An Economic History of Leftovers (2024)

Americans’ enthusiasm for reheating last night’s dinner has faded as the nation has prospered. At times, it’s been a moral act; at others, a groan-inducing joke.

By Helen Veit

Irma Rombauer said she wrote The Joy of Cooking with “one eye on the family purse.” Maybe it’s not surprising, then, that the original 1931 edition had so much to say about leftovers. Rombauer carefully inventoried all the recipes in the book that could serve as vessels for leftovers, and she enthusiastically detailed her favorite all-purpose techniques, such as folding chopped leftovers (it didn’t really matter what) into waffle batter or mixing them with cream sauce and stuffing them into hollowed-out vegetables.

These tips resurfaced in editions of The Joy of Cooking published well after the Depression, but the tone on leftovers steadily shifted. In the early 1950s, Rombauer noted for the first time that too much budget-minded cooking could incite “family protest,” and she urged cooks not to think of leftovers as dreary. By the 1963 edition, the first published after Rombauer’s death, her daughter Marion Rombauer Becker drastically condensed the leftovers section and started it with a joke: “‘It seems to me,’ the minister said, after his new wife placed a dubious casserole on the table, ‘that I have blessed a good deal of this material before.’”

The truth was that by the 1960s leftovers were becoming a joke to a lot of people, with a grumbling husband and a mystery casserole playing stock roles. That humor was a direct result of abundance. In the postwar era, a historically anomalous food economy was coming to define American culture, as the cost of food relative to income plummeted and even the poorest Americans were less desperate for calories than they had ever been. Leftovers were coming to seem less like a signal of household abundance and more like a drag. The best way to serve them, another joke went, was to somebody else.

Leftovers hadn’t been a joke to earlier generations of Americans. In the 19th century, in fact, Americans had rarely talked about leftovers as a discrete category of food at all. Cookbook authors then occasionally discussed “fragments” or “réchauffés,” but using up leftover food was so fundamental to everyday cooking and eating that most people didn’t have a special name for it. Breakfast was usually a meal of leftovers, the meat or beans or pie (or anything, really) left from the day before. Simmering stockpots were crucial catch-alls for kitchen scraps. Techniques like pickling, potting, smoking, and salting defined 19th-century cuisine because, before reliable refrigeration, cooking and food preservation were barely distinguishable tasks. Americans turned leftover milk into an array of longer-lived dairy products, and they drank whiskey and hard cider by the gallon in part because alcohol kept leftover grains and fruits edible long after they were in season. Foods that weren’t preserved had to be eaten quickly.

But by the turn of the 20th century, Americans’ relationship with leftovers was changing. Iceboxes were becoming standard features in middle-class homes, and early electric refrigerators soon followed. Refrigeration made it possible to keep highly perishable foods edible for days simply by keeping them cool, and that prompted an enormous shift in American cuisine. A whole arsenal of home preservation techniques, from cheese-making to meat-smoking to egg-pickling to ketchup-making, receded from daily use within a single generation. The unique properties of coldness as a preservative meant that the same meal could reappear in virtually the same form, day after day. It was no accident that the term “left-overs” was coined in this era, or that one of the first cookbooks devoted to them, the 1910 Left-Over Foods and How to Use Them, was commissioned by a refrigerator company.

An Economic History of Leftovers (2)

But even as refrigeration turned leftovers into a distinct culinary category, they still weren’t anything to laugh about. Americans in the early 20th century spent about 40 percent of their incomes on food, on average, and poor people spent even more. Diseases of malnutrition such as pellagra and rickets plagued the poor, and urban tenements were filled with families who never had the luxury of food uneaten between one meal and the next. Middle-class and wealthy Americans were often visibly bigger and taller than poor and working-class people because they had had access to ample calories during their childhood growth spurts. In this era, having leftovers and an icebox to put them in were status symbols.

Leftovers took on moral urgency in World War I, when the United States launched its first formal international food-aid program. Intended to provision European allies in regions where the war had upended food production and distribution, the initiative included a home-front conservation campaign focused on getting Americans to eat their leftovers. Propaganda instructed housewives to use up every crumb and to cook leftover-incorporating dishes such as goulashes and casseroles.

In their zeal to send whatever food they could to war-torn Europe, a lot of individuals went further still. Some said restaurants should resell the uneaten food scraped from dirty plates. Others argued that it was immoral to keep pets because they ate food that could be used to feed hungry Belgian babies. (A neutral country invaded by Germany at the beginning of the war, Belgium was, to Americans, the prototypical victimized country.) That was true, at least in theory; at the time, American dogs and cats lived mainly on human food past its prime, such as stale bread and souring milk. In wartime, some Americans actually killed their pets rather than continue feeding them leftovers, and newspapers across the country celebrated them as patriots.

Leftovers’ patriotic glamour dimmed in peacetime, however, and by the mid-1920s Americans were openly discussing the “problem of leftovers,” a new source of annoyance as food prices fell and home refrigeration became almost ubiquitous. As abundance democratized leftovers, wealthy people increasingly went out of their way to emphasize that they rarely ate them. For instance, some white southerners publicized the fact that they sent their domestic servants home with the leftovers from their own dinners. Never mind that those same employers used that practice—“pan-toting,” as it was called—to justify wages whose miserliness could not possibly be made up for by somebody else’s leftover food.

But another wave of pragmatism set in during the Depression, when, at the same time that tens of thousands of Americans were investing in The Joy of Cooking’s economical cooking advice, radio broadcasts sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture reminded listeners of the crucial importance of eating leftovers in lean times. “Of course, if you’re the wife of a multimillionaire, you probably won’t bother much about leftovers,” winked one broadcast. For everybody else, making the most of leftovers was both important and potentially pleasurable. And that pleasure came from creativity.

In fact, the economic imperatives of the Great Depression helped to usher in a golden age of leftovers, a three-decades-long stretch that was inspired by the family budget but sustained by aesthetics. Then, if it was a good thing to reheat leftovers, it was even better to mix them with sauce and sculpt rice rings around them. Transformation was key. Leftovers of all kinds could be hidden in a potpie, blanketed in crepes, chopped up and molded into meat loaf.

In the hands of an imaginative chef, leftovers were scarcely recognizable as such when they made it back to the table, but the goal was less deception than alchemy. One recipe for leftover carrots, for example, called for pureeing them, mixing them with breadcrumbs and seasonings, then reshaping them into long cones topped with parsley so that they resembled, of all things, carrots—it was like painstakingly painting wood in faux bois. The elaborateness of such culinary stunts made the point that as the ultimate test of a cook’s skill and imagination, leftovers, maybe even more than first-run foods, could be art.

But leftovers’ glory didn’t last. By the 1960s, an enthusiastic approach to leftovers was coming to seem a little pathetic. The genre-busting leftover recipes of the previous three decades—the “Beef Put-Togethers” and the “Ham Banana Rolls with Cheese Sauce” and the gelatin salads quivering with “remnants from the relish tray”—felt off-putting rather than exciting. Leftovers were becoming a joke. A gelatin salad filled with leftovers might feed a lot of people, joked Peg Bracken, the author of the 1960 satire I Hate to Cook Book and its sequels, but that was only because so few went back for seconds.

A big reason for the growing aversion to leftovers was that by the 1960s Americans in large numbers were financially secure enough not to have to worry too much about wasting food. Americans were spending only about a quarter of their incomes on food by then, and that percentage was falling every year. All the scraping and planning that had to go into reincarnating leftover egg whites or boiled vegetables seemed a waste of time when those foods were cheap to start with. Don’t bother, Peg Bracken advised readers: “When in doubt, throw it out.”

In fact, leftovers have always been uncomfortably close to garbage, and that proximity became glaringly obvious when leftovers lost both their economic and moral urgency. Facing the daily cost-benefit analysis of repackaging old meals for a reluctant family, home cooks increasingly just threw their leftovers away, albeit sometimes after letting them age in the back of the fridge for a while. Throwing away edible food was a prerogative of financial security, and Americans began doing it an awful lot.

And perhaps it was that very cavalierism towards waste, which in many ways defined American attitudes towards food for the rest of the 20th century, that is finally bringing leftovers back into fashion now.

Today, Americans spend just over 10 percent of their incomes on food, on average—less than any people in the history of world. But food waste has come to seem unaffordable in other ways. More Americans are becoming aware of the externalized costs that go into food, from the water needed to grow it to the fuel required to transport it, cool it, and cook it, to the questionable government policies that keep certain crops cheap and the wages paid to farm workers miniscule. Gleaning and scavenging and scrimping have become righteous statements in some quarters. Foraging, meanwhile, has been elevated to high cuisine.

And then there’s taste. Some things, such as fish and salad greens, are clearly superior when they’re absolutely fresh. But a lot of other foods, such as soups and curries, taste better a day or two or three after they were made. It’s an argument chefs have been making for a long time, and it seems to be finding new purchase on mainstream habits—leftovers might actually be entering another golden age. The Joy of Cooking, now in its online iteration, encourages the repurposing of leftover meats in tikka masala, Vietnamese bún bowls, and molé. Once again, the cookbook is effusing about the possibilities of leftovers—this time almost entirely from the perspective of pleasure.

Helen Veit is an associate professor of history at Michigan State University. She is the author of Modern Food, Moral Food: Self-Control, Science, and the Rise of Modern American Eating in the Early Twentieth Century.

An Economic History of Leftovers (2024)


What is the history of leftover food? ›

Until the icebox (aka proto-refrigerator) became standard in many homes at the turn of the 20th century, “leftovers” didn't exist. Because there was no way to keep food in the form a freshly prepared meal took at the table, preservation of remaining food was as much a part of the culinary process as preparation.

What did people do with leftovers before refrigeration? ›

Many preservation practices other than refrigeration — like salting, drying, smoking, pickling and fermenting — have been used for a long time.

Can I eat 5 day old leftovers? ›

Leftovers can be kept for 3 to 4 days in the refrigerator. After that, the risk of food poisoning goes up. If you don't think you'll be able to eat leftovers within four days, freeze them right away. Frozen leftovers will stay safe for a long time.

What is considered a leftover? ›

1. : something that remains unused or unconsumed. especially : leftover food served at a later meal. usually used in plural.

When did leftovers become a thing? ›

In 1890, the term “leftover” was officially coined. This way of thinking was only further catalyzed by World War I which, according to the National Museum of American History, positioned saving and reusing food as a patriotic duty.

When did people start eating leftovers? ›

Leftovers have been a part of human eating culture since ancient man realized the fruits of a hunt would stay edible for a while if they were stored in the back of a cold, dark cave.

What did people do with leftovers in the 1800s? ›

Simmering stockpots were crucial catch-alls for kitchen scraps. Techniques like pickling, potting, smoking, and salting defined 19th-century cuisine because, before reliable refrigeration, cooking and food preservation were barely distinguishable tasks.

What did people use 100 years ago for a fridge? ›

In some countries ice was purchased so households could use an ice chest – which was three insulated boxes (similar to a fridge cavity) – ice was placed in the top box, food in the middle and a tray in the bottom (to catch the water which inevitably dripped down as the ice melted).

How did they keep food cold in the 1500s? ›

Food would be smoked, dried, salted, fermented or pickled. It would also be kept in root cellars or pits underground. Wealthy people who lived in cold climates were more likely to have an ice pit or later an ice house where they would keep ice for use in warm months.

Is 6 day old pizza safe to eat? ›

According to the USDA, if the pizza has been refrigerated at a temperature below 40 degrees, its only safe to eat for up to 4 days. The USDA says that after 4 days, you run the risk of getting a food-borne illness, such as Salmonella, norovirus, or other diseases with horrifying Latin names.

Is it safe to eat 2 year old frozen meat? ›

Poisonous microbes like bacteria are put into sleep mode by freezing. In simpler terms, it's almost impossible for most frozen foods to ever become spoiled in a working freezer. So, from a food safety perspective, your two-year-old meat is good to go. Thaw it, cook it, and enjoy it!

Is Chinese food still good after a week? ›

The Gist: Chinese food leftovers can last three to four days in the fridge. Food should never be left at room temperature for more than two hours. Store leftover Chinese food in airtight containers, not the original takeout container.

What age is a leftover woman in China? ›

Sheng nü (Chinese: 剩女; pinyin: shèngnǚ), translated as 'leftover women' or 'leftover ladies', are women who remain unmarried in their late twenties and beyond in China. The term was popularized by the All-China Women's Federation.

What is the best leftover food? ›

  • Meatloaf. Though meatloaf is often restricted to the weeknight dinner table, it is a powerhouse leftover. ...
  • Lasagna. Sure, there's nothing better than lasagna coming out of the oven hot with bubbling cheese. ...
  • Pulled Pork. ...
  • Beef Stew. ...
  • Chili. ...
  • Frittatas, Quiches and Tarts.

What is a leftover in slang? ›

Its basically when a male or female has had a relationship or relation with a person and a other person start having relation relationship with the same person you was dealing with male or female that would be your leftovers.

Why is leftover food thrown away? ›

While food waste refers to (mostly) edible food that's discarded. Usually, food is wasted due to spoilage, but it could also be because of excess supply due to ever-changing market trends and consumer eating habits.

What is the rule for leftover food? ›

How long do leftovers last? According to the FDA Food Code, all perishable foods that are opened or prepared should be thrown out after 7 days, maximum. No leftovers should survive in your fridge for longer than that. Some foods should be even be thrown away before the 7 day mark.

Why is it important to use leftover food? ›

Vegetable scraps can be utilized in #homemade stocks or blended into sauces. Leftover cooked meats can be incorporated into sandwiches, salads, or pasta dishes, while meat scraps can be #repurposed into flavorful stews or tacos. Leftover rice and pasta can be transformed into flavorful fried rice or baked pasta dishes.

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