What is paying off a debt over time in equal installments called? (2025)

What is paying off a debt over time in equal installments called?

Amortization can refer to the process of paying off debt over time in regular installments of interest and principal sufficient to repay the loan in full by its maturity date.

(Video) How Principal & Interest Are Applied In Loan Payments | Explained With Example
(Real Estate Finance Academy)
What is paying off debt over time in equal installments?

Amortization is the process of paying off a debt over time in equal installments.

(Video) Installment Loans - equal total payments
(Lynnette Yerbury)
What is the paying off of a debt in regular installments over time called?

Amortization: Loan payments by equal periodic amounts calculated to pay off the debt at the end of a fixed period, including accrued interest on the outstanding balance.

(Video) Balloon Payment Explained
(Real Estate Finance Academy)
What is the paying off of debt over time in equal installments part of each payment goes toward the loan principal while the other part goes toward interest?

Mortgage amortization is the reduction of debt by regular payments of principal and interest over a period of time. For example, if you make a monthly mortgage payment, a portion of that payment covers interest and a portion pays down your principal.

(Video) How to build an Amortization table in EXCEL (Fast and easy) Less than 5 minutes
(I Hate Math Group, Inc)
What is an installment debt also called?

Installment debt, or term debt, is a loan you take out and pay back using a payment schedule. Each payment you make goes toward the original loan plus interest. There might be additional charges, like a setup fee and processing fees. With each payment you make, the balance decreases.

(Video) How To Calculate Your Mortgage Payment
(The Organic Chemistry Tutor)
What is it called when you pay off a debt?

amortise, amortize. liquidate gradually. ante up, pay, pay up. cancel or discharge a debt.

(Video) Loan Types and Amortization Schedules.
(Farhat Lectures. The # 1 CPA & Accounting Courses)
What are equal installments?

An equated monthly installment (EMI) is a fixed payment amount made by a borrower to a lender at a specified date each calendar month. Equated monthly installments are applied to both interest and principal each month so that over a specified number of years, the loan is paid off in full.

(Video) Amortization Loan Formula
(The Organic Chemistry Tutor)
What is a debt that is repaid in equal installments or payments over a defined period of time?

An installment debt is generally repaid in equal monthly payments that include interest and a portion of the principal. This type of loan is an amortized loan that requires a standard amortization schedule to be created by the lender detailing payments throughout the loan's duration.

(Video) Amortization Schedule: Loan Repayment | Basic Intro | PV, PMT, BAL, PRN, INT
(Joshua Emmanuel)
What is the first payment called?

A down payment is paid upfront in a financial transaction, such as purchasing a home or car. Buyers often take out loans to finance the remainder of the purchase price.

(Video) Installment Loans and Amortization Tables
What is an installment payment?

Instalment payments refer to a customer paying a bill in small portions throughout a fixed period of time. Start invoicing for free. Instalment payments are a payment plan arranged between the buyer and the seller. It's usually clearly stated in the payment terms in a contract or on an invoice.

(Video) Paying extra on your loan: The RIGHT way to do it! (Monthly vs Annually)

What type of loan is paid off in equal installments?

When a loan is paid off in equal installments, it is referred to as an Amortizing loan. This type of...

(Video) How to Account for Installment Notes with Annual Payments
(Wild Accounting)
What happens if I pay an extra $100 a month on my mortgage?

The additional amount will reduce the principal on your mortgage, as well as the total amount of interest you will pay, and the number of payments. The extra payments will allow you to pay off your remaining loan balance 3 years earlier.

What is paying off a debt over time in equal installments called? (2025)
Which term means to pay off a debt gradually?

To amortize is to gradually pay off a debt. A bank will help you amortize a loan so that you can make a monthly payment until you've paid back the entire amount.

What is it called when you pay in installments?

Buy now, pay later (BNPL) is a type of short-term financing that allows consumers to make purchases and pay for them over time.

What is another name for debt financing?

Summary. Debt financing is also referred to as financial leverage. The cost of debt is the interest charged. Debt financing preserves company ownership, and the interest paid is tax-deductible.

What is a down payment and what are the advantages of making a down payment?

A down payment minimizes the interest charges you can end up paying. Therefore, you have a chance of saving a lot of money in the end. If you are a car buyer with poor credit and cannot quality from low-interest rates, you can benefit from making a down payment.

What is a word for paying debt?

How is the word repay distinct from other similar verbs? Some common synonyms of repay are compensate, indemnify, pay, recompense, reimburse, remunerate, and satisfy.

What is an unpaid debt called?

Arrears is a debt or payment that is not paid by the due date. It is another term for missed payments.

What's another word for paid off?

to give what is owed for I finally paid off the loan. paid. paid up. met. sprung (for)

What is equal installment method?

In this method a fixed or equal amount of depreciation written off as depreciation at the end of each year, during the life time of the asset. Thus the book value of the asset will become zero or its residual value. This method is suitable for patent, furniture, short-lease etc.

What are payment terms with installments?

Installment payment is a financial arrangement where a large sum of money is divided into smaller, manageable payments over a specified period. This concept is commonly used for various financial transactions, such as loans, credit card balances, and purchasing retail goods.

What is equal payment plan?

Make budgeting easier by paying a set amount for your natural gas bill each month. Piedmont's Equal Payment Plan spreads your natural gas bills into equal installments over a 12-month period, so you'll always know how much your bill will be.

What is a loan paid off in equal installments?

Amortized loans are generally paid off over an extended period of time, with equal amounts paid for each payment period.

Is a loan that is paid off in equal installments over a defined period of time?

An installment loan is a credit account that provides a lump sum to be paid off over time in equal monthly payments. Personal loans, auto loans, mortgages and student loans are all examples of installment loans. Installment loans typically have predictable monthly payments.

What is an example of an installment payment?

For example, imagine that a customer purchases new computer software at a total cost of $623. The merchant splits the cost into four installment payments spread out over four months. These include three installment payments of $200 and a final one-off payment of $23 to cover the full cost.

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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Last Updated: 02/06/2025

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.