YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, December 27 2022 (2024)


“For a 4-day low-carb rotation diet, if you eat pork and chicken yesterday, you have pork again for lunch. Is it better to eat pork or chicken or beef at dinner? Is it a 24-hour rotation or morning to dinner? Why 4 days, not 3 or 5 days? Is it related to allergies development? I did the Immuno food allergy test. I hold off the food that causes sensitivities for 6 months. How do I add them back, so inflammation won't cause health problems? Should I do every 4th day or every week? I really don't detect the difference when I eat the food, I tested sensitive to, I understand it's inflammation we try to control.”


The answer is yes, I will get into that (related to allergy development). The general thing about a four-day rotation diet, using the word simple, a four-day simple rotation diet. What we mean by that, we ask you to have the idea of having a themed protein, just a chicken alone day. Not mixing chicken and pork on the same day. You haven’t done anything wrong. It’s just the less variety our immune along the gastrointestinal tract sees because about 80% of your gut-associated lymphoid tissue is looking at everything you dropped on your throat. So, the more variety and spices you have in any one day, the harder it is on your immune system surveillance work to do. So, if you have a chicken day, then you would say, you'd pair it up with a vegetable. Maybe you'd select some nice organic chicken and an organic vegetable and some nuts and some berries. And that's what you would eat in that 24-hour period of time. And it doesn't matter what your time selection is, my time selection begins at dinner. So, I begin my 24 hours at dinner every evening around 430 or so. So that would be the plan that I would eat if I were to eat throughout the 24 hours.

Now I happen to personally eat pretty much a one meal a day, or I'm eating in a window of about 20, 21, 22 hours fasted and then two hours of eating. So, it solves the problem in that, you know, I don't have second meals, I just make up one meal. But if I ate, let's say, in a 16, 8 window, then I would say I would start my dinner, let's say it was chicken and green beans because that's what I pair up chicken and green beans. And I usually don't have nuts, and I never eat fruit or berries even. So, if I had something as simple as chicken and green beans, my only condiments usually are salt and pepper. And then, I would have the same thing at lunch the next day. There'd be 16 hours from four o'clock, to five o'clock roughly. And you go to lunch, there's at least 16, 17, 18 hours before I would eat again. It would just be the chicken and the green beans. And then, at dinnertime, coming up after lunch I would change the program to beef. And I usually marry up my broccoli and whenever I beef. And then I would go all the way to lunch the next day and have my beef and broccoli for lunch if I had a lunch. But I don't do that anymore. I'm just eating one meal a day. And then the third day would be fish, maybe salmon and asparagus. And then, the fourth day would be something like a pork, like bacon, and that would be married up with spinach. So, I have pork and spinach. I have chicken and green beans. I have beef and broccoli. And then I have salmon and asparagus. Those are my pretty much four menus.

Now, why do we do four days? Because of research and research science suggests that even if you have a leaky gut, the older we get, the older our tubes are, and the more likely there are breaks through which you know that food can go down. So, if you're sending down the same food, basic food, multiple times, and people don't realize they're sending dairy products down all the time in the form of their cream in their coffee, their cheeses. Very often they don't think of the cheese mixed in with their taco. So, you are getting dairy multiple times day after day after day. So, we are trying to narrow the window of when you are eating. So, the whole concept is we have found it takes about four days before the body is immunologically calmed down if there's any reaction to the chicken, let's say. So, that you should be able to after four days resume another piece of chicken or anything. So, the concept is three months you avoid, if you do the Immuno foods, that gives time for the whole gut to heal hopefully with your caring healthcare provider helping you with a plan and a diet similar to this. And then you're rotating the menu and then you can usually go back to eating some of the foods that are on the lists of the immune food. These are sensitives, not like immediate reactive IGG hives, or anaphylactic-type reactions. These are more secondary breakthroughs in the lining of your gut where your gut lymphocytes got irritated, not to the point that you're necessarily going to make a hive, those are IGE. We're talking about IGG reactions and they're small and they're not the immediate ones that we're concerned. That's why we think that it's okay if you take a break from them for three months. You said you did six, you should be able to expose yourself.

And many times, you don't feel a symptom because it can take up to 2, 3, or 4 days before symptoms develop with food sensitivities. That's why people will say I eat something and I don't get a reaction. It might take four or five days. So, the whole concept is applying self-discipline and letting food work for you rather than making your mouth a playground for entertainment every time you eat. And so, hopefully, I helped you with that, giving you those answers. That's the theme of a four-day, based on the science-- And could you make it a five-day, do some people make it seven days, some people have a menu for every day of the week. That is fine. That is fine. I’m just busy and will fall back and have to get to something to eat and be so busy. So, the four-day menu is all I can kind to keep up with my planning and shopping.


“I just started on a low-dose estrogen cream and ever since I started, I've been in a really bad mood. Short tempered and sometimes even down. Is this a thing or coincidental?”


I’m going to say that this is probably coincidental. Because estradiol is designed to help calm the brain, estradiol is designed to help you get better sleep. estradiol is usually a mood stabilizer. Now, I do want it to be balanced with progesterone and a healthy diet. So, I don't just give estradiol, they need to be low carb, they need to take systemic enzymes, they need to have balanced progesterone given to them, whether it's every day, or whether it's two weeks out of the month, it pretty much doesn't matter. And these are things that I will take the hormone away from a woman if she's not going to try and be low carb. I would throw in also she should really exercise too. I think there are many things about hormones that are very reconstructing, very bone building, immune building, and many times the immune system is a reflection of the deeper depths of sleep, that we get when we have our estradiol and our cardiovascular, our skin integrity, our elastin collagen levels. So, there are many benefits to this. So, work with your doctor. I'm not going to say there can't be some idiosyncratic problem. Because I'm always open to learning. But in general, I think it's more coincidental. And talk with your doctor, make sure you are on a balance, watching your carbs, you’re exercising, you're drinking enough water, and I would say hang in there and get a follow-up lab test. Get some lab levels on your estradiol level, and your progesterone level, and testosterone, those things, and your blood sugar, insulin, and let your doctor kind of put the picture together for you. Hopefully, that's helpful to you.


“I have sent this info to Dr. Meric, also I have a phone appointment Friday with an HMO doc to review the results of an echo that was done because another Functional Med Dr. I saw last September heard something new in my heart sounds. The exam notes normal EF of 60-65%, Mild left ventricular hypertrophy and proximal ascending thoracic aorta 3.8cm, suggesting aorta ectasia. After doing a little reading I am assuming they are going to suggest BP pills. My BP is often 130-140/80 at clinic visits. I am 56, started HRT about a year ago, Hashimoto’s, and just had a lot of functional meds drawn and waiting for all of the results. Any suggestions to prepare for what the allopathic Dr. will be saying to me?”


I would say, you said, 3.8 centimeters, that is what I believe in my training is the limit. I’m sure it can maybe be a little bit more but in general, I seem to recall three centimeters. So, it does seem mildly a little bit bigger than it should. But I don't know your whole-body habitus or how you look or what your health history is or your exercise history or your medication history or your age.

You went on to give me your age and on some medicines and they are thinking about blood pressure medicine. High blood pressure, I would wonder if you had received an injection of the mRNA for COVID, from Pfizer or Moderna. That would be a question that I would want to know. The other thing, do you drink enough water? Do you exercise regularly? What is your fasting insulin? Do you have insulin resistance which thickens the lining of your blood vessels? Getting low blood sugar is very important. Having a fasting insulin that is around a four or less. The Standard Labs in America say a fasting insulin of up to 20, I have seen it as high as 25 as normal. That is absolutely not normal. We ask all of our patients here to be fasting insulin of 4 or less. We recommend intermittent fasting, drinking plenty of water, start a regular aerobic and weight resistance training program. If you're able to do that, of course, if your doctor says it's okay. And EDTA chelation therapy. EDTA chelation helps the microcirculation. So, the pressure against which that heart is pushing to squirt the blood out to the rest of your body, if it all opens up, chelation opens up all the microvasculature that tends to get clogged and collapsed with aging. And we all tend to not drink enough water with aging. So, EDTA chelation.

The other thing is systemic enzymes. They dis-inflame, and they chew up little proteinaceous debris. They're like soaps, little pieces, I call them soap suds, you know, I take for Vitalzym in the morning. I take four or five in the evening when I go to bed. And I think of them as little soap suds in me. Of course, I drink enough water. One of my Christmas presents was this big pitcher. And this is a 16-ounce cup. It looks like a cup, but it’s supersized. It deceives you into drinking more, more water. So, got to knock down two or three of those while I’m here every day. So, those are some ideas that I would be thinking about. Magnesium of course would valuable. Looking at your fasting insulin, fasting blood sugar, HS CRP, and sedimentation rate. But certainly, follow up with your cardiologist. We have a wonderful cardiologist I refer to I think he's so down-to-earth and pragmatic. His name is Dr. Kelly Tucker. He’s in Orange. And He’s great. He knows our clinic. Loves our patients. Because we dovetail with him in that we are training up our patients to assume responsibility for themselves. And I know many of my patients want to get off of medications if it's at all possible. And so yeah, he doesn't like dumping a bunch of medicines on anyone either or a lot of invasive therapies. I guess that's the direction I would go and talk with your doctor. Talk about some of these suggestions and see how that helps you.


“My 88-year father has been experiencing swollen feet and ankles over the past several months. He wears compression socks and keeps his feet elevated when he watches TV. He is not on any medication. I told him to exercise more, but not sure he will actually do that. Is there anything else he can do to reduce the fluid buildup?”


I’m going to say, EDTA chelation helps move the fluids in our body. Circulation helps move, I mean, exercise helps the circulation and move the fluids in our body. The other thing is a rebounder. If you got your father a rebounder with a bar on it, that mini trampoline that has a bar to hold on it and bounce, you know. That is an entire lymphatic system. If he did like two or three minutes in the morning after he gets up, two, or three minutes mid-day, and two to three minutes in the evening, that would greatly help your father. So, that’s the direction along with systematic enzymes. And hopefully, that will be a help.


“Can you please recommend a detox protocol because of the December foodfest? It has been horrific for me!”


I do a five-day water fast from the 1st of January, in the evening after our New Year's Day dinner, and I don’t eat a thing for five days until the 6th of January. I did a three-day fast from last Thursday after dinner until Sunday dinner when we had our Christmas. I often throw in these fasts. And can you still believe I’m as big as I am? The long and the short of it, fasting is one of the quickest, best detoxifiers.

I have been doing this for so many years. I can easily do a three-day fast without anything. I didn’t plan it. I wasn’t planning on doing a fast per se before Christmas, but I was so busy, finished work up on Thursday, and with all the packages and things to do, planning for Christmas dinner, and cleaning the house, I just got so busy. I thought, why don’t I just fast, you know? I think three days later, it was Christmas dinner in the late afternoon, 4, 4:30 on Sunday, and I had not eaten for three days. I think a water fast is wonderful. And I built up to this over the years. I started incorporating intermittent fasting by giving up all my breakfast for years. And then, I started to skip lunch. Then I would go dinner to dinner, 24 hours. Then I started to do that two to three times a week. And then, I started linking them together, going two days without eating. So, just work on it in a progression. I think that’s the best thing to do. Your body is fearfully and wonderfully made. It knows how to heal itself.

Now, I do take all my supplements when I’m fasting. I will take all my supplements. So, I’ve got my evening package right here. This is what I will take this evening with a bunch of water. And when I'm fasting I take it. Now the only thing I don't take when I'm fasting is my digestive enzymes, which are these right here. Because I haven't eaten anything, so why would I take it? It enhances the power of nutraceuticals that I take the vitamin supplementation that I take and my enzymes work better, faster, and deeper. And I think I did an IV chelation on Wednesday last week. So, I did a chelation. That is always a powerful detox support.


“What is the best way to stifle a sore throat? I was told to gargle with hot salt water every four hours, and use as hot of water as I can.”


I don’t think that’s the right way to go with hot water, as hot as it can be. Instead, I would get some Argentyn Silver, or go to the health food store and get Sovereign Silver. That’s half-strength, but it’s excellent. Take a swig of liquid, swish, and gargle, and then swallow it as well. You can also get it in a nasal spray and squirt it up your nose. Fasting is one of the best ways to deal with a sore throat. See, starve a cold, and feed a fever have always been known by grandma. And now, we have all the science and the big shots and all the big-shot research centers are now finally agreeing that grandma has always been right. That is what I would do. Of course, Vitamin C. You know, 500 milligrams, four times a day, five times a day is very good. And taking Vitamin D of course, 5,000 international units. Maybe at the onset of getting ill, let’s say that I feel like I’m really coming down with the flu or something, I will take 50,000 international units of Vitamin D3, and I will do 50,000 a day for 5 days. And then, after the fifth day, I drop down to my normal 10 to 15,000 a day. That is another thing.


“Is it possible that using HRT (both progesterone and estrogen) can be causing my breasts to get larger? I had a reduction year back and am up almost two cup sizes again.”


I suppose anything is possible. But I would say I've been treating women with natural hormone replacement therapy for closing on 35 years now, at least. And I just don't see that as a common complaint. So, I'm going to have to say, no, I don't think that's related to going up two cup sizes. We as women, we tend to gain weight with age, our body fat composition goes up, and our muscle mass declines. I would take iodine, make sure you're on some iodine. I would do some fasting. Take your enzymes. And see your doctor and have them evaluate you and see what your breast imaging has been like.


“What Protocol should a person follow to activate Heat Shock Proteins (HSPs) when using a FAR Infrared Sauna?”


I have an infrared sauna in my bedroom. I try to stay in the sauna when I do it for 40 minutes. I will take my temperature beforehand. It’s 98.6 or 98 degrees and then when I come out, my temperature is about 101. Fever is one of the best ways to stimulate heat shock proteins. That stimulates a whole cascade of the immune-enhancing cascade that helps your immune system. That's why doing it three or four times a week is a very, very powerful and life-extending phenomenon. It would help in any and all situations.

So, the protocol, measure your temperature before you go in. And then check your temperature when you come out. If your temperature is not getting up to at least 101, you're not staying in long enough to get those heat shock proteins going.


“I've asked you previous questions regarding EDTA. But my current question is when I'm doing EDTA at 1500mg and 15000mg of glutathione once a week for gadolinium toxicity, a total of 5 so far, why do I feel more confused and mentally out of it? Does it make you feel worse before it makes you feel better? Is that pretty normal and can do you anything to combat the cognitive symptoms? For reference, I’m 31, and female, and also anemic.”


Yes, that's all possible. And remember, we're moving out toxins that have bioaccumulated, and these toxins are being pulled out and urinated out. So, be well hydrated, drink plenty of water, be low carb, and take systemic enzymes, like Vitalzym or Vascuzyme on an empty stomach, maybe even before you go for the IV. And then consider not eating after doing an IV, so you can eat before in the morning or whatever, I don't know what time you're doing it. But if you fast and drink a lot of water, that should be supportive. So, toxins are being moved. They make us feel yucky like a flu. And that's probably it.

Now the other thing may be, you may have to separate out doing a glutathione IV at a separate time instead of right at the same time you're doing an EDTA chelation. So, I'm not sure who your doctor is, if it's me, I rarely allow glutathione infusions to be on the same day as EDTA chelation. Simply because it's moving a lot of toxins and that may be what you need to talk about. So, if you're a patient here, call the number, and get this question into your chart so that we can look and see where you're at on this, and maybe separate the two. Getting some enzymes, getting well hydrated, and try and fast after the IVs, and drinking tons of water so it promotes the detoxing phenomena.


“Can Vitamin E suppositories help and shrink hemorrhoids?”


That’s an old, old protocol from decades ago. And it had never been something spectacular that took hold. The patients with didn’t like using the suppository usually. Secondly, they didn’t do it long enough. But yeah, Vitamin E is very valuable in the cell membranes, like our membrane picture back here. The phospholipids can be damaged by free radical oxidative stress and Vitamin E stops that. When you have hemorrhoids, you have tissues, and the actual bulging out of a vein is showing that those cell membranes, the bilipid membranes are just getting disintegrated. So, yes, Vitamin E does help with that. But it also helps if you are taking it orally. So, I have never prescribed a vitamin E suppository. And so, I haven't really endorsed it. But I have heard of them before I understand the physiology and the biochemistry of why they should work. But I would take it orally. I would get a good, Vitamin E is made of tocopherols and tocotrienols, and there are four of each. Four tocopherols and four tocotrienols. When you buy some of your vitamin E, make sure it's in a dark container so light doesn't get to it and preserves the wonderful antioxidant power of the various divisions of the vitamin E family. But you've got to get a very high-quality product. And I would take it twice a day and see how that does.


“Can I take Bovine Colostrum capsules during fasting?”


Yes, you can. I don’t think you should feel that you have destroyed your fast by doing that. I don’t think I take anything that has anything in it. Sometimes I use my Perfect Aminos, muscle healing, and recovery. I work out five times a week and need those amino acids to build up my muscles. So, yeah, I think that would be fine.


“What do you think of the red light helmets for hair growth?”


Well, there's been some science published that the light wavelength that is in those infrared lights that are applied is valuable. That is because it helps with the capillaries that are on your scalp, feeding your hair. So yeah, I think there's some good science that has come from it. And you know, I don't know a particular product or anything to recommend. But I have read the science and I think there's it's reasonable.


“What do you suggest for a detox after the holiday eating?”


I answered this one before. I would do a fast. I don’t go for these protein shake fasts. I don’t go for these, buy this supplement and do a detox. I'm not saying they're not valuable. And if you've never detoxed, maybe they're a good first step. I know Ortho Molecular has the Core Restore Kit. And it has the menus, and guidelines, and has the beginning nutrients to kind of build you up as the detox begins and gives you the second nutrient to help facilitate the detoxing. And it's called Core Restore Kit. It's seven days or they have a way to turn it into a full 14-day detox. But I honestly want you to, you know, not spend money and to rather learned that your body knows how to heal and if you will fast learn about fasting. Move into it with intermittent fasting where you give up breakfast and then you have an empty stomach, stomach for you know, 16 hours a day. And if you can go that and just eat in an eight-hour window, then you're detoxing than if you get to the ability where you can skip lunch as well. Then you'll be going dinner to dinner, and that's wonderful detoxing, as long as you're drinking enough water. You're getting movement and exercise. You're getting a good night's sleep. You're eating a low-carb diet. You're getting enough protein and healthy fats. That's the way to go. Not looking for a group event or a purchasable item. Because this is a lifestyle that we're adopting at any day and moment of our life that we need to detox.


“I’m the 56-year-old that asked about my echo. My insulin level was 11, which I know is high. I exercise but need more. Need more water. Just took my Vascuzyme bottle out of the drug cabinet.”


The whole purpose of this YouTube video is to encourage you, to make more and more better choices. None of us are perfect, including me. I am not your perfect eater or rotation diet person. But I will tell you, I try and try. I get more successful days than I get failure days. It took me years to get back into exercise. So, you just keep on doing the right thing. Keep on showing up here and we will continue to lift you up and encourage you.


“Is reformer Pilates a good exercise?”


Yes, it is. But you have to do enough of it. So, there is the resistance on these machines, you know, and work them. I don’t know exactly who you are and what your dimensions are, or what your specific needs are, but I do Pilates twice a week on a reformer. But I also add in, I personally do The Perfect Workout, I have this, The Perfect Workout. And I go there three times a week. It's only 20 minutes but my time is very limited. So, I nail it three times a week and work as hard as I can for 20 minutes. So, I get my resistance training in, and then I get my stretching and a full hour of my reformer Pilates. And then I will do walks and stuff like that. But yes, I am glad you are doing that. If you are a diabetic, it is more important that you exercise because muscle mass helps with so many aspects of metabolism. You need to maintain your muscle mass that we lose with age.


“No vaccine since 2006, had COVID last January. I learned I shouldn’t have labs drawn when under a lot of stress. I was stressed finishing up coursework 12/22 at 2 a.m. Had labs drawn on 12/23. I wonder if that stress can affect.”


I’m glad about that for vaccines. Yes, it can definitely affect insulin. Absolutely. Indeed, work on that.


“Recommendations for autoimmune ANA Positive patient with red flush histamine issues from multiple food allergies and joint pain issues?”


I have always seen the anti-nuclear antibody positive turn negative after people detox their mercury levels. And I've just seen this over and over and over over the decades with chelation therapy. Mercury is so toxic. It’s on the list of the most toxic agents in the CDC, there are 257 of them. And in the top seven, Mercury is one of them. Lead is one of them. Arsenic is one of them. Cadmium is one of them. And I think aluminum is in the top seven too. I forget the other two.

So, I've always seen that when we do chelation therapy, that goes away. But I've always done chelation therapy in conjunction with helping people to learn to back away from the marketing and marketing of food packaging and restaurant packaging of the MSGs and the high fructose corn syrup, glazes, and all that. It would be hard to just extract one therapy alone out of my suggestions. So, yeah, I teach always to simplify and humble your diet and lower the carbs. I do that with everyone.

I tell them all to drink enough water. I tell them all never to eat late. I tell them all to use enzyme systemically at least, and digestively, and I get their blood type. A-type blood people are the number one to have the earliest stressor on the gut lining with leaky gut and inflammation from these food sensitivities. Second, in line would be the O-type blood. That's just my experience over 40 years and studying this and if I had time, I should write some books. I'm trying now to develop a course training program for other doctors. And I tell you, I just need another lifetime. Maybe the Lord let me live long enough and have these wonderful doctors who work here with me if they work well, I am going to be stepping more back into the background and only limitedly seeing patients as I do develop these training programs because we have wonderful doctors. Our new Dr. Johnson is excellent. He's eager to see his patients improve and grow. Dr. Kaur has been with me as another naturopath, just an excellent physician. Dr. Meric, runs her thermography her thermography program, as well. Dr. Mitchell even though she's going to be moving to San Francisco with her husband's new job, she's so dedicated. She wants to stay in telehealth for some of our patients here. PA Patel is just a fabulous up-and-coming young healthcare provider. And on and on it goes. So, praise God and pray for us.


“What would cause larger painful blood clots during menstrual cycles? How to help alleviate?”


Well, systemic enzymes and using progesterone cyclically, from day 15 through 25, over and over again. I'd say nine out of 10, or 9.5 out of 10 of all my patients, who use progesterone from day 15 through 25, rubbing on the cream, and they use Vascuzyme or Vitalzym, anti-inflammatory. I mean, not just one or two, I'm talking like four or five twice a day, especially building up to that menstrual cycle and drinking enough water and being low carb. I've seen it do miracles.


“How do you recommend treating chronic ringworm rash?”


That is a fungal skin issue and I shower with, I have my patients and I, myself, always shower or bathe with Selsun Blue, selenium shampoo. It's a 2% selenium-based shampoo. And that's an antifungal for the skin. And that will help your toenails and your feet and all that kind of stuff too. You can actually take a dab of it off the top of the Selsun Blue and then rub that right onto where that area is.

The other thing is I use Argentyn Silver, which also kills it. We have it as a spray. Be low-carb. You have to eat low-carb. And get your fasting insulin and your fasting blood sugar checked.


“Is chelation therapy available for those who are not yet patients?”


Yes, we have walk-ins. Now, when you are a walk-in I can’t give as high a dose as I would if you were a patient. But our registered nurses will do a mini history and physical. The only thing we want to make sure of is that you are not in heart failure, congestive heart failure, chronic atrial fibrillation, and have kidney disease with a high creatinine. If you basically have normal labs and no history of disease or heart failure, everyone can be a walk-in and start doing some chelation therapy. I feel so strongly about it. I've made this available. And I'm here all the time. Except I did force myself to take a few days off for a change of Christmas. But I'm a block or two away so they can call me if they have any questions. And I can be here in three minutes. So, there you go. That's what I would recommend.


“What are your thoughts about the impact of a keto diet on mental health?”


I find that it is invigorating because carbohydrates, everyone who eats Thanksgiving dinner gets depressed and sleepy, you know. They all fall asleep. Cleaning up the brain is well understood with a low-carb diet. What is his name? Peterson, I don't know, anyway, he's a neurologist. And then there is Perlmutter as well. There are these doctors who are finally picking up on the low-carb and the ketogenic diet. It is most brain stimulating because natural brain-stimulating factors, and growth factors for the brain are in a low-carb fasting state. So, yes, I think it's wonderful.


“Cholesterol came back type B pattern how to treat most effectively have trouble digesting fat for years. Could it be related?”


I'm going to say that you're probably talking about the LDL subfraction, and that's type A and type B. And that means that there are too many smaller, numerically too many smaller LDL subfractions. That speaks to a higher carbohydrate diet, a fasting and exercise and a low carb diet, and it sounds like you've had this for years, and you're young enough to still have menstrual cycles, and clots that are heavy with the menstrual cycle, you probably are a blood type A, I would bet. And so, if you've had trouble digesting fat, A’s have always have a lack of digestive enzymes. Therefore, they gravitate to the higher carbohydrate diets because they're easier to digest, but it aggravates your cardiovascular metabolism, and cholesterol, and insulin levels. So, find a good functional doctor, and get your fasting insulin without a stressful day. And find out your blood type and lower the carbs and use a digestive enzyme. This is the one we use because it has both hydrochloric acid and the enzymes that help you digest your fat and your proteins better so that you're more satiated. So, hopefully, that'll be helpful for you more.


“83-year-old mother takes cholesterol and thyroid medicines. Dry cough for a year. Recently diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis on the lining of all lobes. Doctor wants to start-- your thoughts?”


Vascuzyme will help. Chelation therapy will help. Hormone replacement therapy helps. Exercise helps. A low-carb diet helps. And then, I don’t know what you are suggesting, I will have to write that down, Fev– Function test fibrosis. So, I wouldn’t be able to speak to that. I would talk to a functional doctor about those things to help your mother with.


“My six-year-old boy has a few cavities and will be going to the dentist tomorrow. Do you have any advice? I'm afraid of the poisons they use.”


I think he'll be fine. Okay. But to prevent it you've got to take a stand on the sugars in their diet, even in the school food programs and stuff. You have to have good oral hygiene of course. Make sure your son is brushing morning and evening and not sneaking little snacks at night and letting that sugar just help feed the acid-producing bacteria in the mouth.

The other thing is Juice Plus is known by dental research medical schools for preventing periodontal and dental diseases. So, I would look down those lines. And I think Argentyn Silver if you sprayed his mouth or had them take a little teaspoon swish and swallow both pre and post any dental, that'll prevent bacterial infections and stuff.


“Does chelation therapy work in office? How does it differ from taking daily binders such as chlorella, zeolite, bentonite clay from removing metals on our body and using a device like PMF?”


Well, that's a slow method of detoxing, but it is nowhere as powerful as the, you know, 70-plus years of history of EDTA chelation therapy. So, I'm not going to say chlorella isn't going to do some, especially what you're taking it in the diet, it will bind and help with binding it off the foods you're eating. Same with zeolite. But as far as pulling it out of your fat stores and your bone and area there, you're talking about IV chelation as the way to go.

YouTube Livestream Q&A Transcript, December 27 2022 (2024)
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