9 Common Chocolate Truffle Mistakes—and How to Fix Them (2024)

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Updated: Nov. 03, 2023

    Having trouble making homemade truffles? We can help you avoid these common chocolate truffle mistakes.


    9 Common Chocolate Truffle Mistakes—and How to Fix Them (2)

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    Using the wrong chocolate

    It’s tempting to use the chocolate chips you have in the pantry, but they’ll make poor-quality truffles. Even the best chocolate chips and semi-sweet chocolate bars contain stabilizers and emulsifiers (like soy lecithin) that help them maintain their shape. Instead, look for high-quality baking chocolate that’s at least 60% cocoa.


    Ignoring the proper chocolate-to-cream ratio

    Traditional truffles are made from ganache—melted chocolate combined with heavy cream—so it’s important to use a 2:1 ratio of chocolate to cream. Since they have different volumes, we recommend weighing the ingredients to make sure you get it just right.

    Looking for an easier truffle recipe? Just make them with sweetened condensed milk instead.


    9 Common Chocolate Truffle Mistakes—and How to Fix Them (4)

    annick vanderschelden photography/Getty Images

    Not chopping the chocolate enough

    We make chocolate truffles by pouring heated cream over chopped chocolate, so it’s important to chop the chocolate small enough so that it melts quickly. Large chunks of chocolate will melt slowly and unevenly, which can create texture issues in the finished chocolate truffle. The chopping process might be messy, but trust us. It’s worth it.


    9 Common Chocolate Truffle Mistakes—and How to Fix Them (5)

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    Heating the cream to the wrong temperature

    There’s a fine line between over- and under-heated cream here. If the cream is boiling, it will cause the cocoa butter to separate from the chocolate, turning the truffles greasy. Of course, it needs to be hot enough to melt the chocolate, so too-cool cream won’t get the job done either. We like to bring the cream to a simmer and let it sit off the heat for three to five minutes to ensure it’s just right.


    9 Common Chocolate Truffle Mistakes—and How to Fix Them (6)

    Nicola Tree/Getty Images

    Going overboard with the flavorings

    We’re all about adding a little vanilla extract to our truffles, but it’s important not to go crazy. The reason truffles taste so good is because they’re simple and pure, so save the flavorings for the truffle’s exterior.


    9 Common Chocolate Truffle Mistakes—and How to Fix Them (7)

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    Trying to scoop before the ganache cools

    After the chocolate has melted, you’ll need to let the ganache cool before scooping it into balls. Otherwise, the process is extremely messy! Spoon the chocolate into a shallow pan (like a casserole dish), and the ganache will be easy to scoop into tablespoon-sized rounds after about 30 minutes in the fridge.


    9 Common Chocolate Truffle Mistakes—and How to Fix Them (8)

    kajakiki/Getty Images

    Not rolling the truffles in toppings

    There’s nothing wrong with the flavor of pure chocolate, but the truffles will dry out if you don’t coat the exterior. Try rolling the truffles in cocoa powder (or dipping them in tempered chocolate) for a chocolate-only experience. Of course, you shouldn’t be afraid to experiment here. Nuts, sprinkles, shredded coconut and crushed cookies are all yummy upgrades.


    9 Common Chocolate Truffle Mistakes—and How to Fix Them (9)

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    Serving truffles straight out of the fridge

    A good truffle melts in your mouth as you eat it, but that’s not possible if it comes straight out of the fridge. Let them come to room temperature for about an hour before serving. Any longer than that, though, and they may melt in your fingers before you have a chance to eat them!

    (Here’s how to store chocolate truffles!)

    Originally Published: January 21, 2021


    Lindsay D. Mattison

    Lindsay has been a food writer, recipe developer and product tester for seven years. She’s a culinary school graduate who specializes in sustainable food and seasonal ingredients. She draws on her professional chef background to develop recipes and help home cooks gain confidence in the kitchen. When Lindsay isn’t writing, you’ll find her coo...

    9 Common Chocolate Truffle Mistakes—and How to Fix Them (10)

    9 Common Chocolate Truffle Mistakes—and How to Fix Them (2024)
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