What should I put in my Ender chest? (2025)

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What should be in Ender chest?

Store essential tools, blocks and items

A Silk Touch pickaxe is something players should always have in their ender chest. This will be very helpful for players building a structure or mining far away from their base. They will not have to obtain blocks or craft items and can focus on their project.

(Video) What To Put In An Ender Chest! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide (Tutorial Let's Play) [Part 276]
Can you put an ender chest inside an ender chest?

If you aren't familiar on how to get an eye of ender. You can get it by crafting together blaze

(Video) How To Use The Ender Chest In Minecraft
What happens if you break an ender chest with stuff in it?

What happens if you break an ender chest with stuff in it? Nothing. It's somewhat like cloud storage where the chest just is equivalent to your computer.

(Video) How to Organize your Enderchest in Minecraft
(PuffingFish HQ)
How many items can you fit in a Enderchest?

The Ender Chest is a block that allows a player to store 27 stacked items, much like a wooden chest.

(Video) Minecraft Ender Chest Shulker Box Guide
Do you need 2 Ender chests?

An ender chest has special powers compared to a regular chest. With an ender chest, the items inside the ender chest are specific to a player and will teleport between ender chests. So you can use more than one ender chest in the game and always have your stored items available from any ender chest.

(Video) The Importance of Ender Chests on 2b2t
Can you put two Ender chests together?

Ender chests contain 27 slots for storage and can be placed next to other ender chests without joining; they cannot be combined into double chests. Ender chests do not interact with hoppers, droppers, or comparators.

(Video) How to make and use an Ender Chest - Minecraft 1.19 tutorial
Which is better Ender chest or shulker box?

Players can use shulker boxes to carry a large number of things quickly. Players can carry a total of 1728 items in a single shulker box. Using an ender chest and their entire inventory space, they can move over 100,000 blocks, which is more than enough for anyone.

(Video) Philza explaining his enderchest (ft. MUMZA)
(Green Sky)
Can other players see your Ender chest?

No, the Ender Chest's contents are tied to individual users like an inventory extention they can only access while interacting with these chests. It doesn't matter who built/placed the chest, everyone only ever sees their own Ender Chest inventory. Save this answer.

(Video) Minecraft Ender Chest FACTS
(Block Facts)
What does a shulker box do?

Shulker boxes are portable chests: they keep their items when broken, which can be retrieved when placed again. This is different from other containers, which drop their contained items as item entities when broken. A shulker box drops itself as an item if pushed by pistons or destroyed by an explosion.

(Video) How Do Ender Chests Work? MINECRAFT 1.17.1
(Stingray Productions)
Can u put a Shulker box in a Shulker box?

Oh, and just like a genie won't grant a wish for more wishes, a shulker box can't hold shulker boxes.

(Video) How Many DIFFERENT ITEMS Can You Fit in an ENDER CHEST? (As of 1.17)
(A Civilian)

How many Shulker boxes can you get?

Note: I'm not adding a shulker box into the off-hand because you are playing minecraft bedrock edition, but if you do want to add a shulker box into your off-hand, you can get up to another 1729 including the extra shulker box.

(Video) What to put in your ender chest.~ep17
(Jack Ripper)
How do you nest a Shulker?

Place a shulker box, and a chest next to it. Open the shulker box, and then the chest in rapid succession. You will know you did it right if the shulker and chest play opening animations in the background. It will say chest at the top, but whatever you put in the GUI will appear in the shulker.

What should I put in my Ender chest? (2025)
Can you make Ender chests bigger?

It should be possible to make a Large Ender Chest by putting another Ender Chest next to a Small Ender Chest. The Large Ender Chest would be treated as an entirely different chest, but otherwise work exactly the same as the current Small Ender Chest. That way, you could have two Ender Chests, one Large and one Small.

What does an end Crystal do?

End Crystals appear in The End. They serve as healing beacons for the Ender Dragon. They are located on top of the Obsidian pillars, and are sometimes protected by Iron Bars. When destroyed, End Crystals will explode, and, if healing, hurt the Ender Dragon.

How do you make an ender eye?

In your crafting square, drop the Ender Pearl into the middle square and the Blaze Powder in the square to its left. Combine those two items and you've made yourself an Eye of Ender!

Can you carry a full chest in Minecraft?

Use the inventory shortcuts you learned earlier to quickly move items between your active inventory and the chest's storage slots. Chests are undoubtedly useful; it's difficult to survive without them. But you can't transport a chest's contents with you.

Do shulkers spawn peaceful?

Shulkers can spawn in Peaceful Mode; however, they will not attack the Player. This trait is also shared with Vindicators and Evokers.

Do shulkers Respawn in end cities?

Unlike other mobs, shulkers will not respawn or despawn. They will remain in their cities until you defeat them. Once an end city has been cleared out of shulkers they will never respawn there.

Can hoppers pull from Ender chests?

Hoppers can take items from ender chests and dispensers launch enderpearls. For the hoppers it will make easier item transportations, and for the dispenser, this combined to the first suggestion will make possible to do a redstone teleporting system.

How do you clear an ender chest?

Commands: - /cec This command allows you to clear your own ender chest! - /cecp <player> This command allows you to clear other people's ender chest!

Do shulker boxes burn in lava?

Description. Netherite items in a shulker box burn if thrown in lava. The netherite items don't pop out and don't survive. If you have for exaple a backup gear shulkerbox and die in lava the netherite items will burn.

How Much Can Steve carry?

Steve can hold a third of a billion kilograms, while still being able to walk, sprint, and even jump!

Can you dye shulkers in Minecraft?

Coloring. In Bedrock Edition, shulkers can be dyed in a similar fashion to sheep. Using a dye on a shulker gives it the color of the dye.

Do you need silk touch to mine a shulker box?

Shulker boxes can be mined with any tool or by hand, but using a pickaxe is the quickest method.

How many shulkers are in a End city?

Structure. The end ship is made of end stone bricks and purpur blocks, just like the city's main towers. It is built similarly to classical pirate ships or Dutch colonial ships. Three shulkers spawn on the ship; one on the main deck, one behind the stern of the ship, and one in the treasure room.

Can you dye shulker boxes?

Add Items to make Cyan Shulker Box

In the crafting menu, you should see a crafting area that is made up of a 3x3 crafting grid. To make a cyan shulker box, place 1 shulker box and 1 cyan dye in the 3x3 crafting grid.

› Minecraft

In the early days of Minecraft, carrying items from one place to another was a difficult job. Players only had an ender chest and their inventory slots for taki...
Minecraft Tutorial Playlist ▻ http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEB388783144C45A8This video will show you how to sort and organize lots of items into shu...
Well its pretty simple · If you have 2 ender chest, the storage in 1 will appear in the other, it is like a cloud storage. Means if you put your cobblest...

Can an iron pickaxe with silk touch break an ender chest?

I only have an iron pickaxe with silk touch. But can an enderchest be collected with it? Or will i need to enchant a diamond pickaxe? Yes you can!

How do you clear an ender chest?

Commands: - /cec This command allows you to clear your own ender chest! - /cecp <player> This command allows you to clear other people's ender chest!

How do you make a ender chest bigger?

It should be possible to make a Large Ender Chest by putting another Ender Chest next to a Small Ender Chest. The Large Ender Chest would be treated as an entirely different chest, but otherwise work exactly the same as the current Small Ender Chest. That way, you could have two Ender Chests, one Large and one Small.

How do you enter someone's Ender chest?

- Access the other players EnderChest using the command /enderchestviewer <player name>; - When opening a EnderChest using this command, reproduce the sound of opening a chest; When leaving the GUI, reproduce the sound of closing the EnderChest.

Can a gold pickaxe mine an ender chest?

Hi! You need a Silk Touch enchanted diamond pickaxe! Obsidian can only be mined with a diamond pickaxe, however, if you break an ender chest with an unenchanted diamond pickaxe, it'll be destroyed and you'll lose some of the materials you used to craft it!

Does silk touch affect fortune?

If commands are used to apply both Silk Touch and Fortune to an item, the Silk Touch enchantment takes precedence over the Fortune enchantment for blocks affected by both enchantments.

Do you need silk touch to mine a Shulker box?

Shulker boxes can be mined with any tool or by hand, but using a pickaxe is the most effective. Shulker boxes drop themselves when mined.

What is the fastest way to empty a chest in Minecraft?

By holding ⇧ Shift and double-clicking while holding an item, all items of a type clicked on will be moved into or out of the chest.

How do you make an e chest?

How to Craft and Use an Ender Chest! | Easy Minecraft Tutorial

How do you color code an ender chest?

you can change the color code of an ender pouch by shift-right clicking on an ender chest, coding the pouch to match the chest.

Do hoppers work on Ender chests?

'Ender Hoppers' Explained! - YouTube

Where is Ender chest data stored?

All ender chest items are stored in each player's unique playerdata files that can be found in "World\playerdata". Just like how you transferred the "Inventory" tag to the new player to copy their inventory, you can also transfer the "EnderItems" tag to the new player to copy their ender chest items.

How do I check my inventory in bedrock edition?

How To SEE What's In A Players INVENTORY! - Minecraft Bedrock!

How do you check someone's inventory in Minecraft?

Provided you are using a multiplayer server, the common (and useful) Essentials plugin comes with an in-build command to view a player's inventory. You can use the /invsee <name> command to achieve this.

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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Last Updated: 12/12/2024

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

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Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.