How Long Do Frozen Bananas Last? Pretty Sure the Answer Will Surprise You (2024)

Bananas are a great source of potassium and fiber, and they come in their own handy yellow packaging. But if eating an entire bunch between grocery trips seems like a daunting task, or you'd like to add more ease to your morning routine of deliciousbanana smoothies, storing them in the freezer might be a good idea. No matter the reason, it's important to know how long you can safely store the frozen fruit without any health risks.

Do Frozen Bananas Go Bad?

The answer for all you banana fans out there is, technically, no! When properly stored at 0 °F, frozen bananas can last forever. According to the FDA and US Department of Agriculture, you can be confident bananas frozen will stay fresh for two-to-three months without losing quality, but the fruit should stay safe for eating long after that if you freeze them correctly. Just to be safe, when taking them out of the freezer, check their consistency. If they're soft and oozing, it means they're probably spoiled, especially if their insides are dark.

What's the Best Way to Freeze Bananas?

If you like bananas sweet and don't want to lose that taste, you need to make sure the bananas are fully ripe before placing them in the freezer. To do so, let them rest at room temperature for three to five days (a tip to a faster ripening is placing them in a brown paper bag along with an apple). Once they are ripe, you can peel them, cut them into small pieces, or mash them, then store inside airtight containers to reduce the loss of moisture — this is an important step to make sure the flavor of the banana doesn't suffer. For a guaranteed-flavorful recipe, the sooner you thaw bananas, the better. It's also always a good idea to keep the bananas in a separate drawer from other foods to make sure they don't absorb smells.

How Long Do Frozen Bananas Last? Pretty Sure the Answer Will Surprise You (2024)


How long does a frozen banana last? ›

Freeze bananas for up to 3–6 months. Freezing bananas beyond 6 months may be fine, but the peeled bananas do begin to darken over time, and then they thaw into an overly mushy mess. I've found up to 6 months is fine, and under 3 months is even better.

How long do bananas stay good for? ›

To start you want to place them in a dry area. If stored correctly, you'll have ripe bananas in 2 to 5 days. If you're curious about how to keep bananas fresh for longer, you should know about how to store bananas in your refrigerator. If you place them in the refrigerator, fully ripe bananas will last 5 to 7 days.

Can you eat bananas that have been frozen for a year? ›

Ideally, use frozen bananas within about 6 months. If you leave them in the freezer any longer, they may develop freezer burn. Fortunately, while freezer burned bananas may be of lower quality, they're still safe to eat. For recipes like smoothies or ice cream, you can use frozen bananas straight from the freezer.

How do you keep frozen bananas from turning brown? ›

To prevent the bananas from turning brown in the freezer, make sure to use an airtight container, or freezer-safe plastic bag. Exposure to air is what causes bananas to brown, so as long as they're sealed tightly, you won't have any issues with browning.

Do frozen bananas go bad? ›

Frozen bananas will stay good for about 2-3 months, although you can safely consume them for several months beyond that window. If, like me, you tend to forget when you originally froze the fruit, label the filled container or bag with the date you froze them.

Does freezing bananas make them last longer? ›

If done correctly, you'll have ripe bananas for 2 to 3 months and will stay good for use when stored in the freezer over the long term.

Do bananas turn brown in the freezer? ›

After thawing and peeling a banana frozen in its peel, it will come out of the peel in an essentially mashed texture. Freezing bananas in their peels causes them to turn a brown (or even black!) color, which can be off-putting, but they're perfectly safe and delicious for that next loaf of banana bread.

Do bananas last longer in fridge or room temp? ›

Some folks scowl at the thought of putting bananas in the fridge. But if you have a banana that you want to keep perfectly ripe for a few more days, move it to the refrigerator. The cool temperatures help slow down the ripening process so the banana won't turn to mush for a bit longer.

How do you know if bananas have gone bad in the freezer? ›

Just to be safe, when taking them out of the freezer, check their consistency. If they're soft and oozing, it means they're probably spoiled, especially if their insides are dark.

Is it better to freeze bananas with or without the peel? ›

Peel the bananas

First things first, get that peel out of the way! Peeling bananas before freezing them is by far the best route to go. I've tried it both ways, and there is nothing messier than trying to remove a peel from a frozen banana.

Can dogs eat bananas? ›

Yes, dogs can eat bananas. In moderation, bananas are a great low-calorie treat for dogs. They're high in potassium, vitamins, biotin, fiber, and copper. They are low in cholesterol and sodium, but because of their high sugar content, bananas should be given as a treat, not part of your dog's main diet.

Can apples be frozen? ›

Sweeter apples such as Fujis or Galas are more likely to hold their flavor than tart varieties, but any apple will do fine in the freezer for six to nine months. Perhaps more important to keep in mind, though, is that freezing an apple does alter the texture, leaving the flesh spongier than that of a fresh apple.

Can you freeze pineapple? ›

Next time you spot a great deal on pineapple, stock up. With minimal fuss, you can freeze this tasty, nutritious fruit.

How to free bananas? ›

You can leave the banana whole, or slice it in half. Then arrange them in a single layer on a baking sheet and place it in the freezer for about 1 to 2 hours, until they're completely frozen. Store the bananas away.

How do you know if frozen bananas have gone bad? ›

Changes in texture, such as becoming mushy or slimy: Frozen bananas should maintain their firmness and texture. If they become mushy or slimy, it's a sign that they have deteriorated and are no longer suitable for consumption.

Is it better to freeze bananas with or without peel? ›

You can freeze whole, peeled bananas in large plastic bags like smaller banana chunks. You can also freeze bananas whole in their peels, but this will only work if you want mashed bananas. After thawing and peeling a banana frozen in its peel, it will come out of the peel in an essentially mashed texture.

How long do bananas last in the freezer for smoothies? ›

Freezing Whole Bananas

(This will make them harder to separate later.) Secure the lid and store the bananas in the freezer overnight. You can store them in the freezer for up to 3 months, and use them as needed in smoothies, nice cream, and more.

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