Is Celery Juice Healthy? All You Need to Know (2024)

Celery juice contains multiple nutrients that provide health benefits, including antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds.

Celery juice is rich in nutrients and drinking it may come with many health benefits.

Some people think that it can cure conditions like cancer, obesity, thyroid issues, and acne, although research is scarce.

As such, you may wonder which claims are dubious and which are backed by science.

This article tells you all you need to know about celery juice, including its nutrients, benefits, and downsides.

Is Celery Juice Healthy? All You Need to Know (1)Share on Pinterest

Because most of its plant fiber has been removed, celery juice packs more nutrients per serving than celery stalks.

Just 1 cup (240 mL) of celery juice provides (1):

  • Calories: 42.5
  • Protein: 2 grams
  • Carbs: 9.5 grams
  • Sugar: 5 grams
  • Calcium: 8% of the Daily Value (DV)
  • Magnesium: 7% of the DV
  • Phosphorus: 5% of the DV
  • Potassium: 14% of the DV
  • Sodium: 9% of the DV
  • Vitamin A: 7% of the DV
  • Vitamin C: 16% of the DV
  • Vitamin K: 74% of the DV

It’s also rich in many other nutrients, such as zinc, copper, folate, biotin, other B vitamins, and numerous antioxidants (2).


Celery juice provides many nutrients, including calcium, potassium, and vitamins A, C, and K.

Celery juice may provide several benefits when consumed as a part of a healthy diet.


Celery juice consists mostly of water and may help you stay hydrated.

Staying hydrated is vital for your body, but many people don’t get enough water per day. Proper hydration helps manage blood pressure, body temperature, brain function, nutrient delivery, waste excretion, and kidney health (3).

Low in sugar

Celery juice is a healthier option than sugary beverages.

A single cup (240 mL) provides just 5 grams of naturally occurring sugar (1).

Meanwhile, sugar-sweetened beverages like soda, energy drinks, and specialty coffees account for up to 50% of added sugar in the U.S. diet. Depending on how much you drink, these beverages can easily add an extra 500 calories to your daily intake (4, 5, 6).

Choosing low sugar beverages like celery juice may cut down your overall sugar and calorie intake.

Anti-inflammatory properties

Celery juice is high in plant compounds called phytonutrients, which may reduce inflammation (7).

These compounds act as antioxidants and help reduce oxidative stress. Oxidative stress occurs when unstable molecules called free radicals accumulate in your body (7, 8, 9).

Antioxidant-rich diets are linked to lower rates of chronic ailments, including heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and certain cancers. They may also boost skin health (10, 11, 12, 13).


Celery juice contains antioxidants that may help lower inflammation in your body. It’s also hydrating and low in sugar, making it a great alternative to sugary beverages.

Celery juice may affect the gut in several ways.

Contains beneficial plant compounds

Celery juice contains luteolin and pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ), two plant compounds thought to reduce inflammation in your gut.

Luteolin is also found in many fruits and vegetables like broccoli, peppers, and spinach. Other PQQ-rich foods include green tea, papaya, and tofu (14, 15, 16).

One 12-week study in mice fed a high fat diet found that mice that received probiotic-fermented celery juice had a healthier variety of gut bacteria. However, fermented celery juice differs from freshly made juice, as it’s infused with gut-healthy bacteria (17).

Fermented or fresh, there’s not enough evidence on luteolin, PQQ, or other compounds found in celery juice to determine how they may affect the gut. Ultimately, research including humans is needed before making definitive conclusions.

Unstrained juice provides fiber

It’s worth considering how the celery juice you drink is made. Usually, fiber is strained out of it. Because fiber is key to a healthy gut, strained juice is less beneficial to your digestive health (18).

So, to reap the most gut health benefits, it may be best to not strain your juice (18).

Not ideal for everyone

Unfortunately, some people with sensitive digestive systems, such as those with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), may not tolerate celery juice (19).

This is due to its high content of fermentable starches, also known as FODMAPs. These can cause bloating and discomfort when digested (19).

If you experience digestive side effects after drinking celery juice, it’s likely best to avoid it. You may consider consulting a healthcare professional to investigate if there could be a digestive condition like IBS behind your symptoms.


Celery juice contains plant compounds believed to improve gut health, although human research is needed. It also provides fermentable starches that may cause stomach upset in those with IBS and sensitive digestive systems.

Though celery juice cleanses are a popular health trend, you should be skeptical of their claims. They’re often overblown and not based on science.

False claims

Celery juice has soared in popularity. In part, this is due to Anthony William, a self-proclaimed health expert with no formal background in nutrition or medicine.

William claims that celery juice is a cure-all that heals chronic illnesses due to its content of so-called “undiscovered cluster salts” that kill off harmful bacteria in your gut.

However, no evidence supports the existence of these salts.

Moreover, there’s only limited research into celery juice’s effects on acne, diabetes, liver disease, and weight loss (20, 21).

Finally, celery juice does not detoxify your body, as another popular claim states. Your body has its own natural detoxification system that includes the liver, kidneys, intestines, and lungs. You do not need to drink special beverages for detoxing (20, 22, 23, 24).

What the cleanse entails

While some people may experience health benefits when following a celery juice “cleanse,” this is likely due to broader lifestyle changes like limiting processed foods, drinking more fluids throughout the day, or exercising regularly.

To follow Anthony William’s celery juice diet, you’re meant to drink 16 ounces (475 mL) of celery juice each morning on an empty stomach. This amount is increased to 24–32 ounces (710–945 mL) if you have a chronic disease.

You then resume a healthy diet for the rest of the day, though specifics aren’t mentioned. Many people treat the diet as a 10-day cleanse, while others follow it for longer.

Unfortunately, cleanses and fad diets tend to promote excessive calorie restriction, which can lead to dangerous weight loss, nutrient deficiencies, and hunger (20, 21, 25).

Research also associates juice cleanses with disordered eating and a negative relationship with food (26).


Many claims behind celery juice, such as the idea that it detoxes your body, aren’t supported by science. Juice cleanses may also run the risk of excessive calorie restriction, nutrient deficiencies, and other dangers.

Though celery juice can be nutritious, it carries a handful of downsides to consider.

Contains sodium

One cup (240 mL) of celery juice contains around 215 mg of sodium (1).

Most healthy adults should limit their daily sodium intake to no more than 2,300 mg. A glass or two of celery juice can contribute noticeably to this total, so it’s worth keeping in mind (27).

This holds especially true if you’re considering following the celery juice diet, which recommends a large amount of juice each day.

In particular, people on salt-restricted diets may wish to avoid, or at least limit, celery juice.

Low in fiber

Most celery juice is strained to remove its fiber.

Though straining may result in more vitamins per cup (240 mL), fiber is a healthy nutrient that helps keep you full. Without it, your body digests the juice quickly, which can make you feel hungry soon after drinking it (28).

Replacing a nutritious, fiber-rich breakfast with celery juice may leave you hungry and cause you to eat more calories later in the day.

Additionally, fiber is associated with many health benefits, such as weight maintenance, gut health, and reduced cholesterol and blood sugar levels (18).

If you want to bump up your fiber intake, you can also opt for fresh celery sticks.


If you drink celery juice in place of a fiber-rich breakfast, you may quickly end up hungry because of its low fiber content. Its high sodium content is also worth keeping in mind.

Celery juice can be a great, refreshing drink to enjoy in moderation as part of a healthy diet.

Feel free to enjoy it with a balanced meal or as part of a snack if you enjoy it. It’s best to drink it without straining to get more fiber.

However, based on the evidence, detox cleanses are not advisable. They may be linked to nutritional deficiencies and disordered eating (25, 26, 29).

Those with digestive issues like IBS or other conditions may want to steer clear of celery juice as it contains a type of starch that ferments in the gut and can cause digestive upset, bloating, and discomfort (19).

Plus, those with heart disease or high blood pressure should keep its sodium content in mind, especially if they have been advised to follow a low sodium diet (1, 27).

People who are pregnant, especially those in early pregnancy, should avoid celery juice. There are speculations that the drink could cause uterine contractions that may lead to miscarriage, although more research is needed in this area (30).

Lastly, people taking certain medications should avoid celery juice. These medications include sedatives, medications for thyroid function, and those that control bleeding, clotting, or blood pressure (31, 32, 33, 34).

Some of these include:

  • levothyroxine (Synthroid)
  • lithium
  • clonazepam (Klonopin)
  • furosemide (Lasix)
  • warfarin (Coumadin)
  • aspirin
  • clopidogrel (Plavix)
  • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen (Advil) or naproxen sodium (Aleve)
  • amlodipine (Norvasc)

Generally, it’s best to speak with a healthcare professional before regularly adding celery juice to your diet — especially if you’re pregnant, take certain medications, or have digestive issues like IBS.

If you want to add celery juice to your diet, it’s simple to make at home.

Using a juicer is the easiest way to make it. Simply wash 3–4 celery stalks and run them through the juicer. If preferred, enjoy with ice cubes.

If you don’t have a juicer, cut 3–4 washed celery stalks and blend them until smooth. Place a strainer or mesh cloth over a wide-rimmed jug, pour the liquid into the strainer, and press down to extract all the juice. You may also keep some fiber in the drink.

For a bit of zest and flavor, try adding green apples, fresh ginger, cucumber, fresh mint, or lemon juice.

You can also buy celery juice from many grocery stores. Try to avoid those with added sugar or flavorings.

It’s best to drink this juice with a meal full of fiber, healthy fats, and protein to keep you feeling full and satisfied.


You can make celery juice at home using a blender or juicer. To boost the flavor and nutrient content, add green apples, ginger, lemon juice, or other fresh ingredients to taste.

Celery juice is low in sugar and contains potassium and vitamins A, C, and K. This popular drink may reduce inflammation and boost hydration, among other benefits.

However, you shouldn’t use celery juice to detox your body, as cleanses put you at risk of dangerous calorie restriction and nutrient deficiencies. Furthermore, claims that this juice heals certain diseases are unfounded and not backed by science.

If you’re interested in celery juice, be sure to drink it as part of a balanced diet. For extra health benefits, try drinking it without straining if first to reap the gut-friendly perks of fiber.

People with digestive issues like IBS, those who are pregnant, and individuals taking certain medications should consult with a healthcare professional before adding celery juice to their regular morning ritual.

Just one thing

Try this today: If celery juice is something you’d like to try, make a cup for yourself at home using the recipe above. If you want to retain some fiber, you can add back in some of what you strain out. Garnish with a celery stick.

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Is Celery Juice Healthy? All You Need to Know (2024)


Is Celery Juice Healthy? All You Need to Know? ›

Celery juice is low in sugar and contains potassium and vitamins A, C, and K. This popular drink may reduce inflammation and boost hydration, among other benefits. However, you shouldn't use celery juice to detox

Detox diets are generally short-term dietary interventions designed to eliminate toxins from your body. A typical detox diet involves a period of fasting, followed by a strict diet of fruit, vegetables, fruit juices, and water. Sometimes a detox also includes herbs, teas, supplements, and colon cleanses or enemas. › nutrition › detox-diets-101
your body, as cleanses put you at risk of dangerous calorie restriction and nutrient deficiencies.

Is it safe to drink celery juice every day? ›

Like any other food, celery juice isn't a miracle cure-all drink—so be wary of "gurus" who tell you otherwise. If you want to add celery juice to your diet, limit it to about a cup a day. Either way, drink plenty of water throughout the day.

What does celery juice do to your body? ›

From its rich antioxidant profile to its plethora of essential vitamins and minerals, celery juice is a nutritional powerhouse. Its wide range of health benefits, from reducing inflammation to aiding digestion and elevating hydration, makes it an ideal addition to any wellness lifestyle.

What are the side effects of drinking celery juice on an empty stomach? ›

Without fiber, your body digests the juice quickly, which can make you feel hungry soon after drinking it. Drinking celery juice instead of eating a fiber-rich breakfast may leave you feeling hungry and cause you to eat more later in the day.

What are the 10 benefits of celery juice? ›

Health Benefits of Celery Juice
  • Natural Hydration. Being mainly water, celery juice is an excellent hydrating drink. ...
  • Low Caloric and Sugar Content. ...
  • Anti-inflammatory Properties. ...
  • Inflammation and Allergies. ...
  • May aid to deal with Arthritis. ...
  • Neurogenerative Diseases. ...
  • Improves Gut Health. ...
  • Might Improve Cardiovascular Health.
Apr 18, 2024

Who should not drink celery juice? ›

Most people can drink as much juice as they wish. “However, if you have a history of high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease or kidney disease, you should discuss drinking celery juice with your doctor or pharmacist first,” says Dr. Singh.

Is it better to drink celery juice in the morning or at night? ›

He recommends drinking 16 ounces on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. Wait at least 15 minutes after drinking your celery juice before consuming anything else. If you're sensitive, and drinking 16 ounces is too much, start with a smaller amount and work your way up.

Does celery juice flush you out? ›

While staying hydrated and eating a balanced diet can keep the body's organs functioning properly, detox drinks and celery juice will not flush the body of toxins.

How many times a week should you drink celery juice? ›

Celery can be added to smoothies or blended on its own in a high-speed blender with some filtered water, and strained through a cheesecloth or fine mesh strainer before serving. It's suggested that you consume one, 16-ounce glass of celery juice every morning for at least one full week to reap many of the benefits.

How long does it take to see results from drinking celery juice? ›

Just 16 oz of fresh celery juice a day can transform your health and digestion in as little as one week. Celery juice is an alkalizing, enzyme-rich, electrolyte-enhancing, liver-repairing, blood-sugar-balancing, antiseptic, strongly alkaline & anti-inflammatory drink.

Does celery help you lose belly fat? ›

Celery is a popular vegetable that has few calories and is rich in nutrients like fiber. A lot of people drink celery juice to reduce belly fat, but there is a lack of scientific evidence to support this application.

What is one major side effect of eating celery? ›

Celery contains phthalides which is a natural sedative and may cause drowsiness. Celery contains coumarin, which may induce calcium antagonistic properties, an effect preventing calcium from entering the heart's cells. There are some allergens present in the celery which may cause a severe allergic reaction.

How much celery juice should you drink a day? ›

To follow a diet with celery juice, you should drink about 475ml of juice. celery every morning on an empty stomach and about 710-945ml if you have a chronic disease. Then you continue to maintain a healthy diet throughout the day.

How long can celery juice last in the fridge? ›

The Shelf Life of Celery Juice

If you've had your celery juice in the fridge for more than three days, it's time to say goodbye and make a fresh batch. Even if it doesn't smell funky or gross, it's not going to give you the fresh nutrients you want and need. So, keep it fresh and drink up within 24-72 hours.

What medications does celery juice interact with? ›

Using celery in medicinal amounts with medications that slow clotting may increase the risk of bleeding. Some of these drugs include aspirin, clopidogrel (Plavix), dalteparin (Fragmin), dipyridamole (Persantine), enoxaparin (Lovenox), heparin, ticlopidine (Ticlid), warfarin (Coumadin), and others.

Will celery juice detox the liver? ›

Celery Juice aids the liver

Studies show that celery helps reduce fat build up in the liver. The nutrients in celery protect the liver, and actually help the liver produce enzymes that help flush fat and toxins out.

What is the best time to drink celery juice? ›

If you're unable to consume your celery juice first thing in the morning before food, then the second-best option is to drink it fifteen to thirty minutes before or after eating something anytime during the day. If you're having thirty-two ounces a day, you may wish to have it in two sixteen-ounce servings.

How often and when should you drink celery juice? ›

To follow a diet with celery juice, you should drink about 475ml of juice. celery every morning on an empty stomach and about 710-945ml if you have a chronic disease. Then you continue to maintain a healthy diet throughout the day.

Does celery juice heal the gut? ›

Prevent Digestive Disorders: False. There's no evidence of an association between celery juice and digestive disorders. The insoluble fiber in whole celery may help reduce the risk of developing digestive disorders.

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