What is the pass rate for the Certified investment management Analyst exam? (2025)

What is the pass rate for the Certified investment management Analyst exam?

The CIMA certification examination will be administered as a four-hour, 120-question multiple choice examination at an established testing center or via an approved online proctored exam provider. The examination currently has a 48% first time pass rate (two-year average).

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(Investments & Wealth Institute)
What is the pass rate for the Certified Investment Management Analyst exam?

The recommended study time before taking the exam is 300 hours for each level. The combined global pass rate of the exam is just under half, at about 47%. The exam rigorously tests your knowledge of ethics, investment tools, asset classes, portfolio management and wealth planning.

(Video) Value of CIMA® Certification
(Investments & Wealth Institute)
How difficult is the CIMA qualification?

Difficulty Level

CIMA is generally considered more challenging than other accounting qualifications due to its focus on developing business skills, management, and strategy. However, with the right strategies and support, you can make CIMA easier and maximise your chances of success.

(Video) Intro to Yale's Online CIMA® Course, An Overview of the CIMA® Certification
(Investments & Wealth Institute)
What is the passing score for the CIMA exam?

CIMA Exam Results Breakdown

The CIMA states that you need a 70% exactness to breeze through every objective assessment. Simultaneously, they reveal to you the CIMA exam pass mark is 100. If it's not too much trouble comprehend that you are given a scaled score going from 0 to 150.

(Video) Certified Investment Management Analyst (CIMA) Certification
(Certpot Learning Zone Certifition )
Is the CIMA designation hard?

rhoffman: To earn CIMA certification, applicants must demonstrate at least three years of financial industry experience and study for approximately 500 hours in addition to passing a background check, qualification exam, and certification exam.

(Video) Certified Investment Management Analyst (CIMA) Certification
(CertsGot Learning Zone)
How hard is the investment management certificate?

What Level is assigned to the IMC qualification? The IMC is a Level 4 qualification. This means that the level of difficulty of the qualification broadly equates to the first-year of an undergraduate degree.

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(Investments & Wealth Institute)
What is the hardest investment test?

The Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Exam

Each level is a single-day test, split into morning and afternoon sessions, lasting about 3 hours each. Level I is more difficult to pass, with a historical rate of around 41% and dropping to 37% recently.

(Video) Overview of CIMA Certification Webinar
(Investments & Wealth Institute)
What is the hardest CIMA paper?

CIMA has released the total exams OT pass rates for the whole of 2020, and here they are: E1 81%; E2 90%; E3 76%; F1 79%; F2 60%; F3 57%; P1 54%; P2 52%; P3 54%. Statistically it appears out of all OT papers, the P-Pillar seems to have the lowest pass percentage.

(Video) The IMC Explained (Investment Management Certificate) | CFA Qualifications for Investment Management
(Carew Culture)
How quickly can you pass CIMA?

The CIMA course consists of 4 levels, with a total of 9 exams called Objective Tests and 3 case studies. Most students can complete CIMA within 4-5 years. The breakdown for each level can be found below.

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(Wise Money Show)
How many times can you sit CIMA exams?

How many CIMA exams can you sit in a year? Again, the answer to this question depends on the type of CIMA exam you're sitting. Starting off with objective tests, there is no limit on how many times you can take the exams. If you fail an objective test exam, you can resit as many times as is required.

(Video) IMC Explained (Investment Management Certificate)
(Afzal Hussein)

What is harder CFA or CIMA?

It's also important to consider the level of difficulty and time commitment required for each certification. The ACCA and CIMA qualifications are considered to be less challenging than the CFA, but they also require a significant time commitment, as they both have multiple levels and require multiple exams.

(Video) An Overview of the CIMA® Certification
(Investments & Wealth Institute)
Is CIMA more difficult than ACA?

So whats the difference? ACA is typically for a number of the larger practices and is a very technical qualification. Some say this is the hardest qualification out of CIMA, ACA, and ACCA.

What is the pass rate for the Certified investment management Analyst exam? (2025)
Is CIMA easier than CMA?

The CMA requires 2 years of relevant work experience, but you are able to complete both your exams in one year or less, as the testing windows are open for 2 months three times a year. In terms of time commitment and effort, it is pretty obvious that becoming a CMA would be a bit easier.

What is the pass rate for certified investment management analyst?

To earn the CIMA designation, individuals must have three years of experience in investment consulting, pass a Level I entry exam (61% pass rate), pass Level II exam after attending a week-long classroom program at Wharton, MIT, or Chicago, and then pass a Level III certification exam (63% pass rate).

Is CIMA equivalent to a degree?

CIMA Professional Qualification (CGMA)

This qualification is equivalent to a master's degree in Accounting. This course is for qualified finance professionals who are looking to upskill their business skills while gaining practical knowledge of the industry.

What are the disadvantages of CIMA?

Cons of CIMA qualifications:
  • Less applicable for self-employed accountancy or working for smaller firms;
  • Less focused on tax and auditing skills;
  • Management training might not be relevant to your business;
  • More costly to enrol in than ACCA.

What is the most difficult financial certification?

Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)

To become a charter holder, it's necessary to pass three exams and is an equivalent of a master's degree. The CFA designation is reputed to be the most difficult certification to obtain, which works to the benefit of those who succeed.

Do investment managers make a lot of money?

Investment management is a career path that pays well, with the median salary in the six-figure range.

What is the best qualification for investment management?

The most popular qualification is the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation, which emphasizes portfolio management and investment analysis. It is especially applicable to those working in asset management or discretionary portfolio management.

Which is the 3 toughest exam in the world?

Here's a list of some of the toughest exams in the world which are the hardest to crack:
  • Gaokao Exam in China.
  • IIT JEE Advanced.
  • Civil Services Exam (CSE)/UPSC.
  • GATE.
  • GRE.
  • Master Sommelier Diploma Exam.
  • ICAI CA/ ICMAI Exams.
  • CCIE (Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert)

What is the hardest test to pass?

What are some of the hardest exams in the world? The Chinese Gaokao, UPSC Civil Services Examination, the GRE and Mensa are some of the most difficult exams in the world.

Is CFA harder than CPA?

CFA vs CPA Exam difficulty

Both are challenging and require gaining skills and knowledge in complex topics. However, the CPA Exam generally requires less studying - around 80 to 120 hours per section compared to 300 hours per section of the CFA Exam, and the CPA Exam also has a higher pass rate.

What is the pass rate for CIMA P2?

It's been just over a year since CIMA posted it's last set of OT pass rates, and a new set covering the beginning of November 2022 to 30 November 2023 are out! P2 has the dubious distinction for still being the OT with the lowest pass rate – just 44%, followed by F2 on 51%, and then P1 on 54%.

What is the average age to become CIMA qualified?

Key Facts. 📃 CIMA is the most studied qualification. Although we really do think thats changing, many more graduates pick ACCA as it simply offers more exemptions. 👩🎓 On average (median), ACAs qualify at 24, ACCA at 27 and CIMA at 29.

Which CIMA exam is the hardest?

CIMA F2 is one of the hardest exams you'll study in your CIMA exams. The pass rate is just 57% and, more than that, it's on a subject that most management accountants don't use in their working life, so everything is probably new and hard to associate with.

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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

Last Updated: 02/02/2025

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