which of the following animal walks in straight line? a)pigeon b)ants c)snakes d)rabbits​ - Brainly.in (2024)


b) Ants walk in a straight line.


  • Ants have been observed marching in straight lines for long distances. They can do this without getting diverted or distracted due to their keen sense of smell and navigation.
  • Ants live in societies of millions and rely on communication for their survival. The moving patterns of ants are one behind the other, which assists them with remaining in structure while voyaging.
  • As worker ants leave the home looking for food, they leave a synthetic path called pheromones.
  • The ants stroll in an orderly fashion since they follow the fragrance the pioneer abandoned. When the worker ants track down food and go to the home, they will set out one more path of pheromones, permitting others to find their trail and follow a similar course.
  • When an ant colony needs to travel a significant distance, it will discharge pheromones that structure a particular fragrance trail. Other ants follow this path in the province, and every ant species has its jargon of pheromones.
  • At the point when an ant follows a fragrance trail, it will move in an orderly fashion. Assuming the path is upset and the fragrance is eliminated, the ants will end up being befuddled and move every which way. Nonetheless, on the off chance that there is another fragrance trail to follow, they will return to strolling in an orderly fashion.
  • Pheromones are chemicals that ants release. Other ants can detect this chemical that allows them to follow each other and share information about where they have found food or resources.
  • Ants use pheromones to communicate with other ants. Ants will produce pheromones to warn other ants about a nearby predator, to tell other ants to help defend the colony, or to share the location of a food source.

Hence option "b) ants" is correct.


which of the following animal walks in straight line? a)pigeon b)ants c)snakes d)rabbits​ - Brainly.in (2024)


Which of the following animal walks in straight line? a)pigeon b)ants c)snakes d)rabbits​ - Brainly.in? ›

Answer: b) Ants walk in a straight line.

Which animal walks in a straight line? ›

A track that appears to be nearly a straight line of single prints is characteristic of all canines (Dog, Fox, Coyote), felines (Cat, Bobcat, Lynx), and ungulates (Deer and Moose). It is produced by walking or trotting the most common gaits of these animals.

What between 90% 95 of all animals on earth can be classified as? ›

Most animals are invertebrates. In fact, 95% of all living creatures on Earth are invertebrates.

What is walking a straight line? ›

To behave in a proper and lawful manner; to obey the rules and expectations of society .

Do foxes walk in a straight line? ›

Red foxes often walk in a straight line, placing each foot directly in front of the other. Though this is a common way to find their tracks, their walking patterns can vary a great deal depending on how fast they were moving at the time.

What are 95% of all animals on Earth? ›

The vast majority of animal species (95 percent) are invertebrates. Among all animal species, one particular group easily claims the highest number of species: the insects.

What are 5 animals with backbone? ›

The 5 groups of vertebrates (animals that have a backbone) are fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals.

Are invertebrates account for 95 97% of known animal species? ›

This is by far the largest group in the animal kingdom: 97 percent of all animals are invertebrates. So far, 1.25 million species have been described, most of which are insects, and there are millions more to be discovered.

Why do animals walk in a line? ›

Animals form lines to walk easily and safely from one place to another. Once in a while, animals have to stop and wait. They will start walking again soon. Sometimes adults form lines to move easily and safely from one place to another.

What animal leaves straight tracks? ›

Perfect Steppers: Coyotes, Foxes, Moose

Straight line animal tracks in snow indicate a perfect stepper, such as a moose or a fox, has passed through.

What animal stands up straight? ›

Meerkats can often be seen standing straight up on their hind legs, using their tails to balance like a tripod, keeping an eye open for possible threatening situations.

Why do cows walk in a straight line? ›

Cows are herd animals and stick together to reduce the threat from predators. It makes sense for them all to graze in the same direction, so the herd stays together as it drifts around the field or across the savannah.

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