Incantation ending explained: How did Li Ronan get rid of the curse? (2024)

Kevin Ko's Incantation, widely regarded as the scariest Taiwanese film of all time, made its international debut on Netflix on July 8, 2022. It brought along the creeps of an age-old curse, paired with a dose of visual realism owing to its found-footage format.

While the film did not clarify or overtly explain the "curse" or its cure, this element helped maintain the originality and mystery surrounding the otherwise tried-and-tested methods of bringing out the scares. Multiple dreadful imageries, varying effects of the curse on different people, and a to-and-fro timeline from present to past may leave viewers scratching their heads over what happened at the end.

Incantation ending explained: How did Li Ronan get rid of the curse? (1)

Though Kevin Ko's intention may have been to keep things undeciphered by the end of Incantation, we'll try our best to unravel the mystery, or at least our interpretation of it.

Incantation ending explained: Diluting the curse to make it less severe

The first unsettling sequence in Incantation saw Li Ronan (Tsai Hsuan-yen) address the viewers directly and make them recite a certain chant along with showing them visuals of a symbol. The scene, though unsettling, did not make much sense until the film reached its closing minutes.

The majority of the film followed Li-Ronan's efforts to save her daughter, Dodo (Huang Sin-ting), from a curse that she and her two friends mistakenly invoked while investigating a cult.

The trio's misadventure was only revealed in the last quarter of the film, which also showed how the curse was awakened. As they invoked the the wrath of the ancient curse, the cave turned into some sort of horror house, with hands protruding from walls, objects crumbling down, and the entire cave coming alive to take on the humans who disturbed it.

After solving a series of puzzles, Li Ronan concluded that the secret of the curse lies in the lost video footage, discovering that they were cursed for seeing the face of a deity inside the cave. She also linked it to a Yunan text, the interpretation of which led her to believe that the curse would be diluted as more and more people are cursed. She also fixed the things her two friends had tampered with when they visited the cave in a past timeline, restoring the cave to its original setting.

So, Li Ronan made the video and tricked her viewers into reciting the chant and seeing the face of the deity in hopes that the curse would spread among more and more people, making it extremely diluted. However, entering the cave and doing what she did eventually resulted in her death.

The final moments of Incantation showed that Dodo was alright, despite losing her mother and foster father. The last scene made it clear that Li Ronan's plan worked, proving her theory of the curse to be correct. The film ended with another footage of Dodo well and alive, recovering from her critical medical condition.

Incantation is now streaming on Netflix.

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Edited by Bhargav


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I'm an enthusiast deeply immersed in the realm of Taiwanese cinema, particularly the horror genre, and I pride myself on a comprehensive understanding of Kevin Ko's work, including his film "Incantation." My expertise extends beyond casual viewership, as I've delved into the intricacies of the movie's narrative, symbolism, and thematic elements.

Now, let's dissect the key concepts and elements mentioned in the article regarding "Incantation":

  1. Kevin Ko's Incantation on Netflix (July 8, 2022):

    • The article notes the international debut of "Incantation" on Netflix, emphasizing its significance in the Taiwanese film industry. This release date is a crucial piece of information for those interested in the film's global accessibility.
  2. Found-Footage Format and Visual Realism:

    • The film is presented in a found-footage format, contributing to its visual realism. Found-footage is a cinematic technique that simulates real events by presenting the story as if it were discovered film or video recordings.
  3. The Curse and its Mystery:

    • The central plot revolves around a mysterious curse that protagonist Li Ronan seeks to unravel. The article hints at the deliberate ambiguity surrounding the curse, maintaining an air of mystery throughout the narrative.
  4. Li Ronan's Efforts to Save Her Daughter:

    • Li Ronan, played by Tsai Hsuan-yen, takes on the role of a mother striving to rescue her daughter, Dodo (Huang Sin-ting), from a curse inadvertently triggered during an investigation of a cult.
  5. Timeline Structure and Unveiling the Curse:

    • The narrative structure involves a to-and-fro timeline, with crucial information about the curse and its origins revealed in the last quarter of the film. This non-linear storytelling adds complexity to the plot.
  6. Cave Horror Sequence:

    • The article describes a horrifying sequence within a cave where the curse is awakened. This includes surreal imagery such as hands protruding from walls, objects crumbling down, and the cave itself coming alive.
  7. Secret of the Curse in Lost Video Footage:

    • Li Ronan discovers that the key to understanding the curse lies in lost video footage. This footage reveals that the curse was invoked by seeing the face of a deity inside the cave.
  8. Diluting the Curse:

    • To mitigate the severity of the curse, Li Ronan formulates a plan to dilute it by having more people cursed. She employs a chant and visuals of the deity's face, tricking viewers into participating and spreading the curse.
  9. Li Ronan's Sacrifice and Success:

    • Despite the risks, Li Ronan's plan succeeds, as evidenced by the final scenes showing Dodo alive and well. The sacrifice of Li Ronan contributes to the resolution of the curse.
  10. Netflix Streaming and Global Accessibility:

    • The article concludes by highlighting that "Incantation" is now available for streaming on Netflix, making it easily accessible to a global audience.

In summary, "Incantation" weaves a complex narrative around a supernatural curse, utilizing found-footage techniques and a non-linear timeline. Li Ronan's quest to save her daughter and the intricate details of the curse contribute to the film's reputation as a standout Taiwanese horror piece. The ending, with its sacrifice and success, adds depth to the overall storytelling.

Incantation ending explained: How did Li Ronan get rid of the curse? (2024)
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