5 Fruits for Low Blood Pressure – Tips to Control BP| SBI Life (2024)

Hypertension and high blood pressure might be more common, but another disorder that affects people is hypotension or a blood pressure reading below 90/60 mm of Hg. It is a serious disorder and occurs mostly due to old age. If left untreated, it can lead to other complications, including heart attack and stroke. The causes of low blood pressure can range from some medications to a disease like diabetes. Though medications can help, here are sometips and foods for low blood pressurethat help you bring your blood pressure up to a healthy level.

Increase your intake of fluids​

Low blood pressure might be caused due to dehydration. A decrease in the volume of water in your body can decrease blood volume causing a blood pressure drop. Hence, you need to drink enough water to make sure that you are hydrated throughout the day to increase your blood pressure. Maintain a bottle or a chart to track your water intake. However, keep away from sodas and sugary drinks as they cause more harm than they are beneficial

Increase your intake of salt

It is common knowledge that salt raises blood pressure. Hence, to raise your blood pressure include more salt in your diet. Some good sources of salt for low blood pressure patients include olives, fish like tuna, and cottage cheese. You can also eat salty crackers; however, make sure to choose the healthy variety that are low in trans fats and added sugars. If you are adding more salt to your food, ensure that it is iodised and healthy table salt.

Cut down on carbohydrate

Foods that digest quickly tend to cause a sudden drop in blood pressure. Carbohydrates typically digest very easily and hence would be a bad choice for people suffering from low blood pressure. Hence it is advisable to cut off foods like candy, sugar, soft drinks, bread among others for low blood pressure patients.

5 Fruits for Low Blood Pressure – Tips to Control BP| SBI Life (1)

Include foods containing vitamin B-12

Not enough vitamin B-12 in the body can cause anaemia which may lead to low blood pressure. You can add foods containing B-12 to your daily diet to increase your blood pressure.Foods for low blood pressure patientsthat are rich in this vitamin include eggs, animal meats and nutritional yeasts. Some cereals are also packed with Vitamin B-12. Additionally, you can also take supplements. But remember to consult your doctor before you use them.

Are you eating enough folate?

Not eating enough folate can also lead to anaemia which can cause low blood pressure. Include foods that are high in folates like asparagus, beans, and lentils in your diet. Fruits containing folate can help increase blood pressure.Fruits good for low blood pressure patientsinclude lime, orange, and grapefruit. Also, make sure to have your dose of green leafy vegetables. You can also add eggs and liver in your diet as they are a rich source of folates.

Hypotension though in itself can be treatable, it may lead to complications that require expert care and hospitalisation. The medical bills may be hefty and may cause you financial stress. Hence, it is advisable to purchase a health insurance plan well beforehand to be prepared. You can also attach a critical illness cover to your insurance plan if there is a provision. It can act as an accessory to the lifeinsurance plan and protect you in time of need.

5 Fruits for Low Blood Pressure – Tips to Control BP| SBI Life (2024)
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