Breast Milk Smells Like Eggs - Why & What to Do (2024)

It takes a lot of hard work to build up a stash of breast milk for your little one and I remember feeling so proud of the stash I had accumulated for my little girl until one day when I realized my breast milk smells like eggs! Luckily I discovered this wasn’t as bad as I thought and there was a good explanation behind it and even ways to fix it. Keep reading to find out how I did it without wasting any milk.

Breast Milk Smell Like Eggs- Why?

If you find that your stored breast milk smells like eggs then you might assume this means it’s going off and not safe for consumption, but you may have high lipase in your breastmilk which can cause a sour or soapy smell and taste. You might have also eaten something that is affecting your milk or be taking a new medication that is making your breast milk smell different. Keep reading to find out more.

If My Breast Milk Smells Like Eggs is it Bad?

Breast Milk Smells Like Eggs - Why & What to Do (1)

After a few pumping sessions you will be more than familiar with what is considered normal for your breastmilk, which can make a sudden change in smell and taste extremely concerning and you might question if it is safe enough to feed your little one.

Sometimes your breastmilk may just smell a bit different and leave you wondering what has changed, so let’s take a look at the reasons why your breast milk smells like eggs or seems different than usual.

1. Storage

The way you store your milk will affect its taste, smell, and appearance. You may have noticed this if you have left any expressed milk standing and seen as it separates into layers, which is completely safe and normal.

When you freeze and thaw your breastmilk this can create a different reaction which makes the taste and smell seem different than when it was freshly pumped which is why it is usually suggested you feed your baby fresh milk, but frozen is still a perfectly good option too.

To safely store your breast milk you can leave it at room temperature for up to 4 hours, in the fridge for up to 3 days, or in the freezer for up to 6 months for safe consumption. If you have thawed breastmilk in the fridge then it can stay for 24 hours, or at room temperature for two hours but once you have thawed frozen milk then you cannot re-freeze it.

2. Medication & Food

The importance of a varied healthy diet continues from pregnancy and still applies during your breastfeeding journey. Your baby will be comforted by the unique smell and taste of your milk which is why they may not seem happy if you consume something that creates a change in flavor.

During breastfeeding, you need to be careful about the medications you take as some may transfer through your milk and hurt your baby. Before taking any medication it is advised you check the information on thelevelsof each substance that may be passed on.

3. Lipase

Finally, the most common reason why your breast milk smells like eggs is usually linked to higher lipase levels. You won’t notice this straight away in your milk and will usually occur within 12-24 hours as the longer the milk sits in the fridge or freezer, the stronger the smell will be.

Although this is annoying, these enzymes are beneficial for your baby as it helps to make the fat-soluble nutrients available to the baby and makes it easier on your little one’s digestive system.

Strategies To Fix High Lipase Milk (Egg Smelling Breastmilk)

High lipase milk is commonly reported as having a smell similar to eggs, vomit, or slightly metallic but it is still safe for your baby to consume, although you may find they prefer fresh milk instead of frozen because of the effects of high lipase.

If your milk smells or tastes sour or soapy then this doesn’t mean your milk is bad, and there are ways you can prevent it from happening in the future.

‣ Scalding

The term scalding means to heat your freshly expressed breast milk to around 180 degrees Fahrenheit (82 degrees celsius) to inactivate the lipase before freezing or refrigerating the milk to prevent the lipase issue from making your breast milk smell like eggs.

Scalding milk that has already started to change and tastes sour or soapy won’t fix the issue unfortunately so if you know your milk has high lipase then prevention is key. Scaling may lower the nutrient levels and destroy some antibodies in the milk, but as long as all the milk your baby consumes isn’t scalded you should be fine.

If you have a stash of milk with high lipase this doesn’t mean it needs to be wasted though, you can mix it with fresh milk to try and mask the smell or taste that is making your baby reject their milk. Alternatively, you could donate the milk to a milk bank where it could be fed through a tube and still retain its nutritional value.

Using Fresh Milk

If you want to avoid the difficulty of having to scald your milk then you could start a pumping routine where your baby only consumes fresh milk before it turns into high lipase milk.

You can store your milk in the fridge and test it every few hours to see at what point it turns and has a different smell or taste to it, and then you will know how soon after pumping your milk it will need to be consumed.

Spotting Spoiled Breastmilk

You may be wondering if your breast milk smells like rotten eggs, is it bad or can my baby drink it? Breast milk can take on a different smell for several reasons including dietary changes, medication, or high lipase. As long as your breast milk has been safely stored and collected then it should be safe for your baby to drink.

If your breast milk smells like boiled eggs this can as a result of excessive lipase as to why your stored breast milk smells like eggs. It is still safe for your baby to drink but they may not like the taste of it. You can try mixing it with another batch of fresh milk to eliminate this smell.

Unfortunately, your breastmilk can go bad and you need to be cautious that you aren’t giving your baby spoiled milk.

The appearance of your milk will be the first indicator of whether it is safe to consume or not. You may be shocked when you first see that your milk has separated into layers, but this is completely normal as the rich fatty milk rises to the top and the watery hydrating content goes to the bottom.

In milk that is safe to drink, a quick swirl will easily re-mix your milk to its usual texture, however, if your milk is bad then you may see that there are chunks in your milk that will not mix down, this is a sign your milk has gone bad.

If your breast milk has not been stored properly according to the safety recommendations for its location then it will be spoiled too, even if it seems fine in appearance. Thawed breastmilk should be used within 24hrs of being placed in the refrigerator, or within two hours at room temperature.

Freshly expressed milk lasts much longer and can be used for up to 4-6hrs at room temperature between 60-70°F, or 3 days in the refrigerator at 39°F or cooler but you should always trust your instinct when it comes to feeding your baby. If you think your milk is not suitable for your baby and may have gone off, then don’t use it as this could cause serious health issues in your little one.

You can always contact a Breastfeeding counselor to get more help and information about breast milk storage and how to easily exclusively pump for your baby.

Wrapping Up

Now you know the answer to the question you’ve been asking yourself, “breast milk smells like eggs, why?” It can be disheartening to think that the breast milk you spent so long pumping is going to waste if it develops a funny smell or taste, but there are several reasons why your milk is doing this.

High lipase is a common issue for many women who have expressed their milk and causes their breast milk to smell like eggs but by following careful storage methods and scalding your milk you can prevent the stress of worrying about if your milk is safe to feed your baby.

The best way to avoid the stress of worrying if your milk is safe to consume is by feeding your baby freshly expressed milk whenever possible by using the proper storage methods to manage the situation and avoid a premature end to your breastfeeding journey.

More to Read:

  • Can You Microwave Breast Milk?
  • Can You Put Breast Milk Back In Fridge After Warming?
  • How Long Is Reheated Breast milk Good For?
  • How to Combine Breastfeeding and Pumping
Breast Milk Smells Like Eggs - Why & What to Do (2024)


How can I stop my breast milk from smelling? ›

Scalding fresh milk will stop the enzymes from breaking down the fat, preventing that soapy smell and taste. Scalding milk does reduce some of the beneficial components in breast milk, however, so give your infant fresh breast milk whenever possible. Do you have questions about the smell or taste of your breast milk?

What does it mean when your breast milk stinks? ›

If it does smell or taste sour, then it indicates the presence of rancid fats and chemical oxidation. Try changing your diet to eliminate the problem. If it smells fine and tastes a bit sweet, put it in the refrigerator. Every few hours, do another smell and taste check.

Can high lipase make baby sick? ›

IS IT DANGEROUS FOR MY BABY TO DRINK HIGH LIPASE MILK? NO! The milk is still perfectly fine for them to drink! Many babies, however, will not drink the milk because of the smell and taste.

What kills the smell of milk? ›

Apply Baking Soda

Baking soda has been used for decades to eliminate odours. It's inexpensive, so use it liberally! Sprinkle baking soda directly on the carpet or upholstery where the milk spill occurred. Feel free to go well beyond its original borders; the bacteria may have begun to spread.

How do you know if breast milk is spoiled? ›

Thawed breast milk has a sour smell Pure breast milk is usually ivory white, has a pleasant aroma, is not sour, different from other types of milk. other. Therefore, when opening the bottle or milk storage bag, you smell fishy, ​​sour, unpleasant, not fragrant, then breast milk is definitely spoiled or expired.

How can I lower my lipase naturally? ›

This enzyme helps the intestines break down fats. Inflammation or injury to the pancreas can cause lipase to diffuse into the bloodstream.
How to lower lipase levels
  1. intravenous fluids.
  2. medications to control the pain.
  3. not eating for a recommended period, then starting a bland diet.

Can my baby drink high lipase milk? ›

Lipase is an enzyme that breaks down the fats in your milk to help baby digest it. When lipase occurs in excess, this process happens much more rapidly and can make the milk taste off or sour after a period of time. Milk with excess lipase is safe to drink, but some babies dislike the taste and refuse it.

What are the symptoms of high lipase? ›

These include excessive thirst, frequent urination, extreme tiredness (fatigue), and weight loss. This is often temporary. Symptoms of pancreatitis may include nausea, sweating and weakness. You may also notice pain in the middle of your chest, which may move or radiate to your back.

Why does my breast milk smell like sulfur? ›

Lipase is an important enzyme found in human milk. Lipase breaks down the milk fats into small particles that babies can easily digest. Although it's never been proven, it's thought that high levels of lipase might explain why the milk of some mothers begins to smell bad, refrigerated or frozen.

Should breastmilk have a smell? ›

Breast milk generally has very little odour. Sometimes it may smell or taste like something the mother has eaten recently, or been stored next to in the fridge, such as onion or garlic. Sometimes it is said to smell or taste sweet or soapy, metallic or even a little sour.

What foods make breast milk taste good? ›

20 Things Moms Can Eat To Make Breastmilk More Tasty For The Baby
  • 20/20 Liquorice And The Like.
  • 19/20 Carrots For Crunching.
  • 18/20 Garlic, Balsamic & Parmesan Spread.
  • 17/20 Minty Desserts.
  • 16/20 Caraway Seed Rye Bread.
  • 15/20 Mexican Rice.
  • 14/20 Chicken With Licorice & Ginger.
  • 13/20 Savory Licorice Potatoes.
15 Nov 2018

How do I know if my milk is high lipase? ›

How can you tell if you have high lipase breast milk?
  1. Milk that has a soapy smell or taste.
  2. Milk that has a metallic smell or taste.
  3. Milk that has a fishy or sour smell or taste after it's been thawed, or after about 24 hours of being stored it in the refrigerator.
23 Jul 2021

What causes too much lipase? ›

A very high level of lipase is usually a sign of acute pancreatitis. Higher than normal levels of lipase may be caused by: Diseases of the pancreas, including a blocked duct (tube), or pancreatic cancer. Chronic kidney disease.

What is a dangerously high lipase? ›

The normal range for adults younger than 60 is 10 to 140 U/L. Normal results for adults ages 60 and older is 24 to 151 U/L. Higher than normal levels of lipase mean that you have a problem with your pancreas. If your blood has 3 to 10 times the normal level of lipase, then it's likely that you have acute pancreatitis.

How do I change the smell of milk? ›

Roast 1 bay leaf, 1 black cardamom, 1 green cardamom and 2 cloves. Once done, pour the roasted ingredients in the milk. Let it work its magic for atleast 4 hours. You will find that the pungent smell has been camouflaged properly by the mixture and the milk has infact become fragrant making it possible for consumption.

How long does it take for milk smell to go away? ›

How Long Does Sour Milk Smell Last? Depending on which method you use and how fast you clean the spilled drink, the sour milk odor can disappear as fast as overnight or at least one week.

What is the best enzyme cleaner for milk? ›

Product description. Valet Pro Enzyme Odour Eater is lemon scented to immediately mask odours. Then over a 24hr period enzymes go to work digesting the bacteria food source, the bacteria then dies off, as will the smell. This product will sucessfully eliminate milk, sick, dogs and other unpleasant odours.

How do I know if my breast milk is infected? ›

They may include:
  1. Breast tenderness or warmth to the touch.
  2. Breast swelling.
  3. Thickening of breast tissue, or a breast lump.
  4. Pain or a burning sensation continuously or while breast-feeding.
  5. Skin redness, often in a wedge-shaped pattern.
  6. Generally feeling ill.
  7. Fever of 101 F (38.3 C) or greater.
13 Sept 2022

Will spoiled milk hurt baby? ›

A small sip of spoiled milk is unlikely to cause symptoms beyond a bad taste. Drinking larger amounts of spoiled milk can cause stomach distress resulting in abdominal cramping, vomiting and diarrhea (like a food-borne illness).

What can cause breast milk to spoil? ›

Make sure to store it in the back where the temperature is coldest and never store breast milk in the refrigerator door, as the temperature fluctuations could cause the milk to spoil. Note that thawed breast milk, however, stays fresh for only 24 hours in the fridge.

How do you cleanse lipase? ›

Lipase enzyme was purified by sequential methods of ammonium sulfate precipitation and Sephadex G-100 gel column chromatography. The molecular weight of purified enzyme was 31.40 kDa on SDS-PAGE. This purification procedure resulted in 2.90-fold purification of lipase with a 24.10% final yield.

What foods cause high lipase? ›

Foods to limit include:
  • red meat.
  • organ meats.
  • fried foods.
  • fries and potato chips.
  • mayonnaise.
  • margarine and butter.
  • full-fat dairy.
  • pastries and desserts with added sugars.

Does freezing milk slow lipase? ›

Previous studies have indicated that only when milk is stored at temperatures below −70 °C or pasteurized before freezing will the milk lipase activity be inhibited, which delays the process of milk lipolysis [10, 11].

What foods to avoid if you have high lipase? ›

Limit fats and oils, such as butter, margarine, mayonnaise, and salad dressing, to no more than 1 tablespoon a meal. Avoid high-fat foods, such as: Chocolate, whole milk, ice cream, processed cheese, and egg yolks. Fried, deep fried, or buttered foods.

How long does it take for lipase levels to return to normal? ›

Lipase levels rise 4–8hrs after an acute pancreatic attack, reach peak levels within 24 hrs and return to normal within 7-14 days.

Can stress increase lipase levels? ›

Serum amylase, lipase, C-reactive protein, IL-6, IL-10 and plasmatic hsp72 as well as pancreatic and lung myeloperoxidase were significantly elevated in AP after stress while pancreatic amylase and lipase were significantly reduced. AAR blockage ameliorated AP after stress.

What does healthy breast milk smell like? ›

What does it smell like? Most moms say breast milk smells like it tastes — like cows' milk, but milder and sweeter. Some say their milk sometimes has a “soapy” smell. (Fun fact: That's due to a high level of lipase, an enzyme that helps break down fats.)

Can you drink your own breastmilk? ›

"There's no danger to it, but it's just kind of strange." "Breast milk is definitely great nutrition, great protein and great calories, and ounce for ounce it's low in calories for an adult," said Cheryl Parrott, a registered nurse and board-certified lactation consultant who runs a private practice in Indiana.

What should you avoid eating while breastfeeding? ›

What foods and drinks should I limit or avoid while breastfeeding?
  • Alcohol. There's no level of alcohol in breast milk that's considered safe for a baby. ...
  • Caffeine. Avoid drinking more than 2 to 3 cups (16 to 24 ounces) of caffeinated drinks a day. ...
  • Fish. Seafood can be a great source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids.

What is the color of healthy breast milk? ›

A color that's normal for one mother might not be normal for another — so you shouldn't necessarily go out and compare color notes with all your breastfeeding friends. But in most cases, breast milk is lighter in appearance, usually white, although it can have a slightly yellowish or bluish hue.

What shouldn't you eat while breastfeeding? ›

After all, molecules from the food you eat can make their way through your breast milk and into baby's system. But here's the good news: There really isn't a list of foods to avoid while breastfeeding. “There are actually zero foods that every breastfeeding woman should avoid completely.

Why are you not supposed to shake breast milk? ›

There is no published evidence to support that shaking actually damages breast milk when compared to swirling. Many of the issues identified with shaking are better described as myths, and simply do not hold up when the actual shear forces are calculated.

What infections cause high lipase? ›

While acute pancreatitis is among the differential diagnosis for elevated lipase levels, several other causes of elevated lipase levels have been identified including several reports Salmonella species as a causative agent.

Can Covid cause high lipase? ›

Multivariable analysis demonstrated an association between elevated lipase values and mechanical ventilation (n=173; odds ratio, 2.55; 95% confidence interval, 1.6-4.08). Of the 20% of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 and elevated pancreatic enzymes, only 1.5% had a clinical diagnosis of AP.

How do you check your pancreas? ›

  1. Blood tests to look for elevated levels of pancreatic enzymes, along with white blood cells, kidney function and liver enzymes.
  2. Abdominal ultrasound to look for gallstones and pancreas inflammation.
  3. Computerized tomography (CT) scan to look for gallstones and assess the extent of pancreas inflammation.
24 Sept 2021

Where does lipase come from? ›

Lipase is produced in the pancreas, mouth, and stomach. Most people produce enough pancreatic lipase, but people with cystic fibrosis, Crohn disease, and celiac disease may not have enough lipase to get the nutrition they need from food.

Can liver problems cause high lipase? ›

Patients with liver cirrhosis had serum levels of amylase and lipase significantly higher than both the healthy subjects and the patients with CAH, while no significant differences were found in serum levels of these enzymes in patients with CAH as compared to the healthy subjects.

How long does it take for lipase levels to go down? ›

When the pancreas is damaged or inflamed, it produces larger amounts of lipase. If you have acute pancreatitis, blood levels of lipase are usually highest during the first day that symptoms develop. Levels of lipase usually return to normal within 14 days.

Does freezing milk right away help with high lipase? ›

What I discovered — and what you should try to do if you also suffer from overactive lipase — is to freeze your milk AS SOON AS POSSIBLE after you've pumped it. This slows down, and possibly stops, the lipase reaction, keeping your milk fresh.

How common is high lipase in breastmilk? ›

Only a small number of women have excess lipase activity in their breast milk. If you do have high lipase breast milk, know that there's nothing wrong with you or your milk.

Will milk banks take high lipase milk? ›

We will happily accept your high lipase milk, as will our recipient babies. Lipase is destroyed during our pasteurization process. Just make sure not to heat your milk before donating it.

What foods help lower lipase? ›

You should eat lean meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, beans, whole grains and other low-fat foods when you are recovering from pancreatitis.
Your pancreas makes three enzymes:
  • Lipase that helps to break down fats.
  • Protease that helps with proteins.
  • Amylase that breaks down starches in your diet.

What causes high lipase? ›

A very high level of lipase is usually a sign of acute pancreatitis. Higher than normal levels of lipase may be caused by: Diseases of the pancreas, including a blocked duct (tube), or pancreatic cancer. Chronic kidney disease.

What should breast milk smell like? ›

What does it smell like? Most moms say breast milk smells like it tastes — like cows' milk, but milder and sweeter. Some say their milk sometimes has a “soapy” smell. (Fun fact: That's due to a high level of lipase, an enzyme that helps break down fats.)

How much can I sell my breastmilk for? ›

Buy, Sell, and Donate Breast Milk is a group with 5,000 members. Typically, mothers sell their milk on these groups for around $3 per ounce. However, some mothers will sell their milk on sites like Only the Breast for as much as $16 per ounce.

Can you mix breast milk and formula? ›

If you're wondering if you can mix breast milk and formula in the same bottle, the answer is yes!

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Name: Greg O'Connell

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.