Arnis the Sport (2024)

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Arnis is the national martial art sport of Philippines. It is also known as Eskrima and Kali. This sport actually emphasizes weapon based fighting which is done using knives, bladed weapons, sticks and various improvised weapons. It also includes hand to hand combat, grappling and weapon disarming methods.

Arnis the Sport (3)Arnis stick fighter

The primary weapon used in this traditional martial art sport of Philippines is called a cane or a baton. The cane or baron varies in sizes but the original length of it is 28 inches. The cane used in this sport is also considered sacred by the Arnisadores practitioners, which is why the cane is hit on the hand or forearm of the sparring partner and not at the latter’s cane during the sport.

This sport was known as the defensing sport in the past by the practitioners. The Philippines is known all around the world for its blade culture which has originated from this sport.

Similar Sports

  • Kendo — a form of Japanese martial art that originated from kenjutsu, using bamboo swords and armor.
  • Fencing — competitors face each other and attempt to touch each other with the tip of a thin sword.
  • Canne de Combat — a French martial art in which opponents battle each other inside a ring with a cane in one hand.
  • Singlestick — a martial art that uses a wooden stick, which began as a way of training sailors in the use of swords.
  • Dumog — a Filipino style of wrestling while standing upright

Other Filipino Sports

  • Sipa — a sport from the Philippines in which the aim is to kick the ball to the other side of the net onto the opponent’s side without it touching the ground.
  • Sikaran — a form of kickboxing from the Philippines, which utilizes only the feet, the hands are only used for blocking.

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Arnis the Sport (2024)


What is Arnis as a sport? ›

Arnis, also known as Kali or Escrima, is the national self defense martial art of the Philippines that emphasizes weapon-based fighting. Arnis also includes hand-to-hand combat, joint locks, and weapon disarming techniques.

Which country is Arnis originally from? ›

It originated from the Philippines and was developed by the indigenous people to defend themselves from foreign invaders. Arnis was later used by the Philippine Revolutionaries to fight against the Spanish colonizers. The sport has since evolved and has become a popular form of self-defense and a cultural art.

Is Arnis a Filipino game? ›

Arnis is a Filipino martial art and is the legally recognized national sport in the Philippines.

What are some interesting facts about Arnis? ›

Today, Arnis is one of the three weapon-based fighting sports in the country under the umbrella term of Filipino Martial Arts. The other two are Kali and Eskrima. Together with hand-to-hand combat, grappling and weapon disarming techniques, arnisadores use bastons (sticks) made of either rattan or kamagong wood.

What does Arnis symbolize? ›

The Filipino people's sense of nationalism, patriotism, and national identity is reflected in arnis as a part of their rich historical and cultural heritage.

How important is Arnis for you being a Filipino? ›

Answer: Arnis is an important part of the Filipino identity. It reflects the Filipino people's history, philosophy and culture . Above all arnis was developed by the indigenous Filipino people who used and assorted range of weaponary for combats.

Is Eskrima effective in a street fight? ›

Escrima is a great choice for a street fight because it focuses on quick moves and is easy to use against a knife attack. Filipino martial arts focus on flexible ideas in addition to being useful. Your teacher will talk to you about how to attack from different heights and angles.

What is the main benefit of playing Arnis? ›

Arnis is a proven activity that can help dexterity through strengthening and increasing your range of motion in your hands and fingers. Arnis is a mentally stimulating activity that helps to build up your brain function. Many Arnis drills require the memorization of patterns, being ambidextrous, and quick thinking.

What are the 12 strikes in Arnis? ›

12 Striking Techniques in Arnis – Basic Lessons
  • What are the 12 striking Techniques In Arnis?
  • #1 - Left side of the head attack.
  • #2 - Right side of the head attack.
  • #3 - Left side of the body or torso.
  • #4 - Right side of the body or torso.
  • #5 - Thrust To The Stomach.
  • #6 - Left Chest Stab.
  • #7 - Right Chest Stab.

What is another name for Arnis? ›

Arnis, also known as kali or eskrima/escrima, is the national martial art of the Philippines.

What is the primary weapon used in Arnis made of? ›

Rattan. Rattan is the most commonly used material for bastons in Arnis training. They are light, flexible and good for training in speed. They are made from dried and cut reeds and are typically cut 26–30 in (66–76 cm) in length, 0.75 to 1 in (1.9 to 2.5 cm) in diameter, and rounded at both ends.

Are escrima sticks legal? ›

Under California law, escrima sticks are not considered illegal weapons. However, there are restrictions on their use and possession in certain circ*mstances. For example, using escrima sticks in a manner that constitutes assault or battery can lead to criminal charges.

What are the 6 cardinal rules of Arnis? ›

Victory is not a stamp of invulnerability but rather a reason for magnanimity. Besides these cardinal principles, there are other principles in Arnis that the students, must remember these are: Character, sincerity, discipline, self-control, etiquette and student's loyalty to his tutor.

What is Arnis in simple words? ›

Arnis is the national martial art sport of Philippines. It is also known as Eskrima and Kali. This sport actually emphasizes weapon based fighting which is done using knives, bladed weapons, sticks and various improvised weapons. It also includes hand to hand combat, grappling and weapon disarming methods.

Is Arnis a combat sport? ›

Like all martial arts, arnis is primarily defensive, encompassing hand-to-hand combat, grappling and disarming techniques. However, the fighting style also includes the use of bladed weapons and sticks, in addition to improvised weapons.

What sport is similar to Arnis? ›

-Both are not an Olympic sport. -Both utilize bamboo sword. -Both have rules and regulations.

What makes Arnis different from other sports what is its purpose? ›

Arnis, also known as Kali or Eskrima, is a Filipino martial art that emphasizes the use of sticks, knives, and empty-hand techniques. It is a practical and effective self-defense system that focuses on using quick and efficient strikes and blocks to disarm and disable an opponent.

What are the three aspects of Arnis? ›

Historically, Arnis incorporated three related methods: “espada y daga” (sword and dagger), which employs a long blade and short dagger; “solo baston” (single stick); and “sinawali” (to weave), which uses two sticks of equal length twirled in “weaving” fashion for blocking and striking (term is derived from sawali, the ...

What are the skills of Arnis? ›

The following are the basic skills in playing Arnis:
  • Left side of the head attack. ...
  • Right side of the head attack. ...
  • Left side of the body or torso, to the left arm or elbow. ...
  • Right side of the body or torso, to the left arm or elbow. ...
  • Thrust to the stomach. ...
  • Left chest stab. ...
  • Right chest stab. ...
  • Left lower leg.
Mar 10, 2017

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