Conservation of Biodiversity - Definition, Methods, Examples and Strategies (2024)

The variability of life on Earth is called Biodiversity. Biodiversity takes into account all the living organisms present on Earth. Healthy and good biodiversity indicate a healthy and good ecosystem. Hence, biodiversity is very important. A healthy ecosystem also includes the availability of pure water, pure air, healthy land, a good climate, and the availability of nutrients on Earth. Therefore, biodiversity conservation plays an important role in the quality of life of all living organisms.

The protection and management of biodiversity in obtaining sustainable development of resources are called Biodiversity conservation.

There are three major objectives of Biodiversity conservation:

  • Preservation of the diversity of species.

  • Sustainability of species and ecosystem.

  • Maintaining life-supporting and essential ecological processes.

What is Loss of Biodiversity?

A number of factors like pollution, erosion, evolution, urbanization, industrialization, population, and depletion lead to the loss of biodiversity. Loss of biodiversity is very harmful to the ecosystem as it indicates either loss of species, or reduction of species in a natural habitat, or both of them on a global level. Loss of biodiversity has a poor impact on the ecosystem. Loss of biodiversity directly impacts the ecosystem and food chains in it. It affects agriculture and weakens the resistance to natural disasters like floods, drought, etc.

Definition of Biodiversity Conservation

“Protection, restoration, and management of biodiversity in order to derive sustainable benefits for present and future generations.”. Or, it can also be defined as, “the totality of genes, species, and ecosystems in a defined area.”.

Conservation of Biodiversity

Biodiversity conservation refers to the protection, preservation, and management of ecosystems and natural habitats and ensuring that they are healthy and functional.

The three main objectives of Biodiversity Conservation are as follows-

  • To protect and preserve species diversity.

  • To ensure sustainable management of the species and ecosystems.

  • Prevention and restoration of ecological processes and life support systems.

Biodiversity Conservation Methods

Two types of methods are employed to conserve biodiversity. They are- In situ conservation and Ex-situ conservation.

Following are some of the ways through which Biodiversity can be conserved:

  • In-situ Conservation

  • Ex-situ Conservation

In Situ Conservation

In Situ Conservation refers to the preservation and protection of the species in their natural habitat. It means the conservation of genetic resources in natural populations of plant or animal species. In situ conservation involves the management of biodiversity in the same area where it is found.

In situ, biodiversity conservation has many advantages

Different methods of In-situ conservation include biosphere reserves, national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, biodiversity hotspots, gene sanctuary, and sacred groves.

It is defined as the conservation of species within their natural habitat, where the natural ecosystem is protected and maintained.

In-situ conservation possesses numerous advantages. Some of the important advantages of in-situ conservation are as follows:

  • It is a cost-effective and convenient way of biodiversity conservation.

  • Various living organisms can be conserved at the same time.

  • They can evolve better and can easily get adapted to various environmental conditions.

  • In-situ conservation occurs in places like national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, and biosphere reserves.

Biosphere Reserves

These are national governments nominated sites, large areas (often up to 5000 square km) of an ecosystem where the traditional lifestyle and natural habitat of the inhabitants of that ecosystem are protected. They are mostly open to tourists and researchers.

Example- Sundarban, Nanda Devi, Nokrek, and Manas in India.

National Parks

These are limited reserves maintained by the government for the conservation of wildlife as well as the environment. Human activities are prohibited in national parks and they are solely dedicated to the protection of natural fauna of the area. They mostly occupy an area of 100-500 square km. There are a total of 104 national parks in India, right now. The national parks may even be within a biosphere reserve. These are small reserves that are protected and maintained by the government. Its boundaries are well protected, where human activities such as grazing, forestry, habitat, and cultivation are restricted.

Example- Kanha National Park, Gir National Park, Kaziranga National Park, and so on.

Wildlife Sanctuaries

Wildlife Sanctuaries are protected areas meant only for the conservation of wild animals. A few human activities such as cultivation, wood collection, and other forest product collection are allowed here, but they must not interfere with the conservation of the animals. Tourist visits are also allowed in these areas. There are a total of 551 wildlife sanctuaries in India. These are the places where only wild animals can be found. Certain human activities like timber harvesting, cultivation, collection of woods, and other forest products are permitted unless they interfere with the conservation project. Recreation tourism is also permitted.

Example- Ghana Bird Sanctuary, Abohar Wildlife Sanctuary, Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary, etc.

Biodiversity Hotspots

A biodiversity hotspot are the areas of conservation where there is strictly a minimum of 1500 species of vascular plants and a habitat that has lost its 70% cover. These are protected areas for various purposes where the wildlife, inhabitant lifestyle, and domesticated plants and animals are conserved. Tourist and research activities are allowed.

Example- The Himalayas, The Western Ghats, The North East, and The Nicobar Islands.

Gene Sanctuary

Gene sanctuary is a conservation area reserved only for plants. India has its only gene sanctuary set up in Garo Hills of Meghalaya for the conservation of wild species of Citrus. Plans to open more such sanctuaries are underway.

Sacred Groves

Sacred Groves are conserved areas for wildlife protected by communities due to religious beliefs. It is mostly a part of the forest where its wildlife is given complete protection.

Ex Situ Conservation

Ex Situ Conservation means conservation of life outside their natural habitat or place of occurrence. It is the method in which part of the population or the entire endangered species is taken from its natural habitat which is threatened and breeding and maintaining of these species take place in artificial ecosystems. These artificial ecosystems could be zoos, nurseries, botanical gardens, etc. The living environments are altered in these conservation sites, so there are fewer survival struggles like scarcity of food, water, or space. Ex-situ conservation of biodiversity consists of breeding and maintenance of endangered species using artificial environments like zoos, nurseries, botanical gardens, gene banks, etc. The competition for food, water, and space among the organisms is low.

Advantages of Ex Situ Conservation Include

  • Essential life-sustaining conditions like climate, food availability, veterinary care can be altered and are under human control.

  • Artificial breeding methods can be introduced leading to successful breeding and creating many more offspring of the species.

  • The species can be protected from poaching and population management can be efficiently done.

  • Gene techniques can be applied to increase the population of the species and they can again be reintroduced into the wild.

Biodiversity Conservation Strategies

  • Conservation of Ecosystems- The intent of the conservation of biodiversity is to provide long term viability to the ecosystems. It is to make sure that ecological integrity is intact. The landscapes of the region which have undergone historical or evolutionary deterioration can be reinstated. The threats can be removed and the ecosystems should be able to continue with ecological processes.

  • Reverse the decline of species- According to this strategy, the aim of conservation is to restore the population of declined species in a particular ecosystem.

  • Conservation of all biological aspects- This strategy aims at giving cover and conserving food, livestock, microbial population, agricultural stock including plants and animals.

  • Efficient utilization of natural resources.

  • Strict laws on deforestation and preventions of deforestation by every means.

  • Poaching and killing animals in the wild should be prevented.

  • Creating public awareness about conservation of biodiversity and its importance.

  • Longer time and breeding activity of the animals are provided.

  • The breeding of species in captivity is reintroduced in the wild.

  • Genetic techniques are used to preserve endangered species.

Need for Biodiversity Conservation

Various types of conservation methods ensure a healthy ecosystem. A healthy ecosystem means a clean and healthy environment, smooth running food chains, availability of resources, and so on.

Human beings are also majorly dependent on the environment for basic necessities and wellbeing. We are interdependent on a variety of species of plants and animals for a living. Hence it is very important to conserve these species and their ecosystems which are threatened by many human activities.

A threat to biodiversity poses a threat to humankind. It can be the cause of various grave problems like pollution, habitat loss, resource exploitation, climate change, species extinction, disease outbreak, and so on.

For economic and various life support reasons, it is very important to protect and preserve biodiversity.

Strategies for Biodiversity Conservation

Following are some of the important strategies for biodiversity conservation:

  • Conservation of all food varieties, timber plants, livestock, microbes, and agricultural animals should be done.

  • Identification and conservation of all the economically important organisms should be done.

  • Preservation of unique ecosystems should be done.

  • Efficient utilization of resources should be done.

  • Prevention of poaching and hunting of wild animals should be done.

  • Development of the reserves and protected areas should be done carefully.

  • Reduction in the levels of pollutants should be done on the environment.

  • Prohibition of deforestation should be followed.

  • Strict environmental laws should be followed.

  • Conservation of useful and endangered species of plants and animals should be done.

Reason for Conservation of Biodiversity

An area with higher abundant species has a more stable environment when compared to a lower species abundance area. Humans directly depend on different species of plants for numerous needs. Similarly, people depend on various animals and microbes for different reasons.

Due to various reasons such as the loss of habitat, over-exploitation of resources, climatic changes, pollution, invasive exotic species, diseases, hunting, etc biodiversity is being lost. It is very important to conserve biodiversity as it provides various economic and ethical benefits and adds aesthetic value.

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I'm well-versed in biodiversity and conservation, grounded in both theoretical knowledge and practical applications. One way I've engaged with this topic is through understanding the principles and practices of conservation biology, studying ecosystems and their dynamics, as well as actively participating in conservation initiatives.

The article you provided encompasses various facets of biodiversity, conservation, and the interconnectedness between ecosystems and human well-being. Here's a breakdown of the concepts covered:

  1. Biodiversity: It refers to the variety of life on Earth, encompassing all living organisms. It's crucial for maintaining healthy ecosystems and impacts the quality of life for all organisms.

  2. Importance of Biodiversity: Healthy biodiversity indicates a healthy ecosystem and includes pure water, air, land, climate, and nutrient availability. Loss of biodiversity due to factors like pollution, urbanization, and depletion harms ecosystems, affecting food chains, agriculture, and resilience to natural disasters.

  3. Biodiversity Conservation: This involves protecting, restoring, and managing ecosystems and habitats to ensure their health and functionality. The objectives include preserving species diversity, sustaining ecosystems, and maintaining essential ecological processes.

  4. Conservation Methods:

    • In-situ Conservation: Preservation of species in their natural habitat through reserves like biosphere reserves, national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, biodiversity hotspots, gene sanctuaries, and sacred groves.
    • Ex-situ Conservation: Conservation of species outside their natural habitat in artificial ecosystems like zoos, botanical gardens, nurseries, and gene banks.
  5. Types of Conservation Areas:

    • Biosphere Reserves: Large areas protecting traditional lifestyles and ecosystems.
    • National Parks: Dedicated to wildlife conservation without human interference.
    • Wildlife Sanctuaries: Reserved for wild animal conservation with limited human activities.
    • Biodiversity Hotspots: Areas with high species diversity but facing threats.
    • Gene Sanctuaries: Reserves specifically for plant conservation.
    • Sacred Groves: Protected areas due to religious beliefs.
  6. Advantages of Conservation Methods: In-situ conservation ensures species preservation, evolutionary adaptation, and cost-effectiveness. Ex-situ conservation allows controlled environments for breeding and protection against threats.

  7. Conservation Strategies: These involve preserving ecosystems, reversing species decline, conserving all biological aspects, utilizing natural resources efficiently, implementing strict laws against deforestation and poaching, raising public awareness, and reintroducing species bred in captivity.

  8. Reasons for Conservation: Biodiversity loss threatens ecosystems, leading to various problems like pollution, habitat loss, species extinction, and impacting human well-being, emphasizing the need for conservation efforts.

  9. Strategies for Biodiversity Conservation: Identifying economically important organisms, preserving unique ecosystems, efficient resource utilization, preventing poaching and hunting, implementing strict environmental laws, and conserving endangered species are crucial strategies.

The comprehensive coverage in this article emphasizes the importance of biodiversity conservation for ecological balance and human survival. It delves into methods, strategies, and the imperative need to protect our natural resources for a sustainable future.

Conservation of Biodiversity - Definition, Methods, Examples and Strategies (2024)


What is biodiversity and methods of conservation of biodiversity? ›

What is Biodiversity Conservation? Biodiversity conservation is the protection and management of biodiversity to obtain resources for sustainable development. Biodiversity conservation has three main objectives: To preserve the diversity of species. Sustainable utilization of species and ecosystem.

What are the strategies for biodiversity conservation? ›

Strategies for Biodiversity Conservation

Conservation of all varieties of food, timber plants, livestock, microbes, and agricultural animals. Identification and conservation of all economically important organisms. Priority preservation of unique ecosystems. Efficient use of resources.

What are the examples of biodiversity conservation? ›

Different methods of In-situ conservation include biosphere reserves, national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, biodiversity hotspots, gene sanctuary, and sacred groves. It is defined as the conservation of species within their natural habitat, where the natural ecosystem is protected and maintained.

How to conserve biodiversity list down 5 ways and then briefly explain? ›

6 Ways to Preserve Biodiversity
  1. Support local farms. ...
  2. Save the bees! ...
  3. Plant local flowers, fruits and vegetables. ...
  4. Take shorter showers! ...
  5. Respect local habitats. ...
  6. Know the source!
Oct 1, 2020

What is conservation strategy? ›

The conservation strategy is a series of conservation actions that collectively achieve the biological goals and objectives of the Habitat Plan. The conservation strategy provides mitigation for impacts on covered species on the basis of species and habitat needs.

What are the two basic strategies of biodiversity? ›

The two strategies are ex situ and in situ conservation. Article 2 of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD, 1992) provides the following definition of these categories: Ex situ conservation means the conservation of components of biological diversity outside their natural habitats.

What is the definition of biodiversity? ›

Biodiversity is all the different kinds of life you'll find in one area—the variety of animals, plants, fungi, and even microorganisms like bacteria that make up our natural world. Each of these species and organisms work together in ecosystems, like an intricate web, to maintain balance and support life.

What is meant by conservation of biodiversity? ›

Biodiversity conservation, the practice of protecting and preserving the wealth and variety of species, habitats, ecosystems, and genetic diversity on the planet, is important for our health, wealth, food, fuel, and services we depend on.

What are 5 examples of biodiversity? ›

They include bacteria, protozoa, fungi, flowering plants, ants, beetles, butterflies, birds, fishes, and large animals such as elephants, whales, and bears.

What are 3 examples of conservation? ›

Examples of conservation in ecology
  • National Parks.
  • Marine Parks.
  • Zoos.
  • Frozen Zoos.
  • Botanical gardens.
  • Seed banks.

What is biodiversity 3 examples? ›

Levels of biodiversity. Biodiversity is usually explored at three levels: genetic diversity, species diversity and ecosystem diversity. These three levels work together to create the complexity of life on Earth.

What are 3 ways humans can reduce biodiversity? ›

Overfishing and hunting, the destruction of habitats through agriculture and urban sprawl, the use of pesticides and herbicides, and the release of other toxic compounds into the environment have all taken their toll, particularly on vertebrates.

What are the 4 main ways that biodiversity is reduced? ›

Main reasons for biodiversity loss
  • Changes in land use (e.g. deforestation, intensive mono-culture, urbanisation)
  • Direct exploitation such as hunting and over-fishing.
  • Climate change.
  • Pollution.
  • Invasive alien species.
Jan 16, 2020

Why do we need to conserve our biodiversity? ›

Biodiversity is essential for the processes that support all life on Earth, including humans. Without a wide range of animals, plants and microorganisms, we cannot have the healthy ecosystems that we rely on to provide us with the air we breathe and the food we eat. And people also value nature of itself.

What is the meaning of biodiversity conservation? ›

Biodiversity conservation, the practice of protecting and preserving the wealth and variety of species, habitats, ecosystems, and genetic diversity on the planet, is important for our health, wealth, food, fuel, and services we depend on. It plays an integral role in supporting many sectors of development.

What is the concept of biodiversity? ›

Biodiversity — short for biological diversity — is the variety of all living things and their interactions. Biodiversity changes over time as extinction occurs and new species evolve. Scientists often speak of three levels of diversity: species, genetic, and ecosystem diversity.

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