Command Block (2024)

{{Extension DPL}}<ul><li>[[Item|Item]]<br/>{{Many images}}{{Redirect|Items|the old image file used to load item textures|items.png}}{{About|inventory items|the entity|Item (entity)|the items that mobs and some entities leave behind on death|Drops|the command|Commands/item|other uses}} ''This article does not include block items, which you can find a list of [[:en:Block#List_of_blocks|here.]]''[[File:Minecraft Creative.png|thumb|300px|The Creative inventory is filled with a wide variety of items.]]An '''item''' is an object that exists only within the [[player]]'s [[inventory]] and hands, or displayed in [[item frame]]s, [[glow item frame]]s, or [[armor stand]]s. As of 1.20, there are a total of '''1,643''' items in the game.== Behavior ==Some items, when {{control|used|use}}, place a [[block]] (ItemBlock) or [[entity]] (minecart, spawn eggs, etc.) version of themselves into the game world. Put simply, they are an item when in the [[inventory]], and a block when placed. For example, [[boat]]s turn into an entity when placed, and [[bed]]s turn into a group of blocks when placed. When selected in the [[hotbar]], items briefly display their names above the [[HUD]].The only method by which an item can be properly displayed within the game environment is to place it into an [[item frame]].If an item that does not become a block is dropped, it becomes an [[Item (entity)|entity]] represented by a sprite that floats above the ground for 5 minutes in a loaded [[chunk]] before despawning, unless the player walks over it to pick it up before it despawns, it is picked up by a mob, [[hopper]] or [[minecart with hopper]], or it is destroyed by [[fire]], [[lava]], [[cactus]], or [[explosion]]s.A submerged object ascends towards the water’s edge. When the surface current is in motion, the object is propelled along with it.Hoppers draw in any items that are placed above them.Most items [[stack]] to 64, but some only stack to 16, and others not at all. ''However,'' all types of items can be stacked up to 127 through inventory editing.== List of items ==<!--potentially missing bedrock edition items-->=== Items that create blocks, fluids or entities ==={{columns-list|colwidth=16em|* {{ItemLink|Acacia Boat}}* {{ItemLink|Acacia Boat with Chest}}* {{ItemLink|Armor Stand}}* {{ItemLink|Bamboo Raft}}* {{ItemLink|Bamboo Raft with Chest}}* {{ItemLink|Beetroot Seeds}}* {{ItemLink|Birch Boat}}* {{ItemLink|Birch Boat with Chest}}* {{ItemLink|Bottle o' Enchanting}}* {{ItemLink|Bow}}* {{ItemLink|Bucket}}* {{ItemLink|Bucket of Axolotl}}* {{ItemLink|Bucket of Cod}}* {{ItemLink|Bucket of Pufferfish}}* {{ItemLink|Bucket of Salmon}}* {{ItemLink|Bucket of Tadpole}}* {{ItemLink|Bucket of Tropical Fish}}* {{ItemLink|Carrot}}* {{ItemLink|Cherry Boat}}* {{ItemLink|Cherry Boat with Chest}}* {{ItemLink|Cocoa Beans}}* {{ItemLink|Crossbow}}* {{ItemLink|Dark Oak Boat}}* {{ItemLink|Dark Oak Boat with Chest}}* {{ItemLink|Egg}}* {{ItemLink|End Crystal}}* {{ItemLink|Ender Pearl}}* {{ItemLink|Eye of Ender}}* {{ItemLink|Fire Charge}}* {{ItemLink|Firework Rocket}}* {{ItemLink|Fishing Rod}}* {{ItemLink|Flint and Steel}}* {{ItemLink|Glow Berries}}* {{ItemLink|Glow Item Frame}}* {{ItemLink|Item Frame}}* {{ItemLink|Jungle Boat}}* {{ItemLink|Jungle Boat with Chest}}* {{ItemLink|Kelp}}* {{ItemLink|Lava Bucket}}* {{ItemLink|Lead}}* {{ItemLink|Lingering Potion}}* {{ItemLink|Mangrove Boat}}* {{ItemLink|Mangrove Boat with Chest}}* {{ItemLink|Melon Seeds}}* {{ItemLink|Minecart}}* {{ItemLink|Minecart with Chest}}* {{ItemLink|Minecart with Command Block}}* {{ItemLink|Minecart with Furnace}}{{only|java|short=1}}* {{ItemLink|Minecart with Hopper}}* {{ItemLink|Minecart with TNT}}* {{ItemLink|Nether Wart}}* {{ItemLink|Oak Boat}}* {{ItemLink|Oak Boat with Chest}}* {{ItemLink|Painting}}* {{ItemLink|Pitcher Pod}}* {{ItemLink|Potato}}* {{ItemLink|Powder Snow Bucket}}* {{ItemLink|Pumpkin Seeds}}* {{ItemLink|Redstone Dust}}* {{ItemLink|Snowball}}* {{ItemLink|Splash Potion}}* {{ItemLink|Spruce Boat}}* {{ItemLink|Spruce Boat with Chest}}* {{ItemLink|String}}* {{ItemLink|Sweet Berries}}* {{ItemLink|Torchflower Seeds}}* {{ItemLink|Trident}}* {{ItemLink|Water Bucket}}* {{ItemLink|Wheat Seeds}}}}=== Items with use in the world ===These items, when highlighted in a player's hotbar (a.k.a "held"), held in the off hand, or equipped in an armor slot, can be used by either {{control|attack}} or {{control|use}}, or can serve a specific purpose (for example, offer the player advantage or disadvantage). Some can be used whenever, others only when aiming at specific blocks or entities. {{columns-list|colwidth=16em|* {{ItemLink|id=amethyst-shard|link=Amethyst Shard#Allay duplication|text=Amethyst Shard}} (to duplicate allays)* {{ItemLink|Apple}}* {{ItemLink|Arrow}}* {{ItemLink|Baked Potato}}* {{ItemLink|Beetroot}}* {{ItemLink|Beetroot Soup}}* {{ItemLink|Black Dye}}* {{ItemLink|Blue Dye}}* {{ItemLink|Bone}}* {{ItemLink|Bone Meal}}* {{ItemLink|Book}} (to interact with chiseled bookshelves)* {{ItemLink|Book and Quill}}* {{ItemLink|Bowl}}* {{ItemLink|Bread}}* {{ItemLink|Brown Dye}}* {{ItemLink|Brush}}* {{ItemLink|Bundle}}* {{ItemLink|Carrot on a Stick}}* {{ItemLink|Chainmail Boots}}* {{ItemLink|Chainmail Chestplate}}* {{ItemLink|Chainmail Helmet}}* {{ItemLink|Chainmail Leggings}}* {{ItemLink|Chorus Fruit}}* {{ItemLink|Compass}}* {{ItemLink|Cooked Chicken}}* {{ItemLink|Cooked Cod}}* {{ItemLink|Cooked Mutton}}* {{ItemLink|Cooked Porkchop}}* {{ItemLink|Cooked Rabbit}}* {{ItemLink|Cooked Salmon}}* {{ItemLink|Cookie}}* {{ItemLink|Cyan Dye}}* {{ItemLink|Debug Stick}}{{only|java|short=1}}* {{ItemLink|Diamond Axe}}* {{ItemLink|Diamond Boots}}* {{ItemLink|Diamond Chestplate}}* {{ItemLink|Diamond Helmet}}* {{ItemLink|Diamond Hoe}}* {{ItemLink|Diamond Horse Armor}}* {{ItemLink|Diamond Leggings}}* {{ItemLink|Diamond Pickaxe}}* {{ItemLink|Diamond Shovel}}* {{ItemLink|Diamond Sword}}* {{ItemLink|Dried Kelp}}* {{ItemLink|Elytra}}* {{ItemLink|Empty Map}}* {{ItemLink|Enchanted Book}} (to interact with chiseled bookshelves)* {{ItemLink|Enchanted Golden Apple}}* {{ItemLink|Goat Horn}}* {{ItemLink|Glass Bottle}}* {{ItemLink|Glow Ink Sac}}* {{ItemLink|Gold Ingot}}* {{ItemLink|Golden Apple}}* {{ItemLink|Golden Axe}}* {{ItemLink|Golden Boots}}* {{ItemLink|Golden Carrot}}* {{ItemLink|Golden Chestplate}}* {{ItemLink|Golden Helmet}}* {{ItemLink|Golden Hoe}}* {{ItemLink|Golden Horse Armor}}* {{ItemLink|Golden Leggings}}* {{ItemLink|Golden Pickaxe}}* {{ItemLink|Golden Shovel}}* {{ItemLink|Golden Sword}}* {{ItemLink|Gray Dye}}* {{ItemLink|Green Dye}}* {{ItemLink|Honeycomb}}* {{ItemLink|Honey Bottle}}* {{ItemLink|Ink Sac}}* {{ItemLink|Iron Axe}}* {{ItemLink|Iron Boots}}* {{ItemLink|Iron Chestplate}}* {{ItemLink|Iron Helmet}}* {{ItemLink|Iron Hoe}}* {{ItemLink|Iron Horse Armor}}* {{ItemLink|id=iron-ingot|link=Iron Ingot#Healing iron golems|text=Iron Ingot}} (to heal iron golems)* {{ItemLink|Iron Leggings}}* {{ItemLink|Iron Pickaxe}}* {{ItemLink|Iron Shovel}}* {{ItemLink|Iron Sword}}* {{ItemLink|Knowledge Book}}{{only|java|short=1}}* {{ItemLink|Lapis Lazuli}} (as a dye){{only|bedrock|short=1}}* {{ItemLink|Leather Boots}}* {{ItemLink|Leather Cap}}* {{ItemLink|Leather Horse Armor}}* {{ItemLink|Leather Pants}}* {{ItemLink|Leather Tunic}}* {{ItemLink|Light Blue Dye}}* {{ItemLink|Light Gray Dye}}* {{ItemLink|Lime Dye}}* {{ItemLink|Magenta Dye}}* {{ItemLink|Map}} or [[Explorer Map]]* {{ItemLink|Melon Slice}}* {{ItemLink|Milk Bucket}}* {{ItemLink|Mushroom Stew}}* {{ItemLink|id=music-disc-5|Music Disc}} (5)* {{ItemLink|id=music-disc-11|Music Disc}} (11)* {{ItemLink|id=music-disc-13|Music Disc}} (13)* {{ItemLink|id=music-disc-blocks|Music Disc}} (Blocks)* {{ItemLink|id=music-disc-cat|Music Disc}} (Cat)* {{ItemLink|id=music-disc-chirp|Music Disc}} (Chirp)* {{ItemLink|id=music-disc-far|Music Disc}} (Far)* {{ItemLink|id=music-disc-mall|Music Disc}} (Mall)* {{ItemLink|id=music-disc-mellohi|Music Disc}} (Mellohi)* {{ItemLink|id=music-disc-otherside|Music Disc}} (Otherside)* {{ItemLink|id=music-disc-pigstep|Music Disc}} (Pigstep)* {{ItemLink|id=music-disc-relic|Music Disc}} (Relic)* {{ItemLink|id=music-disc-stal|Music Disc}} (Stal)* {{ItemLink|id=music-disc-strad|Music Disc}} (Strad)* {{ItemLink|id=music-disc-wait|Music Disc}} (Wait)* {{ItemLink|id=music-disc-ward|Music Disc}} (Ward)* {{ItemLink|Name Tag}}* {{ItemLink|Netherite Axe}}* {{ItemLink|Netherite Boots}}* {{ItemLink|Netherite Chestplate}}* {{ItemLink|Netherite Helmet}}* {{ItemLink|Netherite Hoe}}* {{ItemLink|Netherite Leggings}}* {{ItemLink|Netherite Pickaxe}}* {{ItemLink|Netherite Shovel}}* {{ItemLink|Netherite Sword}}* {{ItemLink|Orange Dye}}* {{ItemLink|Pink Dye}}* {{ItemLink|Poisonous Potato}}* {{ItemLink|Potion|Potions}}* {{ItemLink|Pufferfish|link=Pufferfish (item)}}* {{ItemLink|Pumpkin Pie}}* {{ItemLink|Purple Dye}}* {{ItemLink|Rabbit Stew}}* {{ItemLink|Raw Beef}}* {{ItemLink|Raw Chicken}}* {{ItemLink|Raw Cod}}* {{ItemLink|Raw Mutton}}* {{ItemLink|Raw Porkchop}}* {{ItemLink|Raw Rabbit}}* {{ItemLink|Raw Salmon}}* {{ItemLink|Red Dye}}* {{ItemLink|Rotten Flesh}}* {{ItemLink|Saddle}}* {{ItemLink|Shears}}* {{ItemLink|Shield}}* {{ItemLink|Spectral Arrow}}{{only|java|short=1}}* {{ItemLink|Spider Eye}}* {{ItemLink|Spyglass}}* {{ItemLink|Steak}}* {{ItemLink|Stone Axe}}* {{ItemLink|Stone Hoe}}* {{ItemLink|Stone Pickaxe}}* {{ItemLink|Stone Shovel}}* {{ItemLink|Stone Sword}}* {{ItemLink|Sugar}}* {{ItemLink|Suspicious Stew}}* {{ItemLink|Tipped Arrow}}* {{ItemLink|Totem of Undying}}* {{ItemLink|Tropical Fish}}* {{ItemLink|Turtle Shell}}* {{ItemLink|Warped Fungus on a Stick}}* {{ItemLink|Wheat}}* {{ItemLink|White Dye}}* {{ItemLink|Wooden Axe}}* {{ItemLink|Wooden Hoe}}* {{ItemLink|Wooden Pickaxe}}* {{ItemLink|Wooden Shovel}}* {{ItemLink|Wooden Sword}}* {{ItemLink|Written Book}}* {{ItemLink|Yellow Dye}}}}=== Items with indirect use in the world ===The player cannot interact with or directly use these items; however, they are used for [[trading]], [[brewing]], [[enchanting]], or [[crafting]] ingredients for other items that do have direct uses. The exception is clocks, which are not used in any recipes but serve an informative function.{{columns-list|colwidth=16em|* {{ItemLink|Angler Pottery Sherd}}* {{ItemLink|Archer Pottery Sherd}}* {{ItemLink|Arms Up Pottery Sherd}}* {{ItemLink|Banner Pattern}} (Bordure Indented){{only|BE|short=1}}* {{ItemLink|Banner Pattern}} (Creeper Charge)* {{ItemLink|Banner Pattern}} (Field Masoned){{only|BE|short=1}}* {{ItemLink|Banner Pattern}} (Flower Charge)* {{ItemLink|Banner Pattern}} (Globe)* {{ItemLink|Banner Pattern}} (Skull Charge)* {{ItemLink|Banner Pattern}} (Snout)* {{ItemLink|Banner Pattern}} (Thing)* {{ItemLink|Blade Pottery Sherd}}* {{ItemLink|Blaze Powder}}* {{ItemLink|Blaze Rod}}* {{ItemLink|Brewer Pottery Sherd}}* {{ItemLink|Brick}}* {{ItemLink|Burn Pottery Sherd}}* {{ItemLink|Charcoal}}* {{ItemLink|Clay Ball}}* {{ItemLink|Clock}}* {{ItemLink|Coal}}* {{ItemLink|Coast Armor Trim}}* {{ItemLink|Copper Ingot}}* {{ItemLink|Danger Pottery Sherd}}* {{ItemLink|Diamond}}* {{ItemLink|Disc Fragment}}* {{ItemLink|Dragon's Breath}}* {{ItemLink|Dune Armor Trim}}* {{ItemLink|Echo Shard}}* {{ItemLink|Emerald}}* {{ItemLink|Explorer Pottery Sherd}}* {{ItemLink|Eye Armor Trim}}* {{ItemLink|Feather}}* {{ItemLink|Fermented Spider Eye}}* {{ItemLink|Firework Star}}* {{ItemLink|Flint}}* {{ItemLink|Friend Pottery Sherd}}* {{ItemLink|Ghast Tear}}* {{ItemLink|Glistering Melon Slice}}* {{ItemLink|Glowstone Dust}}* {{ItemLink|Gold Nugget}}* {{ItemLink|Gunpowder}}* {{ItemLink|Heart of the Sea}}* {{ItemLink|Heart Pottery Sherd}}* {{ItemLink|Heartbreak Pottery Sherd}}* {{ItemLink|Host Armor Trim}}* {{ItemLink|Howl Pottery Sherd}}* {{ItemLink|Ink Sac}}* {{ItemLink|Iron Ingot}}* {{ItemLink|Iron Nugget}}* {{ItemLink|Lapis Lazuli}}* {{ItemLink|Leather}}* {{ItemLink|Magma Cream}}* {{ItemLink|Miner Pottery Sherd}}* {{ItemLink|Mourner Pottery Sherd}}* {{ItemLink|Nautilus Shell}}* {{ItemLink|Nether Brick}}* {{ItemLink|Nether Quartz}}* {{ItemLink|Nether Star}}* {{ItemLink|Netherite Ingot}}* {{ItemLink|Netherite Scrap}}* {{ItemLink|Netherite Upgrade}}* {{ItemLink|Paper}}* {{ItemLink|Phantom Membrane}}* {{ItemLink|Plenty Pottery Sherd}}* {{ItemLink|Popped Chorus Fruit}}* {{ItemLink|Prismarine Crystals}}* {{ItemLink|Prismarine Shard}}* {{ItemLink|Prize Pottery Sherd}}* {{ItemLink|Rabbit Hide}}* {{ItemLink|Rabbit's Foot}}* {{ItemLink|Raiser Armor Trim}}* {{ItemLink|Raw Copper}}* {{ItemLink|Raw Gold}}* {{ItemLink|Raw Iron}}* {{ItemLink|Recovery Compass}}* {{ItemLink|Rib Armor Trim}}* {{ItemLink|Scute}}* {{ItemLink|Sentry Armor Trim}}* {{ItemLink|Shaper Armor Trim}}* {{ItemLink|Sheaf Pottery Sherd}}* {{ItemLink|Shelter Pottery Sherd}}* {{ItemLink|Shulker Shell}}* {{ItemLink|Silence Armor Trim}}* {{ItemLink|Skull Pottery Sherd}}* {{ItemLink|Slimeball}}* {{ItemLink|Snort Pottery Sherd}}* {{ItemLink|Spire Armor Trim}}* {{ItemLink|Stick}}* {{ItemLink|Tide Armor Trim}}* {{ItemLink|Vex Armor Trim}}* {{ItemLink|Ward Armor Trim}}* {{ItemLink|Wayfinder Armor Trim}}* {{ItemLink|Wild Armor Trim}}}}=== Spawn eggs ===Spawn eggs spawn the entity inside them. They cannot be obtained in Survival mode.{{columns-list|colwidth=16em|* {{ItemLink|Allay Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Axolotl Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Bat Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Bee Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Blaze Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Camel Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Cat Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Cave Spider Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Chicken Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Cod Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Cow Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Creeper Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Dolphin Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Donkey Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Drowned Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Elder Guardian Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Ender Dragon Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Enderman Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Endermite Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Evoker Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Fox Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Frog Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Ghast Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Glow Squid Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Goat Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Guardian Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Hoglin Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Horse Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Husk Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Iron Golem Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Llama Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Magma Cube Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Mooshroom Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Mule Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Spawn NPC}}{{only|bedrock}}* {{ItemLink|Ocelot Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Panda Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Parrot Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Phantom Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Pig Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Piglin Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Piglin Brute Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Pillager Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Polar Bear Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Pufferfish Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Rabbit Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Ravager Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Salmon Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Sheep Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Shulker Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Silverfish Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Skeleton Horse Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Skeleton Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Slime Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Sniffer Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Snow Golem Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Spider Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Squid Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Stray Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Strider Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Tadpole Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Trader Llama Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Tropical Fish Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Turtle Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Vex Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Villager Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Vindicator Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Wandering Trader Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Warden Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Witch Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Wither Skeleton Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Wither Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Wolf Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Zoglin Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Zombie Horse Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Zombie Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Zombie Villager Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Zombified Piglin Spawn Egg}}}}=== Education Edition only===These items can be accessed only {{in|ee}}. The [[spawn egg|spawn agent]], [[portfolio]], and [[camera]] are obtainable through [[Creative]] mode and the {{cmd|give}} [[command]]. The [[Garbage]] item is only obtainable through unknown Lab Table recipes or via inventory editing.{{columns-list|colwidth=16em|* {{ItemLink|Agent Spawn Egg}}* {{ItemLink|Antidote}}* {{ItemLink|Black Balloon}}* {{ItemLink|Bleach}}* {{ItemLink|Blue Balloon}}* {{ItemLink|Blue Glow Stick}}* {{ItemLink|Blue Sparkler}}* {{ItemLink|Board}}* {{ItemLink|Brown Balloon}}* {{ItemLink|Brown Glow Stick}}* {{EntityLink|Camera}}* {{ItemLink|Compound}}s* {{ItemLink|Cyan Balloon}}* {{ItemLink|Cyan Glow Stick}}* {{ItemLink|Elixir}}* {{ItemLink|Eye Drops}}* {{ItemLink|Gray Balloon}}* {{ItemLink|Gray Glow Stick}}* {{ItemLink|Green Balloon}}* {{ItemLink|Green Glow Stick}}* {{ItemLink|Green Sparkler}}* {{ItemLink|Ice Bomb}}* {{ItemLink|Light Blue Balloon}}* {{ItemLink|Light Blue Glow Stick}}* {{ItemLink|Lime Balloon}}* {{ItemLink|Lime Glow Stick}}* {{ItemLink|Magenta Balloon}}* {{ItemLink|Magenta Glow Stick}}* {{ItemLink|Orange Balloon}}* {{ItemLink|Orange Glow Stick}}* {{ItemLink|Orange Sparkler}}* {{ItemLink|Photo}}* {{ItemLink|Pink Balloon}}* {{ItemLink|Pink Glow Stick}}* {{ItemLink|Portfolio}}* {{ItemLink|Poster}}* {{ItemLink|Purple Balloon}}* {{ItemLink|Purple Glow Stick}}* {{ItemLink|Purple Sparkler}}* {{ItemLink|Red Balloon}}* {{ItemLink|Red Glow Stick}}* {{ItemLink|Red Sparkler}}* {{ItemLink|Silver Balloon}}* {{ItemLink|Slate}}* {{ItemLink|Spawn NPC}}* {{ItemLink|Super Fertilizer}}* {{ItemLink|Tonic}}* {{ItemLink|White Balloon}}* {{ItemLink|White Glow Stick}}* {{ItemLink|Yellow Balloon}}* {{ItemLink|Yellow Glow Stick}}}}==Unimplemented items ==Some items are unimplemented, or have been mentioned to be implemented in the future.*{{ItemLink|Ruby}}==Removed items ==Removed items no longer exist in current versions of the game.*{{ItemLink|Copper Horn}}*{{ItemLink|Horse Saddle}}*{{ItemLink|Studded Helmet}}*{{ItemLink|Studded Chestplate}}*{{ItemLink|Studded Leggings}}*{{ItemLink|Studded Boots}}*{{ItemLink|Quiver}}==Joke items==Joke items are only present in [[April Fools]] versions of the game.{{columns-list|colwidth=16em|*{{ItemLink|3D}}*{{ItemLink|A Very Fine Item}}*{{ItemLink|Ankle Monitor}}*{{ItemLink|Arrow of Big}}*{{ItemLink|Arrow of Small}}*{{ItemLink|Banner Pattern (New Thing)}}*{{ItemLink|Blue Key}}*{{ItemLink|Bit}}*{{ItemLink|Bottle of Entity}}*{{ItemLink|Bottle of Void}}*{{ItemLink|Tag (item)|Byte Tag}}*{{ItemLink|Tag (item)|Compound Tag}}*{{ItemLink|Tag (item)|Double Tag}}*{{ItemLink|Tag (item)|Float Tag}}*{{ItemLink|Footprint}}*{{ItemLink|Tag (item)|Int Tag}}*{{ItemLink|La Baguette}}*{{ItemLink|Le Tricolore}}*{{ItemLink|Tag (item)|Left Curly}}*{{ItemLink|Tag (item)|Left Square}}*{{ItemLink|Lingering Potion of Big}}*{{ItemLink|Lingering Potion of Small}}*{{ItemLink|Tag (item)|List Tag}}*{{ItemLink|Tag (item)|Long Tag}}*{{ItemLink|Longer String}}*{{ItemLink|Dupe Hack|text=minecraft:dupe_hack}}*{{ItemLink|Moon Cow Spawn Egg}}*{{ItemLink|Tag (item)|Name}}*{{ItemLink|Obsidian Boat}}*{{ItemLink|Potion of Big}}*{{ItemLink|Potion of Small}}*{{ItemLink|Reality Vision}}*{{ItemLink|Red Key}}*{{ItemLink|Tag (item)|Right Curly}}*{{ItemLink|Tag (item)|Right Square}}*{{ItemLink|Tag (item)|Short Tag}}*{{ItemLink|Smarter Watch}}*{{ItemLink|Splash Bottle of Entity}}*{{ItemLink|Splash Potion of Big}}*{{ItemLink|Splash Potion of Small}}*{{ItemLink|Tag (item)|Sssyntax Error}}*{{ItemLink|Tag (item)|String Tag}}*{{ItemLink|Tag (item)|Tag}}*{{ItemLink|Yellow Key}}}}==Video=={{yt|5khbViFTwz4}}{{yt|YUM7XiEX1DI}}==History=====Item additions and removals==={{Wip|section=1}}{{History|Java Edition Classic}}{{History||0.24_SURVIVAL_TEST|Added [[arrow]]s.|Total items: 1 (+1, -0)}}{{History|Java Edition Indev}}{{History||0.31|snap=20091231-2|Added leather, studded, chainmail, and iron [[armor]], [[quiver]], [[apple]], [[shovel]], and [[sword]].|Total items: 21 (+20, -0)}}{{History|||snap=20100110|Added [[flint and steel]], [[axe]]s, [[pickaxe]]s, and [[bow]]s.|Total items: 25 (+4, -0)}}{{History|||snap=20100128|Added [[coal]], [[diamond]], [[gold ingot]], [[iron ingot]], and new wooden, stone and diamond swords, axes, pickaxes and shovels variants.|Total items: 41 (+16, -0)}}{{History|||snap=20100129|Added [[stick]].|Total items: 42 (+1, -0)}}{{History|||snap=20100130|Added golden swords, axes, pickaxes, and shovels; [[bowl]], [[mushroom stew]], [[gunpowder]], [[string]], and [[feather]].|Total items: 51 (+9, -0)}}{{History||20100206|Added [[bread]], [[hoes]], [[wheat seeds|seeds]], and [[wheat]].|Total items: 55 (+4, -0)}}{{History||20100212-1|Added gold and diamond armor.|[[Studded Armor]] was removed between [[Indev 0.31 20100204-1]] and [[Indev 20100206]].|Total items: 56 (+2, -1)}}{{History||20100219|Added [[flint]], [[raw porkchop]], and [[cooked porkchop]].|Total items: 59 (+3, -0)}}{{History|Java Edition Infdev}}{{History||20100227-1|Added [[golden apples]].|Total items: 60 (+1, -0)}}{{History||20100615|Added [[bucket]], [[water bucket]], and [[lava bucket]].|Total items: 63 (+3, -0)}}{{History||20100625-2|Added [[saddles]].|Total items: 64 (+1, -0)}}{{History|java Alpha}}{{History||v1.0.5|Added [[snowballs]].|Total items: 65 (+1, -0)}}{{History||v1.0.8|Added [[leather]] and [[milk bucket]].|Total items: 67 (+2 ,-0)}}{{History||v1.0.11|Added [[paper]], [[book]], [[clay ball]], [[brick]], and [[slimeball]].|Total items: 72 (+5, -0)}}{{History||v1.0.14|Added [[eggs]], 2 new [[music discs]], [[minecart with furnace]], and [[minecart with chest]].|Total items: 77 (+5, -0)}}{{History||v1.1.0|Added [[compass]].|Total items: 78 (+1, -0)}}{{History||v1.1.1|Added [[fishing rod]].|Total items: 79 (+1, -0)}}{{History||v1.2.0|Added [[clock]], [[glowstone dust]], [[cooked cod]], and [[raw cod]].|Total items: 83 (+4, -0)}}{{History|java Beta}}{{History||1.2|Added [[bone]], [[bone meal]], [[lapis lazuli]], [[cocoa beans]], [[ink sac]], [[charcoal]], [[dyes]], and [[sugar]].|Total items: 91 (+8, -0)}}{{History||1.4|Added [[cookie]].|Total items: 92 (+1, -0)}}{{History||1.6|Added [[maps]].|Total items: 93 (+1, -0)}}{{History||1.7|Added [[shears]].|Total items: 94 (+1, -0)}}{{History||1.8|snap=Pre-release|Added [[raw chicken]], [[cooked chicken]], [[raw beef]], [[steak]], [[ender pearls]], [[melon seeds]], [[melon slice]], [[pumpkin seeds]], and [[rotten flesh]].|Total items: 103 (+9, -0)}}{{History|Java}}{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease|Added [[blaze rod]], [[ghast tear]], [[gold nugget]], and [[nether wart]].|Total items: 107 (+4, -0)}}{{History|||snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 2|Added [[blaze powder]], [[fermented spider eye]], [[glass bottle]], [[magma cream]], 9 new [[music disc]], and [[spider eye]].|Total items: 121 (+14, -0)}}{{History|||snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 3|Added [[eye of ender]].|Total items: 122 (+1, -0)}}{{History|||snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 4|Added [[glistering melon slice]], [[ghast tear]], [[potions]], and [[splash potions]].|Total items: 126 (+4, -0)}}{{History||1.1|snap=11w49a|Added 20 types of [[spawn eggs]].|Total items: 146 (+20, -0)}}{{History||1.2.1|snap=12w04a|Added [[bottle o' enchanting]], [[fire charge]], and [[ocelot]] spawn egg.|Total items: 149 (+3, -0)}}{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w17a|Added [[book and quill]] and [[written book]].|Total items: 151 (+2, -0)}}{{History|||snap=12w21a|Added [[emerald]] and [[enchanted golden apple]].|Total items: 153 (+2, -0)}}{{History|||snap=12w22a|Added 8 types of [[potion]].}}{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w32a|Added potion and splash potion of [[night vision]].|Total items: 156 (+2, -0)}}{{History|||snap=12w34a|Added [[carrot]], [[golden carrot]], [[potato]], [[baked potato]], [[poisonous potato]], [[item frame]] and [[potion]] and [[splash potion]] of [[invisibility]].|Total items: 162 (+7, -0)}}{{History|||snap=12w36a|Added [[carrot on a stick]] and [[nether star]].|Total items: 164 (+2, -0)}}{{History|||snap=12w37a|Added [[pumpkin pie]].|Total items: 165 (+1, -0)}}{{History||1.4.4|snap=1.4.3|Added the [[music disc]] "wait".|Total items: 166 (+1, -0)}}{{History||1.4.6|snap=12w49a|Added [[enchanted book]], [[firework rocket]], and [[firework star]].|Total items: 169 (+3, -0)}}{{History||1.5|snap=13w01a|Added [[nether brick]] and [[nether quartz]].|Total items: 171 (+2, -0)}}{{History||1.6.1|snap=13w16a|Added diamond, gold, and iron [[horse armor]], [[leads]], [[horse]] spawn egg, and [[horse saddle]].|Total items: 177 (+6, -0)}}{{History|||snap=13w16b|Added [[name tag]].|Total items: 178 (+1, -0)}}{{History|||snap=13w18a|Removed [[horse saddle]].|Total items: 177 (+0, -1)}}{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w36a|Added [[clownfish]], [[raw salmon]], [[cooked salmon]], [[pufferfish]], and potion and splash potion of [[water breathing]].|Total items: 182 (+5, -0)}}{{History||1.8|snap=14w11a|Added [[endermite]] spawn egg.|Total items: 183 (+1, -0)}}{{History|||snap=14w25a|Added [[prismarine crystals]], [[prismarine shard]], and [[guardian]] spawn egg.|Total items: 186 (+3, -0)}}{{History|||snap=14w27a|Added [[raw mutton]], [[cooked mutton]], [[raw rabbit]], [[cooked rabbit]], potion and splash potion of [[leaping]], [[rabbit's foot]], [[rabbit hide]], [[rabbit]] spawn egg, and [[rabbit stew]].|Total items: 196 (+10, -0)}}{{History||1.9|snap=15w31a|Added [[spectral arrow]], 14 new tipped [[arrows]], [[beetroot]], [[beetroot seeds]], [[beetroot soup]], [[chorus fruit]], [[popped chorus fruit]], [[shulker]] spawn egg, splash water bottles, mundane, thick, and awkward splash potions.|Total items: 220 (+24, -0)}}{{History|||snap=15w33a|Added [[dragon's breath]] and [[lingering potion]]s.|Total items: 238 (+18, -0)}}{{History|||snap=15w33c|Added [[shield]].|Total items: 239 (+1, -0)}}{{History|||snap=15w41a|Added [[elytra]].|Total items: 240 (+1, -0)}}{{History|||snap=15w44a|Added [[end crystal]].|Total items: 241 (+1, -0)}}{{History|||snap=15w44b|Added potion of [[luck]] and uncraftable potion.|Total items: 243 (+2, -0)}}{{History||1.10|snap=16w20a|Added 10 new types of spawn eggs.|Total items: 253 (+10, -0)}}{{History||1.11|snap=16w32a|Added [[zombie villager]] spawn eggs.|Total items: 254 (+1, -0)}}{{History|||snap=16w39a|Added [[llama]], [[evoker]], [[vex]], and [[vindicator]] spawn eggs, [[shulker shell]], [[totem of undying]], and [[explorer map]].|Total items: 261 (+7, -0)}}{{History||1.11.1|snap=16w50a|Added [[iron nugget]].|Total items: 262 (+1, -0)}}{{History||1.12|snap=17w13a|Added [[knowledge book]] and [[parrot]] spawn egg.|Total items: 264 (+2, -0)}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Added [[bark]], [[mushroom blocks]], [[mushroom stem]], [[petrified oak slab]], [[smooth quartz]], [[smooth red sandstone]], [[smooth sandstone]], [[smooth stone]], and [[debug stick]].|Total items: 273 (+9, -0)}}{{History|||snap=18w07a|Added [[trident]] weapon, [[kelp]], [[dried kelp]], [[scute]], [[turtle shell]], [[potion of the turtle master]], [[Arrow#Tipped arrows|arrow of the turtle master]], [[turtle]] and [[phantom]] spawn eggs.|Total items: 282 (+9, -0)}}{{History|||snap=18w08b|Added 3 [[fish bucket]]s and spawn eggs for [[cod]], [[salmon]], and [[pufferfish]].|Total items: 288 (+6, -0)}}{{History|||snap=18w10a|Added spawn egg and bucket of [[tropical fish]], and buried treasure [[exploration map]].|Total items: 291 (+3, -0)}}{{History|||snap=18w11a|Added [[drowned]] spawn egg.|Total items: 292 (+1, -0)}}{{History|||snap=18w14a|Added [[phantom membrane]], potion and arrow of [[slow falling]].|Total items: 295 (+3, -0)}}{{History|||snap=18w15a|Added [[heart of the sea]] and [[nautilus shell]].|Total items: 297 (+2, -0)}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|Added 4 [[banner pattern]]s, [[crossbow]], 4 new [[dyes]], [[illager beast]], [[panda]], and [[pillager]] spawn eggs, and [[suspicious stew]].|Total items: 310 (+13, -0)}}{{History|||snap=18w49a|Added [[sweet berries]].|Total items: 311 (+1, -0)}}{{History|||snap=19w05a|Added [[wandering trader]] and [[trader llama]] spawn eggs.|Total items: 313 (+2, -0)}}{{History|||snap=19w07a|Added [[fox]] spawn egg.|Total items: 314 (+1 ,-0)}}{{History|||snap=19w08a|Added leather [[horse armor]].|Total items: 315 (+1, -0)}}{{History|||snap=19w11a|Added a new "globe" banner pattern.|Total items: 316 (+1, -0)}}{{History||1.15|snap=19w34a|Added [[honey bottle]], [[honeycomb]], and [[bee]] spawn egg.|Total items: 317 (+1, -0)}}{{History||1.16|snap=20w06a|Added [[netherite]] armor, [[axe]], [[shovel]], [[pickaxe]], and [[sword]], [[netherite ingot]], [[netherite scrap]], and [[hoglin]] spawn egg.|Total items: 328 (+11, -0)}}{{History|||snap=20w07a|Added [[piglin]] spawn egg.|Total items: 329 (+1, -0)}}{{History|||snap=20w13a|Added [[warped fungus on a stick]], and [[strider]] spawn egg.|Total items: 331 (+2, -0)}}{{History|||snap=20w14a|Added [[zoglin]] spawn egg.|Total items: 332 (+1, -0)}}{{History|||snap=20w15a|Added [[piglin banner pattern]].|Total items: 333 (+1, -0)}}{{History|||snap=20w16a|Added [[pigstep]] music disc.|Total items: 334 (+1, -0)}}{{History||1.16.2|snap=20w27a|Added [[piglin brute]] spawn egg.|Total items: 335 (+1, -0)}}{{History||1.17|snap=20w45a|Added [[amethyst shard]], [[bundle]], [[copper ingot]], and [[spyglass]].|Total items: 339 (+4, -0)}}{{History|||snap=20w46a|Added [[powder snow bucket]].|Total items: 340 (+1, -0)}}{{History|||snap=20w51a|Added [[axolotl]] spawn egg and bucket of [[axolotl]].|Total items: 342 (+2, -0)}}{{History|||snap=21w03a|Added [[glow item frame]], [[glow ink sac]] and [[glow squid]] spawn egg.|Total items: 344 (+2, -0)}}{{History|||snap=21w05a|Added [[glow berries]].|Total items: 346 (+1, -0)}}{{History|||snap=21w14a|Added [[raw copper]], [[raw iron]], and [[raw gold]].|Total items: 348 (+3, -0)}}{{History||1.18|snap=21w42a|Added the [[music disc]] "Otherside".|Total items: 349 (+1, -0)}}{{History||1.19|snap=Deep Dark Experimental Snapshot 1|Added [[warden]] spawn egg.|Total items: 350 (+1, -0)}}{{History|||snap=22w11a|Added [[frog]] and [[tadpole]] spawn egg, [[bucket of tadpole]] and [[Boat|mangrove boat]].|Removed [[warden]] spawn egg.|Total items: 352 (+3, -1)}}{{History|||snap=22w12a|Re-added [[warden]] spawn egg|Added 7 types of [[boat with chest]].|Total items: 360 (+8, -0)}}{{History|||snap=22w13a|Added [[allay]] spawn egg.|Total items: 361 (+1, -0)}}{{History|||snap=22w14a|Added [[echo shard]] and [[recovery compass]].|Total items: 363 (+2, -0)}}{{History|||snap=22w16a|Added [[music disc 5]] and [[disc fragment]].|Total items: 365 (+2, -0)}}{{History|||snap=22w17a|Added the [[goat horn]].|Total items: 366 (+1, -0)}}{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.3|snap=22w42a|Added [[Boat|bamboo raft]], [[Boat with Chest|bamboo raft with chest]], and [[camel]] spawn egg.|Total items: 369 (+3, -0)}}{{History||1.19.3|snap=22w44a|Added [[iron golem]], [[snow golem]], [[ender dragon]], and [[wither]] spawn egg.|Total items: 373 (+4, -0)}}{{History||1.20<br>(Experimental)|link=1.19.4|snap=23w04a|Added 12 [[smithing template]]s.|Total items: 385 (+12, -0)}}{{History|||snap=23w07a|Added cherry [[boat]] and [[boat with chest]]; 4 types of [[pottery shard]], [[sniffer spawn egg]], [[torchflower seeds]] and [[brush]].|Total items: 394 (+9, -0)}}{{History||1.20|snap=23w12a|Added [[pitcher pod]], 16 [[pottery shard]]s, and 5 [[smithing template]]s.|Total items: 418 (+24, -0)}}{{History|||snap=23w17a|Added Relic [[music disc]].|Total items: 419 (+1, -0)}}{{History|Pocket Alpha}}{{History||v0.2.0|Added [[shears]]; stone [[shovel]], [[pickaxe]], [[axe]], and [[sword]].|Total items: 5 (+5, -0)}}{{History||v0.3.0|Added [[snowball]]s, [[stick]]s, [[yellow dye|dandelion yellow]], [[bowl]]s, [[sugar]]s, [[book]]s, [[paper]]s, [[coal]]s; wooden axe, shovel, pickaxe, and sword.|Total items: 17 (+12, -0)}}{{History||v0.3.2|Added [[charcoal]], [[gold ingot]], [[iron ingot]], [[diamond]]; diamond, gold, and iron pickaxe, axe, shovel, and sword.|Total items: 33 (+16, -0)}}{{History||v0.3.3|Added [[bow]], [[arrow]], [[bone]]s, [[bone meal]], [[flint]], and [[feather]].|Total items: 39 (+6, -0)}}{{History||v0.4.0|Added [[gunpowder]], [[flint and steel]], [[apple]]s, [[bread]], [[mushroom stew]], [[raw beef]], [[steak]], [[raw chicken]], [[cooked chicken]], [[raw porkchop]], [[cooked porkchop]], [[wheat]], [[wheat seeds|seeds]], [[lapis lazuli]]; and 10 colors of [[dye]]s.|Total items: 63 (+24, -0)}}{{History||v0.5.0|Added [[melon seeds]].|Total items: 64 (+1, -0)}}{{History||v0.6.0|Added 5 variants of armor, [[nether brick]], and [[nether quartz]].|Total items: 86 (+22, -0)}}{{History||v0.7.0|Added [[bucket]] and its 3 other variants; 4 [[spawn egg]]s; and [[egg]]s.|Total items: 95 (+9, -0)}}{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 1|Added [[pumpkin pie]], [[potato]], [[baked potato]], [[carrot]], [[clock]], [[compass]], and [[redstone]].|Total items: 102 (+7, -0)}}{{History|||snap=build 2|Added [[beetroot seeds]], [[beetroot]], [[beetroot soup]], and [[minecart]].|Total items: 106 (+4, -0)}}{{History||v0.9.0|snap=build 1|Added 6 spawn eggs, [[emerald]], and [[slimeball]].|Total items: 114 (+8, -0)}}{{History||v0.11.0|snap=build 1|Added [[rotten flesh]], [[fishing rod]], [[raw fish]], [[cooked fish]], [[raw salmon]], [[cooked salmon]], [[pufferfish]], [[clownfish]], [[magma cream]]; [[squid]], [[bat]], [[cave spider]], [[magma cube]] and [[ghast]] spawn eggs.|Total items: 128 (+14, -0)}}{{History||v0.12.1|snap=build 1|Added [[glass bottle]]s; 12 [[potion]]s, 11 [[splash potion]]s; [[gold nugget]], [[golden carrot]], [[nether wart]], [[glistering melon slice]], [[golden apple]], [[enchanted golden apple]], [[rabbit's foot]], [[blaze rod]], [[blaze powder]], [[ghast tear]], [[spider eye]], [[fermented spider eye]], [[bottle o' enchanting]], [[poisonous potato]], [[enchanted book]]; [[zombie villager]], [[ocelot]] and [[blaze]] spawn eggs.|Total items: 170 (+42, -0)}}{{History||v0.13.0|snap=build 1|Added [[rabbit]] spawn egg, [[raw rabbit]], [[cooked rabbit]], [[rabbit stew]], and [[rabbit hide]].|Total items: 175 (+5, -0)}}{{History||v0.14.0|snap=build 1|Added [[map]]s, [[ender pearl]]s, and [[witch]] spawn egg.|Total items: 178 (+3, -0)}}{{History||v0.15.0|snap=build 1|Added [[raw mutton]], [[cooked mutton]], [[fire charge]]s; spawn eggs for [[horse]]s, [[zombie horse]], [[skeleton horse]], [[mule]], [[donkey]], [[stray]], [[husk]], and [[wither skeleton]]; [[name tag]]s, [[lead]]s, [[carrot on a stick]], [[tipped arrow]]s, and leather [[horse armor]].|Total items: 194 (+16, -0)}}{{History||v0.16.0|snap=build 1|Added [[prismarine crystals]], [[prismarine shard]]s; spawn eggs for [[guardian]], [[elder guardian]] (unavailable in the [[creative]] [[inventory]]), and [[NPC]] {{only|be|ee}}; and {{only|be|ee}} portfolio.|Total items: 200 (+6, -0)}}{{History|||snap=build 4|Added [[nether star]], potion of [[wither (effect)|decay]] {{only|be}} with its splash and arrow variant.|Removed the NPC spawn egg.|Total items: 203 (+4, -1)}}{{History|Pocket}}{{History||1.0.0|snap=alpha|Added [[dragon's breath]], [[elytra]], [[end crystal]], [[chorus fruit]], [[ender pearl]], [[eye of ender]], [[popped chorus fruit]]; [[spawn eggs]] for [[shulker]]s, [[endermite]]s, and [[polar bear]]s; and 12 [[lingering potion]]s.|Total items: 223 (+20, -0)}}{{History|||snap=alpha|Added [[shulker shell]]s.|Total items: 224 (+1, -0)}}{{History||1.1.0|snap=alpha|Added [[totem of undying]], [[explorer map]], [[iron nugget]]; spawn eggs for [[llama]]s, [[vindicator]]s, [[evoker]]s, and [[vex]]es.|Total items: 231 (+7, -0)}}{{History|Bedrock}}{{History||1.2.0|snap=beta|Added [[armor stand]]s, [[book and quill]], [[firework star]], [[firework rocket]], 12 [[music disc]]s, and spawn eggs for [[parrot]]s and [[zombie villager]]s.|Total items: 249 (+18, -0)}}{{History||1.4.0|snap=beta|Added [[trident]] and [[drowned]] spawn egg.|Total items: 251 (+2, -0)}}{{History|||snap=beta|Added 4 variants of [[bucket of fish]], [[dried kelp]]; and spawn eggs for [[cod]], [[pufferfish]], [[salmon]], and [[tropical fish]].|Total items: 260 (+9, -0)}}{{History|||snap=beta|Added [[heart of the sea]], [[nautilus shell]]s, and [[dolphin]] spawn egg.|Total items: 263 (+3, -0)}}{{History||1.5.0|snap=beta|Added [[scute]]s, [[turtle shell]]s; [[potion]] of the turtle master with it's [[splash potion]], [[lingering potion]]s, and [[arrow#tipped arrows|tipped arrow]] variants; and [[turtle]]s spawn egg.|Total items: 270 (+7, -0)}}{{History||1.6.0|snap=beta|Added [[phantom]] spawn egg.|Total items: 271 (+1, -0)}}{{History|||snap=beta|Added [[phantom membrane]]; potion of [[slow falling]] with it's splash, lingering, and tipped arrow variants.|Total items: 276 (+5, -0)}}{{History||1.8.0|snap=beta|Added spawn eggs for [[cat]]s and [[panda]]s.|Total items: 278 (+2, -0)}}{{History|||snap=beta|Added [[crossbow]] and 4 colors of [[dye]]s.|Total items: 283 (+5, -0)}}{{History||1.9.0|snap=beta|Added [[pillager]] spawn egg.|Total items: 284 (+1, -0)}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|Added 6 [[banner pattern]]s, [[sweet berries]], [[shield]]; spawn eggs for [[wandering trader]] and [[ravager|illager beast]].|Total items: 294 (+10, -0)}}{{History||1.13.0|snap=beta|Added [[fox]]es spawn egg.|Total items: 295 (+1, -0)}}{{History|||snap=beta|Added [[suspicious stew]].|Total items: 296 (+1, -0)}}{{History||1.14.0|snap=beta|Added [[honey bottle]], [[honeycomb]], and [[bee]] spawn egg.|Total items: 299 (+3, -0)}}{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|Added potion of [[slowness]] '''iv''' with it's splash, lingering, and tipped arrow variants.|Total items: 303 (+4, -0)}}{{History|||snap=beta|Added [[netherite]] armor, [[netherite ingot]], [[netherite scrap]]; [[hoglin]] and [[piglin]] spawn eggs; and netherite [[hoe]], [[axe]], [[pickaxe]], [[shovel]], and [[sword]].|Total items: 316 (+13, -0)}}{{History|||snap=beta|Added piglin [[banner pattern]], pigstep [[music disc]], [[warped fungus on a stick]]; [[strider]] and [[zoglin]] spawn egg.|Total items: 321 (+5, -0)}}{{History||1.16.20|snap=beta|Added [[piglin brute]] spawn egg.|Total items: 322 (+1, -0)}}{{History||1.16.200|snap=beta|Added [[goat]] spawn egg and [[goat horn]]s.|Total items: 324 (+2, -0)}}{{History||1.16.210|snap=beta|Added [[powder snow bucket]].|Total items: 325 (+1, -0)}}{{History|||snap=beta|Added [[copper ingot]].|Total items: 326 (+1, -0)}}{{History|||snap=beta|Added [[glow squid]] spawn egg and [[glow ink sac]].|Total items: 328 (+2, -0)}}{{History|||snap=beta|Removed [[glow squid]] spawn egg and [[glow ink sac]].|Total items: 326 (+0, -2)}}{{History||1.16.220|snap=beta|Re-added [[glow squid]] spawn egg and [[glow ink sac]].|Total items: 328 (+2, -0)}}{{History|||snap=beta|Added [[glow berries]].|Total items: 329 (+1, -0)}}{{History||1.17.0|snap=beta|Added [[axolotl]] spawn egg and bucket of [[axolotl]].|Total items: 331 (+2, -0)}}{{History|||snap=beta|Added [[amethyst shard]], [[raw metal]]s, and [[spyglass]].|Total items: 336 (+5, -0)}}{{History||1.18.0|snap=beta|Added otherside [[music disc]].|Total items: 337 (+1, -0)}}{{History||1.18.10|snap=beta|Added [[frog]] spawn egg, [[tadpole]] spawn egg, and [[Bucket of aquatic mob|bucket of tadpole]].|Total items: 340 (+3, -0)}}{{History||1.18.30|snap=beta|Added [[allay]] spawn egg.|Total items: 341 (+1, -0)}}{{History|||snap=beta|Added [[copper horn]].|Total items: 342 (+1, -0)}}{{History|||snap=beta|Added six [[Boat with Chest|boats with chests]].|Total items: 348 (+6, -0)}}{{History|||snap=beta|Added [[warden]] spawn egg.|Total items: 349 (+1, -0)}}{{History||1.19.0|snap=beta|Added [[Boat|mangrove boat]]s, and [[Boat with Chest|mangrove boat with chest]]s.|Total items: 351 (+2, -0)}}{{History|||snap=beta|Added [[Echo Shard|echo shards]], and [[recovery compass]]es.|Removed [[copper horn]].|Total items: 352 (+2, -1)}}{{History|||snap=beta|Added [[Disc Fragment|disc fragments]], and [[music disc]] 5.|Total items: 354 (+2, -0)}}{{History||1.19.10|snap=beta|Added the trader [[llama]] spawn egg.|Total items: 355 (+1, -0)}}{{History||1.20.0<br>(Experimental)|link=Bedrock Edition 1.20.0|snap=beta|Added [[Boat|bamboo raft]], [[Boat with Chest|bamboo raft with chest]], and [[camel]] spawn egg.|Total items: 358 (+3, -0)}}{{History||1.19.60|snap=beta|Added [[iron golem]], [[snow golem]], [[ender dragon]], and [[wither]] spawn egg.|Total items: 362 (+4, -0)}}{{History||1.20.0<br>(Experimental)|link=Bedrock Edition 1.20.0|snap=beta|Added 4 types of [[pottery shard]], [[sniffer spawn egg]], [[torchflower seeds]] and [[brush]].|Total items: 369 (+7, -0)}}{{History|||snap=beta|Added cherry [[boat]] and [[boat with chest]];|Total items: 371 (+2, -0)}}{{History|||snap=beta|Added 12 [[smithing template]]s.|Total items: 383 (+12, -0)}}{{History|||snap=beta|Added 16 [[pottery shard]]s and 5 [[smithing template]]s.|Total items: 404 (+21, -0)}}{{History||1.20.0|snap=beta|Added [[pitcher pod]],|Total items: 405 (+1, -0)}}{{History|||snap=beta|Added Relic [[music disc]].|Total items: 406 (+1, -0)}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|Added all items from and prior to [[Java Edition Beta 1.6]].|Total items: 93 (+93, -0)}}{{History||xbox=TU3|Added [[shear]]s.|Total items: 94 (+1, -0)}}{{History||xbox=TU5|Added [[melon]], melon [[seeds]], pumpkin [[seeds]], raw [[steak|beef]], [[steak]], [[raw chicken]], [[cooked chicken]], [[rotten flesh]], [[ender pearl]]s, 10 [[music disc]]s and chain [[armor]].|Total items: 117 (+23, -0)}}{{History||xbox=TU7|Added [[blaze rod]], [[ghast tear]], [[gold nugget]], [[glass bottle]], [[water bottle]], [[spider eye]], [[fermented spider eye]], [[eye of ender]], [[glistering melon]], [[nether wart]], [[blaze powder]], [[bottle o' enchanting]], [[magma cream]].|Total items: 130 (+13, -0)}}{{History||xbox=TU9|Added 20 types of [[spawn egg]]s, [[fire charge]]s and [[nether brick]].|Total items: 152 (+22, -0)}}{{History||xbox=TU12|Added [[ocelot]] spawn egg.|Total items: 153 (+1, -0)}}{{History||xbox=TU14|ps=1.04|Added [[emerald]], [[nether quartz]], [[enchanted book]], [[enchanted golden apple]], [[potato]], [[baked potato]], [[poisonous potato]], [[carrot]], [[golden carrot]], [[carrot on a stick]], [[pumpkin pie]], [[potion of night vision]] and [[potion of invisibility]].|Total items: 166 (+13, -0)}}{{History||xbox=TU19|xbone=CU7|ps=1.12|Added [[firework rocket]]s, [[firework star]], [[nether star]], [[lead]], iron, gold and diamond [[horse armor]], [[name tag]], [[horse]], [[donkey]] and [[mule]] spawn eggs.|Total items: 177 (+11, -0)}} {{History||xbox=TU25|xbone=CU14|ps=1.17|Added [[book and quill]].|Total items: 178 (+1, -0)}}{{History||xbox=TU31|xbone=CU19|ps=1.22|wiiu=Patch 3|Added [[raw rabbit]], [[cooked rabbit]], [[rabbit stew]], [[raw mutton]], [[cooked mutton]], [[rabbit's foot]], [[rabbit hide]], [[potion]] of leaping, [[potion]] of water breathing, [[raw salmon]], [[cooked salmon]], [[clownfish]], [[pufferfish]], [[blue orchid]], [[allium]],[[azure bluet]], [[tulips]], [[oxeye daisy]], [[sunflower]], [[lilac]], [[poppy]] (replaces rose), [[rose bush]], [[peony]], [[prismarine crystals]], [[prismarine shard]] and spawn eggs for [[rabbit]]s, [[endermite]]s and [[guardian]]s.|Total items: 205 (+28, -1)}}{{History||xbox=TU43|xbone=CU33|ps=1.36|wiiu=Patch 13|Added [[beetroot]], [[beetroot seeds]] and [[beetroot soup]].|Total items: 208 (+3, -0)}}{{History||xbox=TU46|xbone=CU36|ps=1.38|wiiu=Patch 15|Added [[chorus fruit]], [[popped chorus fruit]], [[dragon's breath]], [[elytra]], [[lingering potions]], water [[splash potion]], [[potion]] of luck, tipped [[arrow]]s and [[boat]]s made from '''spruce, birch, jungle, acacia and dark oak wood'''.|Total items: 247 (+39, -0)}}{{History||xbox=TU53|xbone=CU43|ps=1.49|wiiu=Patch 23|switch=1.0.3|Added [[shulker shell]]s and iron [[nugget]].|Total items: 249 (+2, -0)}}{{History||xbox=TU54|xbone=CU44|ps=1.52|wiiu=Patch 24|switch=1.0.4|Added [[explorer map]]s, [[Totem of Undying|totems of undying]] and spawn eggs for [[skeleton horse]]s, [[zombie horse]]s, [[elder guardian]]s, [[stray]]s, [[wither skeleton]]s, [[husk]]s and [[zombie villager]]s.|Total items: 258 (+9, -0)}}{{History||xbox=TU60|xbone=CU51|ps=1.64|wiiu=Patch 30|switch=1.0.11|Added leather [[horse armor]].|Total items: 259 (+1, -0)}}{{History||xbox=TU69|xbone=none|ps=1.76|wiiu=Patch 38|switch=none|Added [[trident]]s, [[dried kelp]], [[fish]] buckets, [[turtle shell]]s, [[heart of the sea]]s, [[nautilus shell]]s, [[scute]], [[phantom membrane]]s, slow falling [[potion]]s and tipped [[arrow]]s and [[explorer map|buried treasure explorer maps]].|Total items: 275 (+16, -0)}}{{History||xbox=none|ps=1.83|wiiu=none|Added white, blue, brown and black [[dye]]s and spawn eggs for [[panda]]s and [[cat]]s.|Total items: 281 (+6, -0)}}{{History||ps=1.90|Added [[crossbow]], [[banner pattern]]s and [[shield]]s.|Total items: 284 (+3, -0)}}{{History||ps=1.91|Added [[sweet berries]].|Total items: 285 (+1, -0)}}{{History|3DS}}{{History||0.1.0|Added all items from and prior to [[Pocket Edition Alpha 0.15.0]].}}{{History||1.3.12|Added [[prismarine shard]]s, [[prismarine crystals]], [[nether star]]s, [[potion]] of decay and their [[Splash Potion|splash]], [[Lingering Potion|lingering]] and tipped [[arrow]] variants, [[guardian]] and elder guardian spawn eggs.}}{{History||1.7.10|Added [[ender pearl]], [[dragon egg]], [[chorus flower]], [[chorus fruit]], [[popped chorus fruit]], [[shulker shell]] and spawn eggs of [[endermite]], [[polar Bear]] and [[shulker]].}}{{History||1.9.19|Added [[explorer map]], [[totem of undying]], iron and gold [[nugget]]s and spawn eggs for [[llama]]s, [[evoker]]s, [[vindicator]]s and [[vex]]es.}}{{History|MinecraftEdu}}{{History||0.1|Added all items from and prior to [[Java Edition Beta 1.6]].}}{{History||0.9652|Added [[shears]], [[melon]], melon [[seeds]], pumpkin [[seeds]], raw [[steak|beef]], [[steak]], [[raw chicken]], [[cooked chicken]], [[rotten flesh]], [[ender pearl]]s, 10 [[music disc]]s and chain [[armor]].}}{{History||0.97|Added [[blaze rod]], [[ghast tear]], [[gold nugget]], [[glass bottle]], [[water bottle]], [[spider eye]], [[fermented spider eye]], [[eye of ender]], [[glistering melon]], [[nether wart]], [[blaze powder]], [[bottle o' enchanting]], [[magma cream]], and [[fire charge]].}}{{History||0.98|Added 20 types of [[spawn egg]]s.}}{{History||0.982|Added [[ocelot]] spawn egg.}}{{History||0.985|Added [[emerald]], [[enchanted golden apple]], [[book and quill]], [[written book]], and 8 types of [[potion]]s.}}{{History||0.9847|Added [[carrot]], [[golden carrot]], [[carrot on a stick]], [[nether star]], [[potato]], [[baked potato]], [[poisonous potato]], [[pumpkin pie]], [[music disc]] “wait”, [[enchanted book]], [[firework rocket]], [[firework star]], and [[potion]] and [[splash potion]] of [[invisibility]] and [[night vision]].}}{{History||1.5.1|snap=Build 1|Added [[block inspector]]{{only|MinecraftEdu}}, [[nether brick]], and [[nether quartz]].}}{{History||1.6.4|snap=Build 1|Added diamond, gold, and iron [[horse armor]], [[leads]], [[horse]] spawn egg, and [[name tag]].}}{{History||1.7.10|snap=Build 1|Added [[clownfish]], [[raw salmon]], [[cooked salmon]], [[pufferfish]], and potion and splash potion of [[water breathing]].}}{{History||1.8.9|snap=Build 1|Added [[raw rabbit]], [[cooked rabbit]], [[rabbit stew]], [[raw mutton]], [[cooked mutton]], [[rabbit's foot]], [[rabbit hide]], [[potion]] of leaping, [[blue orchid]], [[allium]], [[azure bluet]], [[tulips]], [[oxeye daisy]], [[sunflower]], [[lilac]], [[poppy]], [[rose bush]], [[peony]], [[prismarine crystals]], [[prismarine shard]] and spawn eggs for [[rabbit]]s, [[endermite]]s and [[guardian]]s.}}{{History|Education}}{{History||1.0.0|snap=0.14.2|Added all items from and prior to [[Pocket Edition Alpha 0.16.0]].}}{{History|||snap=release|Added [[ender pearl]], [[dragon egg]], [[chorus flower]], [[chorus fruit]], [[popped chorus fruit]], [[shulker shell]], [[portfolio]] and spawn eggs of [[endermite]], [[polar Bear]], [[shulker]], and [[NPC]].}}{{History||1.0.1|Added [[explorer map]], [[totem of undying]], iron [[nugget]], and spawn eggs for [[llama]]s, [[evoker]]s, [[vindicator]]s and [[vex]]es.}}{{History||1.0.21|Added [[armor stand]]s, [[book and quill]], [[firework star]], [[firework rocket]], 12 [[music disc]]s, and spawn eggs for [[parrot]]s and [[zombie villager]]s.}}{{History||1.0.27|Added [[compound]]s, [[bleach]], [[ice bomb]]s, [[super fertilizer]], [[medicine]], [[sparkler]]s and [[glow stick]]s.}}{{History||1.4|Added [[trident]], [[dried kelp]], 4 buckets of [[Bucket of aquatic mob|fish]], [[heart of the sea]]s, [[nautilus shell]]s and spawn eggs for [[drowned]], [[dolphin]] and 4 types of [[fish]].}}{{History||1.7|Added [[turtle shell]]s, [[scute]]s, [[phantom membrane]]s, turtle master and slow falling [[potion]] and their [[Splash Potion|splash]], [[Lingering Potion|lingering]] and [[tipped arrow]] variants and spawn eggs for [[turtle]]s, [[phantom]]s and [[agent]]s.}}{{History||1.9|snap=1.8.0|Added [[crossbow]]s, 4 colors of [[dye]] and spawn eggs for [[cat]]s and [[panda]]s.}}{{History||1.12.0|Added 6 [[banner pattern]]s, [[sweet berries]], [[shield]]s and spawn eggs for [[pillager]]s, [[wandering trader]]s and [[ravager]]s.}}{{History||1.14.31|snap=1.14.30|Added [[suspicious stew]], [[honeycomb]], [[honey bottle]]s and spawn eggs for [[fox]]es and [[bee]]s.}}{{History||1.17.30|snap=|Added netherite armor, tools, [[Netherite Ingot|ingot]] and [[Netherite Scrap|scrap]], piglin [[banner pattern]], pigstep [[music disc]], [[warped fungus on a stick]], [[powder snow bucket]], [[copper ingot]], [[glow ink sac]], [[glow berries]], [[bucket of axolotl]], [[amethyst shard]], [[raw metal]], [[spyglass]], slowness '''iv''' [[potion]]s and spawn eggs for [[hoglin]]s, [[piglin]]s, [[strider]]s, [[zoglin]]s, [[piglin brute]]s, [[goat]]s, [[glow squid]]s and [[axolotl]]s.}}{{History||1.18.32|snap=|Added [[music disc]] “Otherside”.}}{{History|earth}}{{History||Release|Added all items from and prior to [[Bedrock Edition 1.12.0]].|Added spawn eggs for [[Minecraft Earth:Cluckshroom|cluckshroom]] and [[Minecraft Earth:Moobloom|moobloom]].}}{{History||0.2.0|Added [[glowstone dust]], and [[melon seeds]].}}{{History|dungeons}}{{History|||snap=Dungeons Beta|Added all items from and prior to [[Bedrock Edition 1.14.0]].}}{{History|||Added netherite armor, tools, [[Netherite Ingot|ingot]] and [[Netherite Scrap|scrap]], piglin [[banner pattern]], pigstep [[music disc]], [[warped fungus on a stick]], slowness '''iv''' potions, and spawn eggs for [[hoglin]]s, [[piglin]]s, [[strider]]s, and [[zoglin]]s.}}{{History|||Added [[MCD:Baby Crossbows|baby crossbow]]s, [[battlestaff]], [[Minecraft Dungeons:Battlestaff of Terror|battlestaff of terror]], [[MCD:Corrupted Seeds|corrupted seeds]], [[MCD:Dual Crossbows|dual crossbows]], [[MCD:Growing Staff|growing staff]], and [[MCD:Spellbound Crossbows|spellbound crossbows]].}}{{History|foot}}===Other changes==={{History|java Classic}}{{History||0.24_SURVIVAL_TEST|Arrows were added as an object and were fired by pressing {{Key|Tab}}.}}{{History|java indev}}{{History||December 31, 2009|link={{tumblr|notch|310183062}}|Added the [[inventory]], and with it, the first "non-tile" items.|[[Notch]] was hard at work making items and the inventory fully functional.<ref>{{tumblr|notch|310275237}}</ref><ref>{{tumblr|notch|310374080}}</ref>}}{{History||0.31|snap=20100111-1|Because the crafting system did not exist at this point, items were automatically added to the inventory after creating a new world.<ref>{{ytl|_EaKUlR2kU4}}</ref>|Apples were added, but they currently serve no function.}}{{History|||snap=20100122|Can now place blocks on resource items|Dropped items now experience gravity.}}{{History|||snap=20100124|Can now drop a whole stack of items instead of just one at a time.}}{{History|||snap=20100128|Items are now 3D.}}{{History|||snap=20100129|Added crafting.|Right-clicking drops one of a stack.}}{{History|||snap=20100130|Crafting improved; now has 36 recipes.}}{{History|java}}{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w15a|Stackable items now stack outside inventory when thrown to the ground individually.}}{{History||1.8|snap=14w25a|All items are now [[model]]s, some are still generated from item icons.|Resource packs can make models for all items.}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w49a|Items can be "tagged" with an ID.}}{{History||1.15|snap=19w39a|Lighting of blocks in the inventory has been swapped from being dark on the right to being dark on the left.}}{{History|||snap=19w40a|Lighting of blocks in the inventory is once again darker on the right, as it was before 19w39a.}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.16.0|snap=beta|Dropped items now turn into a 3D model and spin.}}{{History|foot}}===April Fools items==={{History|Java}}{{History||15w14a|Added the [[Obsidian Boat|obsidian boat]].}}{{History||1.RV-Pre1|Added [[Ankle Monitor|ankle monitor]]s, [[Reality Vision|reality vision glasses]] and the [[Smarter Watch|smarter watch]].}}{{History||3D Shareware v1.34|Added the [[3D|3D item]] and the blue, red, and yellow [[key]]s.}}{{History||20w14∞|Added the [[A Very Fine Item|very fine item]] and the [[footprint]]s.}}{{History||23w13a or b|Added the [[Bottle of Entity|Bottle of entity]] and their splash variations, [[Bottle of Void|bottle of void]], [[potion of Big]] and [[Potion|Small]] and their splash, lingering, and arrow variations, [[La Baguette|la baguette]], [[Le Tricolore|le tricolore]], 17 [[tag (item)|tag item]]s, new thing [[banner pattern]], [[Dupe Hack|dupe hack]], and [[longer string]].}}{{History|foot}}==Issues=={{Issue list}}==See also== *[[Item repair]]*[[Item durability]]*[[Item (entity)]]==References=={{reflist}}{{Items}}{{Environment}}[[Category:Items]][[cs:Předmět]][[de:Gegenstand]][[el:Αντικείμενο]][[es:Objeto]][[fr:Objets]][[hu:Tárgyak]][[it:Oggetto]][[ja:アイテム]][[ko:아이템]][[nl:Voorwerp]][[pl:Przedmioty]][[pt:Item]][[ru:Предметы]][[th:ไอเทม]][[tr:Eşyalar]][[uk:Предмет]][[zh:物品]]</li><li>[[Minecart|Minecart]]<br/>{{about|the rideable minecart in Minecraft|other uses|Minecart (disambiguation)|}}{{distinguish|Minecraft}}{{ItemEntity|image=Minecart.png|renewable=Yes|stackable=No|size=Height: 0.7 Blocks<br>Width: 0.98 Blocks|networkid='''[[JE]]''': 10|drops={{ItemLink|Minecart}} (1)|health={{hp|6}}}}A '''minecart''' is a train-like vehicle [[entity]] that runs on [[Rail (disambiguation)|rail]]s.== Obtaining ==Minecarts can be retrieved by {{control|attack|text=attacking}} them for some time. Minecarts can also be retrieved with one attack from a [[pickaxe]] provided the player's attack cooldown is reset. A minecart is also destroyed if it makes contact with a [[cactus]], or if shot with a [[bow]] and arrow.=== Crafting ==={{Crafting|A2= Iron Ingot|C2= Iron Ingot|A3= Iron Ingot|B3= Iron Ingot|C3= Iron Ingot|Output= Minecart|type= Transportation}}=== Entity loot ===[[Minecart with command block]]s can be given to the player with the {{cmd|/give}} command or through the creative inventory under certain conditions{{only|java}}; [[minecart with spawner]]s{{only|java}} are available only via the {{cmd|/summon}} command. Each drop 1 minecart when broken.== Usage ==[[File:RideableMinecart.png|thumb|right|A rideable minecart on rails surrounded by wood slabs]]A minecart can be placed in the same manner as most blocks but can be placed only on top of a [[rail]]. Once placed, it may be derailed by pushing it off the end of the track. After this, it can be railed again by placing a rail directly below it or pushing it onto a track.=== Crafting ingredient ==={{crafting usage}}=== Transportation ===[[File:Steve Riding a Minecart.png|thumb|right|upright|[[Steve]] riding a minecart]]{{see also|Transportation|Riding}}Minecarts can be ridden by {{control|use|text=pressing the "use" control}} on them. Once inside, an external impulse may be needed to make the minecart start moving. The player can slowly move the minecart forward while riding it, by pressing {{control|forward}}. If a mob walks in front of an empty minecart, it is pulled into the cart.After rolling off of the end of a track, a minecart can be pushed around on open blocks. If a minecart is pushed onto or falls onto tracks, it "snaps" to those tracks. When riding a minecart, if the minecart lands on a rail, the player does not take any fall damage. <!--Minecarts and arrows don't interact anymore.-->Unlike with [[bed]]s, there is no message above the hotbar for attempting to enter a fully occupied minecart.<ref>{{Cite bug|MC|161251|Attempting to enter an occupied bed displays a message over the hotbar, but attempting to enter an occupied vehicle does not|date=September 18, 19|resolution=Works as Intended}}</ref>=== Dismounting ===Players can exit the minecart by pressing {{control|sneak}}. When a player or mob dismounts a minecart, either by choice, by breaking the minecart, or by passing over an [[activator rail]], the minecart tries to find a safe ejection destination one block away. First it checks the eight horizontally adjacent blocks in the following order of priority relative to direction of travel: right, left, rear right, rear left, front right, front left, rear, front. A valid destination has a block underneath with a solid (not necessarily full) top surface and a space with enough headroom and width for the passenger to fit in when standing at the center. The space can even contain liquid or have open trapdoors if the mob is slim enough, and presence of other mobs doesn't matter. If no valid destination exists on same horizontal level, the minecart then checks the blocks one above, then one below. For a player, the minecart also checks for crawlable destinations. If still none, the minecart chooses its own location. Once the minecart picks a destination, it actually ejects the passenger one block up in the air and the passenger settles down on its own. Under a low ceiling this may cause one tick of suffocation damage. The air drop exists to allow passengers to land on carpet or bottom slabs.== Behavior ===== Speed ===Minecarts have a predefined speed limit of exactly 8 blocks per second. However, this speed limit does not change the minecart's speed value but instead limits how far a minecart can travel each tick to 0.4 blocks. Therefore, a minecart moving from powered rail to normal rail will move at constant speed for some time until decelerating because its internal speed value is over its speed limit of 8.[[Powered rail]]s powered by redstone give minecarts a boost of speed. Speed is gradually decreased (due to drag) if there are no powered rails to assist its movement, and an unpowered powered rail slows down a minecart rapidly. The speed decreases at a faster rate when going uphill, compared to when moving horizontally. A minecart does not need powered rails to assist its movement down a hill.<!-- Is this comparison to real-life physics necessary? - One unit of kinetic energy could be defined as the energy gained by a cart going down a one-block slope and lost by a cart when it goes up a one-block slope. If a 45-degree downward slope is connected directly into an upward slope, an initial height of 60 blocks results in a final height of 40 blocks, a loss of 20 units of potential energy. But if 20 sections of flat track are inserted between the slopes, the final height is 35. This implies that one unit of energy is lost for every 4 sections of horizontal track traveled with an initial stored energy of between 60 and 40. At much lower speeds, much less energy is lost, implying that the energy lost is a percentage of the cart's current energy. The above gives about 0.5% energy loss per section of track. One implication of this is that more energy lost when the cart has more energy, so a gradual slope should allow you to travel much farther distances than a steep slope followed by a long flat section. (This is different from real-life physics, where friction does not increase with velocity. However, it may be an attempt to mirror air resistance, which ''does'' increase with velocity.) -->Anything in the way of the minecart brings it to a stop. Once a minecart has left the track, it rapidly decelerates within one or two blocks. When mobs touch a minecart, they affect it in the same way a player would, i.e. mobs that move up against a still cart set it in motion.If a minecart is moving fast enough, it can skip across one block without a track and reattach to track on the other side, at significantly reduced energy and speed. A minecart's hitbox can skip turns if the minecart is boosted using enough powered rails.<ref>{{Cite bug|MC|179971|Minecart skips turns if too fast|date=April 22, 2020}}</ref>The speed and momentum of a minecart can differ depending on whether or not it is empty, and in the case where a minecart has a container, the speed can differ depending on the quantity and type of items inside.=== Merged minecarts ==={{IN|java}}, two or more minecarts can be merged by pushing them into each other so that they overlap. Merged minecarts move as a collective, like a train, and can be useful for long-distance transport because while moving in a straight line, they ''do not need powered rails to keep their speed''.To summarize:* Minecarts can also be merged by ''dropping'' a minecart on another minecart.* Merged minecarts do not lose speed while traveling on straight rails* ''Corners'' in the rails might cause merged minecarts to unmerge.* Minecarts with ''chest'' (even fully filled) can also be merged and also do ''not'' require powered rails.=== Distance traveled by empty carts starting on a downward slope ===This table shows the distance traveled by an unoccupied minecart on a downward slope, with a boost (or no boost). The most efficient way is to use only 1 boost at the bottom of the incline on the flat surface. Using 2 increases distance by about 20% or 1.5 blocks. All distance trends based on the height seem to be logarithmic.The carts started from rest, on a slope Height blocks up.{| class="wikitable" data-description="Distance traveled"|-! Height!! No Boost!! Bottom!! Bottom and Top!! All boosts on incline and bottom|-| 1 || 2.77m || 8.77 || 10.8 || 10.8|-| 2 || 4.59m || 9.59 || 10.83 || 13.37|-| 3 || 5.81m || 9.81 || 11.66 || 15.12|-| 4 || 7.04m || 10.04 || 12.46 || 16.95|-| 5 || 7.87m || 10.87 || 12.29<!--(Yes, it did actually travel less)--> || 17.95|-| 10 || 11.65m || 13.38 || 15.12 || 21.68|-| 100 || 15.87m || 17.05 || 17.54 || 25.34|}=== Collision ===Minecarts are about the same size as a block (1×1). Because of this, a ladder, door, or trapdoor prevents it from falling down a 1×1 hole. Carts on [[rail]]s also ignore collision in certain situations. A cart traveling uphill, downhill, or on a curve with a block placed in front of it, goes through the block.<ref>{{Cite bug|MC|8004|Minecarts glitch through the stop block of a track that ends with a turn or a downward slope|date=January 20, 2013}}</ref>A minecart that reaches the end of a rail up against an opaque solid block bounces back, but if the block is transparent then it stops. The minecart can even bounce against an opaque block from a standstill if the rail underneath is powered. A player or mob riding in a minecart does not collide with or suffocate in any transparent blocks but suffocates inside opaque blocks.Minecarts are completely unaffected by [[ice]], [[packed ice]], and [[blue ice]]<ref>{{Cite bug|MC|8265|Minecarts don't slide on any sort of ice|date=January 25, 2013}}</ref>; they can also be destroyed by coming in contact with [[lava]] or [[fire]].=== Mobs ==={{missing information|section|some other mobs that cannot be picked up by minecarts}}[[File:Minecart shake.gif|thumb|right|Minecart shaking due to being on top of an activator rail.]]Mobs can ride minecarts, but cannot control them. Mobs cannot exit the minecart unless the minecart is destroyed or moves onto an active [[activator rail]].<ref>{{bug|MC-3866||Endermen, Tamed Wolves and Ocelots cannot teleport when in a Minecart|WAI}}</ref> However, {{in|bedrock}}, [[endermen]] are able to teleport out of minecarts.<ref>{{bug|MCPE-31761||Endermen can still teleport out of the boats and minecarts}}</ref>A mob can ride a minecart when pushing by a moving minecart on rails {{in|java}} or when colliding with a minecart {{in|bedrock}}. It is easier to pick up a mob when a minecart is turning. {{IN|bedrock}}, [[armor stand]]s can also be picked up.Most mobs can be picked up by minecarts, except [[ender dragon]]s, [[warden]]s, and [[wither]]s. {{IN|java}}, [[iron golem]]s cannot be picked up either.A [[jockey]] riding a minecart automatically accelerates the minecart.<ref>{{bug|MC-71998||Minecarts that have passengers within them riding mobs can move automatically when not on rails}}</ref> Mobs in minecarts don't despawn, and don't count towards the mob cap.{{only|java}}<ref>{{bug|MC-182897||Some passenger mobs don't count to the mob cap|WAI}}</ref>=== Boats ==={{exclusive|java|section=yes}}{{UsesBug|section=yes}}Due to the bug {{bug|MC-113871}}, [[boat]]s can be captured by minecarts. When a boat is placed in a minecart, the minecart travels faster on rails, approximately as fast as on powered rails. The movement in the boat minecart is glitchy and moving forward with the W key moves the cart backward relative to the player, and vice versa for moving backward with the S key. The minecart also moves on the rail-less ground at a crawling speed, but it does not float in the water despite being in a boat. Using this glitch can be far more resource-efficient since the boat minecart can move at the speed of a powered rail track on flat ground and on slopes. Another physics glitch with the boat minecart is the extreme reduction in friction when the minecart is on rails, which is similar to the lack of friction when a boat is riding on ice. This glitch can be done in Survival without cheats simply by pushing a minecart into a boat on the track. This bug is now patched.== Sounds =={{Edition|Java}}:<br>Minecarts use the Friendly Creatures sound category for entity-dependent sound events.<ref group="sound" name="oddcats" />{{Sound table|sound=Minecart inside.ogg|subtitle=MC-177078|source=Friendly Creatures <ref group="sound" name="oddcats">{{Cite bug|MC|42132|The sounds of minecarts aren't controlled by the correct sound slider|date=December 13, 2013}}</ref>|overridesource=1|description=While the player is inside of a moving minecart |id=entity.minecart.inside|translationkey=-|volume=0.0-0.75 <ref group=sound name=insidevolume>Based on horizontal speed; it is clamped between 0.0 and 0.75 and will not play if speed is less than 0.01</ref>|pitch=1.0|distance=16 (technical) / rider only (effective)}}{{Sound table|sound=Minecart inside underwater1.ogg|sound2=Minecart inside underwater2.ogg|sound3=Minecart inside underwater3.ogg|subtitle=MC-204124|source=Friendly Creatures <ref group="sound" name="oddcats"/>|overridesource=1|description=While inside of a moving minecart when the player's eye level is underwater |id=entity.minecart.inside.underwater|translationkey=-|volume=0.0-0.75 <ref group=sound name=insidevolume/>|pitch=1.0|distance=16 (technical) / rider only (effective)}}{{Sound table|sound=Minecart rolling.ogg|subtitle=Minecart rolls <ref group="sound">Shows far less often than it should - see {{bug|MC-181831}}</ref>|source=Friendly Creatures <ref group="sound" name="oddcats"/>|overridesource=1|description=While a minecart is moving|id=entity.minecart.riding|translationkey=subtitles.entity.minecart.riding|volume=0.0-0.35 <ref group=sound>Relates linearly with horizontal velocity (max 0.5)</ref>|pitch=0.0-1.0 <ref group=sound>Will increase by 0.0025 per tick if the minecart's horizontal velocity is more than 0.01</ref>|distance=16|foot=1}}{{Edition|Bedrock}}:{{Sound table|type=bedrock|sound=Minecart inside.ogg|source=neutral|description=While the player is inside of a moving minecart|id=minecart.inside}}{{Sound table|sound=Minecart rolling.ogg|source=neutral|description=While a minecart is moving|id=minecart.base|foot=1}}== Data values ===== ID ==={{edition|java}}:{{ID table|edition=java|firstcolumnname=Item|showforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Minecart|spritetype=item|nameid=minecart|form=item|foot=1}}{{ID table|edition=java|generatetranslationkeys=y|firstcolumnname=Entity|displayname=Minecart|spritetype=entity|nameid=minecart|foot=1}}{{edition|bedrock}}:{{ID table|edition=bedrock|firstcolumnname=Item|shownumericids=y|showforms=y|notshowbeitemforms=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Minecart|spritetype=item|nameid=minecart|id=370|form=item|foot=1}}{{ID table|edition=bedrock|firstcolumnname=Entity|shownumericids=y|generatetranslationkeys=y|displayname=Minecart|spritetype=entity|nameid=minecart|id=84|foot=1}}=== Entity data ===Minecarts have entity data associated with them that contain various properties of the entity.{{el|java}}:{{main|Entity format}}{{/ED}}{{el|bedrock}}:: See [[Bedrock Edition level format/Entity format]]== Achievements =={{load achievements|On A Rail}}== History =={{History|java infdev}}{{History||20100618|[[File:Minecart JE1.png|32px]] [[File:Minecart (item) JE1.png|32px]] Added minecarts. |Minecarts are not rideable but instead are used to store things in.|Right-clicking minecarts opens them like a [[chest]] (with the container called "Minecart". Filling them up makes the [[dirt]] layer inside them rise.}}{{History||20100624|[[File:Minecart JE2.png|32px]] [[File:Minecart (item) JE2 BE1.png|32px]] The entity model and item texture of minecarts have been changed.|The minecart mechanics have been changed to being rideable, removing their ability to store items.| Minecarts now render a chest inside for unknown reasons.}}{{History|java alpha}}{{History||v1.0.4|[[File:Minecart JE3 BE1.png|32px]] Removed the phantom chest from minecarts.|A [[sitting]] animation for riding minecarts has been added.}}{{History||v1.0.14|Minecarts are now used to craft [[minecart with furnace]] and [[minecart with chest]].}}{{History||v1.2.2|Minecarts now appear to other players and can be ridden in multiplayer.|Minecarts are no longer fully solid - they no longer block movement, and can no longer be stood on top of.}}{{History|java beta}}{{History||1.5|Minecarts now break faster with hands.|[[Powered rail]]s have been introduced, which enables minecarts to move automatically, although previous methods of boosting no longer works, or does not work as effectively.|The [[detector rail]]s have been introduced for use in detecting minecarts. Prior to this update, carts were detected by using [[pressure plate]]s in line with cart tracks. This had the often undesirable effect of dramatically slowing or even stopping the minecart, which limited the use of this design mostly to boosters.}}{{History||1.6|snap=Test Build 3|A minecart now transfers any [[Damage#Fall damage|fall damage]] it suffers onto its rider and is not destroyed upon impact.}}{{History||1.8|snap=Pre-release|If the [[player]] punches a minecart when descending from a jump, it shows the [[Damage#Critical hit|critical hit]] animation. This also happens if the player punches the cart while still in it.}}{{History|java}}{{History||1.0.0|snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease|[[Daniel Rosenfeld|C418]] posted a [[sound]] showing the sound that minecarts make.}}{{History|||snap=Beta 1.9 Prerelease 6|The texture of minecarts has changed slightly.}}{{History||1.3.1|snap=12w15a|Minecarts can now be shot out from [[dispenser]]s.}}{{History|||snap=12w21b|The [[player]] no longer spawns on top/inside of the minecart after getting out. Instead, the player gets out a few [[block]]s away. Also, the player can nudge a stationary minecart while inside it to move onto a [[Powered Rail|powered rail]], etc.}}{{History||1.4.2|snap=12w38b|[[Sound]]s for minecarts have been added.}}{{History||1.5|snap=13w02a|Minecarts can now be edited with a third-party program to show any [[block]] inside of it (it does not take on the characteristics of this block), as well as make it take on the characteristics of any cart.|Minecart types no longer all share the same [[entity]] ID – <code>Minecart</code> – and are no longer distinguished by a <code>Type</code> field. They have been given separate entity IDs.|Minecarts are now used to craft [[TNT minecart]]s.}}{{History|||snap=13w03a|Minecarts are now used to craft [[hopper minecart]]s.}}{{History|||snap=13w06a|Added [[minecart with spawner]].}}{{History||1.6.2|snap=release|A [[player]] in a moving minecart no longer turns with the minecart.}}{{History||1.7.2|snap=13w39a|Added [[minecart with command block]].}}{{History||1.8|snap=14w11a|Minecart physics have been changed - they now go faster and further, can derail at corners if going too fast and refuse to go uphill and they can also (if going fast enough) go over 1 [[block]].|The collision and position handling of minecarts have been improved.}}{{History|||snap=14w17a|All changes to old minecart physics used before 14w11a have been reverted.}}{{History||1.9.1|snap=pre2|Extreme typos in minecarts with hoppers and chests, reading "''container.minecart'''' have been fixed.}}{{History||1.11|snap=16w32a|The [[entity]] ID has been changed from <code>MinecartRideable</code> to <code>minecart</code>.|The player's [[hunger]] bar is now visible when riding in a minecart.}}{{History||1.13|snap=17w47a|Prior to [[Java Edition 1.13/Flattening|''The Flattening'']], this [[item]]'s numeral ID was 328.}}{{History||1.14|snap=18w43a|[[File:Minecart JE4 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Minecart (item) JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of minecarts have been changed.}}{{History|||snap=19w13a|Minecarts now move much slower when pushed along standard [[rail]]s using the W key, even slower on unpowered golden rails, and cannot be pushed off of unpowered golden rails without the [[player]] looking at a certain angle.}}{{History||1.16|snap=20w09a|Minecart now checks dismount position height against entity height.}}{{History|||snap=20w16a<!--cannot confirm due to how assets are handled - assuming this due to MC-91163 fix version-->|Minecarts no longer have subtitles for movement.}}{{History|||snap=20w18a|Mobs in minecarts no longer [[Spawn#Despawning|despawn]].}}{{History||1.17|snap=20w45a|Minecarts can now move in [[water]].}}{{History||1.19|snap=22w13a|Minecarts no longer drop when breaking a [[Minecart with Chest|minecart with chest]], [[Minecart with Hopper|hopper]], [[Minecart with Furnace|furnace]], or [[Minecart with TNT|TNT]].<ref>{{bug|MC-249493|||Fixed}}</ref>}}{{History||1.20|snap=23w16a|Sniffers can now enter [[minecart]]s.}}{{History|pocket alpha}}{{History||v0.8.0|snap=build 2|[[File:Minecart JE3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Minecart (item) JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added minecarts.}}{{History|||snap=build 3|Minecarts now ride smoother.}}{{History||v0.13.0|snap=build 1|[[Sound]]s for minecarts have been added.}}{{History|||snap=build 2|Minecarts now stack on top of each other.}}{{History||v0.14.0|snap=build 1|Minecarts can now be used to craft [[Minecart with Chest|storage]], [[Minecart with TNT|TNT]], and [[Minecart with Hopper|hopper minecart]]s.}}{{History|bedrock}}{{History||1.10.0|snap=beta|[[File:Minecart JE4 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Minecart (item) JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The textures of minecarts have been changed.}}{{History|console}}{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|switch=1.0.1|[[File:Minecart JE3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Minecart (item) JE2 BE1.png|32px]] Added minecarts.}}{{History||xbox=TU1|xbone=CU1|ps=1.0|wiiu=Patch 1|Minecarts are now twice the speed than in other editions.}}{{History||xbox=TU12|Minecarts are now slower.}}{{History||xbox=TU13|ps=1.0|Minecarts are now faster again.}}{{History||xbox=TU21|xbone=CU9|ps=1.14|The minecart limit has been increased.}}{{History||xbox=TU31|xbone=CU19|ps=1.22|wiiu=Patch 3|Minecart [[sound]]s have been updated.}}{{History||xbox=none|xbone=none|ps=1.90|wiiu=none|switch=none|[[File:Minecart JE4 BE2.png|32px]] [[File:Minecart (item) JE3 BE2.png|32px]] The texture of minecarts has been changed.}}{{History|new 3DS}}{{History||0.1.0|[[File:Minecart JE3 BE1.png|32px]] [[File:Minecart_(item)_JE2_BE1.png|32px]] Added minecarts.}}{{History|foot}}== Issues =={{issue list}}== Trivia ==* Minecarts appear to float above the track, as their model has no wheels.* If the player views their inventory while riding in a minecart, they appear sitting down in mid-air.* The player can teleport to another minecart while sitting in a minecart by right-clicking a minecart in their range. This can be used as an elevator to quickly rise up when minecarts are placed on top of each other.* If the sound is muted in the options while riding a minecart, and then turned back up, the minecart no longer makes noise in the client until the player exits the minecart.* If a saddled pig is riding a minecart, the player can ride the pig. Doing so causes the minecart to be able to ride freely at the player's walking speed. It is unknown whether this is a glitch.* It seems that hunger does not deplete while inactive in a minecart (at least in normal difficulty).* A minecart (alongside rails and powered rails) are used as Steve's Side-Special in the crossover fighting game Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.== Gallery ==<gallery>Minecart fire pig.png|A pig inside a burning minecartMinecartInfdev1.png|A Minecart opened in Minecraft InfdevMinecartInfdev2.png|A Minecart filled in Minecraft Infdev2ed Spawner Minecart Image and 1st Dispenser cart image.jpg|An image of two [[Minecart with Spawner]]s and unimplemented Minecart with Dispensers.Minecart with chest and head thing.png|The first image [[Jens Bergensten|Jeb]] released.<ref>{{Tweet|jeb|289000646210904064}}</ref>Pocket Edition v0.8.0 alpha Development minecarts.png|The first image of minecarts in {{edition|PE}}.Minecart Booster.png|Minecart booster.MinecartStack.png|Minecarts being stacked on each other.Villager minecart.png|Villager in a minecart.Minecartride.jpg|Player in minecart.Blocks in Invisible Minecarts.png|Minecarts can be edited to show any block inside, and can also be edited to be invisible.File:Minecart (Trails and Tales Summer Event) Render.png|A wooden minecart, featured in the [[Trails & Tales Event]].File:Minecoins 5.png|Two minecarts, as depicted on [[Minecraft Marketplace|Minecoin]] gift cards.</gallery>== References =={{reflist}}== External Links ==*[ Taking Inventory: Minecart] – on September 6, 2019{{Items}}{{entities}}[[Category:Mechanics]][[cs:Vozík]][[de:Lore]][[es:Vagoneta]][[fr:Wagonnet]][[hu:Csille]][[it:Carrello da miniera]][[ja:トロッコ]][[ko:광산 수레]][[nl:Mijnkar]][[pl:Wagonik]][[pt:Carrinho de mina]][[ru:Вагонетка]][[th:รถราง]][[uk:Вагонетка]][[zh:矿车]]</li></ul>
Command Block (2024)


What are the commands for a command block? ›

Across both Java and Bedrock editions, they can either be obtained by using the pick block control, or by using various commands, such as /give @s minecraft:command_block , or /setblock ~ ~ ~ command_block .

Why can't I place command block in Minecraft? ›

Due to the power of the command blocks, there are a few conditions that need to be met in order to use them in your server. First, you will need to enable command blocks directly in the server settings. Secondly, you will need to be OP on the server and in creative mode to be able to place the block.

What is the cheat code for Command Block? ›

How to get Command Blocks. Command blocks can only be obtained by running a command. Open up chat. Type the following command: /give @p command_block .

Is The Command Block a mod? ›

Command blocks for everyone is a mod that gives the ability to non op/creative players to use, place and break command blocks.

Why is my command block not working? ›

Troubleshooting Command Blocks

Try switching between Always Active & Needs Redstone. Double check the block type, condition & the command syntax. Check 'Previous Output' after powering it once again. Just like redstone, command blocks must also be in loaded chunks for them to work.

Why are Command Blocks disabled? ›

By default, Command Blocks are disabled by Minecraft to stop players from abusing them. As such, they have to enabled manually. You can enable this directly from the Mutlicraft panel or by editing the server.

Why can't I use commands in Minecraft? ›

In Java Edition singleplayer, you need to select the “Allow Cheats” option when you create the world. If you forgot to do that, it's possible to enable them temporarily by opening the game menu, selecting “Open to LAN” and ticking the “Allow Cheats” option and then clicking “Start LAN world”.

How do you give yourself a command block? ›

Give yourself a Command Block by opening the chat box and entering “/give [your username] minecraft:command_block” Turn on Creative Mode by typing “/gamemode c” in your chat box.

What can you do with command blocks? ›

Command blocks and functions can be used, among many other things, to change the difficulty, change the state of the weather, or give a player predesignated items. They are particularly useful for the /weather and /time set commands, as they are only available in cheat mode otherwise.

How to get commands in Minecraft? ›

The way players use console commands for PC is simple. All you have to do is open the chat window in your game, and then type “/” plus your command. And there are loads of ways to modify most Minecraft commands.

What is the command for creative mode in Minecraft? ›

To put the executing player into Creative mode: /gamemode creative.

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