How Many Calories In A Bagel With Cream Cheese? - Goody's Palm Springs (2024)


Do you love bagels with cream cheese? If so, how many calories in a bagel with cream cheese? And is there anything you can do to make this breakfast favorite a bit healthier? In this blog post, we will answer all of those questions and more! We will provide nutritional information for bagels with cream cheese, as well as some healthy alternatives that you might enjoy.

So whether you are looking for a nutritious breakfast option or just want to know how many calories are in your favorite snack, keep reading! Let’s into the detail about how many calories in a bagel with cream cheese!

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How many calories in a bagel with cream cheese?

Did you know how many calories in a bagel with cream cheese? A bagel with cream cheese is a delicious breakfast option that is high in calories. A typical bagel with cream cheese contains around 190 calories. This high-calorie count can be a bit deceiving though, as a bagel with cream cheese is relatively small in size.

So, although you are consuming a lot of calories, you are not getting that many carbs or protein in return. If you are looking for a healthy breakfast option that will give you sustained energy throughout the morning, a bagel with cream cheese is not the best choice.

Now you know how many calories in a bagel with cream cheese!

How many calories in an everything bagel with cream cheese?

An Everything Bagel with Cream Cheese can be a delicious indulgence, but it’s not the healthiest choice. One bagel packed with cream cheese contains an estimated 500 calories, 28 grams of fat, and 20 grams of protein. Considering the recommended daily calorie intake is 2,000-2,400 for most adults, this is nearly a quarter of your total daily caloric intake.

In addition to being high in calories and fat, an everything bagel with cream cheese also contains nearly 60% of your recommended daily sodium intake – so it’s important to account for that if you make this part of your regular diet. If you’re looking for a healthier breakfast option, try having a plain bagel with egg whites or cottage cheese instead.

How many calories in a plain bagel with cream cheese?

A plain bagel with cream cheese is a delicious snack that packs a punch of calories. A typical plain bagel of this type contains approximately 300 calories, with 150 coming from the bagel and 150 coming from the cream cheese. In terms of actual macronutrient content, a single bagel with cream cheese will contain roughly 12 grams of fat, 40 grams of carbohydrates, and 10 grams of protein.

That makes it a high-calorie snack, but also one that offers some nutritional value in the form of filling carbohydrates and protein to help you stay satiated. Additionally, these ingredients provide dietary fiber, calcium, vitamins and minerals which all work together to keep your body healthy and energized throughout the day.

How many carbs are in a bagel with cream cheese?

There are about 24 grams of carbohydrates in a bagel with cream cheese. This is a relatively high amount of carbohydrates, especially for a single food item. For context, the American Diabetes Association recommends that people with diabetes consume no more than 45 grams of carbohydrates per meal.

While a bagel with cream cheese may be a good source of protein and fiber, it is best to enjoy this snack in moderation if you are trying to keep your carbohydrate intake low.

How many grams of fat are in a bagel with cream cheese?

A bagel with cream cheese contains a significant amount of fat. There are about 17 grams of fat in a typical bagel with cream cheese. This high level of fat can be problematic for those who are trying to manage their weight, as it can quickly add up during a day’s worth of eating.

Additionally, many of the fats found in cream cheese are unhealthy, saturated fats. This means that eating a bagel with cream cheese can potentially raise your risk for heart disease and other chronic health conditions.

How many grams of protein are in a bagel with cream cheese?

A bagel with cream cheese contains about 9 grams of protein. Protein is an important nutrient that helps the body build and repair muscles. It is also essential for healthy skin, hair, and nails. While most people need about 50-60 grams of protein per day, athletes may need up to double that amount.

Bagels are a good source of protein, as well as other nutrients like fiber and magnesium. Cream cheese is a good source of calcium and vitamin B12. When paired together, a bagel with cream cheese provides a balanced breakfast or snack option that is sure to give you the energy you need to power through your day.

What is the difference between a regular and a low-calorie bagel with cream cheese?

There are a few differences between regular and low-calorie bagels with cream cheese.

  • The first difference is that regular bagels tend to be larger than low-calorie bagels.
  • The second difference is that regular bagels tend to have a denser texture than low-calorie bagels.
  • And finally, the third difference is that regular bagels tend to have more calories than low-calorie bagels.

Typically, a regular bagel with cream cheese will contain around 350 calories, while a low-calorie bagel with cream cheese will contain around 150 calories. This makes the low-calorie option a healthier option for those looking to cut down on their calorie intake. Low-calorie bagels are also available in many different flavors, such as cinnamon raisin, whole wheat, and blueberry.

How to make a low-calorie bagel with cream cheese?

The best way to make a low-calorie bagel with cream cheese is to use a whole wheat bagel and light cream cheese. You can also use reduced-fat cream cheese, which will have fewer calories and fat grams.

To make the bagel, first, preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Then, cut the bagel in half and spread light cream cheese on each half. Place the bagels on a baking sheet and bake for 15-20 minutes, or until the bagels are golden brown. Enjoy!

How many calories are in a typical serving of bagels with cream cheese?

There are about 350 calories in a typical serving of bagels with cream cheese. Most of those calories come from the bagel itself, which is a dense and filling food.

But there are also about 25 grams of fat in a typical serving of cream cheese, most of which is saturated fat. That means that if you’re trying to watch your weight or your cholesterol levels, you’ll want to enjoy your bagels with cream cheese in moderation.

Can you make a vegan-friendly or keto-friendly bagel with cream cheese?

There are many different ways to make a vegan-friendly or keto-friendly bagel with cream cheese.

Some people might choose to make a traditional bagel recipe and then modify it by using vegan or keto-friendly ingredients. Others might choose to buy a pre-made vegan or keto-friendly bagel from the store. And still, others might choose to make their cream cheese using vegan or keto-friendly ingredients.

  • For the vegan version, you can use a store-bought vegan cream cheese or make your own with cashews, water, lemon juice, and salt.
  • For the keto version, you can use cream cheese made from heavy cream and sour cream.

Both versions are easy to make and taste great! No matter which route you choose, there are many delicious possibilities for creating a vegan-friendly or keto-friendly bagel with cream cheese. The options are endless, so get creative and have some fun!

How to make your batch of healthy homemade bagels with cream cheese?

Making homemade bagels with cream cheese is a great way to avoid eating unhealthy bagels from the grocery store. Not only are they healthier, but they also taste great and are very easy to make. This recipe will make about 12 bagels, so it’s perfect for a small family or a group of friends.

  • To start, you’ll need to mix 1 ½ cups of all-purpose flour, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1 teaspoon of salt, and 1 ½ teaspoons of baking powder in a large bowl. In a smaller bowl, whisk together 2 eggs and ¼ cup of milk. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and stir until everything is well combined.
  • Next, you’ll need to shape the dough into 12 balls. You can do this by dividing the dough into 12 equal parts, or by using a food scale to weigh them out. Place the dough balls on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and press them down slightly. Cover them with a towel and let them rest for 10 minutes.
  • While the dough is resting, preheat your oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Once the oven is hot, bake the bagels for 20 minutes. Remove them from the oven and let them cool on a wire rack before topping them with cream cheese.

Tips for reducing the number of calories you consume when eating a bagel with cream cheese

Bagels are a popular breakfast food, but can often be high in calories.

  • One way to reduce the number of calories you consume when eating a bagel with cream cheese is to choose a smaller bagel.
  • Another way is to use less cream cheese. You can also replace some of the cream cheese with jam or another spread that is lower in calories.
  • Finally, try to limit your portion size.

By following these tips, you can enjoy a bagel with cream cheese while still keeping your calorie intake in check.


Is cream cheese on a bagel healthy?

There is no right or wrong answer to this question as cream cheese is a dairy product and therefore contains high levels of cholesterol and saturated fat. However, for some people, cream cheese on a bagel can be a healthy breakfast choice if consumed in moderation.

Cream cheese is a good source of calcium, protein, and B vitamins, and it also contains beneficial probiotics that can help support gut health. When selecting a cream cheese, it is important to choose one that is low in sodium and doesn’t contain any added sugars or artificial flavors.

If you’re looking for a healthier breakfast option, try swapping out the cream cheese on your bagel for avocado or hummus.

Are bagels OK for weight loss?

There is no definitive answer to this question, as the effects that different types of bread have on weight loss will vary from person to person. However, some people believe that bagels can be a healthy option for those looking to lose weight, as they are generally lower in calories than other types of bread.

Additionally, bagels are a good source of fiber, which can help keep you feeling full and satisfied after eating them.

Are bagels more fattening than bread?

There is no definitive answer when it comes to whether or not bagels are more fattening than bread. Bagels are denser and have a higher calorie count than bread, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that they are more fattening. Whether or not a food is fattening depends on the person’s overall diet and how the food is consumed.

For example, if someone eats a bagel with peanut butter for breakfast, they will be consuming more calories than if they ate a piece of toast with peanut butter. However, if someone eats a few slices of bread throughout the day, they will likely consume more calories than if they ate a bagel.

In general, bagels are more caloric than bread, but whether or not they are more fattening depends on the person’s diet and eating habits.

What is the healthiest bagel to eat?

There are all sorts of opinions on what the healthiest bagel is, but most people seem to agree that whole wheat is the way to go. Whole wheat bagels are a good source of fiber, which can help to regulate digestion and keep you feeling full longer.

They’re also low in calories and cholesterol-free, making them a healthy option for people who are trying to watch their weight. If you’re looking for a nutritious breakfast or snack, consider reaching for a whole wheat bagel instead of a doughnut or sugary cereal.

How many calories should you eat a day?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the number of calories you should eat each day depends on a variety of factors, including your age, sex, activity level, and weight.

However, general guidelines suggest that women should aim to eat around 1,600-2,000 calories per day, and men should aim to eat around 2,000-2,400 calories per day. It’s important to note that these are just general guidelines; if you’re trying to lose weight or gain muscle, you may need to adjust your calorie intake accordingly.

Additionally, it’s important to make sure that you’re eating a healthy diet full of nutrient-rich foods rather than consuming large amounts of unhealthy junk food.


So there you have it – a comprehensive guide to how many calories in a bagel with cream cheese. As you can see, the number of calories can vary depending on the size and type of bagel as well as the type and amount of cream cheese used. However, in general, a bagel with cream cheese is not a low-calorie food item.

So if you’re watching your weight or trying to eat healthier, you may want to consider options other than a bagel for breakfast or snacks. Thanks for reading! Hope you gave good answer to the question of how many calories in a bagel with cream cheese


How Many Calories In A Bagel With Cream Cheese? - Goody's Palm Springs (2024)


How many calories are in a bagel and cream cheese? ›

Assuming the average bagel with cream cheese packs about 300 to 400 calories (and that's being modest because those deli schmears can be hefty), we're playing a numbers game with our metabolism and daily activities.

How many calories are in one bagel? ›

One plain medium-sized bagel – about 100 grams – has about 264 calories, in addition to the following: 11 grams of protein. 1 gram of fat. 52 grams of carbohydrates.

What has less calories bagel with butter or cream cheese? ›

Cream cheese is healthier than butter; at 2 Tablespoons, the calorie count is just 98, there are only 10 grams of fat, and you do get a tiny bit of protein (less than 2 grams). The real trick here is not guesstimating – it's easy to smear 2 Tablespoons on each half and then you've made it just as bad for you as butter.

Are bagels with cream cheese good for bulking? ›

Neither the bagel or the cream cheese will do much to help build muscles.

How many calories in a classic bagel with cream cheese? ›


Is it OK to eat bagels on a diet? ›

While bagels pack a lot of carbs and are more 'refined,' they can fit a balanced plate when paired with protein and fat." A 1,700-calorie diet breaks down to 400 to 500 calories per meal (if you also eat a snack or two). One medium bagel has just 289 calories, so it can definitely fit within that range.

Is a bagel with cream cheese healthy? ›

While bagels with cream cheese are delicious, traditional cream cheese is not necessarily healthy. This popular bagel topping is generally low in protein and high in fat and calories. The good news is that there are healthier cream cheese options, if cream cheese is your favorite bagel spread.

Does toasting a bagel reduce calories? ›

Fiber helps maintain a healthy digestive system and a stable blood sugar level leading to a feeling of satiety. As for toasted bread, the process of toasting actually only removes the water from the bread and not the nutrients, so it doesn't affect the calorie content of the piece of bread before toasting.

Is bagel healthier than bread? ›

First, bagels can have more calories and carbs than bread because the serving size tends to be higher. However, this does not inherently make bagels less healthy, it just means when you eat a bagel you need to pay attention to how much you're eating and what you're pairing with it.

How many calories are in 2 scrambled eggs? ›

Typical nutritional values per large egg:

If you are using the pan method, then two large eggs scrambled with a small knob of melted butter and 2 tbsp semi-skimmed milk would contain between about 200 and 245 calories, depending on the amount of butter added.

How many calories a day to lose weight? ›

In general, if you cut about 500 calories a day from your usual diet, you may lose about ½ to 1 pound a week. But this can vary depending on your body, how much weight you want to lose, your gender and activity level.

How many calories are in 2 eggs? ›

Calories in Eggs. Eggs aren't just delicious, they're also incredibly nutritious. Whether you prefer boiled, scrambled, or poached, eggs are a great source of high quality protein. At just 74 calories per egg (310 kJ), they are one of the healthiest foods you can eat.

Can older adults build muscle mass? ›

As we age, our muscle mass gradually decreases. But strength training — or resistance training — can help you maintain or build muscle at any age. We generally start to lose muscle mass in our 30s. At first, this happens at a rate of around 3–8% per decade.

How many calories are in a NY bagel with cream cheese? ›

And the average New York bagel is between five to seven ounces. So that's somewhere between 400 and 560 calories. And then cream cheese is 100 calories per ounce, and the average New York bagel has two ounces of cream cheese. It's about 600 calories total.

How many calories in a plain bagel with light cream cheese? ›

Diet-to-go Week 1 Plain Bagel With Cream Cheese Low-fat Traditional 1200 (1 serving) contains 70g total carbs, 68g net carbs, 6g fat, 12g protein, and 294 calories.

How many calories are in a bagel with cream cheese and butter? ›

Tim Hortons Bagel With Cream Cheese And Butter (1 serving) contains 54g total carbs, 52g net carbs, 25g fat, 11g protein, and 490 calories.

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