Cake Storage Requirements (2024)

Cake Storage

Plain Butter Cakes, Single or Multiple Layered Cakes, Cake from a Mix

Room Temperature

Storage Note:

Be sure to cover tightly but do not refrigerate. If you do not have a cake keeper, cover the cake with a large inverted bowl, cover it with foil, or store in a large airtight container. Store at room temperature for approximately 5 days. Freeze for longer storage, up to 3 months.

Angel Food Cake

Room Temperature

Storage Note:

Be sure to cover tightly but do not refrigerate. If you do not have a cake keeper, cover the cake with a large inverted bowl or store in a large airtight container. Store at room temperature for approximately 5 days. Freeze for longer storage, up to 2 months.

Chiffon Cake

Room Temperature

Storage Note:

Be sure to cover tightly but do not refrigerate. If you do not have a cake keeper, cover the cake with a large inverted bowl or store in a large airtight container. Store at room temperature for approximately 5 days. Freeze for longer storage, up to 2 months.

Pound Cake

Room Temperature

Storage Note:

Be sure to cover tightly but do not refrigerate. Wrap airtight in plastic wrap or in foil unless the recipe indicates differently. Store at room temperature for approximately 5 days. Freeze for longer storage, up to 3 months.

Sponge Cake

Room Temperature

Storage Note:

Be sure to cover tightly but do not refrigerate. If you do not have a cake keeper, cover the cake with a large inverted bowl or store in a large airtight container. Store at room temperature for approximately 1 week. Freeze for longer storage, up to 2 months.

Note: The information above pertains to cakes that are unfrosted and without any type of filling. Avoid storing a cake in the refrigerator whenever possible because refrigeration causes the cake to dry out faster and can affect its flavor. When adding frosting or a filling, the cake may require refrigeration if they contain perishable ingredients, such as fresh fruit, whipped cream, meringue type topping, eggs, or custard.

Frosting / Topping Storage

Boiled Icing

Room Temperature

Storage Note:

Be sure to cover tightly but do not refrigerate. If it is not stored airtight, it will begin to set. Once a cake has been frosted with boiled icing it can be stored at room temperature. Freezing is not recommended.

Buttercream Frosting

Room Temperature

Storage Note:

Buttercream can be stored, refrigerated, in an airtight container for up to 2 weeks before using. Remove it from the refrigerator at least an hour before using so it will warm to room temperature. It can also be frozen for extended storage. A decorated cake with buttercream frosting can be stored at room temperature for up to 3 days. If you want to refrigerate a decorated cake, place it in the refrigerator unwrapped until the frosting hardens slightly. It can then be loosely covered with plastic. Buttercream frosting can be frozen.

Cream Cheese Frosting


Storage Note:

Cream cheese frosting can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks before using. Cakes frosted with cream cheese frosting must be stored in the refrigerator. The frosting will firm up when chilled but will soften quickly when it sits at room temperature. Cream cheese frosting can be frozen.


Room Temperature

Storage Note:

Many dusting ingredients are shelf stable items that should be stored accordingly. When applied to the cake, storage time should be followed as to what is appropriate for the type of cake. When using powdered sugar for dusting, it is a good idea to wait to dust the cake just before serving because the cake can absorb the sugar, especially if it is a moist cake.


Room Temperature

Storage Note:

Unused fondant can be stored in an airtight container for up to 2 months at room temperature in a cool, dry area. Do not refrigerate or freeze. Store cakes decorated with fondant for up to 3 days at room temperature.

Fresh Fruit Topping


Storage Note:

Fresh fruit can also be added as a topping to the cake. A cake with fresh fruit topping should only be assembled within a few hours of eating it. The fruit continues to ripen even when refrigerated and its juices will begin to soak into the cake. If the cake has a cooked fruit topping that does not contain eggs, it can be stored at room temperature for up to 2 days. Refrigerate for longer storage. If the cake is going to be frozen, it is best to wait until the cake is thawed and then add the fresh fruit topping just before it is going to be served.


Room Temperature

Storage Note:

Ganache can be stored at room temperature for up to 2 days before using. If storing, be sure to cover the entire surface of the ganache. Cover with plastic wrap. Press it down so that it is covering the entire surface completely. The ganache will need to be warmed again before using. A cake covered with ganache should be stored at room temperature. If it is exposed to warm temperatures, it will begin to soften. A cake topped with ganache can be frozen but it may lose some of its sheen when thawed.

Glaze and Syrup

Room Temperature

Storage Note:

If a glaze will set at room temperature for a while before being used, it should be kept loosely covered and if it begins to thicken set it in a pan of warm water to help loosen. A glaze can be frozen but its sheen will not be the same and it will need to be reheated. A cake with a glaze or syrup coating should not have to be refrigerated unless the cake has a filling that requires refrigeration. Allow the glaze to cool and harden completely before covering the cake for storing.

Gum Paste - Sugar Paste

Room Temperature

Storage Note:

Unused paste can be stored in an airtight container, not refrigerated, for up to 2 months but be sure the container is closed tight so it does not harden. Do not freeze. Decorated cake can be stored at room temperature for up to 3 days. The gum paste will hold up fairly well on warm days but extreme heat will start to soften the paste.

Meringue-Style Frosting


Storage Note:

Does not store well, deflates easily. Recommended to prepare close to when it is to be used. If storing, it needs to be refrigerated.

Royal Icing

Room Temperature

Storage Note:

Royal icing has a tendency to dry fairly quickly so it is important to take precautions while using it so it does not dry out before you are finished. It can be stored up to 3 days at room temperature. Be sure to cover the bowl with a damp cloth and then plastic to prevent it from drying out. The icing may separate slightly but a good stirring will bring it back to a smooth texture. The royal icing on a cake does not require refrigeration. If the cake needs to be covered, the royal icing will be hard so you do not have to worry about disrupting the decorations.

Cake Storage Requirements (2024)


Cake Storage Requirements? ›

To keep cakes fresh, it's best to store them in airtight containers in a cool, dry place. If you don't have an airtight container or cake tin, use can also use an overturned bowl (although it won't keep the cake as fresh). To keep cakes fresh for more than 1 week, try freezing them.

How long can cake sit out unrefrigerated? ›

How long can cake sit out unrefrigerated? If your cake is frosted with buttercream, it will last covered at room temperature for up to four days. However, it is best to refrigerate cakes with other frostings such as cream cheese or ganache. A fully covered unfrosted cake will last for up to 2 days at room temperature.

How should homemade cake be stored? ›

Store under cake cover or large bowl.

If a cake has a fluffy cooked frosting, insert a knife handle under an edge of the cake cover so it isn't airtight. The frosting can be totally absorbed by the cake when stored in an airtight container.

Is it better to put a cake in the fridge or leave it out? ›

Most cakes—the butter-based cakes, oil-based cakes, chiffon cakes, and sponge cakes of the world—keep well at room temperature for at least one to two days.

What is the recommended storage time for cake? ›

If that's the case, storing your cake at room temperature is the best way to keep it fresh. Just be sure to keep it away from heat and direct sunlight, and in a cake box if possible. If you do this, your cake should stay fresh for up to three days.

Can you eat a 2 week old cake? ›

Most cakes can be stored in a freezer for up to one month, or in the fridge for one week. Cakes are best sliced frozen for crisp edges, but for the best flavor, allow your leftover cake to hang at room temperature for thirty minutes to an hour before digging in.

What happens to cake if not refrigerated? ›

The shelf life of a homemade cake without refrigeration depends on factors like ingredients and climate. Cakes will likely go bad in humid climate. Generally, it can last 1-3 days at room temperature if stored properly in an airtight container. After that, it's best to refrigerate or freeze it for longer storage.

How long does cake last in an airtight container? ›

Plain Cake: If it's a simple sponge or pound cake with no dairy-based fillings or frostings, you can usually keep it at room temperature for up to a week if it's well-wrapped or stored in an airtight container.

Does cake with buttercream frosting need to be refrigerated? ›

Buttercream cakes can be stored at room temperature for up to three days as long as they are properly covered using an airtight container. This will prevent the cake from drying out. It is OK to store a buttercream cake in the fridge if the kitchen is going to be too hot or humid.

How long does cake last in the fridge without frosting? ›

If you really want to prolong the freshness, then cake with no filling or frosting (plain cake layers or a bundt cake) will last about 7 days, covered well, in the refrigerator.

Can I eat week old cake? ›

Cakes that have been refrigerated properly can last up to one week.

Does refrigerating cake dry it out? ›

Warning! Do NOT store cake in the refrigerator long-term unless it includes a topping or filling that needs to be refrigerated, e.g., whipped cream, custard, and their ilk. Your perfectly moist cake, no matter how well wrapped, will start to dry out after a day in the fridge.

Do Costco birthday cakes need to be refrigerated? ›

Made with fresh buttercream, Costco cakes are perishable. Some people have had success with leaving them out at room temperature for a couple of days, but technically, they're not shelf-stable and should be refrigerated before the event.

How do you store a cake and keep it moist? ›

Using an air-tight container is the best and easiest way to keep your cake from getting exposed to air. However, if you don't have one of those, you can wrap your cake in cling film, or if it's iced, place a large inverted bowl over it to trap the air.

Can I eat cake after 10 days? ›

In general, most homemade cakes can be stored at room temperature for 2 to 4 days. If the cake has perishable fillings or frostings (like cream cheese or whipped cream), it might have a shorter shelf life and need refrigeration. Refrigerated cakes can usually last around 3 to 7 days.

Is it safe to eat cake left out overnight? ›

But, First: Do I Need to Refrigerate My Cake? Most of the time, the answer is no. Most cakes, frosted and unfrosted, cut and uncut, are perfectly fine at room temperature for several days.

How to tell if cake has gone bad? ›

Olfactory Cues: A cake that's going bad will often have an off-putting or sour smell. If your cake smells like anything other than cake, it's time to toss it. Textural Cues: If the cake feels overly hard or you encounter mushy spots, that's a sign that it's either dried out or beginning to spoil.

Does cake with cream cheese frosting need to be refrigerated? ›

From Paula's Pumpkin Bars to Giada's Spiced Apple-Walnut Cake With Cream Cheese Icing to the classic Red Velvet Cake, it's hard to escape cream cheese frosting's creamy goodness. So does it need refrigeration? Food Network Kitchens: Yes, you should always refrigerate any cake or cupcake that has cream cheese frosting.

How long can cake sit out with cream cheese frosting? ›

Cream cheese is a perishable food, and per, perishable foods should not sit in room temperatures for longer than two hours.

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