What does a distinction mean in a dance exam?
Distinction: 80-100 marks, reflects a high to extremely high standard of achievement overall. Merit: 60-79 marks, reflects a good to very good standard of achievement overall. Pass: 40-59 marks, reflects a satisfactory to fairly good standard of achievement overall.
Graded Syllabus. The Graded Examination Syllabus consists of Pre-Primary, Primary, and numbered Grades 1–8. Each grade incorporates classical ballet, free movement and character dance.
Generally it's recognised that the Royal Academy of Dance, the exam board she did her ballet exam with, is the toughest. The threshold for getting distinction for modern is 80%. She didn't rush to tell everyone she'd got her result. She kept it quiet.
Highly Commended (HC)= 80-84% Commended (C) = 75-79% Pass (P) = 65-74% Ballet Grades. Distinction (D) = 85-100%
Exam Results
RAD marks are awarded and medals given as follows: 40-54 marks = Pass and a bronze medal. 55-74 marks = Merit and a silver medal. 75-100 marks = Distinction and gold medal. Most pupil take an assessment or exam every 18 months or sooner.
RAD has Grades up to 8, and ISTD has grades up to 6, so fewer grades but each ISTD grade has a bit more in it so the end point is at the same level. So they aren't an exact match and she's actually kind of skipped up half a level or so. ISTD Grade 4 is about equivalent to RAD Grade 4/5.
Level | Minimum age | Recommended |
Grades 6-8 | 11 | ✔ |
Intermediate Foundation | 11 | |
Intermediate | 12 | |
Advanced Foundation | 13 | ✔ |
Intermediate Foundation: This is aimed at dedicated ballet students ages 12+ who are taking at least 2 ballet classes weekly and may also be attending external associate programmes The minimum age to take the exam, which includes some basic pointework is 12.
Research of several reputable recreational, vocational and part time vocational dance schools across the globe shows an enormous difference in hours of training that the various 11-12-year old students are required to attend with some at a steady 25 hours a week, down to one at 10 hours, and the majority somewhere in ...
A ballet exam is an opportunity for you to perform a set sequence of exercises and enchaînements that you have been practicing and refining over a period of time. An examiner will mark your work against a set of criteria which could include technique, performance, musicality and more.
Can you fail Rad Class award?
If a student receives a not shown in any section they are unsuccessful in achieving the class award, which is highly unlikely as your teacher would have entered your child knowing they could pass.
What a student is marked on is their ballet technique, including Posture, line of the body, use of turnout, leg extension and footwork, to name a few. They are then also marked on their musicality and timing, along with their ability to perform and have a sense of presentation whilst dancing.

Foundation Grades/Medals are marked either Honours Star, Honours, Highly Commended, Commended or Pass. Examinations are marked either Platinum Distinction (awarded to those who gain a Distinction with a mark higher than 90%), Distinction, Merit or Pass.
(60 – 66 percent) PASS PLUS. (67 – 74 percent) COMMENDED. (75 – 79 percent)
The marks are as follows: Pass, Pass Plus, Commended, Highly Commended, Honours, Honours with Distinction. They are then given a certificate with their name and mark on it.
It is quite possible to fail an RAD exam. I have only ever had one fail in 10 years and I will never forgive myself for putting that person in for their exam. It was a mature student who I felt unable to say 'no' to.
Dancers are given scores in various areas such as timing, musicality, alignment, etc. Points are added together for a total out of 100. Grades are as follows: 75-100 points = Distinction (gold); 55-74 points = Merit (silver); 40-54 points = Pass (bronze).
The results can take from 3 weeks to even 3 months!
Ballet VII is the highest level for advanced dancers. Girls have weekly variations class. Teachers prepare students for the most challenging work in the classical repertoire, with a focus on correct technique and artistry.
IDTA Intermediate is much easier than Intermediate RAD. That is the only experience we have but at my daughter's dance school they do both, the IDTA one first.
How many ISTD ballet grades are there?
There are seven Graded Exams ranging from Primary to Grade 6 and 10 Class Exams ranging from Pre-Primary to Class Exam 8.
While the initial pain may become manageable, dancing in pointe shoes may never feel as comfortable as lounging around in your house slippers. “There is no such thing as pain-free in pointe shoes,” Carpenter says.
The ages of 14-17 are not too old to start lessons in ballet. But it is an age where the chances of becoming a professional ballet dancer start to decline as the bones in your body begin to harden and it becomes harder to develop flexibility and especially turn out of the hip joints.
The height requirements of dancers are really designated by the ballet companies hiring. Most ballet company's average height for a female is approximately 167cm. However, in Europe some companies require females to be no taller than the traditional 165cm, while others have a minimum height of 173cm.
How are ballet exams marked? As of January 2021, the Royal Academy of Dance now breaks down their marks into six categories – High Distinction (highest attainable), Distinction, High Merit, Merit, Pass and Standard Not Attained. Standard Not Attained means that you have received between 0 and 39 marks.
Reporting for examinations uses a standardized and aggregated point system to determine a fail (0-39), pass(40-54), merit (55-74) and distinction (75-100).
Grades and marking.
Grade | Marks | Comments |
Distinction | 80 – 100 | Reflects a high to extremely high standard of achievement |
Merit | 60 – 79 | Reflects a good to very good standard of achievement overall |
Pass | 40 – 59 | Reflects a satisfactory to fairly good standard of achievement overall |
There are six levels of Popular Tap Tests and three medal examinations; Popular Tap Tests Levels 1-6 and Bronze, Silver and Gold medals. These are designed to promote an appreciation and enjoyment of Tap dance in a recreational capacity.
Level | Minimum age | Recommended |
Grades 6-8 | 11 | ✔ |
Intermediate Foundation | 11 | |
Intermediate | 12 | |
Advanced Foundation | 13 | ✔ |
Intermediate Foundation: This is aimed at dedicated ballet students ages 12+ who are taking at least 2 ballet classes weekly and may also be attending external associate programmes The minimum age to take the exam, which includes some basic pointework is 12.
How many hours a week should a 12 year old dance?
Research of several reputable recreational, vocational and part time vocational dance schools across the globe shows an enormous difference in hours of training that the various 11-12-year old students are required to attend with some at a steady 25 hours a week, down to one at 10 hours, and the majority somewhere in ...
Ballet VII is the highest level for advanced dancers. Girls have weekly variations class. Teachers prepare students for the most challenging work in the classical repertoire, with a focus on correct technique and artistry.
While the initial pain may become manageable, dancing in pointe shoes may never feel as comfortable as lounging around in your house slippers. “There is no such thing as pain-free in pointe shoes,” Carpenter says.
The results can take from 3 weeks to even 3 months! As soon as we have them we will hand them out in class.
RAD & ISTD Dance Examinations are allocated points on the UCAS tariff.
UCAS tariff points for Graded and Vocational Graded Examinations in Dance.
Grade | Tariff Points | |
Distinction | 24 | 20 |
Merit | 20 | 14 |
Pass | 16 | 8 |
There are six practical examination grades, numbered from 1 to 6, in order to indicate the increasing order of difficulty (6 represents the highest level of attainment). There is a recommended minimum age of 6 years for Grade 1.
Students can begin learning Tap Dance classes at the age of 5 at the school at Pre-Primary level, progressing onto Primary level at age six.
Intermediate Level Tap Class
Suitable for students who have mastered the techniques and steps introduced in the advanced beginner class.
Primary Tap
This is the children's first opportunity to take an exam, usually held at the end of Year 1 but could be as early as the end of Reception.