Choosing the Best E O Insurance For Accountants - Professional Insurance Advisors, LLC (2024)

Effective risk management is essential and the best protection for accounting practices. As professionals who provide trusted financial advice and services, accountants face risks of errors and omissions in insurance claims. This makes professional liability insurance errors and omissions coverage very important to protect firms. Let’s check out key considerations for E&O insurance accountants when selecting an appropriate E&O insurance plan to safeguard practices against risks of errors, omissions, and professional liability insurance inherent in their work.

Understanding E&O Insurance

Errors and omissions insurance, also known as professional liability insurance, protects accounting firms from claims alleging they made errors and omissions insurance failed to perform their professional duties to the standard of a reasonable professional. Professional liability insurance is important for accountants as their work provides financial advice and services to clients, and mistakes could result in losses or damages.

Common allegations include omissions insurance, omissions errors and omissions insurance made in tax filings or financial statements, omissions insurance missing filing deadlines, omissions insurance poor accounting practices, and omissions insurance and negligent advice.

Without E&O insurance coverage, an accounting firm would have to pay out of pocket for legal costs and fees to defend itself and any settlements or awards if it were found liable. The insurance policy helps mitigate these expenses and protects the firm and its partners or employees.

Why it’s Important for Accounting Firms

As trusted professionals, financial advisers, certified public accountants, tax professionals, and advisors, accounting firms handle important tasks that must be performed with precision. Services like taxes, audits, financial statements, and other compliance work involve analyzing complex regulations and deadlines. Even honest accounting professionals’ mistakes in these areas could have costly consequences if the companies or clients incur penalties or fines due to errors.

Accountants are the only other tax preparers or professionals and are frequently asked to have tax preparers offer recommendations about important financial decisions. If a client suffers damages by following bad advice, they may hold the tax preparers, the tax preparer or professionals, or the accounting firm responsible. While tax preparers and accountants strive for perfection, human error and negligence are always risks.

E&O insurance helps alleviate these risks by using professional liability policies, which provide legal and financial protection in the event of a negligent act, error, or omission. It shields the firm, employees, and practitioners from serious financial and professional liability that could threaten their livelihoods and businesses.

Common Claims Accountants Face

Accounting firms most frequently claim against several types of errors, negligence or insurance, and omissions. Tax preparation, errors and omissions, mistakes and omissions, insurance, and penalties are in the top category, as even minor errors and omissions in filings can result in fines and interest penalties from the IRS.

Another common exposure to claims comes from errors in audits and financial statements—if an auditor misses an important disclosure or issues an unqualified opinion for an unqualified company, this could mislead investors or identify theft. Bookkeeping errors and blunders, such as missed annual report deadlines, shoddy record-keeping practices, or incorrectly classifying transactions, have also incurred claims.

Advisory negligence relating to attorney fees due to errors and omissions insurance advice on M&A deals, investment recommendations, or business valuations may cause harm if, by errors and omissions insurance, a client suffers monetary losses following faulty advice. Proper E&O coverage is essential as any one of these unintentional incidents could initiate a costly error claim.

Essential Checkpoints to Choose The Best E O Insurance

Choosing the Best E O Insurance For Accountants - Professional Insurance Advisors, LLC (1)

Standard vs. Enhanced Coverage

Most E&O insurance policies for accountants will provide basic coverage, but firms should consider adding extras. Standard plans typically cover damages from mistakes, slip-ups, or errors in work, but sometimes only up to around $1-2 million per incident. For bigger clients and complex compliance services, that amount might not be enough protection for a firm’s small business assets. Enhanced coverage raises those limits to $5 million or more, giving stronger security.

It could also pay to widen protection to pay for extra professional services such as business evaluations. Firms working with non-profits and foreign clients or handling outsourced work may need additional important coverage. Extra E&O insurance can be crucial to pay for large audits, companies registered with the SEC, and other professional services when a practice’s work goes beyond regular policies. Boosting coverage shows clients the accounting firm takes risk management seriously.

E&O Limits and Deductibles

When reviewing E&O policies, accounting firms must consider costs, liability limits, and deductibles. Higher limits, such as $5 million or more, are recommended for practices with significant assets and large clientele to provide solid protection. However, greater coverage amounts also mean increased premium costs.

The insurance company’s deductible is the amount the firm is responsible for paying themselves before the insurance costs kick in. Larger deductibles lead to lower premiums but shift more initial expenses to pay the insured. Companies must balance these trade-offs based on their budget and business risk level.

A deductible that’s too high could leave the practice vulnerable if multiple serious small business side claims happen in a year. With help from their broker, accountants can figure out the right liability limits and deductibles for their small business insurance needs and finances.

Prior Acts or Retroactive Date Coverage

Most policies only cover claims reported during the same company’s actual policy period, potentially leaving older work exposed to cyber liability. However, accounting practices can gain valuable protection by opting for either prior acts coverage or retroactive date coverage.

This feature extends the policy backward, often 5-10 years, to cover any claims regarding work done before the current policy company’s term began. While an up cost of the extra premium is paid, it helps protect accountants from liability for past work that could still see claims years later.

Things like tax returns, audits, and financial statements may be challenged further down the line, so extended coverage provides solid protection. It is particularly helpful for new business owners or firms taking over an established practice, as it ensures that previous work is insured under the new policy company’s terms and limits.

Innocent Insured Protection

With multiple business partners or employees insured under one company or E&O policy, a question comes up about how coverage responds if one insured acted negligently or committed fraud without the others knowing. “Innocent insured protection” deals with this concern. It stipulates that even if one business partner or practitioner intentionally or fraudulently causes a loss, the other “innocent” insureds will still receive protection under the insurance company, policy, and terms for that claim.

This prevents the actions of one bad actor from jeopardizing insurance coverage for the whole firm. Such coverage gives accounting and tax professionals and businesses using a partnership structure extra assurance that one person’s misdeeds won’t cancel insurance for everyone. It encourages practices to maintain professional standards and multiple levels of review and oversight while protecting other employees and practitioners if intentional wrongdoing by one insured is alleged.

Punitive Damages

When selecting an E&O policy, accounting firms should confirm if punitive damages are covered under important coverage. These are monetary awards meant to punish or discourage very bad behavior rather than just compensate the victim. Some policies don’t protect punitive damages based on the argument that covering intentional or criminal acts could enable bad actions.

However, if left unprotected, allegations resulting in punitive damages claims could bankrupt accounting practices and small businesses. Not all such property damage allegations are truly intentional, either—some states allow punitive awards for acts deemed extremely careless rather than deliberately malicious. Comprehensive E&O will include punitive coverage, protecting companies’ public accountants from the most severe claims. Faced with exclusion, accountants take on huge financial risk if clients sue over even questionable punitive damage demands.

Defense Legal Costs in Addition to Limits

Choosing the Best E O Insurance For Accountants - Professional Insurance Advisors, LLC (2)

Some policies may say defense spending will reduce the stated general liability coverage limits, leaving less available to cover settlements or judgments. However, it is better to secure a policy where the legal costs and fees are on top of the general liability amount limits. This arranges for the full general liability limitation amount, such as $5 million, to stay intact to cover alleged damages rather than being partially used up for paying lawyers.

With complicated litigation, defense expenses can add up quickly and potentially exhaust the full policy limits before reaching a verdict. Choosing an insurance policy with additional defense coverage removes this risk and shows the full protection purchased remains effective. This non-eroding limit structure should be a priority, particularly for firms with significant assets requiring top-level protection.

Network Security & Privacy Liability

As accounting and tax professionals increasingly use technology and store confidential client data online, risks arise from cyber threats and accidental data breaches. A strong E&O policy includes network security, privacy, and professional liability insurance coverage.

This protects accountants if they are sued over a client data breach caused by hacking, malware spread, or human mistake. With sensitive client financial and personally identifiable information at stake, practices need assurance they won’t be held liable or responsible for the costs of breach notification, investigation services, credit monitoring, or any other legal costs or claims from clients alleging carelessness, serious errors, and omissions insurance or negligence.

As cybercrime evolves, confirming network security and professional liability protections are part of the E&O package will give firms greater peace of mind in our digital age, where technology mistakes can inadvertently expose private records.

Omissions Insurance Multimedia Liability

Accounting firms must renew their E&O liability insurance almost every year to maintain the industry’s same level of uninterrupted coverage. Policy terms are usually guaranteed for only one year, giving insurers a chance to raise premiums at each renewal period. This can gradually drive up expenses over time.

To limit costly changes, some policies let accountants secure renewal terms and rates in 3–5-year intervals. Others provide an “inflation guard,” which automatically increases liability coverage limits only by a small percentage each year to offset higher settlement costs because of inflation.

Both options give firms longer budget stability while protecting the company’s original coverage investment from losing value. Multi-year guarantees and inflation clauses are worthwhile extras for small businesses seeking uninterrupted cost protection aligned with their growth.

First-Party Coverage Options

Accounting E&O policies traditionally offer third-party and liability insurance coverage, but some plans provide first-party protection too. First-party liability insurance directly reimburses the policyholder without requiring another party to start a claim. Options include compensation for any legal fees and expenses incurred by insurance company while cooperating with a regulatory investigation or audit, even if the allegations are unfounded.

Another valuable addition to cyber liability insurance is payment for costs associated with data breach incidents the firm or client experiences, covering things like credit monitoring services, forensic investigations, and public relations assistance. Such additions ease financial burdens from additional claims for covered events not directly involving lawsuits. First-party coverage strengthens E&O insurance plans, protecting accounting businesses and employees from unexpected costs during unpleasant but non-litigious situations.

Claim Reporting Requirements

Knowing the right claim reporting protocols is essential to activate E&O professional liability insurance policies and benefits. Policies will state a timeframe, such as 30-120 days prior to act coverage due, for insureds to report occurrences they become aware of that could reasonably result in a future claim. Missing notice deadlines could jeopardize coverage. It’s also important to immediately forward any actual claim notifications from litigating parties to the insurer.

Failing to meet submission timeframes may allow providers to dispute professional liability insurance and property insurance out on technicalities. Designating property and professional liability insurance as the main contact within the firm is advised for efficient communication. Insureds should understand what data insurers require, too, like detailed documentation regarding the work performed and claimant allegations. Following notification procedures help accounting firms smoothly work with professional liability insurers when needing protection.

Standard Exclusions for Professional Liability Insurance

While E&O policies provide strong protection, certain situations are routinely excluded from basic coverage through standard exceptions. Accountants need to be aware of what their policy does not defend against. Common exclusions involve claims alleging dishonest, fraudulent, criminal, or malicious acts, fines or penalties imposed by law, bodily injury, war incidents, and pollution issues.

Coverage under professional services and professional liability insurance also usually won’t extend to previous work known to be deficient that the insured did not promptly address or for any professional services used beyond the full professional services scope described in the general liability policy. Understanding such exceptions helps accounting firms appropriately assess their genuine risk exposure and whether extra riders make sense for their unique operations or past work. Standard exclusions in most professional services and professional liability insurance policies aim to hold insureds responsible for deliberate or non-professional actions.

Optional Endorsem*nts for Professional Liability

E&O insurance policies allow add-on endorsem*nts for an extra premium cost to supplement the foundational coverage provided. Common optional selections accountants may want to involve expanded privacy breach response services for data breaches, escalating coverage limits increasing in cost over time, or permission to pay for certain professional services usually excluded from basic insurance terms. Firms performing complex international work may also need insurance with worldwide coverage and cost extension.

Those working in regulatory compliance can add bookkeeping or payroll preparation coverage, which is excluded under certain states’ standard agent/broker policies. Endorsem*nts potentially create coverage where vulnerabilities exist and lift customary sub-limits that may prove too low. Carefully considering add-on options enables practices, industry, and other professionals to fine-tune coverage to critical risk exposures. Selecting available endorsem*nts enhances customized protection tailored to each firm’s business activities.

Reputation Management

While E&O policies primarily focus on third-party financial liability and legal defense costs, responsive carriers now offer important endorsem*nts for reputation management services. These provide access to public relations experts and counselors in the event a company, business, industry, or accounting practice suffers reputational harm through no intentional fault of the business, industry, or its own, like disgruntled client or former employee claims on review sites.

Threats to a firm’s online presence or adverse media coverage of employment practices can be stressful and damage small business insurance further. Supplementary coverage granted pays for professionals to contain any PR crisis through social media monitoring and corrective messaging, helping companies regain client confidence and mitigate financial losses. Complementing standard E&O protection with optional reputation support creates a safety net for unforeseen circ*mstances beyond legal penalties threatening small businesses’ livelihoods.


Proper E&O insurance planning requires ongoing review and attention. Firms should work closely with brokers to assess risk exposures against policy terms regularly and then make adjustments as needed. Maintaining strong carrier relationships ensures seamless coverage continuation. While premium costs demand consideration, adequately addressing professional liability and responsibility risks to clients must remain the primary objective. With and claims prevention measures, accounting businesses fortify their ability to deliver dedicated client service freely and without threat to their viability.

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Choosing the Best E O Insurance For Accountants - Professional Insurance Advisors, LLC (2024)


Who has the best professional liability insurance? ›

The Best Professional Liability Insurance for 2024
  • Best Overall: AIG.
  • Best for Freelancers and Independent Contractors: Pogo.
  • Best for Medical and Healthcare Providers: The Doctor's Company.
  • Best for Lawyers: Embroker.
  • Best for Small Businesses: Thimble Insurance.
  • Best for Realtors: Hiscox.

What is EO insurance? ›

Errors and omissions insurance (E&O) is a type of professional liability insurance that protects companies and their workers or individuals against claims made by clients for inadequate work or negligent actions.

What are the two most important insurance options available to a business? ›

Commercial insurance is divided into two main categories: property insurance and casualty insurance. Property insurance provides coverage for property that is stolen, damaged, or destroyed by a covered peril. The term "property insurance" includes many lines of available insurance.

Is professional liability insurance worth it? ›

Every business owner tries to run their company perfectly, but mistakes can happen. If they do and the mistake financially harms your client, it can lead to a lawsuit. Professional liability insurance can help protect your business if someone sues you for making a mistake in your professional services.

How much does consulting liability insurance cost? ›

Small and low-risk consulting businesses can combine general liability with commercial property insurance in a business owner's policy (BOP), at an average cost of $46 per month, or $550 annually. Most consulting companies (51%) pay between $300 and $600 per year for commercial general liability insurance.

Which insurance is best for business? ›

Best Small Business Insurance Companies for May 2024
  • Best Overall: Next.
  • Best for Independent Contractors: Hiscox.
  • Best Restaurant Insurance: Huckleberry.
  • Best for Financial Stability: biBERK.
  • Best Budget Coverage: Thimble.
  • Best Workers' Compensation Insurance: The Hartford.
  • Best for Larger Small Businesses: Chubb.

What is EO in billing? ›

Abbreviation for errors and omissions excepted. In the past, this was frequently printed on invoice forms to protect the sender from the consequences of any clerical or accounting errors in the preparation of the invoice.

How much is E&O typically? ›

How much is errors and omissions (E&O) insurance? Average costs for E&O coverage for small business owners ranges from $500 to $1,000 per employee, per year. So, if your business has 50 employees, you can estimate your errors and omissions premium to be between $25,000 and $50,000 annually.

What is E&O in accounting? ›

As accounting professionals and auditors, errors and oversights have a direct financial impact on your clients (and their investors/lenders), resulting in costly and time consuming litigation.

What are the 3 most important insurance? ›

There are many types of insurance available, but there are some which top the charts in terms of importance. Home or property insurance, life insurance, disability insurance, health insurance, and automobile insurance are five types that everyone should have.

Which type of insurance is most important for a business? ›

General liability insurance, also known as business or commercial liability insurance, is essential coverage for various claims, including bodily injury, property damage, personal or advertising injury, medical payments, products-completed operations, and damages to premises rented to you.

What is key man insurance? ›

Key person insurance is a life insurance policy that a business takes out on its most valuable employee or employees. A policy can also include a rider for disability coverage to help if a key employee is disabled. Key person insurance helps safeguard a small business if an imperative employee dies or becomes disabled.

Why do accountants need professional liability insurance? ›

Professional liability insurance for accountants can help protect your business if a client sues you because: You overlooked a large expense while putting together your client's financial statement. They believe their financial loss on their tax returns was due to your tax preparer making a bookkeeping mistake.

How to choose a professional liability insurance? ›

Find a reputable insurance company — one that is fully licensed in all jurisdictions, is financially stable (check the A.M. Best rating), provides support with claims, provides confidential ethics and risk management consultation (such as The Trust's Advocate 800 Program), and has competent and convenient customer ...

Does professional liability insurance cover defense costs? ›

Professional liability insurance can help cover your defense costs if a client sues you for mistakes in the professional services you provided them. Defense costs include attorney fees and other court-related expenses.

Is professional liability the same as business insurance? ›

General liability and professional liability insurance both protect against common small business liabilities, but cover two different types of lawsuits. You may need to purchase one or both policies depending on your risks.

What is the best personal insurance company? ›

Best life insurance companies: Pros and cons
  • MassMutual: Best overall.
  • Guardian: Best for applicants with a history of HIV.
  • Northwestern Mutual: Best for consumer experience.
  • New York Life: Best for high coverage amounts.
  • Pacific Life: Best range of permanent life insurance.
  • State Farm: Best for customer satisfaction.
4 days ago

What is the difference between professional and public liability insurance? ›

The key difference between public liability and professional indemnity is that while public liability covers for risks of injury or damage, professional indemnity is focused on the work side of things, covering for professional errors and negligence.

Is professional liability the same as fidelity? ›

While fidelity bond insurance protects you against your employees' criminal actions, you need business insurance to protect against accidents that could occur to a third party. That's where general liability insurance and professional liability insurance come in.

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