6 food items you might be eating at the wrong time of the day (2024)

It's not enough to know what you should eat. You might be doing your health more harm by eating them at the wrong time.

6 food items you might be eating at the wrong time of the day (1)

You might be eating the right thing, but at the wrong time. Picture courtesy: Instagram/mkarstad/knowtoglow/strangeralien

6 food items you might be eating at the wrong time of the day (2)

UPDATED: Sep 23, 2016 19:20 IST

In this day and age, we are all well-informed, especially where our gut is concerned. We know all about the things we should be eating, the things we want to eat, and even where to eat them. We are all in tune with what our palate craves, and what our tummies are rumbling or calling out for.

What trips us at times, is the right time to eat them. Having a banana to get rid of the humger pangs, or snacking on a bar of chocolate to uplift our moods, comes very naturally. But did you know that having these goodies at the wrong time of the day can actually have the very opposite reaction?

It's true! Check our list of six food items you might be having at the wrong time, and know when's the best time to have them.

These fruits are high in potassium, strengthen our body's immune system, and improve our skin quality. Most of us, especially the health freaks among us, know that a banana is your best friend when you feel low on energy.

6 food items you might be eating at the wrong time of the day (3)

You can have bananas before workouts, but never for dinner. Picture courtesy: Instagram/zhenya_bychkova

But it's best to avoid eating bananas for dinner, or after dinner. It may lead to mucus formation, and indigestion. Nutritionist Nishi Grover recommends that one should have bananas before workouts to get some energy, but never at night.

It's true that an apple a day can keep the doctor away, because it contains pectin. Pectin helps control blood sugar and cholesterol levels, which means you should indulge in the forbidden fruit a lot. But once again, not at night.

6 food items you might be eating at the wrong time of the day (4)

Apples have Pectin, which is good for us, but difficult to digest at night. Picture courtesy: Instagram/strangeralien

Why? Because pectin is hard to digest, and since you won't be exercising after dinner to help your body metabolise it, it can lead to acidity. Nishi Grover recommends that it's best not to have fruits as a large part of your dinner, no matter how healthy they are.

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A little portion of rice, especially for us Indians, is a must every day. And let's just admit it, we need the carbs rice can provide. But what's the use of having it if it energises you, and you can't burn it off? The only result in this case is weight gain.

6 food items you might be eating at the wrong time of the day (5)

It's best to have rice in small proportions. Picture courtesy: Instagram/anaveti.fit

That's why it's best to not have rice for dinner. Have a small portion for brunch, or lunch. You'll feel satiated, but won't add on the kilos either. If you have a stronger will and want to follow a good diet to shed some weight, Nishi Grover recommends you don't have rice more than once a week.

It's a good source of protein, reduces fatigue and vulnerability to diseases. But all kinds of meat take at least four to six hours to digest.

6 food items you might be eating at the wrong time of the day (6)

Meat, even chicken, is difficult to digest if you have it at night. Picture courtesy: Instagram/mkarstad


Once again, this is not something you should be having at night, when you can't burn some calories. Nishi Grover recommends that it's best to have grilled or baked white and lean meat (chicken), because it's easier to digest. But, once again, it's not something you should have for dinner.

There's a reason why nuts like almonds, pistachios, and walnuts are recommended as a better snack than fattening snacks you might indulge in otherwise. They help keep blood pressure normal, and take good care of our hearts' health.

6 food items you might be eating at the wrong time of the day (7)

Nuts are good for us, but we shouldn't have too many of them. Picture courtesy: Instagram/alandalousnutscoffeedates

But, on the flipside, nuts are high in fat and calories, and can lead to weight gain if eaten after dinner for the same reasons as given in the case of meat, rice and apples. Nishi Grover recommends it's best to have no more than 5-6 nuts in a day.

Dark chocolate

You might have switched to dark chocolate after you learnt that it's high in antioxidants, and reduces ageing, as well as the risk of heart diseases. That's all true.

6 food items you might be eating at the wrong time of the day (8)

One should never snack on dark chocolate. Picture courtesy: Instagram/knowtoglow


But it's not something you should be snacking on either. Eating a lot of it throughout the day can increase your body fat! Nishi Grover recommends that you have a small amount of it, but never snack on it.

It's good to eat everything you want to eat, but the when and how much can really affect your body. So it's best to know what you should eat, when.

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Published On:

Sep 20, 2016

--- ENDS ---

6 food items you might be eating at the wrong time of the day (2024)
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