Essential Polish Phrases: 100+ Expressions to Sound Like a Polish Native (2024)

Essential Polish Phrases: 100+ Expressions to Sound Like a Polish Native (1)

Though the Polish language is rich in long words and complex grammatical structures, everyday Polish is mostly made up of a limited set of essential phrases and expressions that repeat from conversation to conversation.

If you want to sound more natural when speaking Polish, the most time-efficient thing you can do is work on the fixed expressions that Poles use whenever they greet each other, ask for clarification, express opinions or simply do their best to sound polite.

The basic premise behind this little compendium is to only cover these Polish phrases that are bothcommonand useful across multiple contexts.

Whether you’re an absolute beginner who needs to quickly memorize basic Polish phrases before a trip to Poland or a more advanced learner who wants to impress Poles with a perfect command of everyday idioms, this guide will show you what you need to focus on.

And if you think you’ve already learnt all there is to learn,challenge yourself and test your skills in our interactive Clozemaster quizat the bottom of the article, which includes most of the Polish phrases listed in this article.

Complete guides to essential Polish expressions

“Hello” in Polish: 7 Polish Greetings to Sound like a Native Speaker

  • Dzień dobry is the defaultformal/neutral greeting in Polish (“good morning” / “good afternoon”).
  • Dobry wieczór is the formal/neutral evening greeting (“good evening”).
  • Cześćis the standard informal Polish greeting (“hello”).

“How Are You?” in Polish: 6 Friendly Polish Phrases and When to Use Them

  • Poles don’t really use “how are you?” that often. It’s mostly used when catching up with friends and family.
  • The most natural “how are you?” phrases in Polish arejak tam?,jak leci?,co słychać?andco tam?

How to Introduce Yourself in Polish: All You Need to Know

  • Miłomiis the simplest way to say “nice to meet you” in Polish regardless of the context.
  • To introduce yourself with your first name, saymam na imię ____.
  • When introducing yourself with your full name, saynazywam się _____.

Saying “Goodbye” in Polish: 7 Essential Polish Farewells

  • Do widzenia is the standardformal/neutralphrase used when saying “goodbye” in Polish.
  • Dobranocis the Polish way of saying “good night”.
  • Informal expressions used to say “bye” in Polish include cześćand pa.

Saying “Thank You” in Polish: 7 Key Phrases

  • Dziękujęis the surest way to say “thank you” in Polish in all possible situations.
  • Dziękiis more casual and mostly used when thanking for little favors (“thanks”).
  • When someone thanks you in Polish, saynie ma za co(“not at all”) orproszę(“you’re welcome”).

How to Say “Sorry” in Polish to Sound Like a (Polite) Native Speaker

  • Przepraszamis the default phrase said when apologizing in Polish (“sorry”). You can also use it to get someone’s attention (“excuse me”).
  • When someone apologizes to you in Polish, you can reassure them by sayingnie ma problemu(“no problem”) or(nic) nie szkodzi(“no harm done”).

Basic Polish phrasebook: the most useful phrases in Polish

In blue: male forms
In green: female forms
In red: plural forms
In italics: formal forms

Asking questions in Polish

What is it?Co to jest?
Who is it?Kto to jest?
Is this … ?Czy to jest … ?
Is there (any) … ?Czy jest … ?
Why … ?Czemu … ? / Dlaczego … ?
When … ?Kiedy … ?
What is going on?Co się dzieje?
What happened?Co się stało?

Answering questions in Polish

Yes, please.Tak, poproszę.
No, thanks.Nie, dziękuję.
I don’t know.Nie wiem.
Of course.Oczywiście.

Making requests and asking for help in Polish

I want…

1. to book a room.
2. to hire a guide.


1. zarezerwować pokój.
2. wynająć przewodnika.

I need…

1. a toothbrush.
2. an interpreter.


1. szczoteczki do zębów.
2. tłumacza.

I have to…

1. take a shower.
2. take my medicine.


1. wziąć prysznic.
2. wziąć leki.

I’m looking for…

1. an L size sweater.
2. a gift for my girlfriend.


1. swetra w rozmiarze L.
2. prezentu dla dziewczyny.

I would like…

1. to buy something to drink.
2. to make a phone call.

[Chciałbym… /Chciałabym]…

1. kupić coś do picia.
2. zatelefonować.

Please give me…

1. a ticket to Berlin.
2. a kilogram of apples.


1. bilet do Berlina.
2. kilogram jabłek.

Can I…

1. sit here?
2. use the phone?
3. get a glass of water?

Czy mogę…

1. tu usiąść?
2. skorzystać z telefonu?
3. prosić o szklankę wody?

Do you have…

1. a bandage?
2. a moment?

Czy [ma pan/ma pani/mają państwo/masz/macie]…

1. bandaż?
2. chwilę?

Can you help me?Czy [może pan/może pani/mogą państwo/możesz/możecie] mi pomóc?
(Please) wait.Zaczekaj. /Proszę poczekać.

Expressing opinion in Polish

I (don’t) like…(= I find it nice/attractive)(Nie) podoba mi się…
I (don’t) like…(= I enjoy it)(Nie) lubię…
I think that…Myślę, że…
It seems to me that…Wydaje mi się, że…
I am glad that…Cieszę się, że…

Talking about health and mood in Polish

I’m not feeling well.Źle się czuję.
I’m feeling nauseous.Niedobrze mi.
I’m feeling dizzy.Kręci mi się w głowie.
I’m sick.Jestem [chory / chora].
I’m tired.Jestem [zmęczony / zmęczona].
I’m sleepy.Chce mi się spać.
I’m bored.Nudzi mi się.
I’m sad.Smutno mi.

1. head
2. stomach
3. leg


Boli mnie…

1. głowa.
2. brzuch.
3. noga.

Call an ambulance!Proszę wezwać pogotowie!

Talking about money and prices in Polish

How much is it?Ile to kosztuje?
How much is…

1. the entrance fee?
2. one night in a room for two?
3. a one-way ticket?

Ile kosztuje…

1. wstęp?
2. jedna noc w pokoju dwuosobowym?
3. bilet w jedną stronę?

Where can I change money?Gdzie mogę wymienić pieniądze?
I’d like to change euro into zlotys.Chcę wymienić euro na złotówki.
Do you take credit cards?Czy mogę zapłacić kartą (kredytową)?

Asking about the time in Polish

What time is it?Która jest godzina?
At what time…

1. does the train to Kraków leave?
2. does the concert begin?
3. does this store close?

O której (godzinie)…

1. odjeżdża pociąg do Krakowa?
2. zaczyna się koncert?
3. zamykają ten sklep?

Asking for directions in Polish

Where is the…

1. toilet?
2. ATM?
3. checkout?
4. fitting room?
5. bus stop?

Gdzie jest…

2. bankomat?
3. kasa?
4. przymierzalnia?
5. przystanek?

Where can I…

1. rent a car?
2. buy aspirin?
3. charge my phone?

Gdzie mogę…

1. wynająć samochód?
2. kupić aspirynę?
3. naładować telefon?

Is there (any) … nearby?Czy w pobliżu jest …?
How do I get to…?Jak dostać się do…?
Go straight ahead.Idź prosto. /Proszę iść prosto.
Turn right.Skręć w prawo. /Proszę skręcić w prawo.
Turn left.Skręć w lewo. /Proszę skręcić w lewo.
Is it far from here?Czy to daleko stąd?
Please take me to…Proszę mnie zawieźć do…
Where does this bus/train go?Dokąd jedzie ten autobus/pociąg?
I’m lost.[Zgubiłem/Zgubiłam] się.

Talking about language in Polish

Do you speak…

1. English?
2. Polish?

3. Spanish?
4. German?
5. French?

Czy [mówi pan/mówi pani/mówią państwo/mówisz/mówicie] po…

1. angielsku?
2. polsku?
3. hiszpańsku?
4. niemiecku?
5. francusku?

I (don’t) speak Polish.(Nie) mówię po polsku.
My Polish is poor.Słabo mówię po polsku.
Can you say that again?Czy [może pan/może pani/mogą państwo/możesz/możecie]to powtórzyć?
Can you speak slower?Czy [może pan/może pani/mogą państwo/możesz/możecie]mówić wolniej?
Can I get that in English?Czy dostanę to po angielsku?
Does anyone here speak English?Czy ktoś tu mówi po angielsku?
How is this called in Polish?Jak to się nazywa po polsku?
How do I say … in Polish?Jak się po polsku mówi …?
What does it mean?Co to znaczy?
How do you pronounce it?Jak się to wymawia?
How do you spell it?Jak się to pisze?

Talking about food in Polish

Can I see the menu?Czy mogę zobaczyć menu?
Can I get something to…

1. eat?
2. drink?

Czy mogę dostać coś do…

1. jedzenia?
2. picia?

Can you recommend anything?Czy [może pan/może pani/mogą państwo/możesz/możecie] coś polecić?
Does this dish contain…

1. nuts?
2. meat?
3. milk?
4. gluten?

Czy to danie zawiera…

1. orzechy?
2. mięso?
3. mleko?
4. gluten?

I feel like having…

1. something sweet.
2. soup.
3. a pasta dish.

Mam ochotę na…

1. coś słodkiego.
2. zupę.
3. danie z makaronem.

I am vegetarian.Jestem [wegetarianinem/ wegetarianką].
I am vegan.Jestem[weganinem / weganką].
I am (not) hungry.(Nie) jestem [głodny/ głodna].

Bon appétit!(= enjoy your meal)


I (don’t) like it.(about taste)

(Nie) smakuje mi.

It’s delicious!


May I have the bill, please?Czy mogę prosić o rachunek?

Holiday greetings and good wishes in Polish

Good luck!Powodzenia!
Same to you!Nawzajem!
All the best! / Happy birthday!Wszystkiego najlepszego!
Merry Christmas! / Happy Easter!Wesołych Świąt!
Happy New Year!Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku!

If you’d like to see a list of recommended phrasebooks and tons of other resources that will get you all the way to fluency in Polish, check outThe Best Resources for Learning Polish.

Challenge yourself with Clozemaster

Test your skills and see what you’ve learned from this article by playing a selection of 101 common Polish expressions.

Sign up here to save your progress and start getting fluent with thousands of Polish sentences at Clozemaster.

Clozemasterhas been designed to help you learn the language in context by filling in the gaps in authentic sentences. Withfeatures such as Grammar Challenges, Cloze-Listening, and Cloze-Reading, the app will let you emphasize all the competencies necessary to become fluent in Polish.

Take your Polish to the next level. Click here to start practicing with real Polish sentences!

Essential Polish Phrases: 100+ Expressions to Sound Like a Polish Native (2)

Essential Polish Phrases: 100+ Expressions to Sound Like a Polish Native (2024)


What are the most common phrases in Polish? ›

What are some useful Polish phrases to learn for beginners?
  • Good day = Dzień dobry.
  • My name is = Nazywam się
  • Please = Proszę
  • Thank you = Dziękuję
  • How are you? = Jak się masz?
  • I'm sorry = Przykro mi.

What is the hardest Polish word to say? ›

The 9 Most Unpronounceable Words in Polish
  • 'Żółć' This word is comprised purely of Polish letters ‒ Latin letters that were modified with Polish diacritic signs. ...
  • 'Szczęście' If you think happiness is hard to find, try pronouncing it in Polish! ...
  • 'Pszczyna' ...
  • 'Następstw' ...
  • 'Źdźbło' ...
  • 'Bezwzględny' ...
  • Szymankowszczyzna. ...
  • Szczebrzeszyn.

How do I respond to "dziękuję"? ›

For “thank you very much,” use “bardzo dziękuję” or “dziękuję bardzo”. And when you're responding with a “you're welcome,” use either “proszę” or “nie ma za co"—both are quite common.

What is the longest Polish word? ›

Fun Fact: Dziewięćsetdziewięćdziesięciodziewięcionarodowościowego is the longest Polish word with 54 letters. It roughly stands for “of nine-hundred and ninety-nine nationalities”. Try saying that!

What does dupa yash mean? ›

Dupa Jaś means literally Ass Johnny, which is a term used to describe a clumsy and not very smart person. Not a favourable way to refer to someone, but, it can also be used between friends in a sarcastic way, “Z ciebie taki dupa Jaś” to say “you should have done it better”.

What do Polish say when drinking? ›

Na Zdrowie! (Nah zdrov-e-yay) Without doubt the most common toast, it's essentially the Polish version of “Cheers!”. This ubiquitous phrase is one no traveler to the lands of Poland should be without. It literally means “to health” and can also be used to say “Bless you”.

Is Polish more difficult than Russian? ›

In terms of grammar, Russian is easier to learn than Polish. Although Russian and Polish contain many consonants, making spelling and pronunciation difficult, Russian is easier to learn than Polish. Russians don't use the verb “to be” in the present tense, which can throw off new learners.

Is Polish the hardest European language? ›

Polish is considered to be one of the most difficult and hardest languages to learn. Some believe IT IS the hardest language to learn on Earth. Of course, opinions in this regard vary and are quite subjective, but there are a good many reasons for this. Polish is a West Slavic language.

Is Polish the second hardest language to learn? ›

Polish. From this point forward, the hardest languages to learn get less difficult but are still quite challenging. Polish got the number three spot on our list. Spelling and grammar are a couple of areas in which Polish can give English speakers a hard time.

What do Polish people say after a sneeze? ›

How to sneeze and respond to sneezes in 80 different languages
PolishApsikNa zdrowie
PunjabiHaa(n)Tii (ਹਾਂਟੀ)ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ (Waheguru)
QuechuaAchhiySumaj kawsaymi ñuqa
71 more rows
Apr 4, 2023

How do you apologize in Polish? ›

In Polish, when you want to apologize, you would use the word "przepraszam." Here's a breakdown: 1. **Przepraszam (pronounced: psheh-prah-shahm):** This is the polite and commonly used way to say "I apologize" or "I'm sorry" in Polish.

What do Polish people say when you sneeze? ›

Poland. In Poland after you sneeze, people say, “Naz drowie!” (pronounced naz drow), which means, “for health” or “to your health.” These simple words have other meanings in Poland, explains Polish travel blogger, Karolina Patryk.

What is the most common Polish last name? ›

The Most Common Surnames in Poland
  • NOWAK. 203,980.
  • KOWALSKA / KOWALSKI. 137,981.
  • WÓJCIK. 99,098.
  • KOWALCZYK. 97,537.
  • KAMIŃSKA / KAMIŃSKI. 94,829.
Feb 7, 2020

What is the longest and hardest Polish word? ›

Konstantynopolitańczykowianeczka is considered by many people to be the longest Polish word. It means a young woman from Constantinople.

What is a typical Polish greeting? ›

The common verbal greetings are “Cześć” (Hello), “Dzien dobry” (Good day) or “Dobry wieczór” (Good evening). It's generally only appropriate to address someone by their first name if they're a close friend.

What does Jean Dobre mean? ›

How to say good morning or good afternoon in Polish. Jean Dobre, Jean Dobre, gin dobri. It literally means day, good or good day.

What is the most common greeting in Polish? ›

'Cześć', pronounced chesht, is a common way to greet others in Poland. Alternatively, you can use a more informal greeting in the form of 'hej', pronounced hey. This is more appropriate for friends rather than business meetings.

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