4. Weight loss medication.

How long does it take for fatty liver to turn to cirrhosis? ›

It takes upwards of ten years for alcohol-related liver disease to progress from fatty liver through fibrosis to cirrhosis to acute on chronic liver failure. This process is silent and symptom free and can easily be missed in primary care, usually presenting with advanced cirrhosis.

What blood tests show fatty liver? ›

Fatty liver is most commonly diagnosed by a routine liver function test drawn from your blood. The alanine aminotransferase (ALT) is a specific marker for liver inflammation and is typically elevated in individuals with a fatty liver.

How common is fatty liver? ›

NAFLD affects about 25% of people in the world. As the rates of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and high cholesterol are rising in the United States, so is the rate of NAFLD. NAFLD is the most common chronic liver disorder in the United States.

Which exercise is best for fatty liver? ›

Aerobic exercise can actually cut the amount of fat in your liver. A heavy workout may also lower inflammation. Resistance or strength training exercises, like weight lifting, can also improve fatty liver disease.

What vitamins are hard on your liver? ›

Avoid certain supplements: Excess iron, niacin, and vitamin A (the retinol form, not beta carotene) tend to stress an unhealthy liver.

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