Insurance Executive Has A Taste Of Her Own Medicine After She Experiences Her Own “Inhumane” Hospital Birth Policy (2024)


Although many people long to become parents one day, the aspect that brings shivers down one’s spine is the actual birth itself. Not only is the process itself scary, but the costs of it can shock more than any horror movie jumpscare. Many Americans agree—the healthcare system is broken and there’s no one rushing in to fix it. However, there seem to be those that are fighting the ridiculous policies in the shadows.

One OB/GYN shared their experience with the vice president of a large health insurance corporation. They put forth a policy that reduced healthcare benefits for women who underwent cesarean section, only allowing them two days of hospital stay before being discharged, compared to the four days for vagin*l births.

Ironically enough, that same vice president was put in a situation where she required a cesarean during the birth of her twins, with the OB/GYN following their policy to a T. It’s a case of malicious compliance if we’ve ever seen one! The Redditor who goes by the name TheGynechiatrist was kind enough to comment on what happened, and provide some insights!

So strap on in, dear readers, this one’s a doozy! Make sure to leave your thoughts and opinions in the comments below, and if you’d like another story similar to this, here’s another Bored Panda article right here. Let’s get into it!

More info: Reddit

Giving birth is one of the most anticipated yet fear-inducing moments in one’s life; however, what may be scarier is the bill and insurance dealings that follow

Image credits: Tima Miroshnichenko (not the actual photo)

When health becomes a business, humanity seems to leave the room. The only ones winning are those profiting from it all, whilst the people in need of medical care suffer the despicable choice between remortgaging their homes or losing their lives. This is the American healthcare system we’re talking about—one of the most expensive in the world.


To stay alive and healthy, one desperately needs healthcare insurance, yet some of the policies they bring forth are as inhumane and inconsiderate as possible, all because they need to save a penny. One OB/GYN dealt with one such policy, one stating that women who underwent cesarean section were to be discharged in two days rather than the standard four-day hospital stay.

She shared her experience on the subreddit r/MaliciousCompliance, detailing a very satisfying moment of retribution. The VP of a large health insurance organization that helped realize this policy, was pregnant with twins herself, and would soon come to regret the decision to ever put such a ridiculous requirement forward.

One OB/GYN shared a story from back in the day, when she had the pleasure of delivering a slice of malicious compliance to a VP of a health insurance company


Image credits: Andrea Piacquadio (not the actual photo)


Image credits: Isaac Hermar (not the actual photo)

Image credits: TheGynechiatrist

TheGynechiatrist told Bored Panda that they’d been in healthcare long enough to have seen multiple personal tragedies that came at the literal cost of health insurance. “I have seen struggling families launched into personal bankruptcy, because a child has a broken bone. In the richest country in the world. This is something that should never happen,” she said.


“The way we deliver healthcare in this country will change. It must change,” she continued. “And it’s not like we have to accomplish nuclear fusion to get this done. Several European countries have shown how this can be done extremely well without sacrificing quality of care. France, Germany and Sweden are a few very good examples.I think the simplest question is whether or not we believe that healthcare is a human right. I am a physician and I believe it is.”

As noted by Amy Norton on Reuters Health, historically, there have been concerns about insurers pushing new moms to leave the hospital before they’re ready. That led to a 1996 law, known as the Newborns’ and Mothers’ Health Protection Act, requiring insurers to pay for a 48-hour hospital stay after a vagin*l delivery and a 96-hour stay after a C-section.

Still, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) says a shorter stay after a C-section is an option if the baby is ready to go home—though the mother should meet certain requirements first. They include normal blood pressure, no signs of infection at the C-section site, and adequate pain control, among other things.

In the U.S., where C-sections are done in about one-third of births, women typically stay in the hospital for three to four days after the procedure. That compares with about two days for women who deliver vagin*lly, showing how unrealistic the insurer’s expectations were when they came up with the policy.


Healthcare and health insurance are terms that are often used interchangeably; however, one doesn’t always follow the other. Where one is focused on medical practices, the other is focused on the coverage of said practices. As explained on the Business Benefits Group, not everyone that seeks healthcare services has health insurance, and those that have health insurance may not have private insurance, but instead coverage through the government or organization memberships.

However, health insurance is not something that the majority of people can get a hold of, leading to an ethical and social debate on human rights. A recent KFF polling on the public’s experiences with healthcare costs revealed that about half of U.S. adults have difficulty affording healthcare costs.

About four in ten U.S. adults said they have delayed or gone without medical care in the last year due to cost, with dental services being the most common type of care that was put off. A substantial number of adults aged 65 or older reported difficulty paying for various aspects of healthcare, especially hearing services, and dental and prescription drug costs, as they’re not generally covered by Medicare.

Interestingly, the KFF poll found that high healthcare costs disproportionately affect uninsured adults, Black and Hispanic adults, and those with lower incomes. However, even those with health insurance and those with higher incomes are not immune to the high cost of medical care.

Lastly, a study by the Institute of Medicine (US) noted that uninsured adults receive healthcare services that are less adequate and appropriate than those received by patients who have either public or private health insurance, and they have poorer clinical outcomes and poorer overall health than do adults with private health insurance.


All in all, the system is very much flawed and we can only hope that it changes for the better soon. In the meantime, it’s nice to see the consequences of one’s actions come to bite them right back on the behind, especially when it leads to the betterment of policies for generations to come. Let us know your thoughts on this in the comments below, and I shall see you in the next one!

Thankfully, the policy was changed with the Newborns’ and Mothers’ Health Protection Act. The online community rejoiced at this delightful case of karma

There were those that disbelieved the credibility of such a story, but one thing is certain—the healthcare crisis needs to be dealt with. Leave us your thoughts below!

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Insurance Executive Has A Taste Of Her Own Medicine After She Experiences Her Own “Inhumane” Hospital Birth Policy (2024)


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Liability for the wrongful death

The loved ones of someone who has died in a hospital while receiving medical treatment may be able to sue for wrongful death if the doctor, nurse, or other medical professional was negligent. Hospitals may bear liability if the negligence was committed by one or more of their employees.

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Stressful and demanding work

Most doctors work more than 40 hours a week. Their work is stressful because they deal with sick and often frustrated people. They carry a great burden on their shoulders because people lives' are in their hands. Numerous doctors feel overworked and stressed because of these pressures.

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Definition of Evidence-Based Medicine

Evidence-Based Practice is defined as, "Making a conscientious effort to base clinical decisions on research that is most likely to be free from bias, and using interventions most likely to improve how long or well patients live."

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What is euthanasia? Euthanasia is the practice of ending the life of a patient to limit the patient's suffering. The patient in question would typically be terminally ill or experiencing great pain and suffering. The word “euthanasia” itself comes from the Greek words “eu” (good) and “thanatos” (death).

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A person must have committed gross negligence, showing a reckless disregard for human life, or actual malice in order to be prosecuted for a crime. For example, if a physician performs an invasive surgical procedure while heavily intoxicated, and the patient dies, the physician could be prosecuted for manslaughter.

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Doctors' emotional reactions to the patient's death

Many doctors (103, 55%) reported that the patient's death disturbed them very little, but 43 (23%) reported that the patient's death was very disturbing to them. On average, doctors reported experiencing two (out of a possible 14) symptoms of grief after the death.

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Top 5 Most Challenging Medical Specialties
  • Neurosurgery. Regarded as one of the pinnacle specialties in medicine, neurosurgery is not for the faint of heart. ...
  • Cardiac Surgery. ...
  • Orthopedic Surgery. ...
  • Plastic Surgery. ...
  • Trauma Surgery.
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When physicians communicate with patients, being honest is an important way to foster trust and show respect for the patient. Patients place a great deal of trust in their physician, and may feel that trust is misplaced if they discover or perceive lack of honesty and candor by the physician.

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License Suspension.

They put your medical practice on hold for a specified term. Licensing boards do not take suspensions lightly and tend to impose suspensions for severe forms of malpractice.

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Evidence-based medicine categorizes different types of clinical evidence and rates or grades them according to the strength of their freedom from the various biases that beset medical research.

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Evidence-based medicine (EBM) is the process of systematically reviewing, appraising, and using clinical research findings to aid the delivery of optimum clinical care to patients.

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Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) is an offshoot of Evidence-Based Medicine. Historically, EBM primarily involved physicians and focused on the “treatment” aspect of medicine. EBM was later adopted by other healthcare professions under the term Evidence-Based Practice (Mackey & Bassendowski, 2017).

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Medical malpractice occurs when a healthcare provider, such as a doctor or nurse, deviates from the accepted standard of care and causes harm or death to a patient. While medical malpractice is not a criminal offense, it is a civil wrong for which the healthcare provider can be sued for damages.

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If they made a mistake, they may be liable for medical malpractice but are unlikely to be charged with a crime. If they acted intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly, they could be charged with a crime and held liable for medical malpractice.

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After a death

The body will then be laid out and kept in the hospital mortuary until you arrange for the funeral directors, family or whoever you chose to collect it. If you choose, funeral directors will take the body to their chapel of rest until the funeral takes place.

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Abstract. If a doctor is grossly negligent and the patient dies as a result, the doctor can be charged with manslaughter.

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Take time to reflect Each doctor handles a patient's death in his or her own way. The doctor's job is to want to take a moment to reflect on the time spent caring for the patient, remembering the positive interactions between himself and the patient: “Each of us has a mechanism.

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Medical malpractice occurs when a healthcare provider, such as a doctor or nurse, deviates from the accepted standard of care and causes harm or death to a patient. While medical malpractice is not a criminal offense, it is a civil wrong for which the healthcare provider can be sued for damages.

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The Police will arrange for a funeral director to collect the deceased and take the body into their care. If your loved one died while travelling to, or in, the hospital, they will be kept in the hospital mortuary. There will be experts on hand to inform close family immediately.

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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