Cheese Consumption by Country 2024 (2024)

The history of cheese goes back longer than people think, with the invention of cheese happening strictly by accident. History says that cheese was created in the Middle East when an Arab went on a long desert journey with some milk for sustenance along the way. The milk was being stored in a bag that had been created from the stomach of a sheep.

A substance is known as rennet, which is taken from the sheep’s stomach lining, mixed with the milk and the desert heat and caused it to separate. Sheep cheese was born. Today, sheep rennet’s cheese is still made the same way. It is from this cheese that whey protein is derived, and this has become a global phenomenon.

Cheesemaking across the world has also been invented in the mountains of the Swiss Alps, the rich climates of France and Tuscany, and the bold churns of Germany. The International Dairy Federation estimates that France holds the title for the most cheese consumed in a year per capita, but Italy boasts a close second.

Where the Cheese Is

Humans are by nature lactose intolerant, but overall have evolved into a lactose retentive species. The way that the proteins are broken down in authentic cheese makes it very tolerable to eat in every country. Caucasians are the largest group that can eat cheese with ease, and approximately 50 percent of Africans can eat cheese. It is estimated that only 5 percent of Asians are lactose tolerant.

Most of these countries are lactose intolerant, and still make the best cheese in the world. When it comes to production, and not consumption, the United States holds a tight position here, despite not making the top 10 list for consumption. The United States is only producing 34.1 pounds of cheese per capita annually, but exporting over $1.6 billion annually and helping the large cheese consumers stay on the list.

Cheese Consumption by Country 2024 (2024)


Cheese Consumption by Country 2024? ›

The countries least affected by cheese consumption also have their ranking. We find China (0.1 kg per person), Mongolia (0.3 kg per person) and Zimbabwe (0.6 kg per person). Afterwards, we can also ask ourselves the question: do Scandinavians eat quality cheese? Because there is cheese and cheese, huh...

What countries eat the least cheese? ›

The countries least affected by cheese consumption also have their ranking. We find China (0.1 kg per person), Mongolia (0.3 kg per person) and Zimbabwe (0.6 kg per person). Afterwards, we can also ask ourselves the question: do Scandinavians eat quality cheese? Because there is cheese and cheese, huh...

What is the average consumption of cheese in the US? ›

Data recently shared by USDA's Economic Research Service showed that the average person in the U.S. ate 40.14 pounds of cheese in 2022. This is the first time per capita cheese consumption passed the 40-pound mark.

Does the United States produce more cheese than any other country in the world? ›

America produces the most cheese in the world (over 11 billion pounds annually), more than double the next closest country, Germany (5 billion pounds annually).

Which country is full of cheese? ›

France is the destination of choice for cheese lovers. With over 400 varieties of cheese, the country is famous worldwide for its cheese-making expertise and cheese diversity.

Why does China not use cheese? ›

Scholars have pointed to genetic, gastronomical, and cultural factors to explain the absence of dairy products in the traditional Chinese diet. This paper, however, makes a case for reframing the problem. The premodern Chinese, in fact, did have a tradition of dairy consumption – as food and as medicine.

Why don t Asians eat a lot of cheese? ›

Asian populations tend to be lactose intolerant, making dairy products difficult to digest. But dairy foods are believed to promote faster growth and taller heights in children, which the government deems desirable. Many people can handle dairy foods, especially yogurt and other fermented varieties.

What culture does not eat cheese? ›

China is not known for its cheeses. In fact, ask most people in the country, and they'll tell you that Chinese people traditionally don't eat cheese at all.

Which US state has the most cheese? ›

Wisconsin is the # 1 cheese-producing state, making 26% of the country's cheese. Wisconsin cheesemakers use about 90% of Wisconsin's milk supply to make more than 2 billion pounds of cheese every year. Wisconsin has 1,290 licensed cheesemakers–more than any other state.

Where does the US get most of its cheese? ›

United States imports Cheese primarily from: Italy ($443M), France ($190M), Netherlands ($122M), Switzerland ($117M), and Spain ($93.7M). The fastest growing import markets in Cheese for United States between 2021 and 2022 were Mexico ($15.4M), United Kingdom ($8.11M), and Canada ($7.7M).

Why do Americans eat so much cheese? ›

One reason cheese is a staple in American diets is its versatility and convenience. Cheese can be easily added to a wide variety of dishes, whether it's sprinkled on a burger, melted in macaroni and cheese, or layered on a sandwich. Its adaptability makes it a quick and satisfying addition to countless recipes.

What country loves cheese the most? ›

1. Netherlands. With 38 cheese varieties originating in the Netherlands, including global favourites like gouda and edam, it should come as no surprise that the Netherlands is the number one nation of cheese lovers in the world!

Why does the US government own so much cheese? ›

Farmers who had been struggling were motivated to produce as much dairy as they could, knowing that whatever was not sold on the market could likely be purchased by the government, and it was. By the early 1980s, the government owned over 500 million pounds of cheese.

Who are the top 3 states in producing cheese? ›

Wisconsin, New York and California are the three states on the forefront of major cheese producing states.

What culture uses the most cheese? ›

Countries Who Consume the Most Cheese
RankCountryCheese Consumption (kg Per Capita)
11 more rows
Dec 12, 2017

What is the world's most consumed cheese? ›


Which 3 countries have the best cheese? ›

It is pretty likely quite a few would answer Comte, Gouda, Emmental or Gruyere. Blue lovers would probably answer Stilton, or possibly Gorgonzola or Roquefort. So, taking those answers into account, it would be France, followed by Italy, Switzerland and the UK in terms of styles that we eat.

What country eats the most dairy? ›

Countries Who Drink the Most Milk
RankCountryPer Capita Milk Consumption (Kg)
11 more rows
Jan 17, 2018

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