What is a phosphate drink? (2024)

What kind of a drink is a phosphate?

Phosphate soda is a type of beverage that has a tangy or sour taste. These beverages became popular among children in the 1870s in the United States. Phosphate beverages were made with fruit flavorings, egg, malt, or wine.

(Video) CHOCOLATE Phosphate SODA Pop Syrup Recipe
(Glen And Friends Cooking)
What makes a drink a phosphate?

Phosphate sodas were the predecessor to milkshakes. They were a combination of soda water, phosphoric acid and flavoring. This was most likely fruit syrup but could even be booze.

(Video) Acid Phosphate for Soda Drinks and co*cktails
(Art of Drink)
What is phosphate at a soda shop?

Created in the late 1800's, the soda fountain soda, is simply flavored syrup and carbonated water. A few shakes of acid phosphate in your glass and you have an old fashioned soda fountain “phosphate”. The phosphate gives a pleasant tangy sour taste and tingle on the tongue.

(Video) Tiki With Ray Episode 94: Phosphate Fountain Drinks
(Tiki With Ray)
What drinks contain phosphate?

The following are a few foods and beverages that now contain hidden phosphorus:
  • Flavored waters.
  • Iced teas.
  • Sodas and other bottled beverages.
  • Enhanced meat and chicken products.
  • Breakfast (cereal) bars.
  • Nondairy creamers.
  • Bottled coffee beverages.

(Video) The Danger of Excess Phosphorus
(Dr. Eric Berg DC)
What is phosphate taken for?

Phosphates are used as dietary supplements for patients who are unable to get enough phosphorus in their regular diet, usually because of certain illnesses or diseases. Phosphate is the drug form (salt) of phosphorus.

(Video) Angostura Phosphate - A Delicious Non-Alcoholic co*cktail
(Art of Drink)
Is Coca Cola high in phosphorus?

As is well known, cola represents a strong exogenous source of phosphate, due to high phosphorus content (about 15–20 mg/dL), more than other carbonated soft drinks (15).

(Video) Perk-a-Cola's from Call of Duty| How to Drink
(How To Drink)
Is Sprite high in phosphorus?

Citrus and other flavored sodas contain very little or no phosphorus and are fine to drink (ie. Root beer, Lemon-lime, Orange, Grape, etc...). Limit wine and/or mixed drinks to no more than one small glass per day.

(Video) Beer Phosphate from the co*cktail Dudes
Does ginger ale have phosphorus?

Phosphates in Soft Drinks

Cream soda, ginger ale and root beer are all phosphorus free.

(Video) The co*cktail Dudes' Cherry Phosphate
Does Gatorade contain phosphorus?

Gatorade Recover's Nutrition Shakes and Muscle Milk's Protein Shakes typically contain 20% or more of the Recommended Daily Intake amount (%DV) for phosphorus due to a combination of dairy ingredients and various forms of phosphorus used to make the products.

(Video) Prohibition Era Drink: Chocolate Phosphate
(Puppet Studies Department)
What does acid phosphate taste like?

Most drinks that call for a balance between sweet and sour use some combination of citrus fruits and/or citric acid, creating a very similar-tasting world of co*cktails. Acid phosphate provides the tart, sour note that people love, but leaves the citrusy tang out of the equation.

(Video) YEAST NUTRIENT: What even is it?! [Home Brewing Basics]

Are there phosphates in soda?

“Cola products are well-known to contain phosphoric acid, but our analysis found there to be a lot more products out there that have phosphorus additives.” Forty-six popular beverage products containing phosphorus additives were analyzed for phosphorus content including sodas, lemonades, teas and enhanced waters.

(Video) What Does Carbonated Water Do to Your Body?
When should I take phosphate?

Usually phosphate binders are taken within 5 to 10 minutes before or immediately after meals and snacks. Your doctor and renal dietitian will tell you when you should take your phosphate binders and discuss how many you need to take when you eat.

What is a phosphate drink? (2024)
Does soda have phosphate?

Cola products are well-known to contain phosphoric acid, but our analysis found there to be a lot more products out there that have phosphorus additives.” Forty-six popular beverage products containing phosphorus additives were analyzed for phosphorus content including sodas, lemonades, teas and enhanced waters.

When should I take phosphate?

Usually phosphate binders are taken within 5 to 10 minutes before or immediately after meals and snacks. Your doctor and renal dietitian will tell you when you should take your phosphate binders and discuss how many you need to take when you eat.

How do you take phosphate?

Adults, teenagers, and children over 4 years of age—The equivalent of 250 mg of phosphorus (contents of 1 capsule) dissolved in two and one-half ounces of water or juice four times a day, after meals and at bedtime. Children up to 4 years of age—Dose must be determined by your doctor.

What are phosphates at swensons?

You'll probably start your order with a drink. And man do they have some fun options! In addition to the regular soda line up (you can add flavor to any soda), Swensons Columbus also offers phosphates (old fashioned drinks made with soda water and fountain syrup), ice-cream sodas, malts & shakes (18 flavors).

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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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