What does taking the limp biscuit mean? (2024)

What does biscuit mean in slang?

1. slang A mean or unpleasant person, especially a man.

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Is limp biscuit a real game?

Soggy biscuit (also called “limp biscuit”, “landscapers lunch”, “crispy cookie”, “ookie cookie”, “ji*zzcuit” or “jogo do pão”) is a male masturbation game played mostly by teenage groups in which the participants stand around a biscuit masturbating until ejacul*ting onto it; the last person to do so must eat the biscuit ...

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Where does the saying that takes the biscuit come from?

It derives from a disparaging reference to the Roman Catholic sacrament formally called extreme unction, part of which is holy communion. If you take the wafer — contemptuously the biscuit — you are nearing the end of your life.

(Video) Limp Bizkit Take a look around (HD)
(Hector Alfonso)
What does Becky mean in slang?

Becky is a pejorative American slang term for a young white woman. The term has come to be associated with a "white girl who loves Starbucks and Uggs and is clueless about racial and social issues", according to the New Statesman.

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Who created soggy biscuit?

Soggy Biscuit is a short dark comedy exploring toxic masculinity, men's mental health and how so often peer pressure, humiliation and brutality acts as a substitute for emotional vulnerability and support. Written & Directed by Emma Jesse - a filmmaker based between London and West Sussex.

(Video) Limp Bizkit - Take a Look Around Lyrics
(Christopher McLaren)
Are biscuits American?

It is made with baking powder as a chemical leavening agent rather than yeast, and at times is called baking powder biscuit to differentiate it from other types.
Biscuit (bread)
Biscuits with jam
TypeQuick bread
Place of originUnited States
Main ingredientsFlour, baking powder, butter or shortening or lard, buttermilk
3 more rows

(Video) Limp Bizkit - Take A Look Around
Does Limp Bizkit still tour?

Limp Bizkit Tickets, 2022 - 2023 Concert Tour Dates | Ticketmaster.

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What does dont take the biscuit mean?

Definition of 'to take the biscuit'

If someone has done something very stupid, rude, or selfish, you can say that they take the biscuit or that what they have done takes the biscuit, to emphasize your surprise at their behaviour.

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(Jokerz Gallery)
What does takes the cake mean?

Definition of take the cake

informal. : to win the prize : to rank first While it didn't take the cake for the warmest Christmas on record, it was close.— Krista McEnany —typically used to describe something that is very surprising, foolish, remarkable, annoying, etc.

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What does it mean to take the mickey out of someone?

British, informal. : to make fun of someone Everyone laughed, but nobody laughed harder than Luna Lovegood. … " Are you taking the mickey?"

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What is a Linda mean?

(ˈlɪndə) noun. a female given name: from a Spanish word meaning “ pretty”

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What does Lucy mean in slang?

(slang) The drug LSD.

What does taking the limp biscuit mean? (2024)
What is a Beth?

the second letter of the Hebrew alphabet (ב): in a text containing points, this letter written with a dot is designated beth or bet; without a dot it is vet.

What does biscuit Party mean?

Soggy biscuit (also known as ookie cookie, limp biscuit, wet biscuit, shoot the cookie, ji*zzcuit, or cum on a cookie) is a male group masturbation activity in which the participants stand around a biscuit (UK) or cookie (US) masturbating and ejacul*ting onto it; the last person to do so must eat the biscuit.

What is the meaning of biscuit in South Africa?

​Biscuit - In South Africa a cookie is known as a "biscuit". It can also be used as a term of affection, usually between men, as in "Hey, you biscuit", while putting your arm around your friend's neck.

Does biscuit mean gun?

Biscuit: A gun. Other terms for gun include 'gat', nine (for the 9-mm handgun), puppy (among Jamaicans) and pump (for shotgun).

Do you want a biscuit?

A sarcastic response to one who is excited about or seeks praise for a minor or insignificant accomplishment. (A biscuit, in British English, is equivalent to a cookie in American English.)

What does biscuit mean in British?

Biscuit (UK) / Cookie (US)

In the US, cookies are flat, round snacks made of sweet dough. In the UK, these are generally called biscuits, although people do call the bigger, softer kind cookies, too.

What is a biscuit in England?

It essentially means twice baked! More firm, thinner and fluffier than a cookie, biscuits require a harder dough to create the correct texture. These deliciously crumbly treats are usually made with only a few ingredients, butter, flour and sugar.

What is the English word for biscuit?

British English – Biscuit. American English – Cookie. In British English this is called biscuits, however, in American English this is called cookies. Now the Brits do sometimes use the word cookie to describe a particular type of biscuit with chocolate chips, but in general we say biscuit.

What does biscuit mean in Canada?

We have a clear picture, then: "cookie" and "biscuit" can refer to the same thing in Canada, but "cookie" is dominant for the sweet, flat item, and "biscuit" can also refer to the North American biscuit.

How do you eat rusks in South Africa?

As described above, the correct way to eat rusks is by dipping them in a cup of tea or coffee. This requires a bit of practice, as you do not want to hold the rusk in the coffee for too long, or you risk making the rusk so soggy that it will break off into your cup.

What are the 4 types of biscuits?

Types of Biscuits
  • Rolled Biscuits. Rolled biscuits are one of the most popular baking-powder leavened quick breads. ...
  • Drop Biscuits. Drop biscuits have more milk or other liquid added to the dough than rolled biscuits. ...
  • Scones. ...
  • Shortcakes.

What does grab'em in the biscuits mean?

In "The Humpty Dance," this song is mentioned when Humpty raps, "I sang on Doowutchyalike, and if you missed it, I'm the one who said just grab 'em in the biscuits." The song contains a message of unity, but with any mawkish sentimentality replaced with stone cold funk.

What is the meaning of air biscuit?

air biscuit (plural air biscuits) (slang) A flatus; an emission of digestive gases from the anus.

What is risk it for the biscuit?

(colloquial, humorous) To take a risk for the chance of some benefit or reward.

Are biscuits American?

It is made with baking powder as a chemical leavening agent rather than yeast, and at times is called baking powder biscuit to differentiate it from other types.
Biscuit (bread)
Biscuits with jam
TypeQuick bread
Place of originUnited States
Main ingredientsFlour, baking powder, butter or shortening or lard, buttermilk
3 more rows

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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.