8 Mistakes to Avoid When Making Beef Stew (2024)

Making a stew sounds simple enough. Once the initial work is done, the pot just simmers away without needing much of your attention, right? But that doesn't mean it's entirely foolproof. Here are the top mistakes to avoid when making beef stew.

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Braising the Beef In Water

Stew is basically meat braised in liquid, along with other ingredients—typically potatoes, carrots, onions, and possibly some sort of tomato. The tomato can be tomato paste, diced tomatoes, or even whole canned tomatoes that you break up with a spoon while it cooks.

But no one said that the main liquid should be water. Ideally, you'll use beef stock, but beef broth is fine too.Veal stock would be divine. Instant bouillon paste will add flavor and is perfectly acceptable. Indeed, even if all you have is chicken stock, it will still be better than water and won't make your beef stew taste like chicken soup. Other options: Vegetable stock, mushroom stock, basically anything but fish stock.

The reasoning behind this is to add flavor. While water is wonderful for a great many things, broth or stock will add a wonderful depth of flavor to your stew.

Using "Stew Meat"

The reason beef chuck is so good for stew is precisely what makes it not so good for grilling: it's tough. That's because it's a muscle group that gets lots of exercise, which toughens the collagen sheaths surrounding the bundles of muscle fibers. It also consists of numerous muscles, fitted together with connective tissue between them.

All that connective tissue makes for mega chewing when cooked over high heat. But when simmered slowly? It melts away and becomes gelatin, which coats the muscle fibers, giving the meat a wonderful succulent mouthfeel, while adding tremendous body to your stew. Beef chuck is also loaded with beefy flavor. So skip the stew meat and go with chuck. Your best bet is to buy a chuck roast, trim the excess fat, and cut it into large cubes. (They'll shrink while they braise.)

8 Mistakes to Avoid When Making Beef Stew (3)

Not Searing the Beef

Once you've diced your beef, you need to brown it. Too many cooks add the meat to the cooking liquid and then go away. Yes, that will still make edible stew, but it will be bland and one-dimensional. Searing meat creates all kinds of complexity of flavors, literally by producing new flavor compounds through the magic of heat plus protein.

Moreover, brown meat is more attractive than gray meat, which is what you'll get if you don't sear your meat. Brown all sides of the cubes over high heat in a bit of oil. Don't worry about overcooking it. Braised meat is by definition well-done, and your stew will keep it from being too tough.

Including Thickeners

There's a misconception that stew ought to be "thick." True, stew is heartier than soup, but this is mostly due to the fact that the pieces of meat, potato, and carrots are bigger than they might be in ordinary soup. That, and there is also a higher solids-to-liquid ratio. But the liquid itself should not be thick in the same way that gravy is thick.

So skip the roux, and don't bother dusting the meat with flour or cornstarch before browning, either, as some recipes will suggest. That will just interfere with getting a good sear on the meat, and gum up the stew with unneeded starch. Simmering the potatoes will contribute all the starch the stew needs, and it'll be plenty thick.

8 Mistakes to Avoid When Making Beef Stew (5)

Overcooking the Veggies

Speaking of simmering, it might take an hour or more for the beef to break all the way down, but that doesn't mean you should simmer your carrots and potatoes for that long. Your onions will be fine, but mushy potatoes and carrots are a no-no. Instead, add them about 20 minutes before the end of cooking. When they're tender, the stew is done. If you're adding frozen peas? They only take a minute to heat through, so wait to the last minute before adding them.

8 Mistakes to Avoid When Making Beef Stew (6)

Not Using Any Bacon

The notion that bacon enhances beef stew should be self-evident. The best way to introduce bacon to your beef stew is to cube it up and then render it slowly in your pot, then add your carrots, onions, and celery, and sauté them for a bit before adding them. Next, add the now-browned bacon bits to the stew. You might be tempted to try to brown the beef in bacon fat, but it will end up smoking and you'll wish you hadn't.

8 Mistakes to Avoid When Making Beef Stew (7)

Forgetting the Acid

The paradox of beef stew is that all that braised goodness can be a little bit heavy on the palate. It's easy to forget to add some sort of wine, vinegar, or yes, even lemon juice, to brighten things up.

Adding some fresh thyme in the last 30 minutes of cooking can help brighten things up as well. But a squeeze of lemon juice at the very end can do wonders. Think of the way osso buco is traditionally served with a gremolata of fresh parsley, lemon, and garlic. It enlivens the palate rather than putting it to sleep.

8 Mistakes to Avoid When Making Beef Stew (8)

Serving It Right Away

This is not so much a mistake as a reminder that beef stew is one of those dishes that gets better when you heat it up the next day. The flavors continue to intermingle overnight, especially if you got a good sear on the meat to begin with, so that leftover beef stew can often surpass the original stew in terms of flavor complexity and harmony.

So, yes, by all means serve your beef stew to your hungry family as soon as it's done. That's why you made it, after all. But if you have the foresight and wherewithal to make it a day in advance and then reheat it, you'll be glad you did. At the very least, make a double batch to ensure plenty of leftovers.

8 Mistakes to Avoid When Making Beef Stew (2024)


8 Mistakes to Avoid When Making Beef Stew? ›

The addition of the vinegar adds subtle acidity that balances well with the soy sauce and the honey giving this otherwise super hearty beef stew a nice lightness to it.

What not to put in beef stew? ›

The Five Most Common Beef Stew Mistakes
  1. Choosing a meat that's too lean. Stew is not meant for all cuts of meat. ...
  2. Putting too much flour on the stew meat before sautéeing them. ...
  3. Not using wine. ...
  4. Putting the meat and vegetables together in one pan. ...
  5. Not cooking it enough.
Jun 28, 2020

Why add vinegar to beef stew? ›

The addition of the vinegar adds subtle acidity that balances well with the soy sauce and the honey giving this otherwise super hearty beef stew a nice lightness to it.

What is the secret to tender beef stew? ›

The most important key to making stew meat tender is being sure to cook it for a long time. If you want super tender beef, you'll need to cook it on a low heat in a Dutch oven on the stove or a slow cooker for at least a few hours.

What can I add to beef stew to make it taste better? ›

Vegetables: small chopped carrots, celery, and onion or shallot practically melt into the sauce. Mushrooms: button mushrooms are a nod to the quartered mushrooms many classic beef stew recipes call for, but are thinly sliced instead of being left in bigger pieces. Garlic: minced garlic brings lots of cozy flavor.

Should beef stew be thick or soupy? ›

Even the best home cook has stared down into a simmering pot of stew and realized it looked more like soup! Sure, a bowl of soup can be comforting, but a true stew in all its glory should be rich and thick in consistency.

When should you add celery to a stew? ›

Once the meat is tender - but not falling apart, add the potatoes, celery, carrots and butternut squash. Pour over another 2 cups of beef broth and enough water to cover the vegetables. Raise heat and bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer partially covered for about 30 minutes - until the vegetables are tender.

Why put tomato paste in beef stew? ›

A bit of tomato paste amps up the flavor of beef stew, giving it a richness and a punch of umami that makes the stew truly memorable.

What is the best vinegar for stew? ›

After a few minutes, the stew should thicken and be ready to be served. Test Kitchen Tip: Balsamic vinegar helps cut some of the fat and brightens the flavor.

What can I use instead of red wine vinegar in beef stew? ›

The 8 Best Red Wine Vinegar Substitutes
  • Balsamic vinegar. Balsamic vinegar is a common pantry staple in many households. ...
  • White vinegar mixed with red wine. ...
  • Sherry vinegar. ...
  • White wine vinegar. ...
  • Rice vinegar. ...
  • Apple cider vinegar. ...
  • Tamarind paste. ...
  • Raspberry vinegar.
Aug 23, 2021

How long do you cook stew meat on stove for it to be tender? ›

Cover the pot and let the stew simmer for 1.5 to 2 hours. This slow cooking method allows the meat to become juicy and tender. After the initial cooking time, add the vegetables of your choice. Carrots, potatoes, and celery are classic options that add both flavor and texture to the stew.

How long to cook beef stew until tender? ›

Add the beef, beef broth and bay leaves. Bring to a boil, then reduce to a slow simmer. Cover and cook, skimming broth from time to time, until the beef is tender, about 1½ hours.

What are the best vegetables to put in beef stew? ›

Although I added carrots, little red potatoes, rutabaga and cremini mushrooms, you have plenty of options. Parsnip, turnip, pearl onions, squash and fennel will also work. Stir them in gently and immediately return the pot to the oven for the final hour of cooking.

How do you make stew taste richer? ›

Add spices such as turmeric, coriander and cumin at the early stage of cooking, when you are frying onions and garlic, to enhance the taste of the beef stew. Fresh herbs like coriander and bay leaves also contribute a distinct flavour without making the dish too spicy for the younger members of the family.

What is the most flavorful meat for stew? ›

For example, chuck is a lean and tender cut of beef that works well in stew. However, if you would prefer a thicker and more flavorful stew, short ribs or oxtail may be better choices for you. To make a delicious stew, choose good-quality ingredients.

What are the best things to put in a stew? ›

Onions, carrots and celery (mirepoix vegetables) are classic for a reason, but don't be afraid to stray and get creative. Try using roasted garlic instead of regular garlic, or caramelize your onions before moving on to the next step. You can also add an incredible depth of flavor by adding dried mushrooms to the mix.

When should I add vegetables to beef stew? ›

Add vegetables: After 1 hour 30 minutes, carefully remove pot from oven and use oven mitt to remove lid. Add vegetables and stir gently to combine. Carefully replace lid on pot and return stew to oven to cook for an additional hour.

When should I add potatoes to stew? ›

The secret to tender and flavorful potatoes in your stew lies in low and slow cooking. Here's how you can achieve the best results: Add the potatoes to the stew during the last hour of cooking. This timing will prevent them from becoming mushy.

Are potatoes good in stew? ›

Technically any variety of potato may be used for stews and soups, so it comes down to personal preference and what's available. Yellow or gold potatoes, red potatoes, and fingerling potatoes are good choices for their thinner skins and lower starch content.

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