How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies: Proven and Effective Methods - PharmEasy Blog (2024)

By Dr. Aastha Manchanda +2more

How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies: Proven and Effective Methods - PharmEasy Blog (1) Medically reviewed byDr. Aastha Manchanda

How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies: Proven and Effective Methods - PharmEasy Blog (2)Last updated: Mar 27, 2024

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Table of Contents

Key Highlights:

  • A fruit fly infestation can be a nuisance and potentially harmful to your health
  • Identify the source and eliminate breeding sites in your home
  • Use homemade traps like rotten fruit, vinegar solutions, and swim traps
  • Consider commercial traps such as sticky traps, attractant traps, or ultraviolet light traps
  • Professional extermination may be necessary for severe cases
  • To keep fruit flies away, store produce properly and maintain cleanliness


Fruit flies – these small critters can get really annoying. They love to chill around your kitchen, eating ripe fruits, veggies, and sometimes, your trash. The problem is, these tiny pests are not just irritating but may also affect your health.

In this blog, we’ll talk about what causes fruit flies, how to spot them, and how to get rid of fruit flies. Plus, we’ll share tips on how to stay clear of fruit fly infestation in your home. So, let’s go ahead and discover measures for maintaining a cleaner, healthier living space.

How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies: Proven and Effective Methods - PharmEasy Blog (3)

Did you know?

  • Fruit flies can be controlled by eliminating their food sources, using traps, and maintaining good sanitation practices. source:
  • Fruit flies are known to carry and transmit bacteria, including pathogens such as E. coli and Salmonella. source:
  • Fruit flies are attracted to ripe or decaying fruits, vegetables, and fermented liquids. source:

What Are Fruit Flies?

Fruit flies are pint-sized, winged insects with red eyes often found at home. Their body colors may vary from tan to black and are usually smaller than your usual housefly. Their prime targets are fruits and veggies that are moist, ripe, or rotting. So your kitchen can be a hotspot for fruit flies, you know!

What Causes Fruit Flies in the House?

Spoiling fruits and veggies invite fruit flies, offering them the ideal spot to breed. They love the yeast present in fruit sugars. As fruits ripen or begin to decay, the sugar in them starts to ferment. Also, fruit fly eggs might find a way into your house through your groceries, especially bananas.

Recognizing the Difference Between Fruit Flies and Gnats

Though fruit flies and gnats may look the same, they are different. Gnats are generally smaller, and darker, and love to infest houseplants. It is crucial to tell them apart since the ways to deal with them are different!

Here’s a quick overview of both bugs for your understanding.

InsectsAppearanceBreeding & Feeding Sites
Fruit FliesSmall, red eyes, tan to black bodyRipe or rotting fruits & vegetables
GnatsSmaller, dark gray or blackDecaying organic stuff in houseplants

To my knowledge, insecticides containing pyrethrin may help in getting rid of the fruit flies. Some studies have tested a trap to catch fruit flies and get rid of them. The trap is made using a jar and a paper funnel (created from notebook paper). Fill the jar with a bit of cider vinegar as bait and keep the trap at a place where fruit flies are frequently seen. This uncomplicated and effective method will capture and allow you to deal with any remaining fruit flies.

Dr. Siddharth Gupta, B.A.M.S, M.D

How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies: Proven and Effective Methods

Want to know how to get rid of fruit flies? Well, here are some the effective methods to get rid of them.

Locate and Eliminate the Source

1. Inspect Fruits and Vegetables

Begin with checking all your fruits and veggies for infestations, spoilage, or damage. Toss out any bad items and store the rest correctly. Washing and drying your fruits and veggies as soon as you get them helps get rid of any hidden eggs or baby bugs.

2. Check Trash Bins and Recycling Containers

Make sure food waste is not stuck in your trash drain and recycling bins and that they are emptied regularly. Clean and dry them from time to time. Always use liners in your garbage cans to stop fruit or veggie bits from gathering at the bottom.

3. Look for Hidden Spills and Stagnant Water

Fruit flies love damp places with organic material traces like spills and stale water. Check your home, especially the kitchen and bathroom, for any hidden spills or poorly drained areas. Clean and dry these spaces well to destroy potential breeding points.

Clean and Sanitize Commonly Affected Areas

1. Wipe Down Kitchen Countertops

Wipe your countertops frequently with a multi-purpose cleaner. This stops fruit flies from settling. So any spills or crumbs, clean them up right away, especially if they are sweet or sticky.

2. Clean Drains and Sinks

Fruit flies can breed also where organic matter builds up like drains and sink areas. Clean your kitchen sink and drain with vinegar and ice or baking soda mix to remove any leftover residues.

3. Maintain a Regular Cleaning Routine

Set a cleaning schedule, and make your home uninviting to fruit flies. Include regular vacuuming, sweeping, mopping, and wiping surfaces. Don’t leave out areas under appliances or furniture.

Also Read: How to Get Rid of Gnats: Your Expert-Approved Guide

Homemade Traps and Solutions

1. Rotten Fruit Trap

Decaying fruit can attract fruit flies into a trap. Put the fruit in a throwaway pot, cover it with plastic wrap, and make small holes in it. This simple fruit flies home remedy utilizes the smell to draw the flies, effectively trapping them inside the container.

2. Vinegar Solution Trap

Mix apple cider vinegar with some dish soap and you’ve got a handy fruit fly trap. Pour this mix into an open container like a bowl or jar. The smell of vinegar can attract the flies and they’ll get trapped in the soapy fluid.

3. DIY Fruit Fly Swim Trap

Another trap involves using wine or beer as bait. Leave a nearly-empty wine or beer bottle on the counter, with some liquid left. The fruit flies can be led by the smell into the bottle, and get stuck.

Ensure to set these traps in a safe place to avoid accidental spills or ingestion.

Commercially Available Traps and Solutions

1. Sticky Traps

You can get sticky traps at your local hardware shop made just for capturing fruit flies. Set these traps where fruit flies hang out and replace them once full.

2. Fruit Fly Attractant Traps

These traps lure fruit flies using pheromones or attractive smells and trap them. Follow the maker’s directions on placing and keeping these traps.

3. Ultraviolet Light Traps

For electronic traps, using ultraviolet light can help tackle fruit fly problems. The light draws fruit flies while an electric grid kills them once in contact.

Be cautious while setting these traps if you have children or pets around to prevent any accidental injury.

We all know prevention is easier than cure, so it may be better to take precautionary measures to get rid of fruit flies. The precautionary measures one may take are: eliminate breeding sources. Consume, discard, or refrigerate ripe fruits and vegetables, and remove damaged parts with eggs or larvae. Even a single neglected source can breed many fruit flies. Seal containers for home-preserved items and use tight screens on doors and windows.

Dr. Rajeev Singh, BAMS

Professional Help: When to Hire an Exterminator

If you’ve tried many methods and still don’t know how to get rid of a fruit fly infestation, perhaps it’s time to call a professional exterminator. They have the knowledge and equipment to handle large or stubborn infestations, making your home free of fruit flies.

Let’s have a look at how effective these methods can be.

Locate & eliminate the sourceTargets the root cause of infestationCan be time-consuming & labor-intensive
Clean & sanitizeReduces the risk of re-infestationRequires ongoing effort & vigilance
Homemade trapsCost-effective & eco-friendlyMay not be effective for all infestations
Commercial trapsWidely available & easy to useCan be more costly than homemade solutions
Professional exterminationExpert knowledge & resourcesExpensive & may involve chemical use

Lowering Occurrences of Fruit Fly Infestations

Storing Fruits and Vegetables Properly

1. Refrigerate Produce When Possible

One potential way to stop fruit fly problems is to put your produce in the fridge as much as possible. This significantly lowers the chances of fruit flies finding a nice place to breed.

2. Use airtight Containers or Plastic Bags

Store your fruits and veggies in sealed containers or plastic bags to keep fruit flies off. This also helps to keep your produce fresh and of good quality.

Also Read: What Causes Roaches: An Insight into Infestation Sources and Prevention

Cleanliness and Pest Control Routine

1. Fixing Leaks and Drainage Problems

Fix any leaks or drainage problems in your home promptly, as these may attract fruit flies. Ensure your pipes work fine, and check for any possible water build-up spots.

2. Regular Trash Disposal and Recycling Management

Clear your trash and recycling bins routinely, especially when they contain spoiled fruits, veggies, or other organic stuff. Keeping your bins clean, dry, and smell-free can stop fruit flies from pestering your home.

3. Sealing Cracks and Openings in Your Home

Check your home for any cracks or openings where fruit flies might enter. Seal these spots with caulking, weather stripping, or similar stuff to block pests.

Can a Fruit Fly Infestation Affect Your Health?

Fruit fly problems are not just annoying; they might also affect your health. Although there is no direct transmission of infection through their bite or stings, these tiny insects may carry and spread bacteria like E. coli from contaminated material, making your food and the home surfaces they sit on also contaminated. Plus, female fruit flies often lay their eggs in ripe or decaying fruits, which may further lead to infection or allergic reactions if eaten.


Fruit fly problems can be annoying and possibly bad for your health. By keeping things clean, making use of homemade solutions, and seeking pro help if needed, you can fight and stop these pests from taking over your home. Please remember, that the earlier you deal with fruit flies, the better. So act as soon as you spot them. Keep these strategies handy, and say goodbye to annoying fruit flies for good.

Also Read: Spanish Fly: Debunking Myths and Understanding Potential Effects

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

How can I identify a fruit fly infestation in my home?

Fruit flies are tiny bugs with red eyes and a tan to black body. If you see these pests near ripe or rotting fruits, veggies, or your garbage bin, your house may have a fruit fly issue.

Are fruit flies harmful or just annoying?

Fruit flies are mainly a bother, but they might be harmful by spreading bacteria on surfaces and making food dirty. So, it’s crucial to deal with infestations at the earliest to lessen the possible damage.

What is the difference between fruit flies and gnats?

Fruit flies love ripe or rotting fruits and veggies, whereas gnats are into damp organic stuff like those found in houseplants. Fruit flies have red eyes and tan to black bodies, while gnats are usually smaller, darker in color, and have long legs.

How long does it take for fruit flies to disappear after implementing control measures?

The time it takes to kill fruit flies changes based on how severe the problem is and how good the control measures used are. It can take a few days to a few weeks.

Can I use bleach to kill fruit flies?

Bleach might kill some fruit fly eggs or baby bugs, but it doesn’t stay in drains or other breeding spots long enough to completely kill off the infestation. Homemade traps and other ways are usually more useful in tackling fruit fly issues.

Is vinegar dangerous to use around children and pets when trying to get rid of fruit flies?

In general, vinegar is safe to use as a fruit fly trap around kids and pets. However, do ensure to set the vinegar trap in a safe place to avoid accidental spills or ingestion.

Where do fruit flies come from?

Fruit flies typically originate from overripe fruits and vegetables. Their eggs are laid on the surface of decaying organic matter, and the larvae hatch in these environments, giving rise to adult fruit flies.

Do fruit flies bite?

No, fruit flies do not bite humans. They primarily feed on decaying fruits and vegetables, and their mouthparts are not adapted for biting.

How long do fruit flies live?

Fruit flies have a short lifespan of about 8 to 10 days on average. However, their life cycle may vary depending on factors such as temperature and food availability.

Can fruit flies make you sick?

While fruit flies themselves are not inherently harmful, they can carry bacteria on their bodies and may transfer it to food. In rare cases, this can pose a minor risk of foodborne illness, particularly if they have been in contact with contaminated surfaces.

Can you vaccum fruit flies?

Vacuuming can be an effective method to capture and remove fruit flies from the air. Use a vacuum with a nozzle attachment, and empty the vacuum bag or canister promptly to prevent fruit flies from escaping.

Are fruit flies attracted to light?

Yes, fruit flies are attracted to light. They exhibit positive phototaxis, meaning they are drawn towards light sources, which is often used as a method for trapping or controlling fruit fly populations.

Are fruit flies and house flies the same?

No, fruit flies (Drosophila) and house flies (Musca domestica) are different species. They vary in appearance, behavior, and habitat preferences, with fruit flies being smaller and often found near ripe or fermenting fruits, while house flies are larger and are commonly associated with human habitations and waste.

Does fly spray kill fruit flies?

Yes, fly spray can be effective in killing fruit flies. Most commercial fly sprays contain insecticides that target a broad range of flying insects, including fruit flies, when sprayed directly on them.

Does boiling water kill fruit flies?

Boiling water can be an effective method to eliminate fruit flies in drains and other breeding areas. Pouring boiling water down drains can help dislodge and kill larvae, reducing the fruit fly population.

Does rubbing alcohol kill fruit flies?

Yes, rubbing alcohol can be used to kill fruit flies. Spraying a mixture of rubbing alcohol and water directly on the flies can be effective in eliminating them.

Does fruit flies die in the winter?

Fruit flies are less active in colder temperatures, and their reproduction slows down. While they may not thrive in winter, some may still survive indoors where it’s warmer, although their populations typically decrease during the colder months.

What smell does fruit flies hate?

Fruit flies dislike strong-smelling substances such as vinegar, citrus, and essential oils like eucalyptus or peppermint. These scents can act as natural repellents and help deter fruit flies.

How to catch fruit flies?

Create a simple fruit fly trap by placing apple cider vinegar in a container with a drop of dish soap. The scent attracts fruit flies, and the soap reduces surface tension, causing them to drown.

Where do fruit flies lay eggs?

Fruit flies lay their eggs on the surface of fermenting or decaying fruits and vegetables. The organic matter provides a suitable environment for the development of fruit fly larvae.

How to get rid of fruit flies in drain?

To eliminate fruit flies in drains, start by pouring boiling water down the drain to flush out eggs and larvae. Follow up with a mixture of vinegar and baking soda to break down organic matter, preventing future infestations. Finally, use a drain brush to scrub away any remaining debris and ensure a clean, fly-free drain.

How to get rid of fruit flies in plants?

To eliminate fruit flies in plants, start by removing overripe fruits and vegetables nearby, as they attract them. Then, create a solution of water and dish soap in a shallow dish to trap the flies. Additionally, consider using natural repellents like vinegar traps or essential oils to deter them from infesting your plants further.

How to get rid of fruit flies in house?

To get rid of fruit flies in your house, start by eliminating their food sources by keeping fruits and vegetables stored properly and cleaning up spills. Set up traps using apple cider vinegar or dish soap and water to attract and catch them. Regularly empty and clean your trash cans to prevent breeding grounds.

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How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies: Proven and Effective Methods - PharmEasy Blog (2024)


How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies: Proven and Effective Methods - PharmEasy Blog? ›

Mix apple cider vinegar with some dish soap and you've got a handy fruit fly trap. Pour this mix into an open container like a bowl or jar. The smell of vinegar can attract the flies and they'll get trapped in the soapy fluid.

What smell do fruit flies hate the most? ›

Fruit flies can't stand the smell of basil, peppermint, eucalyptus, lemongrass, lavender and clove. If you've had a fruit fly problem in the past, try placing these fragrant herbs in muslin sacks or tea bags and hanging them around the house. You could also buy them in essential oil form and use them in a diffuser.

Is vinegar or apple cider vinegar better for fruit flies? ›

Apple cider vinegar works better than white vinegar for fruit flies because it smells like fermenting fruit. Red wine vinegar will also work, but it tends to be more expensive than ACV. Microwave the mixture for 20 seconds or so to enhance the smell of the vinegar, then place the bowl in an area with a lot of flies.

What kills the most fruit flies? ›

DIY a vinegar and dish soap trap

To create a DIY fruit fly trap, mix a quarter cup of either apple cider vinegar or white vinegar with a few drops of dish soap. The idea is that the irresistible vinegar attracts the fruit flies, while the soap breaks the vinegar's surface tension and drowns them.

What spray kills fruit flies instantly? ›

Insecticide fogs such as CB80 or PT 565 Pyrethrum Aerosol can be sprayed into the air to kill adult winged Fruit Flies. A simple 3 second spray into the air with the products will kill most Fruit Flies within the area.

What is the natural enemy of fruit flies? ›

In the small, larval stage, fruit flies are susceptible to becoming victims of ant and beetle larvae. One of the most common predators of flies, including fruit flies, is the frog. Although frogs eat a diverse diet, they feed on flies as often as they can. The spider is also a common predator of the fruit fly.

What do fruit flies love the most? ›

As is implied by their name, fruit flies most commonly feed on fruit and other sugary substances. Fruit flies are also attracted to the fermenting sugars present in spilled alcoholic beverages. They are particularly fond of bananas and tend to infest homes with fruit left out on counters and other open surfaces.

What is a natural fruit fly deterrent? ›

To reduce the number of fruit flies without pesticides or “chemicals”, I put a few ounes or mililiters of apple cider vinegar or old wine in a small bowl, a drop or two of dish detergent, mix and cover with plastic wrap. I then poke several holes in the plastic wrap to allow fruit flies in.

What is the best homemade fruit fly trap? ›

ASSEMBLE! Combining two tablespoons of dish soap, four tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and six tablespoons of water involves nothing more than a quick stir. After that, we're adding a piece of plastic wrap and securing it with a rubber band. Last step is to poke the wrap a few times with a toothpick.

Why are there fruit flies in my house with no fruit? ›

Fruit flies are mainly attracted to extra ripe, fermenting fruits and vegetables. However, they are also drawn to things such as drains, garbage disposals, empty bottles and cans, trash bags, cleaning rags and mops. Essentially, they are drawn to food waste and moist environments.

What else kills fruit flies besides apple cider vinegar? ›

You can use the aforementioned apple cider vinegar or wine, but you can also use beer, red wine vinegar, or even rotting fruit if you've got any lying around.

How do I get rid of fruit flies permanently? ›

How can I make sure the fruit flies don't return? To prevent future infestation, be sure keep food storage areas clean and dry. Don't leave out fresh food once it's been opened or after you've taken a bite out of it. Be sure to take out your garbage regularly and clean up any spills inside or on your trash bins.

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Fill a cup with apple cider vinegar or wine 🍷. Something sweet. You can also use a microwave-safe bowl and put it in, then microwave to really add to the aroma! 👃 Add a few drops of dish soap to the mix, Dish soap reduces surface tension so flies will land and sink!

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Homemade gnat killer spray: A mixture of half a cup of water, half a cup of isopropyl alcohol, and a teaspoon of dish liquid can be filled in a spray bottle. This mixture can be sprayed on the gnats directly to kill them.

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✔️Mix apple cider vinegar and dish soap.

Ideally, the dish soap will have a fruity smell. “The fermented smell from the vinegar can attract flies,” Pereira says. “But the soap is really what will kill them.” The detergent in soap will destroy the flies' digestive tract and can also break down their cell walls, he says.

Does hydrogen peroxide get rid of fruit flies? ›

Hydrogen peroxide can also kill fruit flies, eggs, and larvae to be sure to ward off future generations of annoying pests hanging around your home. According to Arceneaux Pest Management Service, it's especially effective for cleaning out any drains or garbage disposals where they might be hiding out.

How do I permanently get rid of drain flies? ›

Mix together 1/2 cup of salt, 1/2 cup baking soda and 1 cup of vinegar. Pour the mixture down the drain. Let sit overnight, then flush the drain with hot water in the morning. This should kill all flies and the organic material they've been feeding on.

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