Arnis Program | True Martial Arts Sammamish (2024)

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Modern Arnis Programs

Our school teaches Tae Kwon Do, Arnis, and Self Defense. Collectively taught, each are complimentary to one another and contributes to developing a proficient and well-rounded Martial Artist.

Arnis, also known as Kali or Escrima, is the national self defense martial art of the Philippines that emphasizes weapon-based fighting. Arnis also includes hand-to-hand combat, joint locks, and weapon disarming techniques. The style is great for increased capability in close combat, hand-eye coordination, reaction times, dexterity, brain function, depth perception, agility & stability, and practicality for defending yourself from weapon attacks. At True Martial Arts, students practice Arnis with one or two 26 inch sticks, open hand, short sword and dagger, long bo, and long sword.

Arnis is a formidable close-combat martial art because of its progressive nature. The techniques flow from one to the next, inflicting more damage and gaining greater control of the opponent with each sequence of movements.

Arnis helps to develop hand-eye coordination which can result in enhanced athleticism and more efficient performance of daily functions.

Arnis develops quicker reflexes and reaction times which is important for self defense. Being able to react quickly helps to detect, block, or evade an attack.

Keeping our palms and fingers in good working shape is important for function in performing the many tasks we complete with our hands. Arnis is a proven activity that can help dexterity through strengthening and increasing your range of motion in your hands and fingers.

Arnis is a mentally stimulating activity that helps to build up your brain function. Many Arnis drills require the memorization of patterns, being ambidextrous, and quick thinking.

Arnis helps you to see the world in three dimensions by giving you a refined sense of effective angles of attack and defense. Depth perception refers to your eyes' ability to judge the distance between two objects. It helps people perform simple, everyday tasks, like safely crossing a busy street or taking the stairs without the risk of misjudging them and stumbling.

Your training in Arnis will focus on footwork drills to develop useful movement and work conditioning and strength. With dedicated practice you will notice a significant improvement in your agility & stability.

An intricate part of Arnis training are the techniques used to eliminate the threat of an opponent’s weapon, providing real-life practicality for defending yourself from weapon attacks.

Modern Arnis

Modern Arnis is the system of Filipino fighting arts founded by Grandmaster Remy Presas as a self-defense system. His goal was to create an effective self-defense system that preserved the traditional Arnis movements. Throughout the 1980s and 1990s Remy Presas traveled extensively for seminars in the United States and throughout the world. He came to Los Angeles in 1981, where he took a liking to the students and instructors of Choi Karate Institute and decided to stay for a while. SBN Thomas Zoppi, was among his first West Coast Black Belts. Thomas Zoppi helped him put together the materials for his first book, titled “Modern Arnis: The Filipino Art of Stick Fighting”. When Thomas Zoppi relocated to Washington State and founded True Martial Arts, Remy Presas came to the school regularly in the 1980’s and 1990’s to teach his Modern Arnis. Although Grandmaster Remy Presas passed away in 2001, his style and teachings still live on at True Martial Arts and around the world.

Arnis Program | True Martial Arts Sammamish (2)

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Arnis Program | True Martial Arts Sammamish (2024)
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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.