Great Heal | Elden Ring Wiki (2024)


Great Heal

Great Heal | Elden Ring Wiki (1)
Spell Type Two Fingers Incantations
FP Cost 45 Slots Used 1
Great Heal | Elden Ring Wiki (2)Effect

Greatly Heals HP for self and nearby allies

Great Heal | Elden Ring Wiki (3)Requires

Intelligence 0
Faith 15
Arcane 0

Great Heal is an Incantation in Elden Ring. Great Heal spell restores a lot of health to both you and your allies.

Superior incantation of the Two Fingers' faithful.

Greatly heals HP for the caster and nearby allies. Hold to continue praying and delay activation.

The Two Fingers has high hopes for the Tarnished; that even if they should be wounded, even should they fall, they will continue to fight for their duty.

Where to find Great Heal

Where to find Great Heal:

  • Sold by Brother Corhyn for 9000 runes after he moves to Altus Plateau.

Elden RingGreat Heal Guide

  • Two Fingers Incantation
  • Stamina Cost: 40
  • Heals (3.64 x Faith Incantation Scaling) HP to self and heals (2.07 x Faith Incantation Scaling) HP to nearby friendly entities
    • Amount scales linearly to Faith-Based Incantation Scaling (ex. heals 728 HP to self at 200 Incantation Scaling)
      • Incantation Scaling granted from Strength, Arcane, Intelligence, and presumably Dexterity (eg. Str scaling from Clawmark Seal) does not affect the heal's potency.
  • Compared to Heal, this incantationis both more FP efficient (12.5% more efficient) and time efficient, since it heals more per cast (58% more health)
Elden Ring Incantations

Agheel's FlameAncient Dragons' Lightning SpearAncient Dragons' Lightning StrikeAspects of the Crucible: BreathAspects of the Crucible: HornsAspects of the Crucible: TailBarrier of GoldBeast ClawBestial ConstitutionBestial SlingBestial VitalityBlack BladeBlack FlameBlack Flame's ProtectionBlack Flame BladeBlack Flame RitualBlessing's BoonBlessing of the ErdtreeBloodboonBloodflame BladeBloodflame TalonsBorealis's MistBurn O Flame!Catch FlameCure PoisonDarknessDeath LightningDiscus of LightDivine FortificationDragonbolt BlessingDragonclawDragonfireDragoniceDragonmawEkzykes's DecayElden StarsElectrify ArmamentErdtree HealFire's Deadly SinFlame Fall Upon ThemFlame FortificationFlame of the Fell GodFlame Protect MeFortissax's Lightning SpearFrenzied BurstFrozen Lightning SpearGiantsflame Take TheeGlintstone BreathGolden Lightning FortificationGolden Vow (Spell)Greyoll's RoarHealHoned BoltHowl of ShabririImmutable ShieldInescapable FrenzyLansseax's GlaiveLaw of CausalityLaw of RegressionLightning FortificationLightning SpearLightning StrikeLitany of Proper DeathLord's AidLord's Divine FortificationLord's HealMagic FortificationMagma BreathNoble PresenceO Flame!Order's BladeOrder HealingPest ThreadsPlacidusax's RuinPoison ArmamentPoison MistProtection of the ErdtreeRadagon's Rings of LightRejectionRotten BreathScarlet AeoniaScouring Black FlameShadow BaitSmarag's Glintstone BreathStone of GurranqSurge O Flame!Swarm of FliesThe Flame of FrenzyTheodorix's MagmaTriple Rings of LightUnendurable FrenzyUrgent HealVyke's DragonboltWhirl O Flame!Wrath of Gold

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Great Heal | Elden Ring Wiki (4)

    • Great Heal | Elden Ring Wiki (5)


      20 Feb 2024 02:05

      do dex speed the healin-anim up here?

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      Great Heal | Elden Ring Wiki (6)

      • Great Heal | Elden Ring Wiki (7)


        26 Jan 2024 22:02

        Helps with high-vigor players, and even spirit ashes. While the godskin duo was both downed, I had the chance to cast this several times in a row to heal bernahl & mimic.

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        Great Heal | Elden Ring Wiki (8)

        • Great Heal | Elden Ring Wiki (11)


          04 Nov 2023 11:37

          It's a great heal tbh

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          Great Heal | Elden Ring Wiki (12)

          • Great Heal | Elden Ring Wiki (13)


            08 Oct 2023 23:21

            This is the the most FP efficient form of healing in the game aside from of course Erdtree Heal which can overheal you a lot of the time in many situations.

            This is the best healing spell in the game! . Any Faith build can use this. Pack less red and more blue flasks. Heal more and chug less. Took me a long time to learn this lesson. Particularly when co-oping because flasks are scarse!

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            Great Heal | Elden Ring Wiki (14)

            • Great Heal | Elden Ring Wiki (15)


              17 Jan 2023 04:43

              Important note: if you didn’t talk to corhyn after his move to Altus and proceed to farum azula, his bell bearing will not have great heal. I usually remember to finish up with him before finishing the story mission up at the forge. Minor bummer but hey, I’ll grab it in ng+. Heal still stuns revenants.

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              Great Heal | Elden Ring Wiki (16)

              • Great Heal | Elden Ring Wiki (17)


                09 May 2022 10:12

                Why is no one talking about you being able to attack with this? It deals colossal damage to some enemies

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                Great Heal | Elden Ring Wiki (18)

                • Great Heal | Elden Ring Wiki (21)DatKami

                  22 Mar 2022 06:07

                  Thanks to the input from a Dragon Communion Seal user's comment on 3/15, I've come to the following conclusion:

                  Heals are only affected by the faith portion of Incantation Scaling.

                  For example, I use Greater Heal a Finger Seal +12 at 60 faith and 222 incant scaling. This should heal me 364 * 2.22 = 808 HP, which it does (healed from 28 to 836)

                  I use Greater Heal with a Beastmark Claw at 60 faith, 13 strength, and the claw displays 136 incant scaling. This *should* heal me 364 * 1.36 = 495 HP, but I only get healed for 483 HP. What gives?

                  Same for the Golden Order Seal at 60 faith, 17 intelligence, the seal displays 158 incant scaling and a regular Heal *should* heal me 230 * 1.58 = 363 HP but only heals me 329 HP.

                  Some of the discrepancy should be mainly explained by the existence of the other type of non-faith scaling.

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                  Great Heal | Elden Ring Wiki (22)

                  • Great Heal | Elden Ring Wiki (23)


                    20 Mar 2022 22:18

                    Ratios to healing of the Spells: (Urgend Heal 1.148, Heal 2.301, Great Heal 3.644, Lord´s Heal 4.204, Erdtree Still don´t got it sry)

                    - Great Heal has the most efficient ratio of this spells and at 60 Faith with the Erdtree Seal +10 (273 Scaling ) it heals for 273 * 3.644 = 995 HP for 45 FP ( or 34 ) for a ratio of 22HP per 1FP (or alternativly a ratio of 29 HP per 1 FP)

                    - For comparison a avarage non regen insta heal spell has a ratio of: incantation-scaling (of your talisman) multiplyed by the ratio of the spell 1.148 ( so at 273 scaling it heals 313 )for the urgent heal spell (60 Faith ERDTREE SEAL +10 has a Incantation Scaling of 273 and the avarage HP per FP ratio of Healing spells is about 18-20.

                    - Great Heal is the most efficient with 20+ HP per FP with 60 Faith and more second only to the Erdtree Heal.)

                    - try using your FP to healyourself its more efficient because:

                    - Blessing´s Boon is at 24HP pro 1Fp and BLESSING OF THE ERDTREE is at 18 HP per 1FP spend.

                    - By extending the duration of the Blessing Spells with OLD LORD'S (30% longer) TALISMAN to 117 Sec and reducing the Cost with PRIMAL GLINTSTONE BLADE (25% less cost ) down to 23FP and 45FP. You can reach a FP spend for HP gained ratio of 40HP per 1FP on Blessing´s Boon and a ratio of 31HP per 1FP spend for the BLESSING OF THE ERDTREE

                    - Flask of Crimson Tears +12 with 15 Flask of Crimson Tears heals for 810 (972 with CRIMSON SEED TALISMAN) for a MAX HEAL of 12150HP (or 14580HP with the CRIMSON SEED TALISMAN).

                    - While your max FP Flask heals 220 but i recomend get 180FP MAX. You can heal using the tricks above to regen heal about 5616+ HP per Flask of Cerulean Tears. Using the Bleesing of the Erdtree 4 times per 180FP Bar. So a total of 84240 HP and Blessing Bone would be even better...

                    - This makes Flask of Cerulean Tears about 570%+ better that using Flask of Crimson Tears and IT HEALS YOUR ALLYS ON TOP OF THAT !!!!

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                    Great Heal | Elden Ring Wiki (24)

                    • Great Heal | Elden Ring Wiki (25)


                      15 Mar 2022 06:26

                      Dragon communion seal only takes the faith portion of it's scaling when using heals.

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                      Great Heal | Elden Ring Wiki (26)

                      • Great Heal | Elden Ring Wiki (27)


                        13 Mar 2022 08:45

                        Does this benefit from any specific seal ? Like the dragon spells benefit from the dragon seal for example

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                        Great Heal | Elden Ring Wiki (28)

                        • Great Heal | Elden Ring Wiki (29)


                          12 Mar 2022 07:18

                          At 50 Faith + 80 Intelligence using a +10 Golden Order Seal (Incant Scaling: 367) with no additional buffs results in a 811 HP heal. The FP cost of 45 results in a 18.02-18.03/HP per FP.

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                          Great Heal | Elden Ring Wiki (30)

                          • Great Heal | Elden Ring Wiki (31)


                            11 Mar 2022 04:27

                            does anyone know if Great Heal is much better than Heal? yet to reach Corhyn in Altus Plateau to try it out. Would hope that it's at least 50% better for healing

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                            Great Heal | Elden Ring Wiki (32)

                            • Great Heal | Elden Ring Wiki (33)


                              04 Mar 2022 00:33

                              Great Heal heals for ~3.05x Incant Strength, compared to Heal's 2.3x.

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                              Great Heal | Elden Ring Wiki (34)

                              • Great Heal | Elden Ring Wiki (35)


                                03 Mar 2022 04:55

                                The priest after he left roundtable he stands near where you get the map for altus plateau.

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                                Great Heal | Elden Ring Wiki (36)

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                              Great Heal | Elden Ring Wiki (2024)


                              How much does Great Heal heal? ›

                              Great Heal restores a large amount of HP, that is 8x the MagAdjust of the equipped talisman. It has an identical casting length as Heal, but with a more luminous animation.

                              Is Lords Heal better than Great Heal? ›

                              Lord's Heal is technically an upgrade over Great Heal in that it will provide you with more HP when cast.

                              Where is the Great Heal incantation? ›

                              Where to Find Great Heal. Great Heal can be bought from Brother Corhyn, but only after you have progressed his questline once he leaves Roundtable Hold for the Altus Plateau and tell him the location of Goldmask. Once he has joined up, he will sell new incantations such as this one.

                              What is the difference between Great Heal and great heal excerpt? ›

                              Great Heal Excerpt fills a very small niche. Per slot, Heal recovers more HP; in terms of use, Great Heal recovers just as much HP but comes with three times the uses (in exchange, Great Heal has a higher faith requirement). Using humanity to heal is both faster and heals more.

                              What is the fastest heal? ›

                              Muscles and tendons generally heal the fastest. These parts of the body recover more quickly thanks to an ample blood supply. The circulatory system provides muscles with plenty of nutrients and oxygen needed for healing.

                              Does mercy heal the most? ›

                              Mercy is the most healing-oriented for the Support heroes.

                              Is rejection good in Elden Ring? ›

                              Despite the low damage output, Rejection can be a very versatile spell when used for crowd control and can be purchased from Brother Corhyn in Roundtable Hold for 600 runes. Players looking for a more powerful variant of Rejection should consider learning Wrath of Gold.

                              What is the fastest heal in Elden Ring? ›

                              Urgent Heal Spell Use

                              Urgent Heal allows you to replenish a small amount of health. Though the amount isn't great, it can be cast relatively fast to help keep you in the fight for longer, and can be cast while moving.

                              Can you heal a mimic tear? ›

                              Since mimic tear is not only immune to poison, but also can use an unlimited amount of any. items you had equipped when you summon them, mimic tear can infinitely use raw meat dumplings to heal themselves.

                              Is Urgent Heal good in Elden Ring? ›

                              Urgent Heal lets you heal quickly in battles without using up a flask. It's great when you need to heal but have finished your Flask of Crimson Tears.

                              How much does Lord's Heal heal? ›

                              Restores (4.2 x Faith Incantation Scaling) HP to yourself, and half as much to allies. Incantation Scaling from sources other than Faith is unused in calculating the HP healed.

                              How to get lords heal? ›

                              Where to Find Lord's Heal. The Lord's Heal is obtained after finding the Two Fingers' Prayerbook (located in the Fortified Manor in Leyndell, Royal Capital, as shown on the map above) and given to either Brother Corhyn or Miriel, Pastor of Vows. It can then be bought for 8,000 Runes.

                              What is the summoner healing spell? ›

                              Restores 80 - 318 Health (depending on champion level) to your champion and to nearby allies.

                              How much does Lord's heal heal? ›

                              Restores (4.2 x Faith Incantation Scaling) HP to yourself, and half as much to allies. Incantation Scaling from sources other than Faith is unused in calculating the HP healed.

                              Is the heal miracle worth it? ›

                              Usage. Heal is an indispensable early-game miracle for almost any class and build. Even at low Faith, it will heal a large portion of a character's HP, making it an easy way to prevent grinding for healing items. It is, however, slow and not very suitable for using during bosses.

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