7 Proven Ways to Detox from Junk Food (2024)

No matter how hard you try, you can’t run away from junk food. It’s everywhere—in your home, at work and even at school. The moment you leave the house, you’re tempted by counters full of sweets, the tantalizing aroma of fresh baked goods or your coworker’s enticing birthday cake.

So, why is junk food so addictive? Simply put: it’s designed to make us want more…and more…and even more!

Sugar, salt, fat and caffeine are the most addictive ingredients found in food. And guess what? They’re the main ingredients in junk food. Looking at any junk food nutrition label, you’ll likely see one, if not all of them listed at the very top.

Here’s a not-so-fun fact. Sugar is more addictive than cocaine! No wonder it’s so hard to say no to that tub of Ben and Jerry’s or that succulent brownie. We’re hardwired to say yes!

Sugar is eight times more addictive than cocaine!

Dr. Mark Hyman

So, how exactly can you detox from junk food? Being here is your first step to kicking your junk food addiction. In this article, we’ll share 7 proven ways to detox from junk food for good.

Let’s dig in—to the article (not a bag of chips).

Here are 7 Proven Ways to Detox From Junk Food

#1: Stop Eating Junk Food for 3 Days

Ask any recovering addict about detoxing and they’ll likely tell you the first three days are the hardest. And if it’s sugar you’re addicted to, get ready for withdrawals. Humans experience sugar withdrawal symptoms similar to cocaine addicts after quitting.

Don’t get too scared—you can do this. During the first three days, your body is working to get rid of all those toxins. Be strong and know it won’t last. You’ll feel better in 72 hours!

Do These Things to Get You Through Your First 72 Hours:

  1. Remove yourself from temptation as much as possible. If you have junk food lying around the house, throw it out. If you can’t resist that corner bakery on your walk to work, choose a different route. You can do anything for 3 days. You got this!
  2. Drink 2-4 liters of water a day. Sometimes our brain tricks us into thinking we’re hungry when we’re actually thirsty. Not only will water curb your hunger pangs, it’ll keep your skin glowing. Tip: if you hate water, add lemon, ginger, cucumber or even cinnamon sticks!
  3. When you’re getting those mid-day munchies, instead of reaching for that Snickers, take a walk. If that doesn’t do the trick, grab a healthy snack once you’re back at the office. Try chia pudding, fresh fruit or natural peanut butter with celery. Any of these snacks provide more nutrition than a candy bar and they’re way more filling. So don’t starve yourself, just choose wisely!

#2: Stick to a Balanced Plate

A recent study suggests that we prefer multi-colored food on our plate. So get colorful when you’re creating your meal.

To ensure you’re eating a well-balanced meal, the easiest way is to grab a plate out of your cupboard and divide it into fourths. One-fourth of your plate should include a lean source of protein. Two-fourths of your plate should include leafy green vegetables. The final one-fourth of your plate should be divided between a starchy carb (potatoes, pasta, sweet potato mash, etc.) and yep, you guessed it, more green leafy vegetables. Add in a sliver of fat (avocado, nuts, olive oil, etc.) and you’re good to go. For more inspiration, head here and be sure to check out our image below!

#3: Read Every Food Label

Learn how to spot addictive ingredients when you’re reading nutrition facts and ingredient labels. The longer the ingredient list, the more processed it is. Beware of foods that list sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, white flour and unfamiliar ingredients at the very top. Ingredients are listed in order of amount, so if you see sugar, fat, salt or caffeine listed first, start running for the hills. And please remember: if you see an ingredient you can’t pronounce, you shouldn’t eat it!

If you see an ingredient you can’t pronounce, you shouldn’t eat it!

To tackle your shopping and come out on top, spend most of your time on the outside aisles of the supermarket. And please, please, please go shopping after you’ve eaten. Being a hangry shopper could lead to very impulsive decisions, especially on those 2-for-1 discounts on chips!

Spend most of your time on the outside aisles of the supermarket.

#4: Form New Habits

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up? Do you check your phone? Maybe you jump in the shower—ready to start your day? If you’re like most of us, you’ve developed morning routines—habits that you’ve done over and over again until they become automatic.

As James Clear writes in his book, Atomic Habits, “habits can be divided into four steps: the cue, craving, response and reward.”

The cue might be grabbing a sugary snack around 3 pm each afternoon or taking a smoke break after lunch. The list goes on and on.

No matter what the cue, it creates a craving (”I want something sweet”), followed by a response (eating that jelly donut) and finally a reward (I feel full now).

7 Proven Ways to Detox from Junk Food (3)

But what if you want to form new, healthier habits? According to Clear, “the key to choosing a successful cue is to pick a trigger that is very specific and immediately actionable.”

For example, maybe you want to quit smoking. You promise yourself to replace that afternoon cigarette with a 5-minute bodyweight workout. You’ve just reprogrammed your brain and chosen a new cue. Now, when you get the urge for that afternoon cigarette (the trigger), you’ve replaced the initial cue (puffing that cig) with a new one (working out).

Need some help setting obtainable goals? Read more here.

#5: Plan Your Meals Ahead of Time

Healthy routines are awesome. It’s the not-so-healthy ones we need to worry about.

Sometimes it’s just so much easier to grab fast-food on the way home from work, especially when you’re exhausted from a long day.

Although it takes some effort to turn these not-so-healthy habits around, it can be done. To change up the routine of eating on-the-go or grabbing whatever’s quick, consider meal planning.

Develop a new morning routine where you pack your lunch. You can even add some nutritious mid-morning and afternoon snacks in your lunchbox! Add in an afternoon walk and start preparing your weeknight meals in advance. Use your Sundays to cook up a huge pot of vegetarian chili or make a delicious, homemade soup. This way, you’ll have nutritious food on-demand for the upcoming week.

By establishing healthy routines, the goals you’ve set for yourself will more likely stick.

#6: Take One Day at a Time

Try not to think, “OMG, I will never be able to do this.” You can accomplish anything as long as you set an attainable goal and put your mind to it. And if you fail or struggle, don’t get discouraged. Get back up and keep going. Whatever you do, don’t give up!

#7: Choose Your Friends Wisely

Last but not least, surround yourself with positive and supportive people. You become who you surround yourself with. If you subject yourself to people who are negative, insecure or destructive, you’ll definitely be impacted—and not in a nice way. No one is immune to negative energy or bad influence, so choose your company wisely. You’ll need all the support you can get when making a long-term commitment to your health and well-being.

You become who you surround yourself with, so choose your company wisely.

You Got This!

We get it—it’s not easy to steer clear of that tempting slice of cheesecake. While there are more nutritional options than ever, it’s still a challenge to just say no. But there’s light at the end of the tunnel. With the proper intention and motivation, you can make this happen. After all, your body is a temple. Fueling it with proper nutrition is just one more way of saying “I love myself.” Cheers to arriving here and being committed to making your long-term health and well-being a reality. Good luck with your journey. We’ll be cheering you on!

7 Proven Ways to Detox from Junk Food (4)7 Proven Ways to Detox from Junk Food (5)7 Proven Ways to Detox from Junk Food (6)7 Proven Ways to Detox from Junk Food (7)7 Proven Ways to Detox from Junk Food (8) (average: 4.00 out of 5)

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7 Proven Ways to Detox from Junk Food (2024)


7 Proven Ways to Detox from Junk Food? ›

Lemon or Lime juice

Lemons or limes are revered for a drink that cleans your system. Rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, lemons support the body's natural detoxification process. Starting the day with a glass of warm lemon water can kickstart the digestive process, hydrate the body and aid in detoxification.

How to flush out junk food from the body? ›

While detox diets have a seductive appeal, your body is fully equipped to handle toxins and other unwanted substances.
  1. Limit alcohol. ...
  2. Focus on sleep. ...
  3. Drink more water. ...
  4. Reduce your intake of sugar and processed foods. ...
  5. Eat antioxidant-rich foods. ...
  6. Eat foods high in prebiotics. ...
  7. Decrease your salt intake. ...
  8. Stay active.

What is the best drink to flush your system? ›

Lemon or Lime juice

Lemons or limes are revered for a drink that cleans your system. Rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, lemons support the body's natural detoxification process. Starting the day with a glass of warm lemon water can kickstart the digestive process, hydrate the body and aid in detoxification.

What can I drink to detox my body overnight? ›

For this reason, detox water is the perfect option for a detox drink before bedtime. Lemon is a natural detoxifier and strongly aids digestion. It contains high levels of vitamin C and blends in well with almost every ingredient—a bright, citrus addition to any nighttime detox drink.

How can I remove toxins from my body in 24 hours? ›

10 ways to detox your body in 24 hours
  1. What is a detox? ...
  2. Start your day with lemon water. ...
  3. Eat a healthy breakfast. ...
  4. Move your body. ...
  5. Clean up your diet. ...
  6. Enjoy a cup of tea. ...
  7. Try twisting to relieve tension — and aid digestion. ...
  8. Do some breathing exercises.
Dec 15, 2023

How much apple cider vinegar do you drink to detox your body? ›

How to do an apple cider vinegar detox
  1. 1 to 2 tablespoons of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar.
  2. 8 ounces of purified or distilled water.
  3. 1 to 2 tablespoons sweetener (organic honey, maple syrup, or 4 drops of Stevia)
Aug 29, 2018

What should I do if I ate too much junk food? ›

What to Do After You Overeat
  1. Relax. 1/12. Don't beat yourself up. ...
  2. Take a Walk. 2/12. An easy stroll will help stimulate your digestion and even out your blood sugar levels. ...
  3. Drink Water. 3/12. ...
  4. Don't Lie Down. 4/12. ...
  5. Skip the Bubbles. 5/12. ...
  6. Give Away Leftovers. 6/12. ...
  7. Work Out. 7/12. ...
  8. Plan Your Next Meal. 8/12.
Feb 21, 2023

Do cucumbers clean out your system? ›

Known among researchers for their anti-diabetic, lipid-lowering and antioxidant activity, cucumbers have a detoxifying, cleansing effect on the body. They're also naturally “cooling” and a great way to prevent dehydration, constipation and overheating. And that's not all when it comes to cucumber nutrition.

Does apple cider vinegar detox? ›

Supporters of the apple cider vinegar (ACV) detox say it helps with weight loss, removal of toxins from the body, and blood sugar regulation. Despite many anecdotal success stories, little scientific evidence exists to support these claims.

How much water to drink to flush the liver? ›

Rather than using a pill or juice to flush out from the body, you can try these lifestyle changes to help your liver clean your system: Flush out with plenty of water intake: Water is the best flushing agent. It flushes your liver and kidney when taken optimally. Make sure you have 8-10 glasses of water daily.

Does lemon water actually detox? ›

Water helps eliminate waste from the body through urine and healthy bowel movements. However, there is no evidence suggesting that lemon water is better than plain water for this. In fact, most claims that foods or beverages can cleanse or detoxify the organs are not grounded in scientific fact.

How to do a colon cleanse? ›

How can I cleanse my colon naturally? The healthiest way to flush your colon is to drink more water, increase your fiber intake, and make regular time for physical exercise. Try to have three or more bowel movements a week. Talk with a doctor about other ways to prevent constipation and avoid the overuse of laxatives.

What is the first thing to detox your body in the morning? ›

Warm lemon water

A simple and effective option to remove toxins and improve your digestive health is a glass of soothing warm water and lemon. Lemon stimulates the liver and promotes detoxification. Warm water aids digestion and can help eliminate toxins from the body.

How to get sugar out of your system immediately? ›

The quickest way to lower your blood sugar is to take fast-acting insulin. Exercising is another fast, effective way. However, in severe cases, you should go to the hospital. High blood sugar levels are known as hyperglycemia or high blood glucose.

How do you know if your body is full of toxins? ›

Some signs that your body has a toxin buildup include:
  • Brain fog.
  • Hair loss.
  • Fatigue.
  • Brittle toenails.
  • Bad breath.
  • Nausea.
  • Weight gain.

Can you pull toxins out of your feet? ›

Some people believe a foot detox can help pull toxins from your body. But research hasn't shown this. Still, soaking the feet may provide some benefits.

How long does it take to flush out junk food? ›

How long does it take for the body to flush out toxins? It depends. Food usually takes around 36 hours to leave the large intestine and colon. Afterwards, you'll have eliminated all junk food waste from the body.

How long does it take to get bad food out of your system? ›

Most of the time, food poisoning will pass within 12 hours to 48 hours in healthy people. That's how long it takes for a healthy body to purge most foodborne infections. But your length of illness can vary based on several factors.

How long does junk food stay in your stomach? ›

Dr. Lee says the entire digestive process can take several hours. Food generally stays in your stomach between 40 and 120-plus minutes. Then add another 40 to 120 minutes for time spent in the small bowel. “The denser the food, meaning the more protein or fat it has, the longer it takes to digest,” notes Dr. Lee.

How long does it take your body to detox from processed foods? ›

Jaramillo notes that gut issues (like constipation, bloating, diarrhea, and gas) are less likely to occur after avoiding processed foods for seven days. Plus, you'll probably experience a whole bevy of other benefits: increased mental clarity, better sleep, and fewer headaches.

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Name: Delena Feil

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.