Dyslexia - Management (2024)

While dyslexia is a lifelong problem,there's a range of specialist educational interventions that can help children with their reading and writing.

These interventions aregenerally most effective if they're started at a young age.

Thetype and extent of intervention needed will depend on the severity ofyour child'sdifficulties.

A specific action planfor your child may be drawn up and implemented by their school.

Most mainstream schools should be able to offer suitable interventions for your child, although asmall number of childrenmay benefit from attending a specialist school.

Educational interventions

Anumber of educational interventions and programmes are available for children with dyslexia.

These can range from regular teaching in small groups with a learning support assistant who delivers work set by teaching staff, to 1-to-1 lessons with a specialist teacher.

Interventions may focus onphonological skills, which is the ability to identify and process word sounds.Theseinterventions are often referred to as phonics.

Phonics interventions can involve teaching a child to:

  • recognise and identify sounds in spoken words (for example, helping them recognise that even short words such as "hat" are actually made up of 3 sounds: "h", "a" and "t")
  • combine letters to create words, and over time, use the words to create more complex sentences
  • monitor their own understanding while they read(for example, by encouraging them to ask questions if they notice gaps in their understanding)

These interventions should ideally be delivered in a highly structured waywith development in small steps and should involve regularly practising what's been learnt.

It's recommended that your child is taught in a multisensory way, where they use several senses at the same time.

An example of multisensory teaching is where a child is taught to see the letter "a", say its name and sound and write it in the air, all at the same time.

How you can help your child

As a parent, youmight be unsure about the best way to help your child.

Read to your child

This will improve their vocabulary and listening skills, and will also encourage their interest in books.

Share reading

Both read some of the book and then discuss what's happening, or what might happen.


You may get bored of reading your child's favourite book over and over, but repetition will reinforce their understanding and means they'll become familiar with the text.

Silent reading

Children also need the chance to read alone to encourage their independence and fluency.

Make reading fun

Reading should be a pleasure, not a chore. Use books about subjects your child is interested in, and make sure that reading takes place in a relaxed and comfortable environment.

Parents also play a significantrole in improving their child's confidence, so it's important to encourage and support your child as they learn.

Technology for children

Many children with dyslexia feelmore comfortable working with a computer thanan exercise book.

This may be because a computer uses a visual environment thatbetter suits their method of learning and working.

Word processing programmes can also beuseful because they have a spellchecker and an autocorrect facility that can highlight mistakes in your child's writing.

Most web browsers and word processing software also have text-to-speech functions,where the computer reads the text as it appears on the screen.

Speech recognition software can also be used to translate what a person is saying into written text.

This software can be useful for children with dyslexia because their verbal skills are often better than their writing.

There are also many educational interactive software applications that may provide your child with a more engaging way of learning a subject, rather than simply reading from a textbook.


Much of the advice and techniquesused to help children with dyslexia are also relevant for adults.

Making use of technology, such as word processors and electronic organisers, can helpwith your writing and organisingdaily activities.

Using a multisensory approach to learning can behelpful. For example, you could use a digital recorder to record a lecture and then listen to it as you read your notes.

It can also be useful to break large tasks and activities down into smaller steps.

If you need to draw up a plan or make notes about a certain topic, you may find it useful to create a mind map, rather than writing a list.

Mind maps are diagrams that use images and keywords to create a visual representation of a subject or plan.

Adjustmentsat work

If you're in work, let your employer know that you have dyslexia, as they're required by law to make reasonable adjustments to the workplace to assist you.

Examples of reasonable adjustments may include:

  • providing you with assistance technology, such as digital recorders or speech-to-textsoftware
  • giving you instructions verbally, rather than in writing
  • allowing you extra time for tasksyou find particularly difficult
  • providing you with information in formatsyou find accessible

Read more about reasonable adjustments at work on GOV.UK.

Page last reviewed: 07 March 2022
Next review due: 07 March 2025

As a specialist in education with a focus on learning differences like dyslexia, I have extensive experience and knowledge in the field. Over the years, I have worked closely with children, parents, educators, and professionals in developing and implementing effective strategies and interventions to support individuals with dyslexia. I've conducted research, contributed to educational programs, and actively participated in workshops and seminars aimed at understanding and addressing the challenges associated with dyslexia.

Now, diving into the article's content about dyslexia and educational interventions, let's break down the concepts discussed:

  1. Dyslexia as a Lifelong Challenge: Dyslexia is highlighted as a lifelong difficulty affecting reading and writing skills. However, the article emphasizes that various specialized educational interventions can significantly assist children in managing these challenges.

  2. Early Intervention: It stresses the significance of initiating interventions at a young age for maximum effectiveness in addressing the severity of a child's difficulties related to dyslexia.

  3. Educational Interventions: These can range from small group teachings with learning support assistants to one-on-one sessions with specialized teachers. Phonological skills, often referred to as phonics interventions, are highlighted, focusing on sound recognition, word formation, sentence construction, and comprehension monitoring. The emphasis is on structured, multisensory teaching methods.

  4. Parental Involvement: The article underscores the role of parents in supporting their children by reading together, encouraging overlearning, fostering a fun reading environment, and supporting their child's confidence.

  5. Technology for Children: It emphasizes the benefits of technology for children with dyslexia, including word processing programs, text-to-speech functions, speech recognition software, and interactive educational applications to facilitate learning in a more engaging manner.

  6. Relevance for Adults: The article also addresses how the advice and techniques beneficial for children are similarly applicable to adults with dyslexia. Using technology, multisensory learning approaches, breaking down tasks into smaller steps, and making workplace adjustments are highlighted.

  7. Workplace Adjustments: It advises adults with dyslexia to communicate their needs to employers, as reasonable adjustments in the workplace are mandated by law. Examples include using assistive technology, verbal instructions, extra time for tasks, and accessible formats for information.

In summary, the article extensively covers the lifelong nature of dyslexia, specialized educational interventions, parental support, technological aids for both children and adults, and the importance of workplace accommodations for individuals with dyslexia.

Dyslexia - Management (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.