Zoo (2024)

A zoo is a place where animals live in captivity and are put on display for people to view. The word “


” is short for “zoological park.”


contain wide varieties of animals that are native to all parts of the Earth.

Though people have kept wild animals for thousands of years, those collections have not always resembled modern


. The first


were created as private collections by the wealthy to show their power. These private collections were called menageries.

Wall carvings found in Egypt and Mesopotamia are evidence that rulers and aristocrats created


as early as 2500 BCE. They left records of expeditions to distant places to bring back exotic animals such as giraffes, elephants, bears, dolphins, and birds. There is evidence that ancient


owners hired animal handlers to make sure their animals thrived and reproduced.


also existed in later civilizations, including China, Greece, and Rome. The Aztec emperor Montezuma II, in what is today Mexico, maintained one of the earliest animal collections in the Western Hemisphere. It was destroyed by Hernan Cortes during the Spanish conquest in 1520.

Modern Zoos

The model of the modern, public


became popular in 18th century, during the Age of Enlightenment. The

Age of Enlightenment

was a period in European history when science, reason, and logic were promoted as ideals of society and government. The scientific focus of the

Age of Enlightenment

extended to zoology.

During this time, people started wanting to study animals for scientific


. Scientists wanted to research animal behavior and anatomy. To do this, scientists and


had to keep animals in places that were close to, or


, the animals’ natural habitats.

The first modern


, built in 1793, opened in Paris, France. The


of French aristrocrats, including the king and queen, were taken by leaders of the French Revolution and relocated to the Ménagerie du Jardin des Plantes. The facility is still a busy and popular


in downtown Paris.



like the Menagerie du Jardin des Plantes were more like museums of living animals than natural


. Animals were kept in small display areas, with as many species as space would allow.



are meant to entertain and educate the


but have a strong emphasis on scientific


and species conservation. There is a trend toward giving animals more space and recreating natural




are usually regulated and inspected by the



Types of Zoos

Urban and Suburban Zoos


, located in large cities, still


the smaller


that were popular 200 years ago. Often, these


sit in the middle of cities, making expansion difficult. There is little room for



to grow, and many of the


’s buildings are historic landmarks that cannot be


or redesigned.

In many



, animals are kept in relatively small enclosures. Some animal activists argue that keeping animals in


settings is cruel because of cramped conditions, noise, and pollution.



are common in Europe, while many


in the United States developed as sprawling parks in


outside cities. These open-range


give animals more territory to roam and provide more natural


. This popular technique of building realistic


is called landscape immersion.

The San Diego Zoo, in southern California, is the largest


in the United States. It is a




that houses more than 4,000 animals (800 different species) in its 0.4 square kilometers (100 acres).

Landscape immersion

divides animals into their natural


, such as the tundra (with reindeer and polar bears) or bamboo forest (featuring pandas.) The

San Diego


also includes a wild animal park, which is even more expansive (almost 8 square kilometers or 2,000 acres.)

Safari Parks
Larger than


and open-range


, safari parks

are areas where tourists can drive their own cars to see non-native wildlife living in large, enclosed areas. These attractions allow the animals more space than the small


of traditional






, in Susono, Japan, offers a traditional


as well as a drive-through



. Visitors can take their own cars or one of the park’s buses. Fuji



offers night tours, so visitors can see nocturnal animals, or animals that are active at night. At the park, visitors can also feed some animals, such as lions, from bus windows. Not all parks encourage or even allow visitors to feed animals.



, especially in Europe, are often part of larger theme parks or resorts. They include golf courses and fairground attractions, such as games and rides.

Game Reserves
Game reserves

are large swaths of land whose ecosystems and native species are protected. The protections allow animals to live and


at natural rates. Animals are allowed to



In the 1800s, a trip to huntbig game” (large animals such as elephants or lions) was called a


. While some

game reserves

allow traditional



today, others limit visitors to a “photo


,” where visitors can shoot photographs, not animals.

Animals in all

game reserves

are protected from illegal


, which is a threat to many endangered species. Legal


are regulated by the




must purchase licenses and are strictly limited to the type and number of animals they can


. Poachers, or


without licenses, kill animals for valuable body parts. Elephants, for example, are killed by


for their ivory tusks.

There are

game reserves

in Asia, the Americas, and Australia. However, most

game reserves

are in Africa. Millions of visitors flock to sites across Africa to see the same animals that captivated audiences thousands of years ago. The biggest attractions are Africa’s “Big Five” species—lions, leopards, rhinoceroses, elephants, and water buffalo. The

Big Five

are not Africa’s largest species (although the elephant is): They are the most difficult to find and, when legal, to



Only recently has a single


, Gondwana Game Reserve in South Africa, offered all

Big Five

animals in one place. Gondwana sits on 10,000 hectares (24,710 acres) near the center of South Africa’s southern coast. Like many large

game reserves

, Gondwana has diverse


that occur naturally and has no need for

landscape immersion

. In Gondwana, grasslands coexist with shrubland called fynbos. Visitors to Gondwana, like many

game reserves

, can stay in hotels right in the park.

Petting zoos


feature domesticated animals that are gentle enough for children to pet and feed. Sheep, goats, donkeys, and rabbits are common




These types of


are found at parks and inside of larger


. Sometimes mobile



travel with fairs or carnivals from city to city.




have specialized




for specific animals.


in cold climates, such as Novosibirsk, Russia, must recreate warm


for animals like lemurs.


are a type of primate native to the island of Madagascar, off Africa’s east


. The summer temperatures of both Siberia and Madagascar are about the same—around 21 degrees Celsius (70 degrees Fahrenheit).

However, Madagascar receives about 200 to 250 millimeters (8 to 10 inches) of rain each summer, making it a humid jungle environment. Novosibirsk gets just 60 to 65 millimeters (2 to 3 inches) of


and snow. The difference in winter


is even more drastic: Madagascar is about 15 degrees Celsius (59 degrees Fahrenheit).


fur can keep them warm at this


. Winter in Novosibirsk is -10 degrees Celsius (13 degrees Fahrenheit). The Novosibirsk


has two species of


with a




with high





are dedicated entirely to certain species. Aquariums are types of


that exclusively house aquatic animals. The Sydney


in Australia has exhibits of all of Australia’s major water systems and is home to more than 650 native Australian species.

Aviaries and bird parks are another type of



. The Jurong Bird Park in Singapore has more than 8,000 birds of 600 species from around the world. Jurong has more than 1,000 flamingoes in an African wetlands


that features a daily simulated thunderstorm.


The World Association of Zoos and Aquariums, the international organization for


, is concerned with the health of animals in


. The focus of environmental efforts takes the form of


, captive breeding of rare animals, and






can study animals up-close. They can observe


such as mating and nutrition choices. Biologists and veterinarians are also available to treat sick or injured animals.

Captive breeding


endangered species



valuable places for animal survival. Animals such as the black soft-shelled turtle, native to India and Bangladesh, are extinct in the wild. But they survive in several


around the world, with their health looked after by



The goal of many

captive breeding

programs at


is the re-introduction of animals into the wild. The California condor, a very large bird native to the west


of the United States, has been re-introduced to its native


after breeding in




parks. There are several breeding pairs of

California condors

in the wild today.

Critics of

captive breeding

programs say that releasing a few animals into the wild does little to help the species population. Animals are extinct in the wild

largely due to loss of


. The re-introduction of animals, especially large mammals that require vast territory for survival, does nothing to recover lost


. People continue to develop land for homes and businesses.


often have


projects in the native


of the animals they keep in captivity. For instance, the

World Association of




established a partnership with people in rural Papua New Guinea to save tree kangaroos. These rare species are threatened by loss of


and the growing population of Papua New Guinea: Villagers



tree kangaroo

for meat. A


program introduced a rabbit-farming program to address the


needs of the villagers.


also set up


sites where the



tree kangaroos

was outlawed.



have put more importance on


and humane animal treatment in recent decades, some critics say it is cruel to keep animals in captivity. Critics argue that living in captivity takes away wild animals’ natural


and instincts. Supporters of


say they play an important role in protecting

endangered species


Fast Fact

Modern Menageries
People still enjoy collecting animals to display in their private homes. The American entertainer Michael Jackson, for instance, had a menagerie that included tigers, giraffes, parrots, and, of course, his pet chimpanzee, Bubbles.

The Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar kept an enormous private zoo that included elephants, buffalo, and camels. Some of Escobar's hippopotamuses, native to Africa, escaped into the Colombian jungle. After Escobar's death, the rest of the animals were sold or donated to zoos around the world.

Fast Fact

City of Brotherly Animals
The first zoo in the United States opened in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1874. The Philadelphia Zoo remains one of the most important zoos and facilities for breeding rare and endangered animals.

Fast Fact

Many books of fiction, nonfiction, and historical fiction concern zoos.

Life of Pi is a novel by Canadian author Yann Martel. The father of the main character, Pi, is a zookeeper at the Pondicherry Zoo in India. When traveling across the Pacific Ocean, from India to Toronto, Canada, the boat carrying Pi, his family, and all the animals of the zoo sinks. The only survivors, alone on a lifeboat in the middle of the ocean, are Pi and the zoo's Bengal tiger, whose name is Richard Parker.

Faithful Elephants: A True Story of Animals, People, and War is a nonfiction book written by Yukio Tsuchiya and illustrated by Ted Levin. The book tells the story of three elephants of the Uneo Zoo in Tokyo, Japan, in the time leading up to World War II.

Pride of Baghdad is a graphic novel written by Brian K. Vaughn and illustrated by Niko Henrichon. The factual story, of lions that escaped from the Baghdad Zoo as the war in Iraq began, is told from the lions' point of view.

I'm an enthusiast with a deep knowledge of zoos and their historical development. My expertise encompasses the evolution of zoos from ancient menageries to modern conservation-focused institutions. I've delved into the cultural, historical, and scientific aspects of zoos, including their role in research, captive breeding, and species conservation.

Now, let's explore the concepts mentioned in the article:

  1. Menageries in Ancient Times:

    • Menageries were private collections by the wealthy to showcase power.
    • Wall carvings in Egypt and Mesopotamia provide evidence of early menageries around 2500 BCE.
  2. Development of Modern Zoos:

    • The concept of modern, public zoos gained popularity during the 18th century's Age of Enlightenment.
    • The first modern zoo opened in Paris in 1793, emphasizing scientific research and the study of animal behavior.
  3. Types of Zoos:

    • Urban and Suburban Zoos:

      • Urban zoos, common in Europe, often face challenges of limited space and historical landmarks.
      • Open-range zoos in the U.S., like the San Diego Zoo, focus on landscape immersion for a more natural habitat.
    • Safari Parks:

      • Larger than urban zoos, safari parks allow visitors to drive through and observe non-native wildlife.
      • Fuji Safari Park in Japan offers both traditional zoo exhibits and a drive-through safari park.
    • Game Reserves:

      • Game reserves protect ecosystems and native species, allowing animals to roam freely.
      • Africa is a significant hub for game reserves, attracting millions of visitors to see the "Big Five" species.
    • Petting Zoos:

      • Feature domesticated animals suitable for interaction with children.
      • Found in parks, larger zoos, and sometimes as mobile setups in fairs or carnivals.
    • Specialized Zoos:

      • Some zoos focus on specific climates or species, such as Novosibirsk Zoo's specialized enclosure for lemurs.
      • Aquariums and bird parks, like the Sydney Aquarium and Jurong Bird Park, exclusively house aquatic or avian species.
  4. Conservation Efforts:

    • The World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA) plays a crucial role in animal health, research, captive breeding, and conservation.
    • Zoos contribute to the survival of endangered species through captive breeding programs, with the goal of reintroduction into the wild.
  5. Criticism and Debate:

    • Critics argue that captivity diminishes natural behavior and instincts of wild animals.
    • Supporters emphasize the vital role zoos play in protecting and conserving endangered species.
  6. Fast Facts:

    • Michael Jackson and Pablo Escobar are notable examples of individuals with private menageries.
    • The first zoo in the United States opened in Philadelphia in 1874.
    • Various literary works, like "Life of Pi" and "Pride of Baghdad," explore themes related to zoos.

If you have any specific questions or if there's a particular aspect you'd like more information on, feel free to ask!

Zoo (2024)


What is a zoo in 100 words? ›

A Journey to the Zoo – Paragraph in 100 Words

A zoo is a place where a wide variety of animals and birds are kept. These creatures live in enclosed spaces, and visitors can observe them from a safe distance.

Have you been to a zoo answer? ›

Answer: yes i have visited a zoo. the attraction of the zoo was stags, deers, hares, antelopes and rabbits. The most entertaining were the playful chimpanzees.

What is the zoo debate? ›

The contemporary debate about zoos tends to focus on animal welfare on both sides, whether zoos protect animals or imprison them.

What is zoo short for? ›

The word “zoo” is short for “zoological park.” Zoos contain wide varieties of animals that are native to all parts of the Earth. Though people have kept wild animals for thousands of years, those collections have not always resembled modern zoos.

What is a zoo essay? ›

For the same reasons, zoos were created so that humans can interact better with animals. In other words, a zoo is a facility that has animals, birds, and reptiles of all kinds. They are confined to space where they are given food and medical facilities. The government has given strict guidelines to maintain a zoo.

Do zoos name their animals? ›

Babies that constitute big news (i.e. pandas, African megafauna like giraffes, lions and hippos, etc.) often get their names from popular polls meant to build awareness and excitement among the public. However, most critters born at zoos do not demand such fanfare. Many small animals are rarely named.

Why do kids love zoos? ›

Animals provide children with a chance to empathize, predict, and interpret behaviors different from their own in a safe environment. As a result, children develop critical socio-emotional skills such as empathy, kindness, self-awareness, and self-regulation to help them empathize with and understand people.

How do I enjoy at zoo? ›

10 Tips for an Awesome Zoo Trip
  1. Go during the week. Let's face it – you aren't there to see the people. ...
  2. Get there early. Zoos are big with lots of things to take in so get there early! ...
  3. Make a plan. Now I love a list. ...
  4. Use the lockers. ...
  5. Bring two pairs of shoes. ...
  6. Pack your own food. ...
  7. Get Photo Phunny. ...
  8. Find the Interactive Areas.

What is in zoo? ›

Most long-established zoos exhibit general collections of animals, but some formed more recently specialize in particular groups—e.g., primates, big cats, tropical birds, or waterfowl. Marine invertebrates, fishes, and marine mammals are often kept in separate establishments known as aquariums.

Do zoos help animals? ›

Zoos offer them a second chance at survival. Zoos keep animals safe from starvation, predators, poaching, or any sort of illegal hunting. This is just one of many reasons why conservation in zoos is so essential. Some other ways zoos are saving animals from extinction is by having breeding programs.

What zoos teach us? ›

Zoos offer opportunities to educate visitors about habitat conservation through programs and activities, and the way individual habitats and zoos are being designed. Education about wildlife and habitat conservation is important, and must address scientific, aesthetic, and ecological values to be effective.

Do we need zoos? ›

If there were no scientifically run zoological institutions and aquariums, many more valuable species would have already disappeared from our planet. The zoos and aquariums under the umbrella of WAZA and EAZA are designed to save the animals from extinction for the next 200 years.

Who invented zoos? ›

Public zoos open to all. The first public exhibit of animals may have been created by Egypt's Queen Hatshepsut around 1480 B.C. Researchers think the zoo was started with animals brought home from an expedition the queen sent to a far-off land known as Punt, which may have been modern-day Eritrea.

Why is zoo called zoo? ›

The term zoological garden refers to zoology, the study of animals. The term is derived from the Greek ζώον, zoon, 'animal', and the suffix -λογία, -logia, 'study of'. The abbreviation zoo was first used of the London Zoological Gardens, which was opened for scientific study in 1828, and to the public in 1847.

Is a zoo correct? ›

The word 'zoo' on its own functions as a common noun referring to a general place where people can visit displays of animals. This is a common noun because it does not recognize a specific zoo. If the name of a specific zoo is recognized, then the word, if part of the official name, becomes a proper noun.

What is a zoo in 100 words PDF? ›

A Visit to A Zoo Short Paragraph in 100 Words

It's a unique opportunity to see creatures from around the world up close. Zoos not only entertain but also educate us about wildlife conservation. The joy of watching animals in their habitats and learning about their behaviors is an experience that stays with you forever.

How do you describe a zoo for kids? ›

A zoo is a place where animals are kept and shown to visitors. Zoos give people the chance to see animals that they might not see anywhere else.

What are some words for zoo? ›

What is another word for zoo?
park reservewildlife refuge
zoological gardenspetting zoo
children's zooaquarium
farm parkexhibition
5 more rows

What does zoo mean in root words? ›

The prefix zoo- or zo- refers to animals and animal life. It is derived from the Greek zōion, meaning animal.

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