Do Your Baby's Burps Smell? (Rotten Eggs, Sour Milk, Vomit, & More!) (2024)

Infancy is probably the only time in a child’s life that they will be praised for burping. We actually go out of our way to encourage that little burp (or big belch) after our babies eat. But we usually don’t expect those burps to be particularly smelly. So what does it mean when they are?

Infant burps are caused by excessive air intake while feeding and do not normally smell bad. Sulfur burps may be caused by difficulty digesting certain nutrients in formula or breastmilk. This is easily corrected by adjusting mom’s or baby’s diet. However, burps that smell like sour milk, vomit, or poop may indicate more severe issues and should be discussed with your pediatrician.

Continue reading to learn more about why your baby’s burps smell bad and what you can do to help.

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Why do my baby’s burps smell so bad?

Infants frequently swallow a lot of air while eating. This is true for both breastfed and bottle-fed babies, although bottle-fed babies tend to swallow more because they usually drink faster. A stomach full of air can make your baby fussy and uncomfortable.

Babies usually need help to get that extra air out of their stomachs – this is why doctors recommend burping your baby frequently during feedings. Burping is a perfectly natural and necessary bodily function that helps your baby’s digestion and prevents excessive spit ups and gas.

You might expect your baby’s burps to smell faintly of breastmilk or formula – this is what they ate after all. But you probably don’t expect the strong foul odors more often associated with adult burps. But baby burps aren’t much different from adult burps and the reasons they might smell bad are mostly the same.

Some primary reasons for smelly burps at any age are:

  • Something you ate – For breastfed babies, this might literally mean something you ate. Everything a mother eats has the potential to be passed on to her baby through her breast milk, including nutrients from certain foods known to cause smelly gas.
  • Food intolerance – Some babies are sensitive to certain formula ingredients. Others have difficulty processing some nutrients passed on through breastmilk. In both cases, smelly gasses may build up in your baby’s stomach while trying to digest these enzymes. Switching formulas or changing up Momma’s diet may help.
  • Gut imbalance – Babies guts are still developing and may need time to build up the right microbiomes in the right places. Too much of certain bacteria in the small intestine may cause a build up of stinky gasses. Babies who have been on antibiotics may have increased risk of gut imbalance.
  • Acid reflux – Acid reflux causes stomach contents to rise back up into your baby’s esophagus, bringing with it the smelly gas produced by bacteria in the stomach. This can make burps smell particularly foul.

Rotten eggs

Why does your baby’s breath smell like rotten eggs? If your baby is breastfed then it’s probably due to the high sulfur content in something Momma ate.

Sulfur and rotten egg burps are harmless and generally do not indicate that anything is wrong. Try changing up your diet a bit to help with the smell. Some moms choose to cut out dairy or eggs completely.

That rotten egg smell comes from hydrogen sulfide gas, produced in the stomach by the breakdown of some foods. The most frequent culprits are:

  • Foods that are high in protein
  • Milk
  • Cheese
  • Eggs

These foods all naturally have high sulfur content. But hydrogen sulfide can also be produced by foods which are high in sugar, starch, or fiber and by some vegetables as they break down in your digestive system such as:

  • Cabbage
  • Broccoli
  • Brussel Sprouts
  • Beans


Sulfur burps are similar to rotten egg burps and are caused by the same hydrogen sulfide gas. Limiting your intake of foods that are high in sulfur or vegetables that are known for producing excessive gas will decrease the amount of these nutrients which are passed on to your baby through your breast milk.

Sour or Spoiled Milk

Is that milk breath not so sweet? Your baby may be suffering from acid reflux.

When breastmilk or formula mixes with stomach acid, it becomes curdled. This curdled milk may pass back up into the esophagus if your baby has acid reflux, causing his breath and burps to smell like sour milk.

Other symptoms of acid reflux in babies include:

  • Incessant crying
  • Spitting up
  • Irritability
  • Refusing to eat

Fortunately, most acid reflux in infants is harmless, although it is certainly uncomfortable for them and may lead to some sleepless nights for you. It usually resolves by 12 to 18 months. In the meantime, you can use smaller feedings and frequent burpings to help reduce its frequency.

Infant acid reflux is something to monitor and be sure to discuss it with your pediatrician to rule out more serious conditions such as gastroesophageal reflux disease and pyloric stenosis.

Vomit or acidic

One sign that your baby’s acid reflux may be something more severe is an acidic or vomit-like smell in his burps. This smell indicates that a substantial amount of stomach acid is making its way back into your baby’s esophagus.

This can happen when your baby has severe acid reflux, gastroesophageal reflux disease, or pyloric stenosis. It is also possible when your child has a stomach bug or has recently vomited.

Vomit-like burps may be accompanied by forceful spit-ups and green or yellow fluid. You should call your pediatrician if you notice any of these symptoms.


A noticeable poop smell is not something you would expect from a baby’s mouth. However, just like in adults, breath that smells like poop is often a sign of a sinus infection.

This poop smell is caused by excess mucus and bacteria in the sinus cavity which drains into the throat and esophagus, causing bad breath and smelly burps.

Breath that smells like poop can also be caused by gastroesophageal reflux disease. This severe form of acid reflux can cause bad breath because stomach acid and bacteria are frequently coating the lining of the esophagus. Talk to your pediatrician about how to help with these symptoms.

Why do breastfed baby burps smell?

Breastfed baby’s receive all of their nutrition from their mother – and whatever their mother eats determines exactly which nutrients are passed on to the baby. Normally, a breastfed baby’s burps will smell sweet – like breast milk. But some foods in mama’s diet may cause those burps to be more stinky.

Your baby’s burps will likely reflect whatever you ate a few hours ago if you are breastfeeding. If your meal was high in sulfur, sugar, starch, or fiber you may end up with some rotten egg smelling baby burps. Some babies may have difficulty digesting certain proteins from cow’s milk or eggs which could also lead to some foul-smelling burps.

If your baby’s burps smell bad, consider monitoring what you eat to see if there is a pattern. You can then try cutting out whatever is making your baby’s burps smell bad if it bothers you but, normally, a few stinky burps are nothing to worry about.

If your baby’s smelly burps are accompanied by excessive fussiness and discomfort, your baby may have a food allergy or sensitivity. You should talk to your pediatrician about recommendations for changing your diet to avoid foods your baby is sensitive to.

The most common food sensitivities in breastfed babies are:

  • Cow’s milk
  • Soy
  • Wheat
  • Corn
  • Eggs
  • Peanuts

Why do formula-fed baby burps smell?

Formula-fed babies typically burp more frequently than breastfed babies because they drink faster and swallow more air. However, formula-fed babies are not exposed to the same variety of flavors and nutrients that a breastfed baby might experience. Generally, a formula-fed baby will have consistent formula smelling burps.

A formula-fed baby may develop stinky burps if they become sensitive to an ingredient in their formula. Dairy or soy based formulas are the most common culprits of food protein sensitivities and a stinky burp may be a sign that they are not digesting it well. Watch for other signs of intolerance such as excessive fussiness and discomfort.

If you’ve just switched to a new formula, it’s best to give it a few weeks for your baby’s gut to adjust. The smell will likely go away as your baby’s stomach learns to digest the new food.

Why would a newborn’s burps smell bad?

A newborn’s gut is not yet well developed and may need time to adjust to whatever foods are going in – whether breastfed or formula-fed. This may lead to some stinky burps in the beginning or anytime something new is introduced into their diet.

If you were on antibiotics before giving birth or your baby was given antibiotics after birth, their gut may be particularly out of balance and they may need more time, or a probiotic supplement to help balance things out.

A few stinky burps aren’t normally something to worry about but be sure to ask your pediatrician if your baby’s burps are particularly foul-smelling of spoiled milk, vomit, or poop – as this could be a sign of something more serious.

Is it normal for baby’s breath or mouth to smell bad?

Baby breath doesn’t normally stink but there are a few common culprits that may result in a smelly mouth.


Babies love to chew on their toys but, if their toys are not regularly cleaned, they may become a breeding ground for bacteria that gets passed back and forth between the toy and your baby’s mouth. This is also true for pacifiers. Be sure to sterilize any teethers or pacifiers regularly to avoid bad breath.

Dry Mouth

When your baby has a stuffy nose, he may sleep with his mouth open to help him breathe. Just like in adults, mouth breathing can lead to a dry and smelly mouth in the morning. Using a cool-mist humidifier and nasal aspirator when your baby is sick may help to alleviate this.


Acid and bacteria from the stomach may sit in your baby’s mouth after a spit-up and cause his mouth to smell. Wiping your baby’s mouth and gums with a damp cloth after a spit up can help. You should also do this after feedings to prevent bacteria build-up from food residue.

While these problems are fairly common and easily treated/prevented, there are some more serious problems that may cause bad breath in infants. These include:

  • Tooth decay (in an older baby)
  • Infection
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease
  • Foreign object in the nasal cavity

These problems are usually accompanied by other symptoms and will likely cause more foul-smelling breath than the usual causes. Be sure to discuss with your pediatrician if you suspect any of these problems.

Do Your Baby's Burps Smell? (Rotten Eggs, Sour Milk, Vomit, & More!) (2024)


What does it mean when a baby burps smell like rotten eggs? ›

In relation to reflux, if your baby's breath smells like rotten eggs it is due to the way food is digested. When food is broken down in the mouth and digestive system, a compound called hydrogen sulfide is produced. This is a normal part of digestion.

What causes rotten egg burps and vomiting? ›

Research has shown that infections in the digestive system caused by H. Pyloris bacteria and Giardia parasite can cause eggy burps. If you have one of these infections, you will very likely experience other symptoms, such as stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea.

What causes sour burps in babies? ›

Feeding your little one too much at once can cause acid reflux. Feeding your infant too frequently can also cause acid reflux. It's more common for bottle-fed babies to overfeed than breastfed infants. An oversupply of food can put too much pressure on the LES, which will cause your infant to spit up.

Why does my babys breath smell like sulfur? ›

The most common cause of bad breath in kids is poor oral hygiene. If plaque (the sticky bacterial film that forms on the teeth) and food debris aren't removed with proper brushing and flossing, the bacteria in the mouth have something to feed on. As they eat, they release smelly volatile sulfur compounds.

What illnesses cause sulfur burps? ›

pylori bacteria and the parasite known as Giardia; in both cases, activity by these pathogens can lead to an imbalance in the gut microbiome that produces excess hydrogen sulfide. This can cause sulfur burps as well as symptoms like diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, bloating, or abdominal pain.

How do you cure rotten egg burps? ›

Sulfur burps are burps that smell like rotten eggs.
Over-the-counter medications
  1. Bismuth subsalicylate (Pepto-Bismol) is your best bet for reducing the sulfur smell of your burps.
  2. Simethicone (Gas-X, Mylanta) helps bind gas bubbles together so you have more productive burps when you want to.

When are sulfur burps serious? ›

See your doctor if you suspect you have an underlying medical condition or if the sulfur burps are accompanied by concerning symptoms like: pain in your chest or digestive tract. weight loss. fever.

Can a virus cause sulfur burps? ›

Eating foods rich in sulfur, indigestion, or some viral or bacterial infection could be the reason behind your foul-smelling burps and loose bowels.

What causes milk to sour on a baby's stomach? ›

Babies' spit-up becomes curdled when milk from breastfeeding or formula mixes with the acidic stomach fluid. Time also plays a role here. Immediate spit-up after feeding will probably look like regular milk. If your little one spits up after some time as passed, it's more likely to look curdled milk.

Is warm or cold milk better for reflux? ›

* Cold milk: Milk is another excellent way to combat acidity. Milk absorbs acid formation in the stomach, stopping any reflux or burning sensation in the gastric system. Anytime you feel an acid formation in the stomach or heartburn coming on, have a glass of plain cold milk without any additives or sugar.

Why do babies get sour stomachs? ›

Reflux and GERD

Symptoms: Most babies spit up a bit – or even vomit – sometimes after feedings. This is a condition called gastroesophageal reflux (or just "reflux"), and it's normal in babies and children. Reflux can cause an upset stomach and a burning sensation in the throat and chest.

Why does my baby smell like sour milk? ›

Milk or formula residue

Between milk dribbling out the side of your baby's mouth during feeds and spit-ups that occur frequently after you feed your baby, it shouldn't come as a surprise that you might get a whiff of some sour milk smell occasionally.

Why does my baby's vomit smell? ›

Reflux can be very smelly. Many parents are concerned when they see nasty-smelling curdled milk in their child's vomit. However, this is what milk mixed with stomach acid looks like; it's not a sign of something strange. Reflux can indeed be messy, but it's not harmful to an otherwise normal baby.

Why does my babies breath smell like sour milk? ›

There are several reasons your baby may develop bad breath: Milk:A hungry baby may end up drinking too much milk. If this happens their stomach will regurgitate it back up into their esophagus, resulting in bad breath. Sugar: Sugar encourages the growth of putrefying bacteria in the mouth.

Do sulfur burps mean food poisoning? ›

Occasional sulfur burps are usually harmless. Infrequent sulfur burps may be the result of something you ate. This is especially true if you eat a diet high in foods that contain sulfur. Frequent sulfur burps, though, could be a sign of an illness or digestive problem.

Are sulfur burps related to diabetes? ›

Researchers from the Peninsula Medical School in Exeter have for the first time identified a link between blood levels of the gas hydrogen sulfide (a gas more commonly associated with the smell of rotten eggs), obesity and type 2 diabetes.

What are symptoms of norovirus? ›

The most common symptoms of norovirus are:
  • diarrhea.
  • vomiting.
  • nausea.
  • stomach pain.

Can parasites cause sulfur burps? ›

Symptoms of giardiasis

smelly diarrhoea. tummy pain or cramps. farting (flatulence) smelly burps – they may smell like eggs.

How do I know if my baby has digestive problems? ›

What might gastrointestinal problems mean in a newborn?
  • Vomiting forcefully or often.
  • Vomiting green bile or blood.
  • Becomes lethargic.
  • Has any other signs of distress.

What are the signs of spoiled milk? ›

Spoiled milk has a distinct sour odor, which is due to lactic acid produced by bacteria. Other signs of spoilage include a slightly yellow color and lumpy texture (15). Signs that your milk has spoiled and may not be safe to drink include a sour smell and taste, change in color, and lumpy texture.

What are the signs of sour milk? ›

Signs your milk has spoiled

The taste also begins to change, as the natural sweetness of fresh milk is quickly replaced by a somewhat acidic or sour flavor. With enough time, the texture and color of milk that has spoiled will change as well. It may begin to develop a slimy, chunky texture and dingy, yellow color.

What formula is best for reflux? ›

Hydrolyzed protein formulas are made from cow's milk with ingredients that are easily broken down for better digestion. These formulas are the most effective in reducing acid reflux, so they're often recommended for infants with food allergies.

Is it OK to drink cold milk? ›

Cold milk is good when consumed at daytime during summer as it cools the body. It is one of the best relievers for acidity that causes burning sensation. Moreover, high amount of calcium can prevent acidity.

What soothes a baby's upset stomach? ›

"Laying your baby on their tummy on your legs and patting their back, holding your baby with a hand on their chest just under their neck and leaning them forward while sitting up, and hugging their head over your shoulder are a few different options," Dr. Alt says.

How long does it take formula to fully digest in a baby's tummy? ›

Breastmilk is digested in 1 1/2 – 2 hours, whereas formula can take 3-4 hours; if baby wants feeding every couple of hours or more, mums are often concerned her baby is hungry or “not as settled as they should be”.

How can you tell the difference between baby spit up and vomit? ›

What is the difference between spitting up and vomiting? Spitting up is the easy flow of a baby's stomach contents through his or her mouth, possibly with a burp. Vomiting occurs when the flow is forceful — shooting out inches rather than dribbling from the mouth.

What kills sour milk smell? ›

Apply Baking Soda

Baking soda has been used for decades to eliminate odours. It's inexpensive, so use it liberally! Sprinkle baking soda directly on the carpet or upholstery where the milk spill occurred. Feel free to go well beyond its original borders; the bacteria may have begun to spread.

What to do if my baby has GERD? ›

To minimize reflux:
  1. Feed your baby in an upright position. Also hold your baby in a sitting position for 30 minutes after feeding, if possible. ...
  2. Try smaller, more-frequent feedings. ...
  3. Take time to burp your baby. ...
  4. Put baby to sleep on his or her back.
17 Dec 2020

What does bile in baby vomit look like? ›

Baby vomiting yellow or green bile.

If baby is vomiting yellow liquid, it could be a sign of an obstruction in the bowel or intestines—or it could simply indicate that there's nothing else in baby's stomach to throw up, so a bit of bile comes up.

Should baby spit up smell like vomit? ›

"Normal baby spit-up looks and smells pretty much like milk,” says Dr. Diamond. “It's a light or whitish color and can have clumps of digested milk in it. It doesn't smell quite as mild or pleasant as actual milk but it tends not to have the strong, unpleasant smell of older people's vomit."

Can you smell a sick baby? ›

Nope. By far the most common reasons for children to have fevers are colds, flus, sinus infections, and the like. All of these illnesses may cause mouth breathing, which dries the oral membranes and allows bacteria to grow. This means your child's breath may not smell as fresh and sweet as usual.

Why does my baby's breath smell like vomit? ›

The bacteria interact with leftover food particles on the tongue, at the gum line and between teeth, or around the tonsils at the back of your child's throat. These bacteria interactions can cause bad breath, especially if the food particles are left in the mouth for long periods of time.

What does sour breastmilk smell like? ›

Some people describe a “soapy” smell or taste in their milk after storage; others say it is a “metallic” or “fishy” or “rancid” odor. Some detect a “sour” or “spoiled” odor or taste. Accompanying these changes are concerns that the milk is no longer good for the baby.

What do acidic burps mean? ›

Acid reflux occurs when acid from your stomach flows back up your esophagus toward your mouth. Frequent episodes of acid reflux may be a sign of a condition known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

What is a sour burp? ›

A sulfur burp is simply a burp accompanied by a foul rotten egg smell. This smell is that of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas. Sulfur burps are typically caused by one of the following: Something a person ate: Hydrogen sulfide gas is produced when bacteria in the oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract break down food.

What are symptoms of acid reflux in babies? ›

Symptoms of reflux in babies include:
  • bringing up milk or being sick during or shortly after feeding.
  • coughing or hiccupping when feeding.
  • being unsettled during feeding.
  • swallowing or gulping after burping or feeding.
  • crying and not settling.
  • not gaining weight as they're not keeping enough food down.

How do you treat acid reflux in babies? ›

Lifestyle and home remedies
  1. Feed your baby in an upright position. Also hold your baby in a sitting position for 30 minutes after feeding, if possible. ...
  2. Try smaller, more-frequent feedings. ...
  3. Take time to burp your baby. ...
  4. Put baby to sleep on his or her back.
17 Dec 2020

What fruit is good for acid reflux? ›

Melons – Watermelon, cantaloupe and honeydew are all low-acid fruits that are among the best foods for acid reflux.

What causes sour stomach and burping? ›

Acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) can sometimes cause excessive belching by promoting increased swallowing. Chronic belching may also be related to inflammation of the stomach lining or to an infection with Helicobacter pylori, the bacterium responsible for some stomach ulcers.

What happens if acid reflux is left untreated in babies? ›

The vomiting that affects many babies and children with GERD can cause problems with weight gain and poor nutrition. Over time, when stomach acid backs up into the esophagus, it can also lead to: Inflammation of the esophagus, called esophagitis. Sores or ulcers in the esophagus, which can be painful and may bleed.

What foods make reflux worse in babies? ›

The following foods (which may not all be suitable for very young babies) are also notorious for triggering reflux flare ups:
  • pineapple.
  • whole milk, flavoured milk or foods prepared with whole milk.
  • high fat foods, including fatty meat and chicken skin.
  • bacon.
  • sausages.
  • creamy soups.
  • creamed vegetables.
  • carbonated drinks.
8 Nov 2020

When should I take my baby to the ER for acid reflux? ›

Sometimes a thick consistency that looks like coffee grounds and has blood The baby refuses to feed or eat There is blood in the baby's stools Baby has trouble breathing or has a long, persistent cough Starts vomiting 6 months or older Irritability, crying abnormality when eating or right after eating Heartburn or ...

What age is reflux worse in babies? ›

Reflux usually peaks at 4 – 5 months of life and stops by 12 – 18 months. Spitting up crosses the line into GERD when the infant develops troublesome symptoms. Rarely, serious complications of GERD can lead to weight loss or significant respiratory difficulty.

How serious is reflux in babies? ›

Infant reflux happens when food backs up (refluxes) into the esophagus from the stomach. It can happen several times a day, even in healthy infants. As long as your baby is healthy, happy and growing appropriately, reflux is rarely problematic.

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