Can/May I ask you a question? (2024)


Senior Member


1. Can I ask you a question?
2. May I ask you a question?

Assuming that the person who is asking has the ability to ask questions. Which one is correct?
I think it should be #2.

Thanks. I will summary what I understood here.

Can I ask you a question?
Talking about capability.
May I ask you a question?
Asking for permission.
In addition, "may" version is more polite than the "can" version.
Please correct me if I am wrong.


Senior Member

English - U.S. (Midwest)

Can I ask you a question?
Talking about capability.

Yes, technically "can" deals with capability, but I don't think anyone realistically thinks of a stranger saying "Can I ask you a question?" as "Am I capable of asking you a question?"

May I ask you a question?
Asking for permission.
In addition, "may" version is more polite than the "can" version.

Realistically speaking, both ask for permission and neither is offensive, but yes, "may" is still more polite than "can."

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Can/May I ask you a question? (2024)
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