Chapter 4: The Dragon Of Yokohama - Yakuza: Like a Dragon Guide - IGN (2024)


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Welcome to IGN’s walkthrough for Yakuza: Like a Dragon. This section covers Chapter 4: The Dragon Of Yokohama. In this chapter you’ll help uncover the mystery of a missing worker, find a job, and explore another dungeon.

Chapter 4: The Dragon Of Yokohama

After the chapter’s opening cutscenes, you’ll be reunited with Adachi once again. He will also rejoin your party, giving you some additional support in battle.

Your first task is to head back to Hello Work to look for jobs for everyone. The building is just across the bridge outside Hamako’s brothel. As you cross the bridge, you’ll hit another cutscene where Ichiban will retrieve a bat from the ground Master Sword-style.


Just in time, too. As a group of enemies will arrive and try to shake you down for some cash.

Fight: Street Thugs

Ichiban’s imagination will start to transform how fights look, although they still play out the same way. For this fight you’ll face Slugger Otsuka (Lv. 10), Assassin Kusano (Lv. 9), and Hands Thrower Hashiguchi (Lv. 9).

Focus on the smaller enemies first before going after Otsuka. Once you’ve got a 3-on-1 scenario, focus on using a mix of Skills, basic attacks, and guarding when needed.

Watch out for Otsuka’s attack that can cause fear, rendering a party member useless for a number of turns. If you’ve acquired Nanba’s Pyro Belch Skill, use it here as Otsuka is weak to fire attacks.

After the fight, Ichi’s job will officially change to Hero and enemies around town will have their appearances changed during battle.

Finding a Job

Next, head to Hello Work, where you’ll be drawn into a fight outside by a group of homeless guys who recognize Adachi.

Fight: Reckless Men

You’ll be up against Break-and-Entryman Kawahara (Lv. 10), and two Lv. 11 Pro Pickpockets Minagawa and Abe.


The Pro Pickpockets can steal items from you, but you’ll get them back after defeating them in battle. Focus on taking these two enemies out first as they have less health and generally fall after two attacks.

For Kawahara, just focus your attacks on him when he’s alone, mixing in environmental attacks when possible and taking advantage of extra damage when he’s on the ground.

After the fight, head into Hello Work for a cutscene. You’ll be assigned a new job. Time to head to Otohime Land. Leave the building and head towards the marked area on your map.

Substory 02 - Who’s That Sujimon?!

As you approach your destination, you’ll enter a cutscene involving a degenerate man in the street. After he flashes your party, you’ll enter into a battle with him, complete with some fantastic music.

Degenerate Tomita (Lv. 9) will immediately perform a dance that makes your entire party susceptible to status ailments, so focus on taking him down as quickly as possible.

He’s resistant to regular attacks, so you’ll need to rely on Skills to do any meaningful damage. Nanba’s Pyro Belch works great here as Tomita is weak to fire and can also take burn damage over time if you’re lucky.

He can also silence individual party members, rendering their Skills useless until cured (or when it wears off).


After the fight, you’ll meet Professor Morikasa - better known as the Sujimon Sensei. He will thank you for subduing the “specimen” and invite you back to his lab for tea.

In some sort of weird alternate dimension Pokemon parody, you’ll be tasked with hunting down and collecting data on all the creepy criminals you come across during your playthrough. You’ll also gain access to the Sujidex app, of course.

You’ll even get to pick a “starter” Sujimon from a lineup of Red, Blue, and Green men.

Regardless of who you choose, you’ll be thrown into a battle against three Lv. 9 Sujimon (Sujimen? - ugh, who knows). Anyways, this battle is straightforward. It takes place in a tight space with plenty of environmental attack opportunities, but as long as you focus on one man at a time, you should have them all down in no time.

You now have access to the Sujidex app which works as a battle compendium for all 252 enemies you’ll fight in the game and provides useful information such as location, Skills, weaknesses, drops, and more.

This concludes Substory 02, however, you’ll automatically begin tracking enemy data for the rest of the game and will receive rewards for your efforts. So, get out there and dispatch ‘em all, Sujimon Master!

Finding Nanoha

Alright, back to the main story now. You’ll find your destination nearby just down the street to your left. It’s a white building with columns near the doorway.


After a handful of cutscenes, you’ll have your next task: finding out why Nanoha is skipping out on her work and help restore Nonomiya’s failing soapland. You’ll start by heading to the Pocket Cafe, where Nanoha supposedly spends a lot of time.

There are plenty of gangs roaming the streets, especially near the cafe, so be on your guard and be ready for a fight.

After the cutscenes, Ichi will accidentally bump into someone, angering them and causing them to fight you and your party.

Fight: Menacing Men

You’ll be up against Ornery Yakuza Nagata (Lv. 10), Dine-and-Dasher Mishima (Lv. 10), and Color Gangsman Kaneko (Lv. 10).

Focus on using area-of-effect attacks like Ichiban’s Mega Swing or Nanba’s Pyro Flame, as this can hit multiple enemies at once. There are also plenty of environmental attack opportunities here.

After the fight, you’ll trail the man Nanoha was speaking with at the cafe and see some more cutscenes. Then, you’ll want to return to Otohime Land. It’s a bit of a trek back, so you can hail a taxi to get a bit closer or just run there and take in the sights on the way.

Substory 05 - A Trip to Pound Town

As you approach the soapland, you’ll encounter a man handing out flyers in the alleyway. It appears to be for some sort of sex shop, and Adachi thinks it’s worth calling since it says the first caller gets a free prize.

Once your Poundmate shows up, it turns out its actually a service for hiring allies to help you fight in battle.


A tutorial fight will begin, showing you how to call on Poundmates during battle. You can’t attack normally here, so select Poundmates followed by Gary Buster Holmes (who is free for the first call) to execute an attack.

These allies effectively function like summons in traditional JRPGs, except you’ll need to pay money after the first use. Enjoy the cutscene of Gary Buster’s Homecoming. After another short cutscene, this substory will be automatically completed.

Note: Substory 07 is also nearby and provides you with another Poundmate to summon, if you choose to complete it. Check out our Substories section for more info.

Head into the soapland to initiate another cutscene. Afterwards, you’ll need to head back to Hello Work to acquire a second job at Sunlight Castle.

Locating the Survive Bar

After a few cutscenes, Adachi will recommend that your party takes a load off at a nearby karaoke bar before your big day tomorrow. As you set out across town, a man will hand you a flyer for what appears to be a sex shop just ahead.

It’s worth visiting this shop as it’s actually a place where you can purchase weapons and gear for your party. It’s likely that you have a good chunk of yen to spend, so it would be wise to outfit your crew before the upcoming battles.

The karaoke bar is all the way across town, but don’t forget that you can heal up for free at the Recovery Station at the homeless camp, if needed. Make your way to the Bar District towards the marker on your map.


Welcome to the Survive Bar, the newest hangout spot for Ichi and his crew. After a couple short cutscenes you’ll be able to explore the bar. It’s here that you can interact with your party members and increase your Bond Level through Drink Links.

Speak with Adachi to increase your bond and view a special cutscene. For more on increasing bonds with your party members, check out our guide below:

  • Jump to Bond guide

Storming Sunlight Castle

After you wake up, it’s time to head to Sunlight Castle to rescue Nanoha’s father.

Following a few cutscenes, you’ll encounter a group of security guards looking to put a stop to your plan.

Fight: Security Guards

In this fight, you’re up against four Lv. 10 Security Guards: Matsuoka, Matsush*ta, Ogata, and Suda. Each has the same set of attacks and health, so go after whichever you see fit first.

Physical attacks and area attacks work well here to eliminate multiple guards at once. This is a fairly routine fight, otherwise.


Following your victory, you’ll meet the Director, Totsuka, who is in fact part of the Seiryu Clan. Another fight ensues after a cutscene.

Fight: Seiryu Clan

You’ll be up against Seiryu Clan Chief of HQ Totsuka (Lv. 11), Seiryu Clan Member Tada (Lv. 11), and Seiryu Clan Member Kano (Lv. 10).

It’s best to go after the two Seiryu Clan Members first, as they have less health than Totsuka. It’s also worth noting that they are weak to fire, so Nanba’s Fire Belch is a great option here - especially if you can hit multiple enemies at once.

Each enemy wields a knife, so they can inflict bleeding on you if you’re unlucky. Try to mitigate damage by performing Perfect Guards, of course.

Paying a Visit to Seiryu HQ

After the fight, Kasuga will persuade Totsuka to take them all to the Seiryu Clan HQ in an effort to put a stop to their elderly extortion. Kasuga will recommend gearing up with weapons, armor, and medicine before heading in - and trust us, you’ll need it.

If you already purchased items from the Love Magic sex shop earlier, you may be good to go. Otherwise, seek out item shops on your map. Love Magic is just around the corner from your current location, by the way.

It’s worth noting that you can’t enter Seiryu Clan HQ until at least Kasuga has gear in every slot: that includes a weapon, all three armor slots, and both accessory slots filled. Although, you’ll probably want to upgrade Kasuga and Nanba’s weapons, at the very least.


Once you’re ready, speak with Totsuka to enter the HQ. As you’d probably expect, you’ve got some fighting to do instead of just waltzing in.

Fight: Totsuka’s Underlings

This fight will test you a bit and includes five Seiryu Clan Members: Komatsu (Lv. 14), Ishibashi (Lv. 13), Nakatani (Lv. 13), Nonaka (Lv. 13), and Shimomura (Lv. 13).

Komatsu has a large wooden sledgehammer, and the other goons all use knives, so it’s best to take them out first to avoid bleeding effects. The Lv. 13 enemies are all weak to fire and most are resistant to physical attacks, so you’ll lean heavily on Nanba’s Fire Belch here.

Ichi’s Mega Swing works well here as many of the enemies group up in pairs or groups of three, and you can inflict damage to them all at once if timed correctly. Don’t forget to take advantage of follow-up attacks when enemies are down to deal extra damage to them.

After the fight, grab the items in the corners of the room and examine the doorway in the far back left corner.

A short cutscene will play and you’ll be outside the building. Grab the items in front of you and head through the white door that Kasuga recommended and prepare for another fight.

Fight: Totsuka’s Underlings

This time, you’re up against three more Seiryu Clan Members: Aida (Lv. 13), Enomoto (Lv. 13), and Nakamoto (Lv. 13).


Aida has the ability to call in backup, so focus on taking him down first. He’s weak to Ichi’s Essence of Mayhem attack, so use this when you can as it deals a good chunk of damage.

Aida also has a taser that can stun your party members, making it even more essential to focus your efforts on him right out of the gate. After he falls, the other enemies are trivial and shouldn’t pose much of an issue for your party.

Stick around for the short conversation between Kasuga and Adachi, as it will raise the Bond between the two. You should also have a Silver Safe Skeleton Key from an earlier fight that allows you to open the safe in this room and receive a Helmet. There’s also a briefcase nearby that has a Toughness Light inside of it.

Proceed through the door next to the fire hydrant on the floor and you’ll emerge in a hallway. Enter the room on your immediate left to find a First Aid Kit.

Continue following the hallway around the corner and head up the set of stairs after grabbing the Mysterious Leaf nearby.

Enter through the doorway on the third floor and you’ll run into another fight.

Fight: Seiryu Clan

You’ve got four Lv. 13 Seiryu Clan Members to dispatch here: Isobe, Kawamura, Izumi, and Ito. Area attacks and environmental attacks work well for this fight, as it takes place in a small office room.


Grab the Tauriner in the corner before entering the middle door to find a small room containing Astringent Gauze and another Toughness Light.

Exit this room and head through the doorway in the back left corner marked with a green exit sign above. Follow the hallway path to another door at the end. Don’t forget to snag the Half-eaten Bento on the ground! Prepare for another fight behind the door.

Fight: Seiryu Clan

This is a tough fight against a single opponent: Seiryu Clan Member Kasayama (Lv. 13).

He’s a tanky opponent that hits hard, so focus on using your best Skills attacks. Be careful, though, as he can guard against physical attacks, reducing their damage.

The attack you’ll want to look out for is Herculean Effort where Kasayama will glow red prior to attacking. During this phase, make sure to Guard to mitigate the amount of damage he can inflict on your party.

Your best attack is likely to be Essence of Mayhem, although it takes a good amount of MP, so make sure you have some healing items on hand.

After the fight there’s another safe you can open in this room that contains Work Overalls. There’s also a briefcase that contains a Toughness Light on the shelf nearby.

Exit through the doorway on the left near the shelf and you’ll enter a short cutscene where Kasayama will toss the party through a window and into a room on the floor below. Thankfully, this room has a Recovery Station, so heal up and keep moving.


The next room contains another fight against the Seiryu Clan.

Fight: Seiryu Clan

Four more Lv. 13 Seiryu Clan members to take down here: Asai, Ishiyama, Nagashima, and Tsukamoto.

Since you can reuse the Recovery Station after this fight, just go all out with Skills and you shouldn’t have much issue at all.

Grab the Restorative Medicine under the wooden bench behind you and quickly restore your HP and MP in the other room before proceeding further.

In the next hallway, grab the Half-empty Drink in the corner and continue through the marked doorway on your map to initiate another cutscene, followed by a fight.

Fight: Totsuka’s Underlings

This fight against three Seiryu Clan Members introduces new enemy weapons: the crossbow and the katana. You’ll face Kikugawa (Lv. 13), Sakurai (Lv. 12), and Mitsui (Lv. 12).

Take down the Lv. 12 enemies first (wielding the crossbows) with standard attacks or Skills. Then, focus your efforts on Kikugawa. He’s susceptible to burning and weak to fire attacks, so use Nanba’s Fire Belch here.


His katana deals large, sweeping slashes that can deal heavy damage to your party, so be mindful of your HP. Kikugawa can also power up his attacks to deal even more damage, so eliminate him quickly.

After the battle, you’ll receive the Seiryu Clan Key left behind by Kikugawa. Pick it up and return to the hallway, where there’s a locked door that can now be accessed.

Before you go, though, head to the door in the back left corner of the room as there’s a safe inside containing Rusted Chainmail as well as a Mysterious Stone in the room. It would also be wise to return to the room with the Recovery Station to heal up again before proceeding further, since it’s free.

Return to the hallway and open the previously locked silver door with the Seiryu Clan Key you received.

Immediately to your left there’s a silver safe to open containing Safety Shoes. There’s also a Hand Grenade on the shelf in the corner. Examine the map on the table to reveal a hidden ladder in the room where you received the key. Head back to the room and approach the statue near the wall on the right to initiate a cutscene.

A hidden door will open to the left of the statue that you can now enter. Inside the room there’s a Sturdy Lumber in the corner straight ahead. Grab it and head down the ladder in the back corner of the room first.

After sliding down to the next floor, open the silver safe nearby to receive a Jacket. There’s a Staminan Light in a briefcase across the room, too. Head back up the ladder and climb the ladder next to it to ascend to the floor above.

Here, you’ll find a briefcase containing a Tauriner and a safe with a Health Ring. Once you’ve collected both, exit through the door to the right of the safe.

You’ll have a small Bond-increasing conversation with your party and end up back in the room where Kasayama tossed everyone out the nearby window.

This time, exit through the door on the right and pass through the door directly behind it to enter a room containing a Recovery Station and Item Box. There’s also a couple items you can pick up in between the shelves here, too.


After healing, exit through the door next to the Recovery Station. Walk past the brown double doors and around the corner to find a Mysterious Carrot in the corner behind a plant. Once you’re ready for the final fight of this chapter, head through both sets of double doors.

Boss Fight: Totsuka’s Underlings

For this fight, you’ll be reunited with the three big baddies you’ve already taken down thus far, except this time you’ll have to fight them all at once. This includes Aida (Lv. 13), Kikugawa (Lv. 13), and Kasayama (Lv. 13).

As with the previous fights, focus on taking Aida down first, as he can call in reinforcements and heal himself. He is weak to physical attacks, so focus on hitting him with Ichi and Adachi’s best Skills.

After Aida is downed, turn your attention to Kikugawa. He is weak to fire attacks, so Nanba’s Fire Belch is great here - especially if he gets burned as he’ll take extra damage over time.

Watch out for Kikugawa’s attack buff which he’ll likely use during this fight, adding extra damage to his already deadly katana slashes.

Kasayama is best saved for last, as he has the most health and can guard physical attacks. He can also Taunt individual party members and inflict them with Rage, rendering them uncontrollable and only able to use regular attacks against him. This wears off after a couple turns, however.


A great way to add some extra damage is using Ichiban’s Fearless Command to buff your party’s physical attacks paired with Nanba’s Gnarly Breath to lower Kasayama’s defense.

This last section of the fight is more about outlasting his attacks, while pouring on as much damage as possible. Be mindful of your party’s health and MP, and restore either when needed.

After the fight, there will be a handful of cutscenes to watch. Once you’ve regained control of the party, head back to Otohime Land and report to Nonomiya about the situation.

After a gruesome cutscene, this chapter will be over.

Up Next: Chapter 5: The Liumang Man

PreviousChapter 3: The Town At Rock BottomNextChapter 5: The Liumang Man

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Chapter 4: The Dragon Of Yokohama - Yakuza: Like a Dragon Guide - IGN (1)

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Name: Duane Harber

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.