Daily Routine - IELTS Speaking Part 1, 2 & 3 Topic Sample Answers (2024)


  • 1 Speaking Part 1
      • 1.0.1 1 When do you wake up?
      • 1.0.2 2 What is your daily routine?
      • 1.0.3 3 What part of the day do you like most?
      • 1.0.4 4 Do you think it is important to have a daily routine?
      • 1.0.5 5 What’s the difference in routine between you and your teenage times?
      • 1.0.6 6 What is the busiest part of the day for you?
      • 1.0.7 7 Do you usually have the same routine every day? (or) Do you usually do the same things at the same time each day?
      • 1.0.8 8 Have you ever changed your routine?
      • 1.0.9 9 What would you like to change in your daily routine?
      • 1.0.10 10 Do you like to plan what you will do each day?
      • 1.0.11 11 What do you usually do at this time of day?
      • 1.0.12 12 How do you organize your study time?
  • 2 Speaking Part 2
      • 2.0.1 Describe an occasion when you got up very early.
  • 3 Sample Answer 1
  • 4 Sample Answer 2
    • 4.1 Vocabulary For Cue Card
      • 4.1.1 Describe your favorite part of the day.
    • 4.2 Sample Answer
    • 4.3 Vocabulary For Cue Card
  • 5 Speaking Part 3
      • 5.0.1 1 Do you think people need to have a day-to-day plan? | Do you think people can still do their tasks if they don’t plan them?
      • 5.0.2 2 Do you think it is possible to learn how to manage your time?
      • 5.0.3 3 What are some possible advantages of using a time management app for your phone to help you plan your time?
      • 5.0.4 4 Why do you think some people don’t plan their day in advance?
    • 5.1 Vocabulary For Speaking Part 3

The daily routine is a topic most find easy yet boring. Even though it is not challenging to know or make up about it, some may find it difficult to express it fluently, which is needed for the IELTS Speaking test. So, given below are some questions, alongwith some answers, that you can use to prepare yourself.

Speaking Part 1

1 When do you wake up?

Well, I’m a morning riser, and I wake up at about 5 o’clock. Getting up early not only makes me feel refreshed and productive, but also prevents my skin from having wrinkles.

2 What is your daily routine?

Well, in the morning, I get up early to have alight breakfastandhit the gymat about 8 a.m. After one hour ofworkout, I leave the gym club and go to the supermarket to buy food to prepare lunch and dinner. In the afternoon and evening, I go to my workplace and start working from 14.00.pm until 21.00.p.m.

3 What part of the day do you like most?

I enjoy it late at night when I come home from work, and everything is filled with dim grey light. To me, it’s a great time to kick back on the bed to have a chit-chat with my roommates, surf the Internet, listen to music, or watch a favorite movie.

4 Do you think it is important to have a daily routine?

Yes, it is. A proper daily routine will help you arrange your activities most sensibly. Without a daily routine, people usually do things spontaneously, which could waste their time and reduce their work efficiency. I think those who are disorganized can gain more benefits from creating a daily routine.

5 What’s the difference in routine between you and your teenage times?

Well, I can say that there’s a vast difference between my life then and my present life. You know, when I was a teenager, besides focusing on study, I had much free time to pursue my interests like watching films or listening to music. In contrast, my routine and time management have become stricter now. Since I graduated from university and began working as an English teacher, I’m so occupied with my work that I have little leisure time.

6 What is the busiest part of the day for you?

Afternoons are the busiest time of the day for me. I work for a UK company and my day starts at 2:00 PM. So by 3:00 PM I will be bombarded with client calls and emails and will have no time to breathe.

7 Do you usually have the same routine every day? (or) Do you usually do the same things at the same time each day?

Mostly yes. I’m an early bird though I go late to bed. On weekdays, my work starts at 2:00 PM and I wind up by 11:00 PM. On weekends, I go shopping and sleep a little early. I follow this schedule every week and there aren’t any major changes unless we have celebrations.

8 Have you ever changed your routine?

Yes, it changed about a month ago. I had a very tight schedule and was struggling to manage my targets. So I had to work late until 2:00 AM.

9 What would you like to change in your daily routine?

My work starts at 2:00 PM. So I laze around until then. I want to use that time productively. Some of my friends go to the gym and I would like to start an exercise regime as well.

10 Do you like to plan what you will do each day?

Yes, I would like to. Planning keeps the day in your control. The more organized you are, the better your life becomes. I’m pretty orderly at work and I want to be the same way in my other activities as well.

11 What do you usually do at this time of day?

[Assuming it is morning] It is 10:30 AM now. You can find me watching television or reading a magazine. Sometimes I go out and talk to my friends.

12 How do you organize your study time?

I’m pursuing a course in Management along with my work. I usually study on the weekends because I want an entire day to myself. I don’t study on weekdays as it becomes stressful.

Speaking Part 2

Describe an occasion when you got up very early.

You should say :

  • When did it happen?
  • Why do you get up early?
  • Who you were with?
  • And explain how you felt about getting up early.

Sample Answer 1

I’m anight owl who usually gets out of bed quite late, ranging from 9 am to 10 am every morning. However, there were some occasions when I was forced to get up early, and I still remember the last time that I had to get up soon.

In September of last year, I was offered the first job in mylife.At that time, I was afresh graduate. Thus I had to move to X city to join training sessions at the Head Office of the company. My supervisor booked the flight ticket. Unfortunately, shehad no choice but tobook an early flight for me at 6 a.m. As I received the ticket information, I was quite anxious about whether I would miss the flight or not. I set off the alarm on my phone and asked my mother to wake me up in time. Finally, I made it, though I felt so sleepy. I fell asleep as soon as I was on the plane. It was such a nerve-racking experience as it was the first time I went on a plane, dealing withall kinds of stuff at the airport in the early morningon my own. Luckily, some kind people were willing to help me with my suitcase, which made that experience lessharrowing for me.

As ayoungster, I was in the habit of staying late at night and getting up late, too. However, I feel I should change this custom to improve my health.

Sample Answer 2

I am from the lot who love burning the night owl. For me, it is easier to stay awake till late than to get up early in the morning. However, there was this one time when I had to get up quite early. I got up at 4 am, even before dawn.

The time was last summer, and my family had planned a weekend trip to Rishikesh, a beautiful city located in Uttarakhand. My father is exceptionally disciplined and an ardent follower of time. He doesn’t like anybody wasting even a second. Thus, he decided that we were to have a road trip that commenced at 6 am.

While the timing was a bit of a disappointment, the entire idea of a road trip to Rishikesh was the highlight that kept me exhilarated. So, I desperately tried sleeping early on a Friday night but to no avail. Anyway, I still managed to wake up at 4 in the morning on a Saturday, which was pretty unusual for me.

At sharp 6 am, all of us – I, my sister, and my parents began our journey. The early start was indeed a plus point as it gave us extra time to spend in Rishikesh, indulging in varying activities. Owing to this journey, I realized the importance of getting up early.

Vocabulary For Cue Card

  • On a regular basis: at the same time every day, week, month, etc.: regularly
    Eg: The sales team meets on a regular basis.
  • Fresh graduate: a person who has just graduated recently
    Eg: A fresh graduate often has difficulties in applying for jobs, as he has no experience.
  • Have no choice but to: the last thing anyone can do
    Eg: As the rain was hard, we had no choice but to cancel the plan.
  • Deal with: deal with something to take action to do something, especially to solve a problem
    Eg: The government must now deal with the problem of high unemployment
  • Harrowing: extremelyworrying,upsetting, orfrightening
    Eg: The plane crash was a harrowing experience for everyone involved.
  • youngster: a child, young person, or young animal.
    Eg: Members are organizing a transport survey to find out how youngsters get to school.

Describe your favorite part of the day.

You should say:

  • When it is?
  • What do you do then?
  • How long this part of the day lasts?
  • And explain why this is your favorite part of the day.

Sample Answer

This is an exciting topic for me to talk about. I want to share with you my favorite part of the day.

I am not anearly riserbecause I often stay up late at night, that’s why I can’t enjoy the morning much. In contrast, the evening is part of the day that I love the most.

To me, the evening starts at the time my working day ends, at 5 pm every day. After that, it’s my choice to do anything I want. There are no fixed things for my evenings. I keep an open mindand do what I want.

For example, on some evenings, I would ask my friends out for a meal, a movie, or a coffee. We get time to share with others anything we want or tokeep us updated about others. On some other evenings, when there are some interesting seminars, I would join and listen carefully to the speaker’s sharing. When I am moody or tired, I would prefer private time in my room, turning on soft music, reading books, or just letting my mind free. To some people, the way I enjoy my evenings is wasteful as they believe that I can do more useful things. However, to me, those kinds of evenings help me torefresh myself & recharge my energy, thereby making my life more enjoyable.

I firmly believe that we shouldtake a certain amount of time off, do nothing, do what we like, and take a look back. It can help us to discover more things about life and ourselves. This kind of exploration is critical for us to know about ourselves; thus, it can set up an excellent way todevelop our strengthsas well asminimize our weaknesses. It also boosts our performance in study or work. For this kind of activity, the evening is the best option.

Vocabulary For Cue Card

  • Early riser: someone who often gets up early in the morning
    Eg: He is an early riser, thus, he can enjoy mornings.
  • Keep an open mind: to let go with the flow, don’t have a fixed plan
    Eg: I just keep an open mind on what to do when I go on holiday.
  • Ask someone out: to invite someone to go out (to something or some place) [on a date].
    Eg: Finallyheaskedher out for a movie.
  • Take time off: be duty-free for a certain period.
    Eg: If possible, I would take time off to go on holiday.

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Speaking Part 3

1 Do you think people need to have a day-to-day plan? | Do you think people can still do their tasks if they don’t plan them?

Yes, because a day-to-day plan is a key to effective time management. And if you have a clear plan for the day, you can make the most of your time and accomplish other tasks of the day. In my opinion, not everyone needs a plan. Few can still do their daily tasks without a plan.

2 Do you think it is possible to learn how to manage your time?

Yes! I plan my tasks for the day and implement them accordingly which helps me to manage my time. One can learn to manage their time by setting goals and prioritizing them wisely. It’s better to set a time limit for each task and complete them at the earliest.

3 What are some possible advantages of using a time management app for your phone to help you plan your time?

Some of the possible advantages of time management apps are that we can quickly review the profitability of our projects, prioritize and deliver work on time, reduce our stress levels, make bill payments on time, and so on. The time management app can be ideal for understanding all the extra budgets as well. Hence, they are productive and effective.

4 Why do you think some people don’t plan their day in advance?

Some people avoid planning their day in advance because they are worried that their plan won’t work or is not good enough. While some people are good at making a plan, they procrastinate when it comes to implementing the same.

Vocabulary For Speaking Part 3

  • Effective: successful or achieving the results that you want
    Eg: The coronavirus vaccine is effective.
  • Prioritize: organize (things) so that the most important thing is done or dealt with first.
    Eg: It’s always difficult to prioritize between work, school, and family.
  • Productive: causing or providing a good result or a large amount of something
    Eg: We had productive results after implementing the new idea
  • Accomplish: achieve or complete successfully.
    Eg: Rose accomplished her dream of becoming a pilot.
  • Stress: a feeling of emotional or physical tension which can come from any event.
    Eg: My mother was stressed about the incident.

As an enthusiast with a deep understanding of time management and daily routines, it's clear that an organized and well-planned day contributes significantly to personal efficiency and overall well-being. Let me provide insights and commentary on the concepts discussed in the article:

1. Waking Up Early:

  • The article emphasizes the importance of waking up early, citing benefits such as feeling refreshed and productive. Additionally, it mentions the impact on skin health.

    My perspective: Waking up early aligns with various studies suggesting that early risers tend to be more proactive and have better mental health.

2. Daily Routine:

  • The individual in the article shares a detailed daily routine, including morning activities, work hours, and post-work leisure. The routine is portrayed as a structured and purposeful way of organizing the day.

    My perspective: A well-defined routine aids in time management, increases productivity, and reduces stress. It's a common practice among successful individuals.

3. Favorite Part of the Day:

  • The evening is highlighted as the favorite part of the day, offering flexibility and a chance for personal activities. The importance of taking time off, relaxing, and engaging in enjoyable activities is stressed.

    My perspective: Recognizing the value of leisure and self-care is crucial. Evenings can be a time for personal growth, relaxation, and socializing.

4. Changing Daily Routine:

  • The article discusses changes in the daily routine, attributing it to work requirements and the need for more productive use of time.

    My perspective: Adaptability is key. Changes in routine, if well-planned, can enhance efficiency and accommodate new priorities.

5. Early Morning Occasion:

  • Two personal experiences of getting up early are shared. One involves a job-related early morning flight, and the other recounts a family road trip that commenced at 6 am.

    My perspective: These experiences highlight the occasional need to break from routine for special events or responsibilities. Such occasions can be both challenging and rewarding.

6. Time Management and Planning:

  • The importance of day-to-day planning and time management is discussed, with a positive view on the benefits of having a clear plan for the day.

    My perspective: Planning is a cornerstone of effective time management. It provides direction, minimizes procrastination, and enhances productivity.

7. Speaking Part 3:

  • Questions related to the necessity of day-to-day plans, the possibility of learning time management, advantages of time management apps, and reasons why some people avoid planning are presented.

    My perspective: Addressing these questions involves recognizing the individual differences in planning preferences and the potential benefits of effective time management tools.

In conclusion, the article's focus on daily routines, time management, and the occasional need for flexibility aligns with established principles of personal and professional development. The key takeaway is the recognition of the positive impact that mindful planning and well-structured routines can have on one's life.

Daily Routine - IELTS Speaking Part 1, 2 & 3 Topic Sample Answers (2024)
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