How much driving distance golfers lose as they age, according to new data (2024)

By: Alan Bastable

How much driving distance golfers lose as they age, according to new data (1)

As , at least one thing became very clear: the game’s overlords had no interest in dialing back distance for the vast majority of amateurs.

Good thing, because…well, you and your weekend golf buddies probably don’t feel like you’re overpowering most, if any, courses. If you’re like most amateurs, you don’t need less pop, you could do with far more of it. We know this truth to be self-evident from the Distance Insights Report, which the USGA & R&A published in 2019.

According to data in that study, the average driving distance for amateur male “club” golfers in 2019 was 216 yards; for female club players that figure was 148 yards. With those distances — forget 7,000-yard courses, even 5,000-yard courses would be under no threat of extinction.

The data in that report, which also included other years dating to 1996, was collected in the UK, with roughly 1,700-2,000 drives measured annually for male amateurs and 200-300 for females.

But now there’s an even more comprehensive (and recent) data set —not from the governing bodies, but from shot-tracking app Arccos.


In 2022, the company said its users recorded more than 3.5 million rounds and 184 million shots, which allowed Arccos to produce its own distance study for the men’s amateur game. Arccos’ findings, which it published this week, are based on 20 million driver swings, dwarfing the governing bodies’ Distance Report sample set. In a fun wrinkle, Arccos shared not only distance numbers sorted by age and handicap but also accuracy figures.

Let’s dive in!

First, the obvious stuff: better players hit the ball farther, as do younger players. The longest hitting group, at 274 yards per poke, are plus-handicaps in their 20s, while the shortest hitting group, with a 157-yard average driving distance, are 30-plus handicaps in their 70s.

Now let’s look at average golfers. According to the USGA, the average Handicap Index in the U.S. is 14.1. In that subsection of handicaps, here’s how average driving distances break out by age group in Arccos’ study: 20s = 237 yards; 30s = 234 yards; 40s = 225 yards; 50s = 216 yards; 60s = 205; and 70s = 194 yards.

How much driving distance golfers lose as they age, according to new data (3)

The takeaway: Yep, you probably don’t hit your drives as far as you think you do.

Perhaps even more interesting are Arccos’ driving accuracy stats.

Again, looking at the “average” golfer set, players in their 20s hit just 39% of their fairways in 2022. But older golfers do better: 30s = 40%; 40s = 44%; 50s = 47%; 60s = 51%; and 70s = 56%.

How much driving distance golfers lose as they age, according to new data (4)

The takeaway: Losing distance stinks, but look at the bright side —as you become less flexible and powerful, you’re statistically more likely to find the short stuff.

The power-and-accuracy sweet spot among all ages and handicaps? That distinction goes to plus-handicaps in the 15-19 age group. According to Arccos’ data, this select group of sweet swingers averaged 273 off the tee while hitting 53% of their fairways.

Ah, to be young again. Well, young and really, really good.

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How much driving distance golfers lose as they age, according to new data (5)

Alan Bastable Editor

As’s executive editor, Bastable is responsible for the editorial direction and voice of one of the game’s most respected and highly trafficked news and service sites. He wears many hats —editing, writing, ideating, developing, daydreaming of one day breaking 80 —and feels privileged to work with such an insanely talented and hardworking group of writers, editors and producers. Before grabbing the reins at, he was the features editor at GOLF Magazine. A graduate of the University of Richmond and the Columbia School of Journalism, he lives in New Jersey with his wife and foursome of kids.

How much driving distance golfers lose as they age, according to new data (2024)


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60-69: 204.5 yards. 70+: 190.4 yards.

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Most senior golfers will hit a driver between 185 and 200 yards.

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In that subsection of handicaps, here's how average driving distances break out by age group in Arccos' study: 20s = 237 yards; 30s = 234 yards; 40s = 225 yards; 50s = 216 yards; 60s = 205; and 70s = 194 yards. The takeaway: Yep, you probably don't hit your drives as far as you think you do.

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Golf Club Distance Charts for Amateur Golfers: Ladies Over 60 Years Old
ClubMid Range 60-70 yoMid Range 70-80 yo
Driver140–180 yards120–160 yards
3 Wood120–160 yards100–140 yards
5 Wood110–145 yards80–120 yards
Hybrid115 – 135 yards85 – 115 yards
11 more rows
7 days ago

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Average Golf Score By Age
Age GroupAverage Golf Score for Men
50s96 – 101
60s98 – 103
70s100 – 105
80s102 – 107
3 more rows
Dec 21, 2023

How to get more distance with a driver for seniors? ›

Instead of focusing on swinging harder, senior golfers should aim for a long and loose swing. This approach allows for greater club head speed and generates more power without sacrificing control. To achieve a long and loose swing, it is essential to lengthen the backswing.

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While swing speed can vary among individuals, the average swing speed for a 70-year-old golfer typically ranges from 60 to 80 mph. It's important to remember that these numbers are approximate and can vary based on various factors such as physical fitness, technique, and overall health.

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Your brakes can only decelerate your car by a certain amount per second, so the faster you're going, the longer it takes to stop. Because of this, the typical stopping distance at 70mph is 96 metres, while the stopping distance at 50mph is 53 metres, little more than half as much.

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Pie Chart: Driving Distances

The pie chart clearly outlines that the majority of golfers are in the 200 -224 yards section, with the second biggest segment being 225 -249 yards. Nearly 70% of amateur golfers, have an average driving distance of less than 250 yards. This may come as a surprise.

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Senior golfers are best suited for a senior shaft because of their slower swing speeds. Regular flex and senior flex golf shafts differ in flexibility, so choosing the right one for optimal performance is crucial. Golfers come in all shapes, sizes, and ability levels, and so do their swings.

How to increase golf driving distance? ›

Improving your swing mechanics is the foundation for increasing your driving distance. Focus on generating more power by optimizing your posture, grip, and stance. To maximize your clubhead speed, make sure you have a smooth and controlled swing, allowing you to unleash the full potential of your driver.

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Use Resistance Training

Resistance training can be highly effective in increasing swing speed. Exercises like squats, lunges, and deadlifts can build lower body strength, which is crucial for generating power in your swing.

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Swing Speed Distance Charts For Ladies
Swing SpeedDriver3-wood
75-84 mph210-230185-205
85-95 mph230-250205-225
96-106 mph250-280225-255

How far does the average 70 year old man drive a golf ball? ›

Golfers in their 60s and beyond often hit the ball between 180–220 yards.

What is the average golf swing speed for a 70 year old man? ›

While swing speed can vary among individuals, the average swing speed for a 70-year-old golfer typically ranges from 60 to 80 mph.

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The pie chart clearly outlines that the majority of golfers are in the 200 -224 yards section, with the second biggest segment being 225 -249 yards. Nearly 70% of amateur golfers, have an average driving distance of less than 250 yards. This may come as a surprise.

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Some tips for those starting their golfing journey.
  1. Learn how to hit the ball a long way first, and then how to hit it straight afterwards.
  2. Keep practise fun; play games, make bets with friends and have a laugh.
  3. Spend twice as much time on your short game as you do your long game.
  4. Play with people better than you.

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Name: Duncan Muller

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.