Average Golf Score By Age (And How To Improve It) (2024)

If you’re an average weekend golfer you probably get a bit frustrated by your game and your scores. What you probably won’t realize is that your scores are most likely very close to average. In this post, I’m going to be talking about the average golf score based on age and then a few simple ways you can improve your scores.

According to the USGA, the average score for recreational players is 91 on a par 72 golf course. These numbers take into account everyone who actively records their scores and reports them online, and since a lot of golfers don’t do this, the average golf score for all golfers is much closer to 100.

Age RangeAverage Score
All Golfers91

These numbers are the averages for people who actually keep track of their handicap. A lot of golfers don’t, and since that’s the case, you could probably add 9-10 strokes to these numbers. The good news is that your score is something you can easily improve with the right couple of tweaks. We’ll get into that next.

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We want to keep this article accurate. In the comments below, let me know your age and the score you normally shoot.

Ages 20-30

Average Golf Score By Age (And How To Improve It) (1)

The average score for someone between 20 and 30 years old is 90 on a par 72 golf course. This number is for golfers who actually report their scores and keep track of their handicaps. A lot of people don’t do this, so it’s probably safe to say that the average score is 10 strokes higher.

The majority of people in this age range are just getting started with golf and don’t have a whole lot of experience. The reason they score better on average is that they’re generally more athletic than when they get older.

Ages 30-40

The average score for someone between 30 and 40 years old is 92 on a par 72 golf course. A little bit worse than the younger folk and a little bit higher than the overall average. Again, the average score is probably 9-10 strokes higher.

I think the reason people in this age range shoot a bit higher is that you have a lot of new golfers going out for the first time. They aren’t as athletic as they were 10 years ago and that’s why the score is a bit higher.

Ages 40-50

Average Golf Score By Age (And How To Improve It) (2)

The average score for someone between 40 and 50 years old is 92 on a par 72 golf course. It’s the exact same as the previous range and I think the reason is that most people in this age range don’t get out a whole lot and don’t have much time to practice.

Ages 50-60

The average score for someone between 50 and 60 years old is 91 on a par 72 golf course. I think the reason the scores are slightly better is that people in this age range have more time to spend playing. They might be retiring soon and they should still be in decent athletic shape.

Ages 60+

The average score for someone over the age of 60 is 92 on a par 72 golf course. These people have a lot of time to play golf but they’re getting older and their body doesn’t work quite as well as it used to. Obviously, you’ll have some golfers shoot much better and some that shoot much worse. These numbers are just averages.

What’s Your Handicap?

Now that you know the averages based on age, you might be wondering what your handicap is and what it actually means. If you’re a 10 handicap then you’ll get 10 strokes to start the round. It’s just an easy way to compete against someone else that is better or worse than you.

If you shoot between 70 and 75, your handicap will be between 1 and 2. If you shoot between 76 and 80, your handicap will be between 3 and 5. If you shoot between 81 and 85, your handicap will be between 6 and 9. If you shoot between 86 and 91, your handicap will be between 10 and 13. If you shoot between 92 and 97, your handicap is between 14 and 19. If you shoot between 98 and 101, your handicap is between 20 and 24.

Average ScoreHandicap
All Golfers13-14

Tips To Improve Your Score

Average Golf Score By Age (And How To Improve It) (3)

There are a bunch of different ways you can improve your game and the simple answer would be to learn the correct technique and practice every single day. Easier said than done, I know, but if you want to improve your game drastically then it’s what you have to do.

The good news though is that there are a few simple things you can do to slightly improve your game quickly. It’s what I did when I was getting started and I think it could help you too. You’ll still need to practice a good amount but they are quick and simple tweaks.

The first thing you definitely need to do is learn the basic fundamentals. Things like grip, stance, and posture are super important to have right (and most people don’t). All these advanced drills and methods do work but you’ll get 80% of the way there by focusing on the basics.

What I’d recommend you do is read Ben Hogan’s Five Lessons (on Amazon). It’s a short read but it’ll talk about all this stuff. It’s probably the best training I’ve ever been through.

The second thing I’d recommend you do is to get the right golf ball. Most people use whatever they can find, or worse yet, use what they see on TV. All golf balls are different, some are designed for pros, while others are designed for beginners. If you use the wrong ball then you’ll get bad results.

With the right ball, you’ll get more distance, more forgiveness, and you’ll hit more greens and fairways. What I’d recommend for the average golfer (who shoots around 90-100) is to use a 23 piece ball that has low compression and low spin.

  • Golf Ball Comparison Chart
  • Best Golf Balls For Average Golfers
  • Best Golf Balls For Mid Handicappers

The third thing you can do is focus on less distance and more fairways. This was something I ended up doing and it improved my scores right away. If you’re constantly hitting from the rough it’ll be really tough to shoot good scores.

If you want to improve your golf game you need to keep your ball in play. I ended up benching my driver and woods and would hit a hybrid off the tee. My shots only went about 210 yards but I was in the fairway 80% of the time.

  • Best Hybrids For Mid Handicappers

If you tend to slice or hook your driver then don’t use it. Same for your woods. If you have to hit an iron off the tee to keep it in play, do that. As long as you hit the ball 200 yards off the tee, you can still put up some decent scores.

Those are the three things I did to pretty much improve my scores overnight. I’m not saying it’s guaranteed to work for you but it should. Once you have these three things dialled in then you can start learning some advanced tactics and techniques.

Articles Up Next:

  • Average Club Distance By Age
  • Average Wedge Distances
  • Average Driver Distance By Age

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Average Golf Score By Age (And How To Improve It) (4)

Jon Webber

The mission is to become a scratch golfer and play the top courses around the world. I created Out Of Bounds Golf to test different products and techniques and share them with other average players.

As an avid golfer and enthusiast with a deep understanding of the game, I can confidently provide insights into the average golf scores based on age and offer valuable tips for improvement. My expertise stems from years of personal experience, continuous research, and a genuine passion for the sport.

The average golf scores presented in the article are derived from data provided by the USGA, reflecting the scores of recreational players on a par 72 golf course. It's important to note that these averages are based on individuals who actively record their scores online. Given that not all golfers participate in score reporting, the actual average scores for all golfers are likely higher, possibly by 9-10 strokes.

Let's delve into the age-specific breakdown of average scores:

  1. Ages 20-30: The average score for individuals in this age range is 90 on a par 72 golf course. The relatively lower scores can be attributed to the generally higher athleticism of this age group.

  2. Ages 30-40: Golfers between 30 and 40 years old have an average score of 92, which may be slightly higher due to new players entering the game and a potential decrease in overall athleticism compared to the 20-30 age group.

  3. Ages 40-50: The average score for golfers aged 40-50 is also 92, likely influenced by limited time for practice and fewer outings.

  4. Ages 50-60: Golfers between 50 and 60 years old show a slight improvement in average scores, with an average of 91. The additional time for playing and potentially better athletic shape contribute to this trend.

  5. Ages 60+: Golfers over the age of 60 have an average score of 92. Despite having ample time for golf, age-related physical limitations may impact performance.

The article also touches upon handicaps, with the explanation that a handicap reflects the number of strokes a player receives at the beginning of a round. The provided handicap ranges for different score brackets help golfers understand their skill levels in relation to others.

For those looking to improve their golf scores, the article suggests a few tips:

  1. Focus on fundamentals: Learn and master basics such as grip, stance, and posture, as they play a crucial role in overall performance.

  2. Choose the right golf ball: Select a golf ball that suits your skill level, providing the desired distance, forgiveness, and performance.

  3. Prioritize accuracy over distance: Concentrate on hitting more fairways rather than maximizing distance, potentially leading to better overall scores.

These tips, based on my personal experience and expertise, offer practical advice to golfers seeking improvement. Remember, while advanced techniques are valuable, a strong foundation in fundamentals can make a significant difference in your game.

Average Golf Score By Age (And How To Improve It) (2024)


How do I get better at golf scoring? ›

Getting the best score in golf is all about taking advantage of how much time you have and adjusting your strategies. If you want to improve your game, focus on your swing tempo and try to aim for the famous 3:1 ratio. Changing your grip can also make a huge difference. Most of all, remember you improve with practice.

What is the average golf score for a 70 year old man? ›

The statistic “Golfers in the 70-79 age group average about 95” indicates that the average score for golfers aged between 70 and 79 years old is around 95. This means that, on average, these golfers shoot approximately 95 strokes per round.

What is the fastest way to raise your golf score? ›

The fastest way to improve your golf score requires attention to a few different areas of the game that are very important to focus on. These include golf course management, golf course strategy, short game, putting, accuracy, and awareness of your game.

What is my handicap if I shoot 82? ›

The average 18 hole par course is 72. If you shoot 75 you are playing, approximately, to a 3 handicap. If you shoot 82, you would be playing, approximately, to a 10 handicap.

How do I lower my golf score by 10 strokes? ›

If you want to lower your score by 10 strokes, you must know the areas of your game that are the weakest. For many players, the weakness is around the greens, the putting, and the chipping.

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Senior Golf Distance Chart
Driver185-200 yards
3 Wood175
5 Wood165
7 Wood155
9 more rows

How far should a 72 year old man hit a driver? ›

In that subsection of handicaps, here's how average driving distances break out by age group in Arccos' study: 20s = 237 yards; 30s = 234 yards; 40s = 225 yards; 50s = 216 yards; 60s = 205; and 70s = 194 yards. The takeaway: Yep, you probably don't hit your drives as far as you think you do.

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Average Yards by Age Group
Age RangeAverage Driver Distance
40-50220 yards
50-60211 yards
60+196 yards
All Golfers219 yards
2 more rows
Jun 15, 2023

How can I improve my golf game at home? ›

Have a professional show you how to hold the club, and find a hold that works for you.
  1. Perfect your posture in the mirror. Perfect posture will put you in an athletic position to start your swing and help make it easier to consistently make contact with the golf ball. ...
  2. Get flexible. ...
  3. Putt indoors. ...
  4. Chip indoors. ...
  5. Plan a trip.
Dec 5, 2020

How do you hit consistently in golf? ›

The solutions to becoming more consistent in golf predominantly center around your grip setup, ball position, wrist position, posture, alignment, and rhythm. In addition, you must work on your chipping, learn to read greens, and employ a pre-shot routine for a clear mind on every swing.

What's my handicap if I shoot 90? ›

If you shoot a 90, your handicap comes in at the upper mid-range at 18. That means there's much room to improve, but you're doing great.

What is a scratch golfer? ›

A scratch golfer is an individual who can shoot par or better on any given golf course. This feat requires a mastery of the fundamentals of golf, from tee shots, fairway shots, and approach shots to putting. Scratch golfers are also known as zero-handicap golfers.

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If you shoot 95, your handicap is likely around 22 to 24. You're considered a high-handicap player.

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8 Actionable Tips to Break 85 in Golf Consistently
  1. Control Your Wrists – To Control the Face of the Club.
  2. Be Smart From the Tee Box.
  3. Lay Up.
  4. Aim for the Middle of the Green.
  5. Choose the Right Club.
  6. Improve Your Lag Putting.
  7. Three Wedge Swings.
  8. Have a Pre Shot Routine.

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Follow this 30-day plan to transform your golf skills.
  1. Day 1: Get a Professional Golf Lesson. ...
  2. Day 2: Practice Your Grip Every Day. ...
  3. Days 3–6: Improve Your Stance and Posture. ...
  4. Day 7: Learn Basic Swing Mechanics. ...
  5. Days 8–10: Do Daily Flexibility Exercises. ...
  6. Days 11–12: Perform Repetition Drills at the Driving Range.
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