Insider Tips: Your Roadmap to Success as an Insurance Agent (2024)

Are you considering a career in the insurance industry? It’s a wise decision. Becoming an insurance agent offers a chance to play a crucial role in safeguarding people’s assets, be it their homes or vehicles.

This blog will guide you through the essential steps to embark on your journey toward becoming a successful insurance agent. Whether you’re starting from scratch or looking to enhance your existing skills, this guide provides the knowledge and insights needed to thrive in the ever-evolving world of insurance.

Table of Contents

Thinking of a insurance career?

Becoming an insurance agent can be a rewarding career choice, and I’m here to offer some insights as an experienced independent insurance agent with access to over 30 insurance carriers. The key to success in this field is a genuine passion for helping people and a strong work ethic. As an insurtech leader, I’ve seen how technology has transformed the industry, making it more efficient and customer-centric. To excel in today’s insurance landscape, it’s essential to stay updated on the latest tech trends, like APIs and AI, which can streamline your processes and enhance your service. Additionally, having access to a full-stack CRM and agency management system can make managing your clients and policies more seamless. If you have a dedication to providing personalized service and are willing to adapt to the evolving insurance landscape, a career as an insurance agent can be both fulfilling and financially rewarding. Feel free to reach out if you have any specific questions or need more guidance on this path!

Pros and cons of a career as an insurance agent:


  1. Income Potential: Insurance agents have the potential to earn a substantial income, especially through commissions on policies they sell. High-performing agents can achieve a lucrative career.
  2. Flexibility: Many insurance agents enjoy a flexible work schedule, allowing them to manage their time and work from various locations, including remote setups.
  3. Helping People: It’s a career that involves helping individuals and businesses protect their assets and loved ones, which can be personally rewarding.
  4. Continuous Learning: The insurance industry is constantly evolving, providing opportunities for ongoing learning and professional growth.
  5. Variety of Products: Agents have access to a wide range of insurance products, allowing them to tailor coverage to clients’ unique needs.


  1. Commission-Based Income: While the potential for high earnings exists, income can be inconsistent, especially in the early stages of the career.
  2. Regulatory Complexity: The insurance industry is heavily regulated, and agents must stay compliant with state and federal laws, which can be time-consuming and challenging.
  3. Client Rejection: Rejection is a common part of the job, as not every potential client will purchase a policy, which can be disheartening for some.
  4. Competitive Market: The insurance industry is highly competitive, with numerous agents and carriers vying for clients, making it necessary to work hard to stand out.
  5. Administrative Work: Agents often deal with paperwork and administrative tasks, which can be tedious and time-consuming.
  6. Sales Pressure: Meeting sales targets and quotas can create pressure for agents, particularly those who may not enjoy a sales-driven environment.

Overall, a career as an insurance agent can be both financially rewarding and personally fulfilling, but it requires dedication, adaptability, and the ability to navigate the challenges inherent to the industry.

Decide what kind of insurance agent you want to become

In the insurance industry, there are two primary lines of authority that insurance professionals can hold: Property and Casualty (P&C) and Life and Health.

  • Property and Casualty (P&C): This line of authority encompasses insurance policies such as auto insurance, homeowners insurance, and liability insurance, providing protection against property damage and liability claims for individuals and businesses.
  • Life and Health: Life and Health insurance deals with life insurance, health insurance, and related products, offering financial security and access to healthcare services for individuals and their families.

What’s the difference between insurance brokers and agents?

Insurance brokers and insurance agents play distinct roles in the insurance industry, and understanding their differences is crucial.

Insurance Agents:

  • Represent Specific Companies: Insurance agents typically work directly for specific insurance companies. They are considered “captive agents” because they exclusively represent and sell policies from a single insurer.
  • Product Knowledge: They have an in-depth understanding of the insurance products offered by their company and can provide detailed information about these specific policies.
  • Client Advocates: Agents act as advocates for the insurance company they represent, assisting clients in selecting the best policies from that particular company.
  • Commission-Based: Agents earn commissions on the policies they sell, often making their income dependent on meeting sales targets.

Insurance Brokers:

  • Work Independently: Insurance brokers are independent professionals who are not tied to any single insurance company. They work on behalf of their clients.
  • Multiple Options: Brokers have the flexibility to offer insurance products from a variety of insurance companies, providing clients with a broader range of choices.
  • Client Advocates: Brokers act as advocates for their clients, helping them find the most suitable policies by comparing options from different insurers.
  • Fee or Commission: Brokers may charge a fee for their services, earn commissions from insurance companies, or a combination of both. Their primary focus is finding the best solutions for their clients.

Decide what kind of insurance agent you want to become

Let’s delve into the specifics of being a Life and Health insurance agent versus a Property and Casualty (P&C) insurance agent, with a focus on renewals and commission structures:

Life & Health Insurance Agents:

  • As a Life and Health insurance agent, your primary focus is on selling policies related to life insurance, health insurance, and related products like disability or long-term care insurance.
  • Commission Structure: Life and Health insurance often involves upfront commissions, meaning you receive a significant portion of your commission when the policy is initially sold. These commissions can be substantial, making it an attractive choice for agents seeking immediate income.
  • Renewals: While some life insurance policies offer renewal commissions, they are typically lower than the initial commission. Renewals often come into play with certain types of policies, like permanent policies. Term policy will never offer a renewal commission.
  • Client Relationships: Building long-term relationships with clients is crucial in the Life and Health sector. Agents may provide ongoing support, helping clients with policy updates, claims, and addressing evolving insurance needs.

Property & Casualty Insurance Agents:

  • P&C insurance agents focus on policies like auto, home, and liability insurance, which protect clients from property damage and liability claims.
  • Commission Structure: P&C agents generally receive a more balanced commission structure. Commissions are often lower upfront but continue with each policy renewal, offering a steady income stream over time.
  • Renewals: P&C insurance relies heavily on renewals. Clients often renew their policies annually, and agents earn commissions each time a policy renews. This can lead to a consistent source of income as long as clients maintain their coverage.
  • Client Relationships: While P&C insurance agents may not need to nurture relationships as extensively as Life and Health agents, they do benefit from client retention and the renewal process, which often leads to referrals and additional business.

In summary, Life and Health insurance sales can provide higher upfront commissions, but renewals are less common and tend to be less lucrative. Property and Casualty insurance, on the other hand, offers a more steady and predictable income stream through policy renewals. The choice between these two paths depends on your income preferences, client relationship style, and long-term career goals.

Insurance License Exams: State Requirements

Obtaining an insurance license typically involves several steps, and the specific requirements can vary by state. However, here’s a general outline of the steps you may need to follow:

  1. Determine License Type and Line of Authority:
    • Decide what type of insurance you want to sell (e.g., Life and Health or Property and Casualty) and choose your line of authority.
  2. Meet Eligibility Requirements:
    • Ensure you meet your state’s eligibility requirements. These may include age, residency, and criminal background checks.
  3. Pre-License Education:
    • Enroll in a state-approved pre-license education course. The duration and content of these courses can vary by state and license type. Complete the required coursework.
  4. Pass the State Exam:
    • Schedule and take the state insurance licensing exam. Study materials and exam content may differ depending on your chosen line of authority. Be prepared to pay an exam fee.
  5. Submit Fingerprinting and Background Check:
    • Some states require fingerprinting and a background check as part of the licensing process. This is to ensure you meet the state’s integrity standards.
  6. Apply for the License:
    • Submit a license application to your state’s insurance department. You’ll need to provide information about your pre-license education, exam results, and background check, if applicable. Pay the application fee.
  7. Obtain Errors and Omissions (E&O) Insurance:
    • Many states require insurance agents to have E&O insurance, which provides liability coverage in case of errors or omissions in your professional activities. It’s your business insurance.
  8. Complete State-Specific Requirements:
    • Some states have additional requirements, such as a surety bond, that you must fulfill to obtain your license.
  9. Wait for Approval:
    • Your license application will be reviewed by the state insurance department. Once approved, you’ll receive your insurance license.

Becoming an independent insurance agent or a captive agent

When deciding between becoming an independent insurance agent or a captive agent, consider your career goals and preferences.

Independent agents have the freedom to offer a broader range of insurance products from multiple carriers, potentially providing more choice to clients, but they also need to manage their own business. Captive agents work exclusively for one insurance company example would be Farmers, State Farm or Allstate, benefiting from strong brand support and training but having limited product selection.

Think about your entrepreneurial spirit, income structure (independent agents may have diverse income sources), and your desire for flexibility and independence versus the stability and guidance offered by a single insurance company. Your choice should align with your long-term goals and personal work style.

Get appointed with an insurance company to sell products

The key difference between getting appointments to sell life insurance and property casualty insurance lies in the nature of the products and client needs. Life insurance primarily focuses on providing financial security and protection for individuals and their families, making it a more personal and long-term commitment. In contrast, property casualty insurance deals with protecting assets and liabilities, often related to property and vehicles, and tends to be more transactional and annual in nature. The appointment process for each is influenced by the distinct client bases and complexities of these insurance lines.

Property & Casualty Agents

Getting appointed with Property and Casualty (P&C) insurance companies to become and independent agent can be challenging, especially if you’re starting without an existing book of business. Each carrier will require minimum production counts to retain your appointment to sell policies. Here’s some insight into this process and how joining a group or aggregator can help:

  1. Initial Hurdles for New Agents: Insurance companies often prefer to appoint agents who can demonstrate a track record of success or a significant book of business. New agents without a proven track record may face difficulty in securing carrier appointments directly.
  2. Benefits of Joining a Group or Aggregator: Many new and independent agents choose to join an agency network or aggregator. These organizations have established relationships with multiple insurance carriers and can help you access appointments. They act as intermediaries, leveraging their collective volume to secure carrier contracts.
  3. Access to Multiple Carriers: By affiliating with a group or aggregator, you gain access to a variety of insurance companies without having to build relationships with each one individually. This can be particularly valuable when starting your independent agency.
  4. Training and Support: These groups often provide training, support, and resources to help you succeed as an agent. They can offer guidance on product knowledge, underwriting guidelines, and marketing strategies.
  5. Overcoming Inexperience: When starting without a book of business, demonstrating your commitment to learning and growing can be appealing to carriers. Show your dedication to building your agency, investing in ongoing education, and providing excellent customer service.
  6. Build Your Reputation: As you gain experience and build a client base, you can start demonstrating your value to carriers. Over time, you may have more opportunities to secure direct appointments with carriers based on your performance and industry knowledge.

In summary, starting as an independent P&C insurance agent without a book of business can be challenging. Joining a group or aggregator can be a strategic move to gain access to carrier appointments, training, and support. As you build your reputation and client base, you may find more opportunities to secure direct appointments with insurance companies, allowing you to expand your portfolio and offer a wider range of products to your clients.

Life & Health Agents

getting appointed with Life and Health (L&H) insurance companies is a crucial step for agents looking to offer L&H insurance products. Here’s a detailed guide on the process:

  1. Licensing Requirements: Ensure that you meet the licensing requirements specific to your state for Life and Health insurance. This typically involves completing state-approved pre-licensing education and passing the required exams.
  2. Select Your Target Carriers: Research and identify the insurance companies whose L&H products align with your clients’ needs and your business goals. Consider factors such as product offerings, financial stability, and reputation.
  3. Contact the Carriers: Reach out to the insurance companies you’re interested in representing. You can typically do this by contacting their local offices, regional representatives, or visiting their websites to express your interest in becoming an agent. They will guide you through their specific appointment process.
  4. Application and Contract: Each insurance company will have its own application and appointment process. You will need to provide information about your licensing, business structure, and background. The insurance company may also require you to complete any necessary training or certifications.
  5. Background Check and Compliance: Be prepared for the possibility of a background check as part of the appointment process. Many carriers will conduct this to ensure that you meet their integrity and ethical standards. Comply with any additional requirements, such as fingerprinting or credit checks, if necessary.
  6. Errors and Omissions (E&O) Insurance: Most L&H insurance companies will require you to have E&O insurance, which provides liability coverage in case of errors or omissions in your professional activities. Make sure you have the necessary coverage in place.
  7. Appointment Agreement: Once approved, you will receive an appointment agreement from the insurance company. Carefully review this document, as it outlines your responsibilities, the commission structure, and contractual terms.
  8. Begin Selling: After successfully completing the appointment process, you can start selling the L&H insurance products offered by the appointed companies. It’s important to stay updated on each company’s product portfolio, underwriting guidelines, and compliance requirements.
  9. Continual Learning: The insurance industry is dynamic, and staying informed about changes in regulations, market trends, and emerging products is crucial for your success. Consider participating in ongoing training and professional development opportunities.

Remember that the specific requirements and procedures can vary from one insurance company to another, so it’s essential to communicate directly with the companies you’re interested in representing. To get direct life insurance agent appointments you may need to get contracted through an IMO, BGA or FMO. Additionally, building a strong client base and offering valuable advice and service are key to your success as a Life and Health insurance agent.


Do I need a bachelor’s degree to sell insurance?

No, a bachelor’s degree is not required to sell insurance; however, specific licensing and education requirements vary by carrier. Most caompnies will require at minimum a high school diploma.

Why do insurance agents need a license?

Insurance agents need a license to legally sell insurance, ensuring they have the necessary knowledge and qualifications to assist clients.

What do I need to get an insurance license?

Licensing requirements vary by state, but typically involve pre-licensing education, passing an exam, and meeting background check criteria.

How many hours per week does an insurance agent work?

Insurance agents often work full-time, typically around 40 hours per week, but the exact hours may vary based on the agent’s business and client needs.

What to expect during your insurance license exam?

During your insurance license exam, you can expect to answer questions related to the insurance industry, policies, regulations, and ethics. You will need a score of 70% or above to pass the exam.

Are insurance agent jobs considered in-demand occupations?

Yes, insurance agent jobs are often considered in-demand, as people and businesses continually require insurance coverage. If done right it can be a rewarding career path.

Can you sell insurance without a license?

No, selling insurance without a license is illegal in most states, as licensing ensures agents have the necessary knowledge and qualifications.

Can insurance agents work from home?

Yes, many insurance agents can work from home, especially if they have the technology and support to service clients remotely. If you have direct carrier appointments in P&C the insurance company may require you to have a brick and mortar store front so you can meet clients in person.

Insider Tips: Your Roadmap to Success as an Insurance Agent (2024)
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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.