20 Simple Ways To Stay Motivated And Productive Everyday – Fixed Happiness (2024)

Sometimes, lack of motivation seems like the only thing holding us back from achieving our goals and dreams in life. But where do we get this motivation? Is there a magic formula to make motivation appear?

Maybe you feel tired, uninspired or you can’t find motivation to get out of bed and study. Whatever it might be, I’m here to help. These 20 tips will help you become more productive and motivated.

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1.Start small (like really small)

If you feel like you have no motivation at all and you have a hard time getting things done, maybe you’re thinking too big. Start by taking small, baby steps towards your goal everyday so that overtime you will make a lot of progress. This way, you will not get scared or feel unmotivated and you will actually get things done.

For example, if you want to lose weight, you don’t have to immediately start working out for hours and eat only salads. You can start by doing some sort of work out for a few minutes and start eating one healthy meal everyday. After some time you can increase the duration of your workouts and the number of healthy meals you eat daily.

2.Keep track of your progress

If you constantly see progress, you will never lack motivation, but sometimes seeing progress may be more difficult than you thought. In order for you to always feel productive, you should keep track of your progress daily.

Let’s say your goal is to read more books, keep track of how many pages you read everyday and for how long. By doing this, you will be able to improve at what you’re doing and also see the progress that you made.

A good way to keep track of your progress is by having a planner that helps you with that. This one is my personal favorite!

20 Simple Ways To Stay Motivated And Productive Everyday – Fixed Happiness (1)

3.Make your goals realistic

Don’t get me wrong, you should always set high standards for yourself but the dreams you have for your life have to be achievable too. Unrealistic goals will only increase your lack of motivation and of productivity.

Instead of focusing on trying to achieve unrealistic dreams, focus on the ones that are realistic and that you can achieve. As I said before, taking small steps is the key to stay motivated, so you should start by setting smaller goals that will help you obtain your bigger ones.

4.Create a routine that works for you

If you want to become productive and successful, you have to be as organized as possible and the way to do that is to create a routine that works for you. The truth is no one but yourself can create the perfect daily routine for your life.

A thing a lot of wealthy people do and maybe you should too is time blocking. It will help you make sure you spend enough time focused and working. While you should spend a lot of time working towards your goal, in your daily routine , make sure you also spend time relaxing and having fun.

You can create a perfect routine by having a journal that help you keep track of all your habits. I use this one and it helped me a lot!

20 Simple Ways To Stay Motivated And Productive Everyday – Fixed Happiness (2)

5.Prioritize the most important tasks

Sometimes you become so stressed about small stuff that you forget to do the most important tasks. To avoid that from happening, your first priorities should always be your most important tasks. Even if you don’t always want to do those tasks, you should tackle procrastination head on. Don’t make excuses that waste your time, instead try focusing and working as much as you can on your main priorities.

6.Challenge yourself

Often times we experience lack of motivation because we don’t feel challenged. If the challenge is too big, then you might get scared and lose interest, but if the challenge is too small you will easily lose motivation and will become bored. As humans, we need to feel constantly challenged in our life in order to stay motivated and productive. Try to make your work and your life filled with constant challenges!

20 Simple Ways To Stay Motivated And Productive Everyday – Fixed Happiness (3)

7.Ask a friend for help

You will automatically feel more motivated if someone believes in you and your dreams. Consider having a “goal buddy” that will motivate and encourage you everyday. If you’re struggling to find motivation to exercise or you struggle to find motivation for work, having a friend that shares similar goals with you will help you, as you can keep each other accountable.

20 Simple Ways To Stay Motivated And Productive Everyday – Fixed Happiness (4)

8.Celebrate small wins

Every little bit of progress is still progress and you should be proud of it. In order to stay motivated you should celebrate even the small wins because after all they are still wins. Celebrating the small things you achieve will surely increase your level of productivity and it will make you feel a lot more motivated. Always remember that you should enjoy the journey until you get to your goal.

9.Learn how to manage your stress

Being stressed will make you feel fatigued, tired and in no-way motivated. If you want to be productive, make sure you know how to manage your stress. Taking a break to just relax and calm down is the best thing to do when you feel overwhelmed.

The ways to counter stress are different from person to person, but here are a few ideas:

Exercising – It helps with your cognitive function and makes you feel more energized;

Journaling – It eases stresses like anxiety or pain.

Yoga – Helps with your breathing rate and improves your concentration- You can simply do it using this yoga mat;

Meditation – It clears out your mind and makes you feel less tried.

10.Stay positive

Whether we feel motivated or not is up to us. When you start feeling stressed and your mind starts filling up with negative thoughts, it’s very important to replace those thoughts with positive ones. A positive mindset leads to positive actions, so make sure you fill your mind with positive affirmations that will help you achieve your goals. Take control over your mindset because that will lead to big accomplishments.

20 Simple Ways To Stay Motivated And Productive Everyday – Fixed Happiness (5)

11.Visualise your success

When you simply can’t find any motivation, visualizing yourself succeeding will help you concentrate more and obtain your goals. Every time you have no will to get up and do something productive, try to think about successfully completing that task and how good will achieving that feel.

12.Don’t multitask

Don’t try to split your attention in a lot of places, instead give your full attention to only one task. Chances of succeeding are way higher when you’re focusing on only one thing instead of a ton of tasks!

20 Simple Ways To Stay Motivated And Productive Everyday – Fixed Happiness (6)

13.Spend a lot of time in the zone

When you’re in the zone you are the most focused, you have high productivity and can get the most work done. Try to spend as much time in the zone as possible. Create an environment that allows you to create your best ideas and do your best work. These sound proof headphones will help improve your focus by a lot!

20 Simple Ways To Stay Motivated And Productive Everyday – Fixed Happiness (7)

14.Find out what drives you today

The key to always being motivated is to be passionate about what you do. Make sure the goal that you have is connected to your passion. Your passion will always keep you engaged and entertained and you will never feel bored or unmotivated.

20 Simple Ways To Stay Motivated And Productive Everyday – Fixed Happiness (8)

15.Eliminate distraction

How many times have you been distracted from doing something productive by your phone? If you want to feel productive at all times, you have to cut out some distractions from your life. For example, your phone is probably what distracts you the most, so it might be a good idea to put it on airplane mode from time to time. As I said before, a set of soundproof headphones will help you cut out distractions!

20 Simple Ways To Stay Motivated And Productive Everyday – Fixed Happiness (9)

16.Take time for yourself

Sometimes it’s better if you take a break to just relax and calm down. Motivation will not come if you’re constantly tired. Whenever you feel like you’re becoming stressed, make sure you take a break and do something that will help you energize and that will help clear your mind from any problems you might have. A few bath bombs and a bath will help you calm down instantly!

20 Simple Ways To Stay Motivated And Productive Everyday – Fixed Happiness (10)

17.Read about it daily

Every time I lack motivation I go and read about my goal and it immediately reinvigorates me. Reading helps you focus and motivates you on what you’re reading about. So make sure that you’ll try to read about your goal everyday, especially on the days when you lack motivation and productivity.

If you would like to find the best books to read for self improvement, check this article out: 10 Books You Need To Read If You Want To Become Successful and A Millionaire.

20 Simple Ways To Stay Motivated And Productive Everyday – Fixed Happiness (11)

18.Make it fun

You can’t stay motivated for long, if you easily become bored. So if you seriously want to feel motivated, make sure you find a way to make it fun. Having fun while working shouldn’t be seen as a bad thing because it can be a great motivator.

20 Simple Ways To Stay Motivated And Productive Everyday – Fixed Happiness (12)

19.Be willing to fail

You won’t always progress and become better, sometimes you will fail and you will have to take two steps back. However, you shouldn’t be afraid of failure, instead you should embrace it. When you experience failure you will lose motivation but a thing a lot of people don’t realize is that motivation comes and goes. But remember that while motivation may go away, it will always come back.

20 Simple Ways To Stay Motivated And Productive Everyday – Fixed Happiness (13)

20.Don’t give up

Think of your goal as a long journey that will have some bumps on the way, but you have to get through them. Again, your motivation will come back even if you feel you’re in a slump right now. Whatever you do, don’t ever give up. Stick with your dreams for the long term and you will get there.


Motivation can sometimes be difficult to find, but what you have to understand is that once you’ll find your true motivation, happiness and success will come in your life too. Motivation is something that you have within you and that you’re the only one who can find it.

If you enjoyed reading this article and you would like to read more about this subject, take a look at my blogFixed Happiness. I would love to know what you thought of this post. Do you have other tips about finding motivation? Tell me in the comments and I’ll be glad to read them.

20 Simple Ways To Stay Motivated And Productive Everyday – Fixed Happiness (2024)


How can I be motivated and productive everyday? ›

6 healthy habits to help keep you motivated and productive
  1. Develop a set morning routine. ...
  2. Set a priority list for your studies. ...
  3. Ensure you get enough sleep. ...
  4. Eat healthy and stay active. ...
  5. Practice healthy coping strategies. ...
  6. Schedule time for breaks and fun.
16 Jun 2022

How do you keep yourself happy and motivated? ›

How can I stay motivated?
  1. Regularly review your goals and progress. ...
  2. Continue to set new goals. ...
  3. Keep the momentum up. ...
  4. Find mentors, for example, someone you look up to who is experienced in the habit you want to change. ...
  5. Surround yourself with positive people.

How can I be happy and productive? ›

11 Ways to be Happier, Healthier, and More Productive
  1. Smile more. ...
  2. Exercise for seven minutes. ...
  3. Sleep more. ...
  4. Spend more time with friends and family. ...
  5. Go outside more often. ...
  6. Help other people. ...
  7. Plan a trip (even if you don't ever take it). ...
  8. Meditate.

How do you stay productive all day? ›

Here are six tools and techniques that will help you be more productive and keep your brain active and attentive.
  1. Make a List of Goals. ...
  2. Take a Break During Work or School. ...
  3. Stop Checking Email. ...
  4. Yes, There's an App for That. ...
  5. Feed Your Body and Your Brain. ...
  6. Brush Your Teeth.
29 Jul 2022

What are 5 ways to stay motivated? ›

5 Tips for Staying Motivated (even if you're really not feeling...
  1. Set realistic goals. You may have heard this before, but setting SMART goals can help organize how you approach different achievements. ...
  2. Have a support system. ...
  3. Recognize your roadblocks. ...
  4. Be nice to yourself. ...
  5. Celebrate the small and big victories.

What are 5 things that make you happy? ›

Here are five ways you can boost your happiness on a daily basis.
  • Practice Daily Gratitude. Expressing gratitude has been shown to do more than improve your mood. ...
  • Surround Yourself with Positive People. ...
  • Do Regular Acts of Kindness. ...
  • Spend More Time with Family and Friends. ...
  • Spend Money on Experiences Instead of Things.

What are the 3 keys to happy life? ›

Scientists have found that the three things that make people most happy are PLEASURE (doing things you enjoy), ENGAGEMENT (feeling interested in your activities and connected to others), and MEANING (feeling like what you do matters).

What are the 10 ways to be happy? ›

How to Be Happy Every Day with These 10 Simple Tips
  1. Recognize that you have choices. While you can't prevent many of the difficulties that you'll encounter in life, you can control how you respond to them. ...
  2. Practice gratitude. ...
  3. Forgiveness. ...
  4. Mindfulness. ...
  5. Friendship. ...
  6. Rest. ...
  7. Movement. ...
  8. Sunshine.

What are the 10 steps to being happy? ›

10 Steps Towards a Happier Life
  1. Do things for others. ...
  2. Get connected. ...
  3. Take care of yourself. ...
  4. Notice those around you. ...
  5. Keep learning. ...
  6. Let your goals direct you. ...
  7. Bounce back. ...
  8. Be positive.
27 Sept 2016

How can I stay alone and productive? ›

Staying Productive While Living Alone
  1. Create a Daily Routine. ...
  2. 1 Wake up early and start your day with a plan. ...
  3. 2 Schedule everything in advance. ...
  4. 3 Take time for yourself each day. ...
  5. 4 Get a pet. ...
  6. 5 Pick a hobby. ...
  7. 6 Get out of the house.
5 Oct 2022

What is the 80/20 rule for productivity? ›

The Pareto Principle states that 80% of consequences come from 20% of causes. It's also commonly referred to the 80/20 rule and is commonly applied to productivity in terms of prioritizing the tasks that will have the biggest impact. Applying the Pareto Principle to your work can help you work more efficiently.

What are the 10 types of motivation? ›

Without further ado, let's take a look at the types of motivation.
  • Types of Motivation. ...
  • Achievement Motivation. ...
  • Creative Motivation. ...
  • Physiological Motivation. ...
  • Reward Motivation. ...
  • Fear Motivation. ...
  • Social/ Affiliation Motivation. ...
  • Competence Motivation.
28 Sept 2020

What are the 7 types of motivation? ›

Best types of motivation for different activities
  • Reward-based motivation.
  • Attitude motivation.
  • Fear-based motivation.
  • Creative motivation.
  • Achievement motivation.
  • Competence motivation.
  • Power motivation.
17 May 2021

What are the 10 factors of motivation? ›

The following are several factors to consider to keep both you and your team motivated:
  • Leadership style. ...
  • Recognition and appreciation. ...
  • Meaning and purpose. ...
  • Positive company culture. ...
  • Professional development opportunities. ...
  • Job advancement opportunities. ...
  • Financial benefits. ...
  • Flexible work schedules.

What are the 8 types of motivation? ›

Here are eight types of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation along with ways you can apply them in your work life:
  • Incentive motivation. ...
  • Achievement motivation. ...
  • Power motivation. ...
  • Fear motivation. ...
  • Affiliation motivation. ...
  • Competence motivation. ...
  • Attitude motivation. ...
  • Expectancy motivation.

What 3 things motivate you most? ›

Good answers to the question 'what motivates you? '
  • meeting deadlines, targets or goals.
  • mentoring and coaching others.
  • learning new things.
  • coming up with creative ideas to improve something, or make something new.
  • analysing complex data in order to draw clear and simple conclusions.
  • working well as part of a team.

What are the 6 types of motivation? ›

Pretty much all of the motivating factors out there can be distilled into six core types: incentive, achievement, social acceptance, fear, power, and growth.

How can I get motivated in 24 hours? ›

Continue pushing yourself to create an environment that supports and enhances your intrinsic motivation so that you can achieve your dreams.
3. Schedule activities to support emotional regulation.
  1. Start a new hobby. ...
  2. Meditate on a consistent basis. ...
  3. Speak to a professional.
14 Jul 2016

What are the 7 keys to happiness? ›

There are 7 essential keys to happiness and success that will help to materialize both those things in your life.
  • 1 — Gratitude. ...
  • 2 — Be Present. ...
  • 3 — Manage Time Effectively. ...
  • 4 — Set SMARTER Goals. ...
  • 5 — Embody an Empowering Morning Routine. ...
  • 6 — Tackle the MITs. ...
  • 7 — Focus on Health and Wellbeing.
17 Mar 2017

What are the 7 ways to be happy? ›

Follow these seven tips to increase your energy and live a happier, healthier, more productive life:
  • Eat nourishing food. ...
  • Sleep seven to eight hours per night. ...
  • Keep company with good people. ...
  • Avoid news overdose. ...
  • Get regular exercise. ...
  • Do something meaningful each day.
9 Aug 2022

What are the 12 steps to happiness? ›

12 Steps to Happiness
  1. Do more activities that truly engage you. ...
  2. Savor life's joys. ...
  3. Learn to forgive. ...
  4. Practice acts of kindness. ...
  5. Nurture relationships. ...
  6. Cultivate optimism. ...
  7. Avoid over-thinking and social comparison. ...
  8. Develop strategies for coping.
9 Aug 2012

What are the six steps to being happy? ›

Here's my six-step process to feeling happier in your life and your work:
  1. Stop chasing happiness. Many people connect happiness to the achievement of certain goals or aspirations. ...
  2. Remove your own barriers to happiness. ...
  3. Practice looking inwards. ...
  4. Build your self-esteem. ...
  5. Be present. ...
  6. Take time to appreciate yourself.
24 Jul 2019

How can I be happy in life? ›

How to be happier
  1. Manage your stress levels. If you have a lot of stress in your life, find ways to reduce it, such as learning a few time-management techniques. ...
  2. Enjoy yourself. ...
  3. Boost your self-esteem. ...
  4. Have a healthy lifestyle. ...
  5. Talk and share. ...
  6. Build your resilience.

What are the 4 key to happiness? ›

The Big Four are friendliness, cheerfulness, compassion, and gratitude.

What is the true key to happiness? ›

Recent research indicates that psychological flexibility is the key to greater happiness and well-being. For example, being open to emotional experiences and the ability to tolerate periods of discomfort can allow us to move towards a richer, more meaningful existence.

What are 3 ways to improve your happiness? ›

Some strategies for increasing happiness in your life:

Take time to build quality relationships with supportive people. Count your blessings and practice gratitude. Take time to engage in random acts of kindness.

How can I be productive 12 hours a day? ›

Time Management and Productivity: How to Maximize Results in a Short 12-Hour Work Day –
  1. Plan Each Day the Night Before: ...
  2. Prioritize Your Tasks: ...
  3. Keep a List and Cross Off Tasks When Done: ...
  4. Say "No" to Unnecessary Tasks: ...
  5. Don't Spend Too Much Time on One Task: ...
  6. Limit Your Distractions: ...
  7. Keep a Running TIme on Tasks:

What are the 5 steps to productivity? ›

5 Steps to maximise your productivity.
  1. Keep a work log for at least a week. Write down all of your activities and the time spent doing them. ...
  2. Analyse your activities. ...
  3. Delegate non-productive activities. ...
  4. Calculate the time required for any remaining low priority activities. ...
  5. Prioritise your remaining activities.

How can I be productive 10 hours a day? ›

How to Stay Productive When You Need to Work Long Hours
  1. Keep your mental focus sharp. ...
  2. Streamline your workflow. ...
  3. Structure your day for maximum productivity. ...
  4. Take periodic breaks. ...
  5. Stick to a healthy diet. ...
  6. Get enough sleep. ...
  7. Reflect on the big picture. ...
  8. Set healthy work-life boundaries.
25 Aug 2022

How can I enjoy living alone? ›

15 Tips for Living Alone for the First Time
  1. Make a Budget.
  2. Get a Spare.
  3. Decorate Your New Home.
  4. Keep Things Tidy.
  5. Become Self-Reliant.
  6. Don't Isolate Yourself.
  7. Meet Your Neighbors.
  8. Explore Your Neighborhood.
6 Jul 2022

How do I stay alone without feeling lonely? ›

Note that loneliness isn't the same thing as social isolation. You can be alone without feeling lonely.
Practice gratitude
  1. write down a few things you're grateful for.
  2. remember a few positive moments from your day.
  3. if you feel grateful to someone, tell them about it.
  4. relive a happy experience from the past in your mind.

How can I have fun alone? ›

50 Things to Do By Yourself
  1. Learn a new skill. Learning something new might seem daunting at first, but you never know where it might lead. ...
  2. Clean the house. ...
  3. Head out for a long walk. ...
  4. Learn a new language. ...
  5. Create a bucket list. ...
  6. Meditate. ...
  7. Write a song. ...
  8. Visit a local museum.
17 Jun 2021

Is the 80/20 rule real? ›

The 80/20 rule is not a formal mathematical equation, but more a generalized phenomenon that can be observed in economics, business, time management, and even sports. General examples of the Pareto principle: 20% of a plant contains 80% of the fruit. 80% of a company's profits come from 20% of customers.

What is the 80/20 rule in psychology? ›

The Pareto Principle, also known as the 80-20 rule, is a concept that many have adopted for their life and time management. It is the idea that 20% of the effort, or input, leads to 80% of the results or output. The point of this principle is to recognise that most things in life are not distributed evenly.

What is the 80/20 rule daily life? ›

The 80-20 rule is the principle that 20% of what you do results in 80% of your outcomes. Put another way, 80% of your outcomes result from just 20% of your inputs. Also known as the Pareto principle, the 80-20 rule is a timeless maxim that's all about focus.

How can I force myself to be productive? ›

10 tips for improving productivity
  1. Stop multitasking. It's often tempting to try and multitask, juggling numerous workday tasks at any one time. ...
  2. Set small goals. ...
  3. Take a break. ...
  4. The five-minute rule. ...
  5. Time blocking. ...
  6. Delegate. ...
  7. Limit distractions. ...
  8. Do the hardest thing first.
4 May 2022

Why do I have no motivation everyday? ›

Low motivation can be a common symptom of depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. You can practice self-help and self-care as much as you can, but you may find that seeking professional help is more helpful for your emotions. Online therapy is beneficial, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

How can I have a productive lazy day? ›

Here are the best ways to make a lazy day a productive one.
  1. Think of a fun activity. ...
  2. Find your passion and follow it through the day. ...
  3. Kill distractions. ...
  4. Put something unpleasant at the top of your to-do list. ...
  5. Just relax. ...
  6. Take a walk. ...
  7. Take a shower. ...
  8. Take a nap.

How can I manage my time? ›

List of Tips for Effective Time Management
  1. Set goals correctly. Set goals that are achievable and measurable. ...
  2. Prioritize wisely. Prioritize tasks based on importance and urgency. ...
  3. Set a time limit to complete a task. ...
  4. Take a break between tasks. ...
  5. Organize yourself. ...
  6. Remove non-essential tasks/activities. ...
  7. Plan ahead.
24 Nov 2022

What causes lose of motivation? ›

Lack of motivation may be caused by stress, life changes, or underlying mental health conditions like adjustment disorder or depression. Low motivation can be remedied with activities that increase dopamine output, like physical exercise, behavioral activation, mindfulness, psychotherapy, and for some, medication.

Why am I feeling lazy and unmotivated? ›

You are overwhelmed by choices

When we are faced with too many options, we can actually start to feel overwhelmed and stressed out. This can make us feel lazy and unmotivated to make any decisions at all. It's important to simplify your life and focus on what's most important to you.

How a lazy person can successful? ›

Lazy people know how to prioritize and to focus on their own goals, not on those imposed by other people. They are simply too lazy to pay attention to other people's priorities, so they focus on their own. Besides, they spend much less time achieving these goals, as they will have more time to relax then.

Why are lazy days good for you? ›

Having a lazy day gives your brain a break and your body a chance to recover. It also reduces stress which could help you make more productive in your non-lazy days. It is also an easy way to prevent burnout and being susceptible to chronic diseases. "If you don't pick a day to relax, your body will pick it for you.

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Author: Allyn Kozey

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Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

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Job: Investor Administrator

Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.